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Diablo (Windows, Mac OS Classic)/Cut Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Diablo (Windows, Mac OS Classic).

To do:
Even more unused graphics (this page features them).

Graphics mostly for items that either ended up being used in the Hellfire expansion, or were just never used for anything.


All of these graphics can be found in objcurs.cel. The name field is the corresponding ITEM_IDS entry (from the Hellfire source code leak).

Name Frame Picture Notes
6 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0005.png Used in Hellfire for applying oils.
ITEM_GOLDRING 19 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0018.png
ITEM_3COLORPOT 28 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0027.png Stand for "three-colored potion". Could be an early version of rejuvenation potion.
ITEM_SPHERE 34 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0033.png
ITEM_CUBE 35 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0034.png
ITEM_PYRIMID 36 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0035.png
ITEM_JSPHERE 38 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0037.png
ITEM_JCUBE 39 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0038.png
ITEM_JPYRIMID 40 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0039.png
ITEM_VILE 41 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0040.png
ITEM_BLKBTL 42 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0041.png Is used in Hellfire for oils. Stands for "black bottle".
ITEM_CLAW 53 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0052.png
ITEM_FANG 54 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0053.png
ITEM_BREAD 55 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0054.png Possibly uses an older version of the palette, or is some terribly burnt bread. An unused item type, IT_FOOD, exists and is probably related.
ITEM_AMULET2 58 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0057.png Two commented out unique items in the leaked Hellfire source code use this.
ITEM_AMULET3 59 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0058.png A commented out unique item in the leaked Hellfire source code uses this.
ITEM_AMULET4 60 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0059.png A commented out unique item in the leaked Hellfire source code uses this.
ITEM_POUCH1 61 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0060.png
ITEM_BIGBOTTLE 64 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0063.png
ITEM_DAGGER5 67 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0066.png
ITEM_CLUB1 81 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0080.png
ITEM_CLUB3 83 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0082.png
ITEM_MAGSWORD 85 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0084.png Stands for "magic sword". Most likely was used for Azurewrath.
ITEM_SKULSWORD 86 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0085.png Stands for "skull sword". Most likely was ued for Shadowfang.
ITEM_FHELM2 96 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0095.png Stands for "full helm".
ITEM_CLOTHES 106 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0105.png
ITEM_MAP 108 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0107.png Is used in Hellfire for the Tristram map. Was intended for the Map of the Stars quest.
ITEM_COMPSHLD 112 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0111.png Stands for "complete shield".
ITEM_SMLSHLD 127 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0126.png Stands for "small shield".
ITEM_STLSHRTBOW 132 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0131.png Possibly stands for "steel short bow"?
ITEM_LONGSTAFF 137 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0136.png
ITEM_BALLNCHN 142 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0141.png Stands for "ball chain".
ITEM_RINGARMOR 151 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0150.png
ITEM_GEMGRTAXE 168 Diablo (Windows) - Objcurs cel frame0167.png Possibly stands for "gem great axe"?

These graphics can be found in /items within the MPQ.

File Name Graphic Notes
axeflip.cel Diablo (Windows) - Axeflip.gif
bottle.cel Diablo (Windows) - Bottle.gif
fbow.cel Diablo (Windows) - Fbow.gif
feye.cel Diablo (Windows) - Feye.gif There isn't an "eye" item in the game.
fheart.cel Diablo (Windows) - Fheart.gif There isn't a "heart" item in the game.
food.cel Diablo (Windows) - Food cel.png This is the only file in this table that is actually referenced by the game's code. It's also the only file in this table that isn't animated. Perhaps early items didn't have a flipping animation?
manaflip.cel Diablo (Windows) - Manaflip.gif Perhaps mana was going to be collected like an item at one point.
wand.cel Diablo (Windows) - Wand.gif Wands don't appear in the game at all.


The files can be found in /objects within diabdat.mpq.

File Name Graphic(s) Notes
bkurns.cel Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0000.png Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0001.png Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0002.png Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0003.png Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0004.png Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0005.png Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0006.png Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0007.png

Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0008.png Diablo (Windows) - Bkurns cel frame0009.png

candlabr.cel Diablo (Windows) - Candlabr cel.png
candle.cel Diablo (Windows) - Candle 1.gif Diablo (Windows) - Candle 2.gif Diablo (Windows) - Candle cel frame0008.png candle2.cel is used, but has fewer variations in candles; it only has the half-melted candle animation with slightly different lighting.
dirtfall.cel Diablo (Windows) - Dirtfall.gif Possibly intended for the caves or the Lair of the Worms.
explod1.cel Diablo (Windows) - Explod1.gif
explod2.cel Diablo (Windows) - Explod2.gif
firewal1.cel Diablo (Windows) - Firewal1.gif
flame3.cel Diablo (Windows) - Flame3.gif Doesn't loop properly.
ghost.cel Diablo (Windows) - Ghost.gif
switch2.cel Diablo (Windows) - Switch2 cel frame0000.png Diablo (Windows) - Switch2 cel frame0001.png
switch3.cel Diablo (Windows) - Switch3 cel frame0000.png Diablo (Windows) - Switch3 cel frame0001.png
vapor1.cel Diablo (Windows) - Vapor1.gif Corrupt.
water.cel Diablo (Windows) - Water.gif No animated water appears in the game.
waterjug.cel Diablo (Windows) - Waterjug cel frame0000.png Diablo (Windows) - Waterjug cel frame0001.png Diablo (Windows) - Waterjug cel frame0002.png Diablo (Windows) - Waterjug cel frame0003.png


Diablo (Windows) - Quotes.png

This file, gendata/quotes.cel, is not loaded or referenced by the game's code and it isn't clear how it would be used. It has a transparent background.