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Dungeon Magic/Unused Maps

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This is a sub-page of Dungeon Magic.

Unreferenced Maps

Put the codes listed below in MAME's dungeonm.xml (Dungeon Magic) or lightbr.xml (Light Bringer) cheat file to replace Round 00 Room 1D (A normally unused slot that can only be accessed through the level select) with an unused map. There are four codes, each of which will change one of the layers of that map. If the room isn't Unused Room 1 or 2, leave the fourth cheat deactivated.

  <cheat desc="Change Round 00 Map 1D Layer 1">
      <item value="0x9A7C">Unused Room 1</item>
      <item value="0x9B9E">Unused Room 2</item>
      <item value="0x9BD8">Unused Room 3</item>
      <item value="0x9C4C">Unused Room 4</item>
      <item value="0x9CFA">Unused Room 5</item>
      <item value="0x9D6E">Unused Room 6</item>
      <item value="0x9E1C">Unused Room 7</item>
      <item value="0x9E90">Unused Room 8</item>
    <script state="run">
    <script state="off">
  <cheat desc="Change Round 00 Map 1D Layer 2">
      <item value="0xD5DC">Unused Room 1</item>
      <item value="0xD636">Unused Room 2</item>
      <item value="0xD648">Unused Room 3</item>
      <item value="0xD66C">Unused Room 4</item>
      <item value="0xD6A2">Unused Room 5</item>
      <item value="0xD6C6">Unused Room 6</item>
      <item value="0xD6FC">Unused Room 7</item>
      <item value="0xD720">Unused Room 8</item>
    <script state="run">
    <script state="off">
  <cheat desc="Change Round 00 Map 1D Layer 3">
      <item value="0xDFA6">Unused Room 1</item>
      <item value="0xE000">Unused Room 2</item>
      <item value="0xE012">Unused Room 3</item>
      <item value="0xE036">Unused Room 4</item>
      <item value="0xE06C">Unused Room 5</item>
      <item value="0xE090">Unused Room 6</item>
      <item value="0xE164">Unused Room 7</item>
      <item value="0xE0B4">Unused Room 8</item>
    <script state="run">
    <script state="off">
  <cheat desc="Change Round 00 Map 1D Layer 4">
      <item value="0xE81E">Unused Room 1</item>
      <item value="0xE850">Unused Room 2</item>
    <script state="run">
    <script state="off">

These maps have fully finished art and collision data but are missing all item data, object data, and warp points. The objects that do appear in the map are just a result of replacing Round 00 Room 1D; these are shared with the game's tutorial.

Layer 1 Offset: 0x139A7C
Layer 2 Offset: 0x13D5DC
Layer 3 Offset: 0x13DFA6
Layer 4 Offset: 0x13E81E
Original Slot: Round 00, Room 07

A cliffside with a lovely vista...or it would have if there was a background programmed in, anyway. Seems like the player would enter from the southwest and have to head northwest on the dirt path to progress, with the cliff keeping enemies to defeat and/or treasure to collect.

Layer 1 Offset: 0x139B9E
Layer 2 Offset: 0x13D636
Layer 3 Offset: 0x13E000
Layer 4 Offset: 0x13E850
Original Slot: Round 00, Room 0C

A mountainous area with a lava pit that uses a different palette that clashes with every other chunk in this map. The player would enter from the southeast and have to either defeat enemies, destroy objects, or hit switches to lower the bars on the cave door (not pictured) to proceed. There are two alcoves, one between a rocky wall and a chunk of greenery, and the other at the top of a steep slope.

Said slope is steep enough to push the player back down if they stay on it too long without moving. None of the slopes in the final game are steep enough to do this.

Layer 1 Offset: 0x139BD8
Layer 2 Offset: 0x13D648
Layer 3 Offset: 0x13E012
Original Slot: Round 00, Room 0D

More mountains, more lava, more slopes. The slope here is even steeper than in the previous unused map; players can only walk up it for a few seconds for being pushed back down, so they'll have to do a series of jumps to scale the whole thing. There would presumably be a treasure chest or something on the other side of the lava pit.

Layer 1 Offset: 0x139C4C
Layer 2 Offset: 0x13D66C
Layer 3 Offset: 0x13E036
Original Slot: Round 00, Room 0F

An oversized stone gate area. The graphics used here are similar, but not identical, to the "PREMYTH" gate in the opening stage, so it's likely that this would have appeared between the opening town section and the forest split. The wall is too tall for the player to simply jump past - some of the game's seldom-used floating platforms would have been placed here to help the player ascend.

Layer 1 Offset: 0x139CFA
Layer 2 Offset: 0x13D6A2
Layer 3 Offset: 0x13E06C
Original Slot: Round 00, Room 12

A cut side area. Of note is that the rock walls in the south-east corner are brown in this room, while in the final game they use a green palette.

Early Final (Round 00, Room 0D)
DungeonMagicArcUnusedRoom6.png DungeonMagicArcUnusedRoom6F.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x139D6E
Layer 2 Offset: 0x13D6C6
Layer 3 Offset: 0x13E090
Original Slot: Round 00, Room 14

Identical to the setup used in Round 00, Room 0D (and the tutorial) except for the incorrect palettes. The game's FG/BG palettes were likely shifted around at some point during development.

Layer 1 Offset: 0x139E1C
Layer 2 Offset: 0x13D6FC
Layer 3 Offset: 0x13E164
Original Slot: Round 00, Room 17

An unused side area. This could be an early version of the Goblin campfire room seen in the latter half of Round 1, but more likely it's a separate room that got cut.

Early Final
DungeonMagicArcUnusedRoom8.png DungeonMagicArcUnusedRoom8F.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x139E90
Layer 2 Offset: 0x13D720
Layer 3 Offset: 0x13E0B4
Original Slot: Round 00, Room 19

A near perfect match for Round 00, Room 17 in the final game, but the rock walls use a warmer palette in this version.

Sketch Maps

Set 1

DungeonMagicSketchLayer1.png DungeonMagicSketchLayer2.png
Tilemap Offsets: 0x185580-0x185C19

The first two sketch maps are much simpler than the rest. The first is a conveyor belt next to two spike pits (トゲ = Spike). The kanji on the second map is 溶岩, meaning lava, so this is a lava pit.

Sketch Finished
DungeonMagicSketchLayer1.png DungeonMagicArcSketchLayer1F.png

Tilemap Offsets: 0x195368-0x1956F5

The first sketch map was the only one of these maps to get a finished version...but these chunks aren't used anywhere in the final game either. Based on the art used in these chunks, they were meant to appear somewhere in the first stage.

Set 2

The maps in this section seem to be from a very early version of the Temple of Fontaine. Though these chunks aren't referenced in any extant layer data, they're easy to recreate: The chunks appear in the exact order they'd be assembled, left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and any chunks that would have been used multiple times in a map having exactly as many copies as needed in the chunk table. That is to say, a 512x512 map layer will always have exactly 16 separately defined chunks, even if one or more of those chunks have duplicate data.

All but one of these maps have a separate water layer. These would have used palette cycling and be semi-transparent, blending in with the foreground layers like the waterfall area of the first round. It's not entirely clear how this would work, gameplay-wise: In some of the areas the water would only come up to the players' feet, but in other areas, players would be completely submerged. This would have most likely slowed down players' movements, possibly enemies' movements as well.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom1.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom1W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x187786-0x187D1B
Water Offset: 0x1B5244-0x1B5653

The first room is an instance where the player would be entirely submerged. No obvious exits here, nor are there places to encounter enemies. Roman-style architecture in this room can be seen in this and many other rooms in this set...

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom2.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom2W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x187D1B-0x188BD5
Layer 2 Offset: 0x188BD6-0x18926F
Layer 3 Offset: 0x1A176C-0x1A1D83
Water Offset: 0x1B481C-0x1B4C2B

...like this room. Dig those semicircular arches. Water fills up the two gated areas in the left and center of the map, and what looks like a window appears in the south-center. Players would probably enter from the door on the west side, then would chose either one of the doors in the eastern section.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom3.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom3W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x1892F2-0x189B11
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A3666-0x1A3971
Water Offset: 0x1B4C2C-0x1B4E33

A small room with a gated-off pool of running water in the center. That white platform with the tan circle seems significant somehow. Other than that, not much to say about this room - no obvious exits.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom4.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom4W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x189B12-0x18A025
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A3F8A-0x1A45A1
Layer 3 Offset: 0x1A4CBE-0x1A4FC9
Water Offset: 0x1B4696-0x1B481B

Two tiers of doors, a large crack in the southern wall (An entrance?) and a large brown circle of some sort. This room has a few errors that would have been corrected if it was developed further: The water layer doesn't fully cover the ground, and there are two holes in the wall between the two doors.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom5.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom5W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x18A026-0x18A539
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A45A2-0x1A4CBD
Water Offset: 0x1B503C-0x1B5243

Just a little room with two broken columns and a stream of water flowing out of a hole in the wall. Those dark half-circles are likely supposed to be some kind of splash effect. No obvious exits in this room either.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom6.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom6W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x18A53A-0x18B5FB
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A3972-0x1A3F89
Water Offset: 0x1B3E76-0x1B4203

A large room outside of the main structure, with a partially broken wall in the north and a substantial pool of water in the southeast corner. The tan blocks in the southwest corner definitely mark an entrance point, and the two black doors are exit points.

Layer 1 Offset: 0x18B5FC-0x18BD99
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A4FCA-0x1A596F
Layer 3 Offset: 0x1A59F2-0x1A5F05

The only room in this group that doesn't have a water layer: A tall entrance hall flanked by gates and columns on each side. The dark gray surfaces on the east side of the room might be water-related, but there's no way to tell for sure.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom8.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom8W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x18BD9A-0x18C1A9
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A5F06-0x1A6725
Layer 3 Offset: 0x1A6726-0x1A692D
Water Offset: 0x1B4E34-0x1B503B

A small, fairly bland room -- The plank leading to the black door is probably the most interesting part, but that's not saying much. There'd presumably be treasure chests or something at the top of the stairs.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom9.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom9W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x18C1AA-0x18D3F1
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A2EC8-0x1A3665
Water Offset: 0x1B30C0-0x1B3655

Now here's a a room with much more interesting architecture. Judging by the stairs, the fancy door, and the large roof graphic, this would be the first room players would see in this version of the Temple of Fontaine. The water level is low here, only come up two blocks in height. There's a side entrance to the east, just like in the final game.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom11.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom11W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x1A692E-0x1A6F45
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A6F46-0x1A7251
Water Offset 0x1B4204-0x1B4695

Lot of water flowing into this room. Fairly shallow water. Two doors. Let's move on.

Main Map Water Layer
DungeonMagicSketchRoom10.png DungeonMagicSketchRoom10W.png

Layer 1 Offset: 0x1A1D84-0x1A2A35
Layer 2 Offset: 0x1A2A36-0x1A2EC7
Water Offset: 0x1B3656-0x1B3E75

Water flows from the mysterious brown opening in the northeast, down the stairs, into the entrance point in the southwest. Would have been a nice effect if it was ever finished, but, well, it wasn't. The scope of the room and the lack of exits suggests that this would have been a boss arena, though whether or not that boss would have been the Queen Spider is anyone's guess.

Water Layer Water Layer Alt

Water Offset (Alt): 0x1B5654-0x1B57D9 (First), 0x1B57DA-0x1B5D7F (Fifth)

There are alternate versions of the water layers for the first and fifth rooms. What these would be used for is uncertain, but one possibility is that these are toxic variants, like the poison water seen in the final game.

Set 3

All of the maps in this groups seem to have been designed as test areas. It's likely that these were actually implemented in the game at some point during the game's development, but there's nothing left but the chunk graphics themselves in the finished game.

Tilemap Offsets: 0x198220-0x1984A9

A small, simple map that tests walking around and jumping on / falling off platforms of different heights.

DungeonMagicArcTestMap2.png DungeonMagicArcTestMap3.png
Tilemap Offsets: 0x19852C-0x1990D9

A larger map testing two different types of slopes, steps, and platforms. The tiles at the bottom of the map goes through all 32 colors of the map's palette sans the first transparent color. The square and circular columns would be placed somewhere on the map, likely at the top.

DungeonMagicArcTestMap4.png DungeonMagicArcTestMap5.png DungeonMagicArcTestMap6.png
Tilemap Offsets: 0x1990DA-0x1999FD

Chunks for the three different types of slope tiles. These would be layered on top of each other in some way...

Tilemap Offsets: 0x1999FE-0x199D09

...as would these step chunks.


The largest of all test maps. This would test the different floor types: Spike floors, elemental hazard floors, water, ice, and spikes. Tilemap Offsets: 0x199D0A-0x19A62D

Unused Chunks

Leftover chunks that can't be assembled into proper maps.

Sketch Art

0x17E64A 0x17E6CC 0x17E74E 0x17E7D0 0x18506C 0x19A62E 0x19A6B0 0x19A732
DungeonMagicArcStage0Chunk01.png DungeonMagicArcStage0Chunk02.png DungeonMagicArcStage0Chunk03.png DungeonMagicArcStage0Chunk04.png DungeonMagicArcSet6Chunk01.png DungeonMagicArcSet4Chunk72.png DungeonMagicArcSet4Chunk73.png DungeonMagicArcSet4Chunk74.png
0x19A7B4 0x19A836 0x19A8B8 0x19A93A 0x19A9BC 0x19BC04 0x1B1CF2 0x1B1D74
DungeonMagicArcSet4Chunk75.png DungeonMagicArcSet4Chunk76.png DungeonMagicArcSet4Chunk77.png DungeonMagicArcSet4Chunk78.png DungeonMagicArcSet4Chunk79.png DungeonMagicArcSet6Chunk02.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk01.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk02.png
0x1B1DF6 0x1B1E78 0x1B1EFA 0x1B1F7C 0x1B1FFE 0x1B2080 0x1B2102 0x1B2184
DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk03.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk04.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk05.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk06.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk07.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk08.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk09.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk10.png
0x1B2206 0x1B2288
DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk11.png DungeonMagicArcSet5Chunk12.png

Notable chunks include black border pieces that none of the sketch maps use, a doorway, and 12 placeholder pieces: E1 to E6 are transparent, and E7 to E12 have a black background.

Round 1

0x1809D6 0x180F6C 0x180FEE 0x181070 0x181174 0x18178C 0x18180E 0x1822B8
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk01.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk02.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk03.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk04.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk05.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk06.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk07.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk08.png
0x18243E 0x1824C0 0x182A56 0x182AD8 0x182B5A 0x182BDC 0x182C5E 0x182D62
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk09.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk10.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk11.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk12.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk13.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk14.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk15.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk16.png
0x182DE4 0x182E66 0x182EE8 0x182F6A 0x182FEC 0x18306E 0x1830F0 0x1831F4
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk17.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk18.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk19.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk20.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk21.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk22.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk23.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk24.png
0x183276 0x18337A 0x18347E 0x183582 0x183DA2 0x183FAA 0x18612E 0x1861B0
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk25.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk26.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk27.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk28.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk29.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk30.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk31.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk32.png
0x186232 0x1862B4 0x186336 0x1863B8 0x18643A 0x1864BC 0x18653E 0x186642
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk33.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk34.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk35.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk36.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk37.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk38.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk39.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk40.png
0x1867C8 0x1869D0 0x186C5A 0x186E62 0x187272 0x1872F4 0x187376 0x1873F8
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk41.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk42.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk43.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk44.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk01.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk02.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk03.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk04.png
0x18747A 0x1874FC 0x18757E 0x187600 0x187682 0x187704 0x19AF52 0x19B0D8
DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk05.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk06.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk07.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk08.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk09.png DungeonMagicArcSet2Chunk10.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk45.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk46.png
0x19B25E 0x19B2E0 0x19B362 0x19B3E4 0x19B4E8 0x19B56A 0x19B5EC 0x19B66E
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk47.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk48.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk49.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk50.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk51.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk52.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk53.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk54.png
0x19B6F0 0x19BB00 0x19C014 0x19C19A 0x19C21C 0x19E094 0x19E116 0x19E198
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk55.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk56.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk57.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk58.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk59.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk60.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk61.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk62.png
0x19E21A 0x19E31E 0x19E3A0 0x19E4A4 0x19E526 0x19E5A8 0x19E62A 0x19F8F4
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk63.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk64.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk65.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk66.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk67.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk68.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk69.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk70.png
0x19F976 0x1A06AA 0x1A072C 0x1A07AE 0x1A09B6 0x1A0A38 0x1A0ABA 0x1A0B3C
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk71.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk72.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk73.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk74.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk75.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk76.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk77.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk78.png
0x1A0BBE 0x1A0C40 0x1A0CC2 0x1A0D44 0x1A0DC6 0x1A0E48 0x1A0F4C 0x1A1050
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk79.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk80.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk81.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk82.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk83.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk84.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk85.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk86.png
0x1A1154 0x1AA92A 0x1AA9AC 0x1AAA2E 0x1AAAB0 0x1AAC36 0x1AACB8 0x1AAD3A
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk87.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk88.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk89.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk90.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk91.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk92.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk93.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk94.png
0x1AB2D0 0x1AB4D8
DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk95.png DungeonMagicArcStage1Chunk96.png

Stage 1 has, by far, the greatest amount of unused chunks, but most of these are just rearranged versions of chunks that are used in the final game. Some of the more notable chunks:

  • Chunks 0x182A56 to 0x183582 seem to be from the same map, but there isn't enough information or chunks left in the game to properly assemble that map.
  • Chunks 0x187272 to 0x187682 are from a cut lava room or rooms. 0x187272 and 0x18757E has bits of magma seeping in from the ground, and 0x187376, 0x1873F8, and 0x1874FC all have small pools of magma. The ground in 0x1872F4 and 0x18747A is more cracked than in any other chunk. 0x187704 is almost assuredly a developer joke, featuring a magma drawing of a short-haired man with a widdle kissy face.
  • Chunks 0x19E526 to 0x19F976 are treetop tiles. The top of trees are never seen in any map except for a small tree in Round 00, Map 01.

Round 2

0x18D802 0x18D906 0x18DA0A 0x18DD98 0x18DE9C 0x18DFA0 0x18E2AC 0x18E32E
DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk01.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk02.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk03.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk04.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk05.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk06.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk07.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk08.png
0x18E73E 0x18E946 0x18E9C8 0x18EA4A 0x18EC52 0x1903AE 0x190534 0x1905B6
DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk09.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk10.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk11.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk12.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk13.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk14.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk15.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk16.png
0x190638 0x1906BA 0x1907BE 0x190840 0x1908C2 0x190B4C 0x190BCE 0x191678
DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk17.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk18.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk19.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk20.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk21.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk22.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk23.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk24.png
0x1917FE 0x1977F8 0x1A755E 0x1A8314 0x1A8B34 0x1A8CBA 0x1A8D3C 0x1A8DBE
DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk25.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk26.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk27.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk28.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk29.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk30.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk31.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk32.png
0x1A914C 0x1A92D2 0x1A95DE 0x1A9CFA
DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk33.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk34.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk35.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk36.png

The bulk of these chunks are just-in-case blocks for the game's underground sections, both normal and icy variants. The last four chunks are extra pieces for the shrine entrance that were ultimately not needed.

Early Final Alternate
DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk24.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk24F.png DungeonMagicArcStage2Chunk25.png

The most noteworthy chunk is 0x191678, which has a more elaborate summoning circle for the Queen Spider. There's also an alternate version of the summoning circle without the mass-o-skeletons.

Round 3

0x19683A 0x196B46 0x196C4A 0x1ACA2C 0x1ACAAE 0x1ACCB6 0x1ACFC2 0x1AD24C
DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk01.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk02.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk03.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk04.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk05.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk06.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk07.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk08.png
0x1AD4D6 0x1AD65C 0x1AD9EA 0x1ADA6C 0x1ADAEE 0x1ADBF2 0x1ADC74 0x1ADCF6
DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk09.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk10.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk11.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk12.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk13.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk14.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk15.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk16.png
0x1ADD78 0x1AE926 0x1AEA2A 0x1AEAAC 0x1AEBB0 0x1AEC32 0x1AEE3A 0x1AF042
DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk17.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk18.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk19.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk20.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk21.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk22.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk23.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk24.png
0x1AF146 0x1AF1C8 0x1AF24A 0x1AF966 0x1AFC72 0x1AFE7A 0x1AFF7E 0x1B028A
DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk25.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk26.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk27.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk28.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk29.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk30.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk31.png DungeonMagicArcStage3Chunk32.png

Almost all of these are alternate or rotated versions of used chunks. The crack graphics from 0x1ACA2C, 0x1ACAAE, 0x1ACCB6, 0x1ACFC2 don't seem to be used anywhere else, so that's pretty cool.

Round 4

0x197B86 0x197C8A 0x197E92 0x197F96 0x19819E
DungeonMagicArcStage4Chunk01.png DungeonMagicArcStage4Chunk02.png DungeonMagicArcStage4Chunk03.png DungeonMagicArcStage4Chunk04.png DungeonMagicArcStage4Chunk05.png

This tileset is only used in The Demon Lords's boss room, but it still has five unused chunks. The first four seem to be contingency chunks in case the developers wanted to move the boss entrance...

Early Final
DungeonMagicArcStage4Chunk05.png DungeonMagicArcStage4Chunk05F.png

...while the last chunk is an ornate summoning circle that Venom would use to summon the demon. The final game has no graphic for this.

(Source: Original TCRF research)