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Diablo (Windows, Mac OS Classic)/Cut Audio

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This is a sub-page of Diablo (Windows, Mac OS Classic).

Dialogue and sound effects that are not in the final version for a variety of reasons (or even no reasons at all). This subpage includes only audio that is not covered by either the main page or other subpages.

Unused Player Dialogue

Diablo is rare for having more unused dialogue for the player character than what's used. Specifically, out of the 326 lines of dialogue for the player character that are present, only 144 are used, leaving 182 unused.

The following table outlines all of the dialogue that is unused, and present for all characters. The line number corresponds to the file name. For example, line 02 corresponds to sfx/rogue/rogue02.wav, sfx/warrior/wario02.wav, and sfx/mage/mage02.wav, although the file names for the warrior may vary slightly as they don't follow a fixed convention.

Line # Rogue Sorceror Warrior Transcript Notes
"Let this tome serve as your warning. This is a forbidden place. Return from whence you came, and your life will be spared. Horazon, master of the disciplines that summon and bind creatures to this plane, promises death to those who pass beyond the five pillars. You have been admonished." Related to the Horazon's Sanctum quest.
"Then by binding the spirit to the crafted rock, it is given life." This sounds like a spell of some kind. Probably related to the Horazon's Sanctum quest, given its proximity to other lines. Possibly would've given the player the Golem spell.
"The Creature of Flame, by Horazon." Hmm. Should be interesting reading. Connected to the Horazon's Sanctum quest. What's unclear is whether this refers to the Elemental spell, or the cut fireman enemy.
Morta vespa gaella enumino evengin jatan lua gretan! Most likely connected to Horazon's Sanctum, given its proximity to other related lines.
"The lieutenant of Belial is known as Grimspike. Beware this demon, for his strength appears immeasurable. Reading this scroll, and therefore speaking his name, near an arcane circle of binding will surely summon him there."

Hmm. Near a cirle of binding, eh?

Related to the Horazon's Sanctum quest.
This looks like some sort of journal.

"It seems that I may have brought something into this plane that even I cannot control. The creature that fell into my astral trap is a very deadly demon. I have been able to bind it at the bottom of a pit, but it kills everything that I have sent there in attempts to defeat it.

While it cannot escape, it does block the tunnels that lead to my protected haven. I am tempted to use the switch to open the tunnels to see if it will just leave. But I fear it is smarter than most of the lesser demons that I have trapped before. If I could just lure it somewhere else..."

Related to the Horazon's Sanctum quest, and gives some insight into how to defeat the lieutenant of Azmodan.
Not a chance. The Warrior's line is used in the demo, when attempting to take the stairs to level 3.
I would never use this.
I would have to equip that.
I cannot move this.
I cannot move this, yet.
I cannot open this.
I cannot lift this.
I cannot lift this, yet.
I cannot cast that, yet.
I can already do that.
I do not need that.
I do not need to do that.
I do not want that.
That would kill me.
I cannot do that.
That will not work.
That will not work here.
That will not work, yet.
It is too heavy.
It is too big.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Got milk? Most likely intended for when the player clicks on a cow, but this is not one of the lines picked.
I could blow up the whole village... This is interspersed with dialogue about cows, for whatever reason.
Too...heavy... Again, this is interspersed alongside dialogue regarding cows.
The enchantment is gone. Probably intendend for the Horazon's Sanctum quest.
All too easy.
Back to the grave.
Time to die!
Vengeance is mine.
(pain grunts) This is used in Hellfire when the player uses the Rage skill. Since only the Barbarian class can use Rage, and the Barbarian uses Warrior sounds, the Sorceror and Rogue sound effects remain unused there too.
Thank the light.
What was that?
Mmm..hmmm... This is used in Hellfire when picking up the Map of Tristram.
The town is safe from these foul spawn. Probably intended for the Lair of the Worms cut quest.
You'll lure no more men to their deaths! Probably intended for the Andariel cut quest.
Return to heaven, warrior of light. Probably intended for the Izual cut quest.
I can see why they fear this weapon. Possibly related to Fleshdoom/Shadowfang.
I've never been here before... Possibly related to the Isle of the Sunless Sea.
This blade must be destroyed. Possibly related to Fleshdoom/Shadowfang.
Maybe it's locked from the inside. Probably intendend for the Horazon's Sanctum quest.
Looks like it's rusted shut. Probably intendend for the Horazon's Sanctum quest.
Maybe there's another way. Probably intendend for the Horazon's Sanctum quest.

The Rogue has a few lines that don't appear in the dialogue table within the code, and therefore cannot be played:

File Name Audio Transcript
(pain grunt)
(death sound)

Additionally, the Warrior has some more lines, most of them being outtakes:

File Name Audio Transcript Notes
That's not such a big mushroom! Outtakes for the line where the Warrior picks up the Black Mushroom.
I've never seen a mushroom that size.
That mushroom's the size of a Cadillac!
Damn! What a mushroom!
What a...*laughs uncontrollably*...mushroom!
That stench...is it me, or are there zombies down here? Not listed in the code table. sfx/warrior/wario96b.wav is used instead of this line.
What's that smell...me or zombies? Not listed in the code table.
The sanctity of this place has been fouled. Not listed in the code table. sfx/warrior/wario97.wav is used instead of this line.

A different voice actor speaks this line.

Ugh, it's hot down here. Not listed in the code table. sfx/warrior/wario98.wav is used instead of this line.

A different voice actor speaks this line.

Misc Unused Dialogue

This is dialogue that is present, not used, and does not fall into one of the categories listed above.

File Name Speaker Audio Transcript Notes
storyt00.wav Deckard Cain
The evil that you move against is the dark lord of terror, known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the labyrinth, many centuries ago. Find Diablo, or we may never have the chance to rid the world of his evil again.
storyt03.wav Deckard Cain
Yes, you speak of Lazarus...one who was once well-respected in our land. Even before King Leoric descended into madness and lost his son, the Archbishop Lazarus was acting...strangely. Lazarus seemed to be motivated by unseen forces, clinging to shadows, and acting out some dark plan that was not his own.
deadguy2.wav Wounded Townsfolk
Please help...I barely escaped from...The Butcher...he killed...my wife...my children...I beg of you, in the name of God, avenge them! In the Battle.net beta, this line is used by the Wounded Townsfolk that initiates the Butcher quest. However, in the retail version of the game, it is replaced by wound01.wav, which goes into much more detail (including mention of Lazarus) and has a different voice actor.
laz02.wav Archbishop Lazarus
You are too late to save the child...now you will join him, in hell. laz01.wav is used instead. laz02.wav is only a small snippet of laz01.wav.

Unused Sounds

Mostly general nature, magic, or foley sound effects.

Not referenced in the code

The entirety of sfx/animals is not used, but oddly, it contains duplicates of sound effects which are in use.

File Name Audio Notes
Duplicate of sfx/items/barlfire.wav.
An earlier rendition of flip1.wav.
This is the first part of the flipping sound effect when items are dropped. In Diablo, the sound of the flipping and the item's impact on the ground are merged into one audio file, so this audio file is unneeded and unused. This was probably done as a last minute fix, because in Diablo II, the game has a separate flipping sound and item impact sound that works as intended.
A slightly altered version of sfx/items/sarc.wav.
A slightly quieter version of sfx/items/gold.wav
These two sound effects are the two components of sarc.wav: the sound of the sarcophagus' lid sliding across its top, and the impact of the lid on the ground. sarc.wav is used, these two sounds are not.
A stereo sound test. Confusingly, "Test Left" plays in the right ear, and "Test Right" plays in the left ear.
Probably meant as an impact sound effect for Bone Spirit. The used sound effect, bsimpact.wav, doesn't have a fire sound to it, but you can still hear the rattling of bones.
Used in Hellfire.
These sound effects were removed from the code with a preprocessor macro. They depict various sound effects for animals that do not appear in the game, such as goats, chickens, and dogs. Why they're referred to as "cow" is a mystery, since cow1.wav and cow2.wav are actually cows.
Used in Hellfire for the Jester staff effect.
Referenced in the code by Hellfire, but it goes unused.

Referenced in the code

The code names as they are specified here were retrieved from the leaked Hellfire source code.

Code Name File Name Audio Notes
PS_WALK2 sfx/misc/walk2.wav
For whatever reason, the code for randomizing walk sounds is commented out. Additionally, in Hellfire, no sound effects play when the player walks, probably to simplify the addition of the Run feature.
PS_WALK3 sfx/misc/walk3.wav
PS_WALK4 sfx/misc/walk4.wav
PS_FMAG sfx/misc/fmag.wav
PS_TMAG sfx/misc/tmag.wav
PS_LGHIT sfx/misc/lghit.wav
PS_LGHIT1 sfx/misc/lghit1.wav
IS_ARMRFKD sfx/items/armrfkd.wav
Probably intended for when body armor breaks. No sound effect plays when something is broken.
IS_FMAG sfx/items/flipmag.wav
The game has code for randomly picking one of these sound effects, but this sound effect never gets triggered.
IS_FMAG1 sfx/items/flipmag1.wav
IS_FSIGN sfx/items/flipsign.wav
Due to a typo in the code, this sound effect goes unused. sfx/items/invsign.wav is used instead.
IS_HLMTFKD sfx/items/hlmtfkd.wav
Probably intended to be used when a helmet is broken. No sound effect plays when something breaks.
IS_SHLDFKD sfx/items/shielfkd.wav
Probably intended to be used when a shield is broken. No sound effect plays when something breaks.
IS_SWRDFKD sfx/items/swrdfkd.wav
Probably intended to be used when a weapon is broken. No sound effect plays when something breaks.
IS_CAST1 sfx/misc/cast1.wav
IS_CAST10 sfx/misc/cast10.wav
IS_CAST12 sfx/misc/cast12.wav
IS_CAST3 sfx/misc/cast3.wav
IS_CAST5 sfx/misc/cast5.wav
LS_HEALING sfx/misc/healing.wav
Healing uses sfx/misc/cast8.wav.
LS_ARROWALL sfx/misc/arrowall.wav
LS_CHLTNING sfx/misc/chltning.wav
Chain Lightning uses the same sound effects as Lightning.
LS_FBALL sfx/misc/fball.wav
Fire Ball uses the same sound effects as Fire Bolt.
LS_FBOLT2 sfx/misc/fbolt2.wav
The code doesn't contain a randomization entry for LS_FBOLT1, so this goes unused (probably by mistake)
LS_FIRIMP1 sfx/misc/firimp1.wav
LS_FLASH sfx/misc/flash.wav
Flash uses sfx/misc/nova.wav and sfx/misc/elecimp1.wav.
LS_GOLUMDED sfx/misc/golumded.wav
Golems play skeleton sound effects when they die.
LS_HYPER sfx/misc/hyper.wav
The code contains a single comment about a "hyperspace spell" that would've been attached to unique items.
LS_INVPOT sfx/misc/invpot.wav
Seems like it might have been used at one point for when potions were drank.
LS_LTNING sfx/misc/ltning.wav
sfx/misc/lning1.wav is used for Lightning, not this sound effect.
LS_SCURSE sfx/misc/scurse.wav
Stone Curse uses LS_FIRIMP2.
LS_SHATTER sfx/misc/shatter.wav
Stone Curse doesn't play any sound effects when enemies are shattered by it.
LS_SOULFIRE sfx/misc/soulfire.wav
LS_SPOUTLOP sfx/misc/spoutlop.wav
Most likely intended for Inferno.
LS_STORM sfx/misc/storm.wav
LS_VTHEFT sfx/misc/vtheft.wav
LS_WALLSTRT sfx/misc/wallstrt.wav
sfx/misc/wallloop.wav is used by Fire Wall.