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Title Screen


Developer: NINEARK
Publisher: Kakao Games
Platforms: iOS, Android
Released internationally: January 5, 2023

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!

Eversoul is a Korean 3D idle gacha RPG in which a normal human from the 21st Century is suddenly summoned to the distant future to become the "Savior" of a magical humanoid race called Souls against an unknown enemy bringing about calamity to their once-peaceful world of Eden.

The game has yet to be released in Japan or mainland China, though the former is slated to be released by Q4 2023.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Characters

These characters are contained in the game files and will most likely be released in future updates.


Eversoul unreleased Helena card.png


Eversoul unreleased Ina.png


Eversoul unreleased Meryl.png


Eversoul unreleased Sanon.png

Unused NPC

Shop Assistant

Eversoul unreleased npc1-full.png

Eversoul unreleased npc1-m.png
Was used in the game store before the release.

Unused Images

Adventure UI elements

Eversoul bg contents07.png Eversoul bg contents08.png
Unused UI elements that may have indicated additional game modes within the game's Adventure menu. Said game modes remain unknown to the public.


Eversoul bg popup.png
An unused background image file with no known presumed use. It contains an alternative illustration of the character Mephistopheles, presumably a pre-release design.

VIP Card Elements

Bg vip.png Icon vip.png
Leftover image files pointing to a "VIP" system that was scrapped at some point during the game's development. After early dataminers leaked said files some time after January 11, which caused distress among the playerbase due to perceived disdain towards such systems seen as "pay-to-win", the developers released a statement on January 17 addressing the leak and reassuring players that it was scrapped and that there are no plans to implement said system in the future.[1]

Unused CGs


Image Video
Eversoul Talk Event Intro Mephisto 01.png

An unused CG that would've presumably been used during the first episode of the Main Story's prelude. It depicts the Savior, fresh from being summoned to another world, and his first encounter with Mephistopheles.

Unused Sounds


Unused boss theme with no presumed use case. It was eventually replaced in the game assets by the boss theme for the Vivienne Evil Soul Subjugation boss battle following the June 15, 2023 update.


Unused battle theme for the guild raid boss, Charite. It was added in a July 2024 patch, but not implemented in-game. Later, in August 2024, a completely different battle theme was implemented instead. As of the 23rd January 2025 patch, the battle theme has been re-added as BGM_Battle_08, indicating it may be implemented as a regular battle theme in the near future.

BGM Charite (unused) BGM Charite FULL


Unused character theme song for Velanna found within the initial release assets. May have been repurposed into the music that plays in the opening cutscene, leaving BGM_CT_Velanna_B ("End of Hatred, End of Mind") as her sole character theme.

BGM_CT_Velanna_A (unused) BGM_IntroMovie01


A short victory fanfare that played when the player clears a battle stage. After the initial release of the game, this sound file would later become unused following the very first update on January 12, 2023, as the developers may have opted to have the characters' victory dialogue be more audible.

Player's Birthday Voice Lines

In addition to voice lines to celebrate the soul's own birthday, each soul also has voice lines to celebrate the player's birthday. However, currently, there is no way for the player to set a birthday.

Title Calls

When starting the game, a random soul will call out the game's title "Eversoul". Each soul also has voice lines to call out the game's publisher "Kakao Games" and developer "Nine Ark".


During a June 2024 patch that added Chapter 8 Part 1 of the main story, Cherrie's voice lines were revamped. This extended to her 1st anniversary voice line, even though the 1st anniversary had passed and currently there's no (easy) way to replay voice lines.

Original Revised (unused)


Unused 1st anniversary voice line for Hazel. Hazel was released after the 1st anniversary.


Unused 1st anniversary voice line for Ina. At the time of writing (2nd anniversary), Ina has not been implemented.