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Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3/Dragon Universe Audio

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This is a sub-page of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3.

To do:
Finish ripping all of this audio. There's a hell of a lot more of it than what's already on here, with the amount being in the HUNDREDS.
  • Consider making a sub-page for each individual character if this page ends up getting too cluttered.

As mentioned on the main page, originally Dimps planned to include a Dragon Universe scenario for every playable character on the roster, rather than just the 11 that are playable in the final game. Every single one of these stories has full dialogue recorded for some of their cutscenes, so it seems that all of them were at least written out before being scrapped entirely. In addition, even the USED characters have unused dialogue that never shows up! It's no understatement that there's more scrapped dialogue just for this mode alone than what actually ended up being used...

Every character has their voice lines organized in two separate batches, one containing the dialogue for their cutscenes before and after a battle, and one for the cutscenes while exploring the world map. The voice lines will be separated as such. In addition, every single character has a voice line that seems to have been used for some area that wouldn't contain anything of importance, something impossible to see in the final game.

Android #16

Android #16's Dragon Universe mode would have taken him through his storyline in the Android saga, finishing with him surviving the Cell Games and following through on his threat to kill Goku in an original story segment.

Before and After a Battle

Android #16: The search for Goku will have to wait. The time to fight is now.

Cell: Fuahaha! Another one just begging to throw his life away.

Android #17: Amazing... I had no idea #16 was this strong!

Android #16: #17! #18! Why are you still here? Get away now!

Cell: What a pleasant surprise... It's my old friend #16. Still ticking, I see.

Android #16: I will not lose. Not this time.

Android #16: Now, I will self destruct and destroy Cell along with me!

Android #16: Something is wrong! The detonator is inactive!

Krillin: #16, when they were repairing you at Capsule Corp., they took the bomb outta your chest.

Cell: Hahahahahaha! How typical. Just one more reason you've become obsolete.

Android #16: I was built for this purpose, Goku. I must destroy you.

Goku: Well, I'm sorry you still feel that way. But I'll do what I have to to defend myself!

Goku: (in a weak voice) Heh... hehe... I lost. Guess that means you have to finish me off, huh #16?

Android #16: Target: Goku, strongest martial artist in the world, has been destroyed. Now go.

Teen Gohan: #16, please! Please stop trying to destroy my dad!

Android #16: There is only one way you can stop me...

Teen Gohan: (in a weak voice) Haaah... haah...

Android #16: Life is precious. You are right to protect your father. I will no longer pursue him.

World Map Cutscenes

Krillin: Hey, #16! You're all fixed up!

Android #16: Yes, and I have you to thank for that fact, Krillin.

Android #16: The damage that Cell did to me was fully repaired by the people at Capsule Corporation.

Krillin: Hahaha! Good!

Goku: And good luck today! My name's Goku!

Android #16: I know who you are... I was created solely to destroy you.

Goku: Well, how 'bout that? That's one heck of a way to say hello...

Android #17: What is that hideous thing!? (in reference to Cell)

Android #16: #17! #18! Run away now.

Android #18: What about you, #16?

Android #16: I will destroy Cell.

Android #18: What!? You can't fight him, you'll be killed!

Android #16: That does not matter. Life is good, but living in fear is not my idea of living.

Android #16: I enjoyed the time we spent together! You guys are... "cool"!

Android #16: Gohan.

Teen Gohan: Android #16! Are you guys still after my dad!?

Android #16: Yes. We were created for the sole purpose of destroying Goku.

Teen Gohan: You're going to the Cell Games, aren't you? Me too, I have to go!

Android #16: He has good eyes... very pure eyes.

Android #16: According to my calculations, I am as strong as Cell.

Android #16: I will destroy him.

"Nothing here"

Android #16

Android #16: Nothing out of the ordinary here.