Furi (Windows)/Unused Text
This is a sub-page of Furi (Windows).
There's a good amount of unused text relating to cut lines.
The localized text can be found internally with the path Assets/GameBakers/ResourcesAddressables/Localization/Localization.txt.
The Voice
This is used in the post-fight sequence after fighting The Chain.
There is an unused voice clip associated with this line in Furi\Furi_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows\English(US)\Dialog_Law_SoundBank.bnk (and their localized folders).
Language | Law_Bonus04_cut | Law_Bonus04 |
EN | The most beautiful world of them all. | And you know what? We’re going to get there! |
FR | Le plus merveilleux des mondes. | Et tu sais quoi ? C'est là qu'on va ! |
JA | 世界一美しい世界だ。 | そこに俺らは向かう! |
DE | Es ist die schönste Welt von allen. | Und weißt du was? Wir werden sie erreichen! |
RU | Самый прекрасный мир из всех. | Мы до него доберемся! |
IT | Il mondo più bello che ci sia. | E sai una cosa? Noi ci andremo! |
ES | El mundo más maravilloso de todos. | ¿Y sabes qué? ¡Llegaremos hasta él! |
PTBR | O mundo mais belo de todos. | E sabe de uma coisa? Nós vamos para lá! |
ZH_HANS | 那是最美好的世界了 | 知道吗?我们就要去那里了! |
PO | Najpiękniejszy świat ze wszystkich. | I wiesz co? Zabiorę cię tam! |
KO | 가장 아름다운 세계라 할 수 있지. | 우리가 바로 지금 그 세상으로 가고 있다 이거야! |
The Voice describes The Scale's mental state a little differently.
Language | Scale_path10_cut | Scale_path10 |
EN | He went insane, cuckoo, loco, perdido… | You know, he got, um,... contaminated. |
FR | Ça l'a rendu fou, coucou, loco… | Tu sais, il a été, mmm, contaminé. |
JA | 発狂、狂乱、錯乱状態 … | あいつはなあ… 気が触れてるんだ。 |
DE | Ist jetzt bekloppt, gaga, plemplem, damisch ... | Also, er wurde ... ähm ... verseucht. |
RU | Сошел с ума, спятил, потерял рассудок... | Он, как бы, э... заражен. |
IT | È diventato pazzo, folle, loco, perso... | Lui è stato, ehm... contaminato. |
ES | Se volvió loco, tarado, pirado, perdido... | Mira, esto... Se contaminó. |
PTBR | Ficou insano, maluco, doido, biruta... | Ele... hã... ficou contaminado. |
ZH_HANS | 他癫狂,疯魔,迷乱,恐慌…… | 他好像,那个,呃……被感染了 |
PO | Oszalał, kuku na muniu i w ogóle… | On został, no wiesz… napromieniowany. |
KO | 미쳐버린 거지... | 음... 오염되어 버렸어. |
The bonus dialogue for The Scale from The Voice.
Language | Scale_Bonus_A_cut | Scale_Bonus_A |
EN | Agonised over the pros and cons. | I thought about it for so long. |
FR | J'ai agonisé sur les pour et les contre. | J'y ai réfléchi pendant tellement longtemps. |
JA | 善と悪の間で苦悩してきた。 | それについてはずっと考えていた。 |
DE | mir das Gehirn wegen der Vorteile und Nachteile zermartert. | Ich habe so lange darüber nachgegrübelt, |
RU | Взвешивал за и против. | Я так долго об этом думал. |
IT | Ho soppesato i pro e i contro. | Ci ho pensato su a lungo. |
ES | Desesperé con las ventajas y las desventajas. | Pensé mucho en ello. |
PTBR | Ponderei os prós e os contras. | Pensei tanto nisso. |
ZH_HANS | 在利弊之间痛苦挣扎着 | 长久以来我一直在考虑一个问题 |
PO | Rozważałem wady i zalety. | Myślałem o tym od tak dawna. |
KO | 좋은 점과 나쁜 점이 뭔지 생각하면서 말이야. | 오랫동안 그걸 생각해봤지. |
The Star
The Star has an unused behaviour that would propose to The Rider to give up, some text remains from this.
The game plays "Welcome back, Rider" (Mothership_01) then "Let's see your report on your target planet." (Mothership_01_c), skipping both "Mothership_01_a" and "Mothership_01_b".
There is an unused voice clip associated with this line in Furi\Furi_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows\English(US)\Dialog_Mothership_SoundBank.bnk (and their localized folders).
Language | Text |
EN | Proceed to control room. |
FR | Avancez jusqu'à la salle de contrôle. |
JA | コントロールルームへどうぞ。 |
DE | Begib dich in den Kommandoraum. |
RU | Перейди в зал управления. |
IT | Vai alla sala controllo. |
ES | Procede a la sala de control. |
PTBR | Continue até a sala de controle. |
ZH_HANS | 进入控制室 |
PO | Udaj się do sterowni. |
KO | 제어실로 가라. |
There is an unused voice clip associated with this line in Furi\Furi_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows\English(US)\Dialog_Mothership_SoundBank.bnk (and their localized folders).
Language | Text |
EN | Finally, you are back. It’s been a while, Rider. |
FR | Tu es enfin de retour. Cela fait longtemps, Rider. |
JA | やっと帰ってきましたね。 久し振りですね、ライダー。 |
DE | Endlich! Du bist zurück! Es ist lange her, Reisende. |
RU | Наконец-то ты вернулся, Всадник. |
IT | Finalmente sei tornato. È passato molto tempo, Cavaliere. |
ES | Por fin, has vuelto. Ha pasado mucho tiempo, Rider. |
PTBR | Finalmente você voltou. Faz tempo, Rider. |
ZH_HANS | 你终于回来了,好久不见,骑手 |
PO | W końcu wróciłeś. Minęło trochę czasu, jeźdźcu. |
KO | 드디어 돌아왔군. 오랜만이다, 라이더. |
RU_GS | Наконец-то ты вернулась, Всадница. |
IT_GS | Finalmente sei tornata. È passato molto tempo, Cavaliere. |
PO_GS | W końcu wróciłaś. Minęło trochę czasu, jeźdźcu. |
The other line Ending1_Outro_02, does not have any text.
There is an unused voice clip associated with this line in Furi\Furi_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows\English(US)\Dialog_Mothership_SoundBank.bnk (and their localized folders).
Language | Text |
EN | Good. Back to who you really are. |
FR | Bien. Tu es redevenu toi-même. |
JA | よろしい。 本来のお前に戻るのです。 |
DE | Gut. Du bist also, wie du bist. |
RU | Хорошо. Назад к своей сущности. |
IT | Bene. Torna a ciò che sei davvero. |
ES | Bien. Recupera tu verdadero yo. |
PTBR | Ótimo. Volte a ser o que é de fato. |
ZH_HANS | 好极了,去做你真正想做的人吧 |
PO | Dobrze. Wróć do bycia tym, czym jesteś. |
KO | 좋다. 본연의 모습으로 돌아왔군. |
There is an unused voice clip associated with this line in Furi\Furi_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows\English(US)\Dialog_Mothership_SoundBank.bnk (and their localized folders).
Language | text |
EN | You are what you were made for. Follow our rules. Everything will be forgotten. |
FR | Tu es ce pour quoi tu as été conçu. Suis nos règles. Tout sera oublié. |
JA | あなたは目的達成のために作り出されたのです。 私たちのルールに従えば、すべてなかったことにしましょう。 |
DE | Du bist, wofür du gemacht wurdest. Befolge unsere Regeln und alles ist vergeben und vergessen. |
RU | Ты то, для чего тебя создали. Подчинись нашим правилам. Все будет забыто. |
IT | Sei ciò per cui sei stato creato. Obbedire alle regole. Tutto verrà dimenticato. |
ES | Eres para lo que fuiste creado. Obedece nuestras normas. Todo quedará olvidado. |
PTBR | Você é o que a sua natureza manda. Obedeça nossas regras. Tudo será perdoado. |
ZH_HANS | 你生来就是有目的的,遵照我们规则,我们可以既往不咎 |
PO | Jesteś tym, do czego zostałeś stworzony. Przestrzegaj naszych zasad, a wszystko zostanie ci wybaczone. |
KO | 본문을 잊지 마라. 우리 규칙을 따르면 모든 것을 묵인해주겠다." |
There is an unused voice clip associated with this line in Furi\Furi_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows\English(US)\Dialog_Mothership_SoundBank.bnk (and their localized folders).
Language | text |
EN | You can still stop this. We will forgive you. We will restore you. |
FR | Tu peux encore arrêter ça. Nous te pardonnerons. Nous te restaurerons. |
JA | まだ遅くはない。 やめれば許しましょう。 元通りにしてあげます。 |
DE | Du kannst es noch ändern. Wir werden dir vergeben. Wir werden dich wiederherstellen. |
RU | Ты можешь это остановить. Мы простим тебя. Мы тебя восстановим. |
IT | Puoi ancora fermare tutto questo. Ti perdoneremo. Ti resetteremo. |
ES | Aún puedes detenerlo. Te perdonaremos. Te restauraremos. |
PTBR | Você ainda pode impedir isso. Nós o perdoaremos. Vamos restaurá-lo. |
ZH_HANS | 现在停手还不迟,我们会原谅你,我们会重建你 |
PO | Możesz nadal się wycofać. Wybaczymy ci. Naprawimy cię. |
KO | 아직 늦지 않았다. 지금 멈춘다면 당신이 벌인 일을 묵인하고 회복시켜 주겠다. |
Unused Achievements
This used to be the 39th achievement.
Language | title | description |
EN | Furi | \"The Jailer is the key. Kill him, and you'll be Furi.\" |
FR | Furi | \"Le gardien est la clef… Pour être Furi, il te faut le tuer.\" |
JA | フリー | 「看守がポイントだ。 看守を殺せばフリーだ。 」 |
DE | Furi | „Der Wärter ist der Schlüssel. Töte ihn, und du wirst Furi sein.“ |
RU | Furi | «Тюремщик — путь на волю. Убей его, и станешь Furi.» |
IT | Furi | “Il carceriere è la chiave. Uccidilo e sarai Furi.” |
ES | Furi | «El carcelero es la clave, mátalo y serás Furi.» |
PTBR | Furi | “O carcereiro é a chave. Mate-o e você será Furi.” |
ZH_HANS | 非人 | “狱卒就是钥匙。杀了他,你就会成为非人。” |
PO | Furi | 'Strażnik jest kluczem. Zabij go, a będziesz Furi.' |
KO | Furi | \"간수가 열쇠야. 놈을 죽이면 Furi가 될 수 있어.\"" |
We Will Restore You
This used to be the 13th achievement, and is related to the Surrender ending.
There is an unused Achievement Event associated with this.
Language | title | description |
EN | We Will Restore You | Change your mind at the last minute |
FR | Nous te restaurerons | Change d'avis à la dernière minute |
JA | 元通りに | 最後の最後で考えを変える |
DE | Wir vergeben dir | Entscheide dich in letzter Minute um. |
RU | Мы вернем тебя | Передумай в последний момент |
IT | Ti resetteremo | Cambia idea all'ultimo momento |
ES | Te restauraremos | Cambia de opinión en el último momento. |
PTBR | Vamos recuperá-lo | Mudar de ideia de última hora |
ZH_HANS | 我们会重建你 | 在最后一刻改变主意 |
PO | Przekonamy Cię | Zmień zdanie w ostatniej chwili |
KO | 우리가 널 회복시켜주겠다 | 마지막 순간에 결심을 바꾸십시오. |
Do Your Homework
This used to be the 18th achievement.
There is an unused Achievement Event associated with this.
Language | title | description |
EN | Do Your Homework | Watch all the videos in the How To Play option menu |
FR | Fais tes devoirs | Regarde toutes les vidéos dans la section Comment Jouer du menu Options |
JA | 下調べ | 「遊び方」メニューにある動画をすべて見る |
DE | Mach deine Hausaufgaben | Schau dir alle Videos unter „Anleitung“ im Optionenmenü an. |
RU | Сделай домашнюю работу | Просмотри все видео из раздела меню «Руководство по игре» |
IT | Fai i compiti a casa | Guarda tutti i video del menu opzioni Come si gioca |
ES | Haz los deberes | Mira todos los vídeos de Cómo jugar. |
PTBR | Faça sua lição de casa | Ver todos os vídeos na opção do menu Como Jogar |
ZH_HANS | 做足功课 | 观看选项菜单中“如何游玩”的所有视频 |
PO | Odrób Lekcje | Obejrzyj wszystkie filmy z menu ”Jak grać” |
KO | 숙제는 필수 | 플레이 방법 옵션 메뉴에서 모든 영상을 시청하십시오. |
TGB Code
This used to be the 19th achievement.
There is an unused Achievement Event associated with this.
Language | title | description |
EN | TGB Code | Enter the TGB code on the main screen |
FR | Code TGB | Entre le code TGB sur l'écran principal |
JA | TGBコード | メインスクリーンでTGBコードを入れる |
DE | TGB-Code | Gib im Hauptbildschirm den TGB-Code ein. |
RU | Код TGB | Введи код TGB на главном экране |
IT | Codice TGB | Inserisci il codice TGB nella schermata principale |
ES | Código TGB | Introduce el código TGB en la pantalla principal. |
PTBR | Código TGB | Inserir o código TGB na tela principal |
ZH_HANS | TGB代码 | 在主菜单中输入TGB码 |
PO | Kod TGB | Wprowadź kod TGB w menu głównym |
KO | TGB 코드 | 주화면에서 TGB 코드를 입력하십시오. |
These strings can be found internally in Assets/GameBakers/Scripts/Test/LocalizationData.json.
It is unknown if this text was part of actual development or was used to pad out lines, regardless, comparing this dialogue with the dialogue used in game paints a different idea of the story.
The lines use "we" when talking about the jailers, while The Voice uses "they" in the ingame lines. This suggests that The Voice let The Rider know he was part of the jailers, instead of just hinting at it. Test Strap couldn't be killed so the prison was built, but Ingame Strap was just caged. The Ingame Prison keeps growing around her, but Test Prison suggests that they were just barely strong enough. The dialogue also suggests that there were other beings captured that they couldn't kill, though this could just refer to The Rider.
The Voice is talking to The Rider about The Strap (internally known as Nemesis) in the pre-fight walking section.
id | texts |
NEMESIS_ST_01_01\r\n | She shares a lot with you.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_01_02 | We could not really terminate her, so we built this and locked her in.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_02_01\r\n | And then, the genius thought: why not use her against him?\r |
NEMESIS_ST_02_02 | You know the enemy of my enemy is, well, anyway.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_03_01\r\n | Anything that’s locked up for too long will come out more fucked up than before.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_03_02\r\n | That’s why we never let them out, ever.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_03_03\r\n | And we are like, yeah but you know we don’t kill them, we don’t do that.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_03_04\r\n | That's bullshit. Some of them we would have killed if we could, if you see what I mean.\r\n |
NEMESIS_ST_03_05\r\n | Anyway, it turned her completely crazy. \nBeyond repair. |
NEMESIS_ST_03_06\r\n | She’s pure rage now.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_04_01\r\n | She's so mad she almost tore through several times.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_04_02\r\n | But the good old walls are still standing.\nJust quite though. |
NEMESIS_ST_05_01\r\n | She’s wild. She’ll hunt you down and rip you in pieces if she sees you.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_05_02\n | In many ways she’s the toughest in here.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_05_03\n | But that’s after you.\r |
Presumably, this is the line used when you game over. Release lines use "gameover".(Voice_Gameover_nemesis).
id | texts |
NEMESIS_ST_GPHINT_01\r\n | Get her down as soon as you get the chance. Don’t hesitate. She won’t.\r |
The pre-fight lines ingame resemble these test bonus lines. The ingame text uses "Frantically searching for something" instead of "Frenetically" which are similar in meaning. Additionally, The Voice instead talks more about The Strap and how the jailers caged her.
id | texts |
NEMESIS_ST_BONUS_01_01\r\n | Why did she come here in the first place. She crashed through one day.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_BONUS_01_02\r\n | Frenetically looking for something. And I kept asking myself, what the hell is happening? Why? What next?\r |
NEMESIS_ST_BONUS_01_03\r\n | We could just spend an eternity wondering about that, making knots in our heads.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_BONUS_01_04\r\n | Or we could just, you know, … live.\r |
Presumably, these are lines used in the post-fight where The Voice speaks to The Rider after the boss fight. Release lines use "_outro" as part of their filename (such as The Scale's Scale_Outro01).
id | texts |
NEMESIS_ST_06_01\r\n | She was something huh? But don’t worry.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_06_02\r\n | I know them all. I know their style, their weapons, their moves, their poker faces.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_06_03\r\n | I know what they think before they even think it.\r |
NEMESIS_ST_06_04\r\n | I will tell you. I will help. You focus on what you are good at.\r\n |
id | text |