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Drake & Josh: Micro Game Madness!

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Title Screen

Drake & Josh: Micro Game Madness!

Publisher: Nick.com
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2006

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

A boring clone of WarioWare with a Drake & Josh filter over it.

Unused Graphics

DJMMM 4.png DJMMM 1.png DJMMMkeyscapturerer.png

Three squares, one with the word 'Sounds', one with the words 'KeyCapturer', and another with the words 'HighScore'.

Unused Sounds

The sound file titled 'gameOver' is never used in-game, and was likely the original sound for losing or quitting the game.

Obscured Graphics

DJMMM drakejoshright.png

The images of Drake and Josh on the main menu are slightly cropped, and thus are never fully seen.