Final Fantasy VI/Unused Dialogue
This is a sub-page of Final Fantasy VI.
Unused Field Dialogue
English | Japanese | Translation |
SHADOW: ...... Why am I here...? For the money, I guess. |
シャドウ「……… なぜ俺がここにいるかって…? 金のため……さ。 |
Shadow: ... You want to know why I'm here...? For the money... obviously. |
Strangely enough, despite it not being possible to have him in your party at this point in the game by normal means, Shadow has his own space on the World of Balance version of the airship, with a bit of dialogue if you talk to him. The GBA version of this line has him question his statement.
English | Japanese | Translation |
CELES: Kefka's sure to come up with another demented plan. We need to do something FAST! |
セリス「ケフカはまだまだ あくどい方法を考えているはず。 早く何とかしなくては…… |
Celes: Cefca is sure to be thinking up another wicked scheme. We'd better do something soon... |
SHADOW: I think Kefka's out for General Leo's hide! |
シャドウ「ここだけの話だが ケフカはレオ将軍の命をねらっている らしい。 |
Shadow: Just between you and me, Cefca seems to be after General Leo's life. |
STRAGO: ...I've never seen anyone so sleazy as Kefka. |
ストラゴス「わしも長年 生きとるが、あんな高いところから 落ちてきたのは初めてじゃい。 |
Stragos: I've been alive for quite a while, but I've never once fallen from so high up. |
RELM: I'm sure those Espers are all very kind! |
リルム「幻獣さんは きっといいヤツばっかりだよね!? |
Relm: The eidolons, they're all good guys, right!? |
Lines intended to be used when the airship crashes after the Sealed Gate events. Thing is, none of these characters are in your team at the time.
English | Japanese | Translation |
TERRA: No! Get away from me! |
ティナ「いやーやめて!! |
Tina: No! Stop!! |
Mixed in with the dialogue from Terra's flashback of Kefka putting the slave crown on her head. While it could have belonged to an early version of the sequence, she is silent and shows no visible restraint in the final game.
English | Japanese | Translation |
CID: This is my finest work. These Magitek converters combine the power of magic with machines... |
シド「ケッサクじゃ。 魔導の力と機械の力を組み合わせた きゅうきょくのマシーンじゃ… |
Cid: It's my finest work. The ultimate machine, combining the powers of sorcery and technology into one... |
In the same place as the above text. Cid is not even in this sequence, so there's no way his line here could have even been delivered. It's possible he was present here in earlier versions of the game.
English | Japanese | Translation |
EDGAR: Come find me when you feel rested. |
エドガー「また後で 私のところへ来てくれ。 |
Edgar: Come back to me later. |
Found early in the Figaro Castle dialogue. It's pretty generic, but Edgar doesn't say this.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Error. Contact a supervisor. From: Development Team. |
エラー発生 かかりの人にれんらくして ください。 かいはつしゃより |
An error has occurred. Please contact one of the people in charge. --From the developers |
Oddly, this too is found in the Figaro Castle text. Could be a legit error message, or it could be some kind of developer in-joke. There's no real way of knowing for sure. The GBA version changes this to “You must be one Lete son of a submariner to have found this”, referencing Kefka’s infamous line.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Hurumph...DOG! |
ふんっ 犬め! |
Hmph! Cur! |
Well! Such manners! This is mixed in with the dialogue for the old man who you deliver cider to. Seems he was a bit ruder earlier in development.
English | Japanese | Translation |
EDGAR: He must have gone to pay his respects to his mentor, Duncan... |
エドガー「やはり マッシュはダンカンの弟子に… そんな高名なかたにお世話になって いたとは…。 |
Edgar: Mash is a disciple of Duncan's, after all... I'd never have guessed he'd be so obliged to such a famous person... |
This line was supposed to be delivered right after talking to the old man outside of Sabin's house, and learning about Sabin, Duncan, and Vargas. It's not, though.
English | Japanese | Translation |
TERRA: YOU! You're the coward who murdered Master Duncan! |
ティナ「あなたね? 格闘家ダンカンを殺して逃げたと言う 弟子は。 |
Tina: I hear a student of Duncan the martial artist murdered him and ran away... It was you, wasn't it? |
Among the text during the meeting with Vargas. It's for the best that this line was cut, as it just doesn't work. While technically true, there's no way Terra would know this, since it's not until Sabin appears that the idea of Duncan having been murdered is even brought up.
English | Japanese | Translation |
BANON: TERRA... Talk to everyone here, heed their advice. |
バナン「ティナよ… みんなとよく相談してみてくれ。 |
Banan: Tina... Please, ask the others for their advice. |
Probably supposed to be spoken by Banon when Terra is given free run of the Returners' Hideout... but Banon doesn't appear until you've spoken with everyone, and then doing so starts an entirely different discussion.
English | Japanese | Translation |
TERRA: He's badly wounded! |
ティナ「何てひどいケガ… |
Tina: What horrible injuries... |
Meant to be used when the wounded soldier stumbles into the Returners' Hideout. Probably left out as it's pretty redundant.
English | Japanese | Translation |
(Please choose a scenario.) <choice> Banon and Co. <choice> SABIN <choice> LOCKE |
(シナリオを選んでください) <choice> バナン達 <choice> マッシュ <choice> ロック |
(Please choose a scenario.) <choice> Banan and Co. <choice> Mash <choice> Lock |
Apparently, you were, at one point, just supposed to pick a scenario from a standard menu, which was later changed to the current setup of using Mog as a "living cursor", if you will.
English | Japanese | Translation |
TERRA ... Where's Gau...? LOCKE: He hates ships. We must...leave him behind! |
ティナ「ガウが… ロック「船が苦手なんだろ。 しかたない、2人で行こう。 |
Tina: Where's Gau? Lock: I guess he doesn't like ships. Oh well. It's just the two of us, then. |
A semi-famous little bit of "just in case" text found among the Albrook dock dialogue. The dummied scene depicting Terra, Locke, and Gau is complete with events and animation. In theory, it should be possible to have Gau here, if you left him on the Veldt and picked him up right before this sequence. In practice, however, there's no way to do this, as you can't leave the southern continent at this point.
English | Japanese | Translation |
SHADOW: You kids stay out of trouble now, you hear? |
シャドウ「船に乗る前に、 こいつには羽をのばさせてやらないと |
Shadow: We'd better let him relax and unwind a bit before we board the ship. |
Another line from Albrook. This is supposed to be said if you never met Shadow up to this point (not during Sabin's part of the Return to Narshe scenario and not in the Kohlingen cafe), but there's no code to display it, so it goes unused.
English | Japanese | Translation |
"Some woman flew up to the top floor!" "Did you say..."flew..."? That must be TERRA!!!!" Creepy monster's live up there. Look out fer 'em! |
「女の子が最上階へとんでいったよ 『とんだ? ティナか…? 「一番上には行かないほうが…… 怪物は住んでいないけど。 |
Some girl flew up to the top floor. "Flew? Maybe it was Tina...?" You better not go there... though it's not like any monsters are living up there or anything. |
Unspoken Zozo text with a small grammar mistake ("monster's", in this context, should not have an apostrophe). The Japanese text is written as an obvious lie, like much of Zozo's NPC dialogue, but the English translation missed this detail and accidentally turned whoever this dialogue was intended for into a second truth-teller.
English | Japanese | Translation |
There's only one airship in the world. It's owned by a gambler, or should I say pirate...? |
飛空艇は今や世界に1台。 ギャンブラーの持ってる船だ。 空賊もやっているそうだがな。 |
There's only one airship left in the world. It's owned by a gambler. I hear he also uses it to engage in air piracy. |
Intended for, but never spoken by, a Jidoor resident. Where they got the idea that Setzer is a pirate, the world may never know.
English | Japanese | Translation |
This Magicite can be yours for 10000 GP. <choice> (Buy it.) <choice> (Don't want it.) |
この魔石 10000ギルなら売ってもよいぞ。 <choice> (かう) <choice> (いらない) |
I'll sell you this magicite for 10,000 gil. <choice> (I'll buy it.) <choice> (I don't need it.) |
This Magicite can be yours for 50000 GP. <choice> (Buy it.) <choice> (Don't want it.) |
この魔石 50000ギルなら売ってもよいぞ。 <choice> (かう) <choice> (いらない) |
I'll sell you this magicite for 50,000 gil. <choice> (I'll buy it.) <choice> (I don't need it.) |
Someone was apparently hawking Magicite at inflated prices. There are three Magicite which are buyable, and one does indeed cost 10,000G, but this dialogue isn't used, and none costs 50,000G. Right after these strings in the data are messages for obtaining the Palidor (Quetzalli) and Terrato (Midgardsormr) Magicite, suggesting that these were the ones for sale. In the final game, Palidor is found on the island where Celes wakes up on the World of Ruin, and Terrato can be found in Umaro’s cave.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Got "Super Ball." |
「スーパーボール」を手にいれた |
Obtained a Super Ball. |
Got "Bolt Edge." |
「なげる」を手にいれた |
Obtained a Throw. |
Got "Fire Skean." |
「かとん」を手にいれた |
Obtained a Fire Scroll. |
Got "Shadow Edge." |
「なげる」を手にいれた |
Obtained a Throw. |
Got "?????." |
「うつせみ」を手にいれた |
Obtained a cicada shell. |
These lines are mixed in with the other stuff you can find buried in the Cave to the Sealed Gate. None of these items can be found here, so obviously this text is never seen. The last one is most curious, and is ItemDoesNotExist in the GBA translation.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Come to think of it... I saw some total geek when I last went south, to the Veldt. Watch yourselves in those parts! |
そういえば… こないだ南の獣ケ原へ行ったら へんなガキを見かけたぞ。 あそこを通る時は注意せんとな。 |
Come to think of it... I saw some strange kid the other day when I went to the Beastlands down south. Better be careful when you head through there. |
This was stored among the lines that appear around the hut of GAU's father, but I can’t think of anybody there saying this (perhaps the Merchant, but all Merchant lines have "Merchant:" in it).
English | Japanese | Translation |
SABIN: The going is bound to be...pretty rough... |
マッシュ「帝国相手じゃ 2人でも危険だぞ。 |
Mash: Going against the Empire will be dangerous, even for the two of us. |
This is alongside the lines for recruiting Shadow at the old man's hut. Probably referring to the Imperial Base.
English | Japanese | Translation |
SABIN: What's going on, here? Brother!! |
マッシュ「なに言ってるんだよ アニキ! |
Mash: What are you talking about, Edgar!? |
This is supposed to be used if you bring Sabin to Gerad/Edgar in Nikeah, however there is no code to display this line.
English | Japanese | Translation |
SOLDIER: Who in blazes're YOU? |
兵士「きさま何者だ!? |
Soldier: Who are you?! |
Probably the last lines of a Soldier who has the unfortunate fate of running into SABIN and SHADOW.
Unused Battle Dialogue
Various bits of in-battle dialogue went unused. Most of it was seemingly left out either because an effect was added instead of dialogue, or because plans changed. Some of it, however, is a complete mystery.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Get away! Or I'll thrash ya!! |
めざわりな やつらめ! けちらしてくれるわ!! |
You're in my wayǃ I'm gonna trounce youǃǃ |
Generic villain dialogue. This is mixed in with Ultros' lines, and absolutely sounds like something he would say, so it was probably intended to be spoken by him at some point.
English | Japanese | Translation |
It can't be......! I...I'm invincible!! |
ば、ばかな…… この私を倒すとは…… |
I-Impossible... How could you defeat me...? |
Stock "defeated villain" dialogue that never ended up used. The demon Chadarnook's final line is similar, but this isn't it. Comes right after the above line, so very likely another Ultros boast.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Dadaluma whistled! |
ダダルマーは くちぶえをふいた! |
Dadaluma whistledǃ |
When Dadaluma whistles for backup, a sound effect is played instead of this dialogue box appearing.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Revived |
再生 |
Revived. |
That's all it says. Could have been used for enemies that can cast revival spells, or in some sort of scripted battle, but it's too vague to place.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Cyclone attack |
せんぷうきゃく |
Whirlwind kick. |
A... cyclone attack. Given the Japanese line, this is most likely an older, more generic version of the "Mortal Attack! Blizzard Fist!" line used in the Vargas battle.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Steal your GPǃ |
ギルを ぬすむ |
Steals some gil. |
A few enemies (Ursus (Mugbear), Harvester, Dadaluma) can steal money from you, but a more specific message showing how much was stolen is used instead of this generic blurb.
English | Japanese | Translation |
You bloody thief! I'll teach you a lesson! |
おっと!手ぐせの悪いやつだ! そ〜ら、おしおきだ! |
Heyǃ You're a sticky-figured bad guyǃ OK then, time for your punishmentǃ |
This was probably either intended for something related to Locke (either in his mini-scenario at South Figaro early on, or possibly something that was cut entirely), or as an enemy's response to being stolen from.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Enemy's combat ability: A Enemy's combat ability: B Enemy's combat ability: C |
敵の戦闘力 ランク A 敵の戦闘力 ランク B 敵の戦闘力 ランク C |
Enemy's fighting strengthː Rank A Enemy's fighting strengthː Rank B Enemy's fighting strengthː Rank C |
These are separate dialogue entries, but are all basically the same thing. It's too generic to link to anything in particular. That it sorts enemies combat skills into "ranks" may imply that the Libra spell may have been slightly more detailed early on.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Adding up enemies' attacks! |
敵の攻撃回数集計中 |
Totaling number of enemy attacks... |
Some sort of machine program? There isn't anywhere obvious this would fit.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Count 9! Count 8! Count 7! |
カウント 9 カウント 8 カウント 7 |
Countː 9 Countː 8 Countː 7 |
Listed with the other "countdown" text bits. The Air Force's Wave Cannon attack counts down from 6. No other enemy counts down in this manner, so these three are unused.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Doom Gaze became mute! Can't use Ice-elemental attack!! Doom Gaze was cured of injury! Ice-elemental attack recovered! Cut Doom Gaze's poisonous claw! Can't use "Poison" attack!! Doom Gaze became blind! Can't use "Doom"!! Doom Gaze was cured of injury! "Doom" recovered! |
デスゲイズの口を封じた! 冷気の攻撃が出来ない!!! デスゲイズの傷は癒やされた! 冷気の攻撃能力が回復する デスゲイズの毒のつめを封じた! 毒の攻撃が出来ない! デスゲイズの目を封じた! 死の攻撃が出来ない!! デスゲイズの傷は癒やされた! 死の攻撃能力が回復する |
Sealed Deathgaze's mouthǃ It can't use cold attacksǃǃ Deathgaze's wounds were healedǃ It recovered its ability to use cold attacks. Sealed Deathgaze's poisonous clawsǃ It can't use poisonous attacksǃǃ Sealed Deathgaze's eyesǃ It can't use death attacksǃǃ Deathgaze's wounds were healedǃ It recovered its ability to use death attacks. |
It seems like the fight with Doom Gaze (Death Gaze) was originally intended to be a considerably more strategic affair than it ended up being. None of the listed status effects even work on it, however, much less do what this dialogue suggests.
English | Japanese | Translation |
He's... coming to take control of us! |
やつが……やつが来るわ…… あやつられてしまう…… |
H... Here it comesǃ It's going to possess usǃ |
Pretty generic. Nobody "takes control of you", though, save for the female Chadarnook and Goddess, with their Charm and Love Token spell. And it goes without saying that neither one is a "he". The Wrexsoul fight is a possibility.
The Japanese dialogue implies it's a female character speaking.
English | Japanese | Translation |
My mission is |
我が使命は |
My mission is |
No idea what this was supposed to be for. The line just ends abruptly.
English | Japanese | Translation |
A fellow travelerǃ |
みちづれだー! |
I'm taking you with meǃ |
It's unknown what this was intended for. みちづれ can mean "fellow traveler", but in the context of a battle this is more likely. Obviously, this could have been used for an enemy or boss who tries to use one last super-strong attack before dying. The GBA version attributes this to the Soul Savers that accompany Wrexsoul in Cyan’s dream, and uses the Japanese interpretation.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Someone posing as me has been stealing treasures! Beware of being tricked! Remember, rewards come to unavaricious people. Well, let's begin! |
最近、俺のニセモノは 宝をあらしているようだけど おまえたち だまされちゃーいけねえぜ! お宝って〜のは、まってりゃ〜 むこうから、近づいてくるもんだぜ さあ 、おっぱじめるとするか |
It looks like my impostor's been going around stealing treasure lately... Don't let yourselves be fooledǃ Treasure comes to those who waitǃ Well, shall we get going? |
Almost certainly intended for a scrapped fight with Siegfried, which fits nicely with him inexplicably having a Rage, as well.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Such...strengh! Cyan...... Incredible...... |
つ、強い…… さすが、カイエン…… 見事だ…… |
S-so strong... You are as magnificent as I expected... Cayenne... |
The さすが in the Japanese line implies this is somebody who knows Cyan personally or is otherwise familiar with him. It could have been the "Leader" Cyan fights shortly after he's introduced, or somebody else. And yes, "strength" was misspelled in-game.
English | Japanese | Translation |
What's wrong? You look ill. Can I be of assistance? |
ふふふ……どうした? 顔色がすぐれないぞ しょうがない 少し助けてやるか |
Heheheh... What's the matter? You look pale. Ah, well. Can I help you out a bit? |
The sinister chuckle at the beginning implies this is someone who's either lying or being sarcastic. May have been a boldfaced lie spouted by someone from Zozo, presumably Dadaluma.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Ice Dragon called its pal! Skull Dragon summoned! Storm Dragon called its pal! Dirt Dragon summoned! Dirt Dragon called its pal! Gold Dragon summoned! Gold Dragon called its pal! Storm Dragon summoned! Skull Dragon called its pal! Blue Dragon summoned! Blue Dragon called its pal! Dirt Dragon summoned! Red Dragon called its pal! Ice Dragon summoned! White Dragon called its pal! Red Dragon summoned! |
フリーズドラゴンは仲間を呼んだ! スカルドラゴンしょうかん! ストームドラゴンは仲間を呼んだ! アースドラゴンしょうかん! アースドラゴンは仲間を呼んだ! イエロードラゴンしょうかん! イエロードラゴンは仲間を呼んだ! ストームドラゴンしょうかん! スカルドラゴンは仲間を呼んだ! ブルードラゴンしょうかん! ブルードラゴンは仲間を呼んだ! アースドラゴンしょうかん! レッドドラゴンは仲間を呼んだ! フリーズドラゴンしょうかん! ホーリードラゴンは仲間を呼んだ! レッドドラゴンしょうかん! |
Freeze Dragon called a partnerǃ Summoned Skull Dragonǃ Storm Dragon called a partnerǃ Summoned Earth Dragonǃ Earth Dragon called a partnerǃ Summoned Yellow Dragonǃ Yellow Dragon called a partnerǃ Summoned Storm Dragonǃ Skull Dragon called a partnerǃ Summoned Blue Dragonǃ Blue Dragon called a partnerǃ Summoned Earth Dragonǃ Red Dragon called a partnerǃ Summoned Freeze Dragonǃ Holy Dragon called a partnerǃ Summoned Red Dragonǃ |
More near-identical lines grouped together. It looks like the dragons once had some sort of "unity" planned, where one could call another for backup. This would have been an interesting idea, but it was probably deemed too difficult to implement properly (one of the challenges of the game, after all, is finding the dragons), resulting it being scrapped.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Storm Drgn undergoing changes! Dirt Dragon got mad! Skull Dragon lives on magic pwr! |
ストームドラゴンは変化がおきる! アースドラゴンは理性を失った! スカルドラゴンは魔力で生きている |
Storm Dragon is transformingǃ Earth Dragon lost all sensesǃ Skull Dragon lives with magic power. |
More dragon-related tidbits. The Storm Dragon never transforms and the Dirt Dragon is always mad, near as anyone can figure, and never seems to have any sense of reason. The last one appears to be a clue that the Skull Dragon dies at 0 MP. Interestingly, these concepts, if not the lines themselves, appear to have been used in the Game Boy Advance port, in the Dragon's Den bonus dungeon, where stronger versions of the eight dragons are fought. The Storm Dragon's "transformation" involves it cloaking itself in wind (which should give it Haste and Image, yet does nothing because of a glitch), the Earth Dragon gets furious and launches loads of incredibly powerful physical attacks when its HP hits a certain point, and the Skull Dragon can only be killed by depleting all its MP.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Guardian called his pal! |
ガーディアンは仲間を呼んだ! |
Guardian called a partnerǃ |
Guardian has no friends! Guardian needs no friends! Guardian is a machine, anyhow. Probably intended as part of its inexplicable "Ultros" battle program.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Absorbed by Hidonǃ |
ヒドゥンに吸収される! |
Absorbed by Hidonǃ |
What was Hidon supposed to absorb? It's true that it absorbs Poison-elemental attacks, but it's unlikely that this message was intended for that purpose. Perhaps at some point in development, it was able to absorb the Hidonite to regenerate itself?
English | Japanese | Translation |
Hidonite changes into Hidon |
ヒヒドゥンはヒドゥンに変化する |
Hihidon transforms into Hidon. |
Looks like Hidon was another enemy that was more interesting in the development stages than it ended up in the actual game. The Japanese text mentions an enemy called a "Hihidon" that doesn't exist in the final game--Hidonites are called "Erebos" (エレボス) in the Japanese version and the GBA version. It's possible this was an early name for the same enemy.
English | Japanese | Translation |
Pa, pai, Ouuuch! Bugobo...... Guwaaa!! Guwooo......! Guwooo!! Guwooo! |
イッ…… イッターーイ! グググ…… グワァーーー!! グゥオォォーー! グオォーー!! グォオオーー! |
O... Owchǃǃǃ Grr... Graaaahǃǃ Gwuurghhhǃ Gwarghhǃǃ Gwuarghhǃ |
Growls and other monster sounds, or possibly alternate "dialogue" for Gau. These lines are actually scattered throughout the text data haphazardly, but they're all basically the same thing. in the GBA version, the first line is attributed to Kefka and the third line is attributed to Whelk (Ymir).