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GP Championship 2

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Title Screen

GP Championship 2

Also known as: World Car Championship (DE), Grand Prix Simulator (DE 2009 box)
Developer: Interactive Entertainment
Publishers: Incagold (EU/BR/UK/IN), media Verlagsgesellschaft (DE)
Platform: Windows
Released in EU: 2004
Released in UK: 2006
Released in DE: May 26, 2009
Released in BR: 2005
Released in AS: 2008 (IN)

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

GP Championship 2 is a low budget racing game for Windows.


Unused Race Tracks

There are seven unused race tracks left in the game with varying levels of completion based on Belgium, Japan, Pacific, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Italy.

All of them are very unremarkable and all but Belgium are missing Skyboxes and none of them have previews when selecting them on the Track Selection Menu.

They are quite buggy and may crash when trying to load them.

(Source: https://www.grandprixgames.org/read.php?6,689178)

Unused Text

Within the folder d\GP is tracks.txt, a file which determines the tracks to be used by the game. An earlier version of this file, labeled TRACKS.bak, can also be found in this folder, and contains a few differences. One thing to note is that this early variant is dated July 30, 2002, almost two years prior to the used one (February 23, 2004).

  • The very first track in the unused variant is Belgium, which, as stated in the section above, is unused.
REALNAME "Belgium"
FILENAME "Belgium"
DIRNAME	 "Belgium"
  • In turn, Canada, which is the first track in the final game, is the eighth one in the unused file. It's worth to mention the used track file does not have an eighth slot.

Hidden Developer Message

Found within the textures folder is a password locked .zip file called "ReadThis.zip".

To open the zip container, type in the password smack.

Inside is a text file named "ReadThis.txt" which houses some messages from a seemingly stressed and upset developer.

Hi Tony,

This is a serious issue and it's not intended as a joke in anyway.
I am writing to complain about Alan Marshal.
Since the first day of his employment hes has caused segragation between the ART and Programming department.
I resent this very much becuase ever since i have been here i have worked hard to establish good working relations
with all other departments... including games testers and producers. I have never ever had problems with anyone in this 
office before, and have always been activily involved with all programmers. Trust and respect is something i consider 
very important in the workplace. Alan seems to think the Art department is SEPARATE to the programmers.... thus the 
build up of tension and distrust. 

This all stems from his sad superiouority complex. Since day one he has always had the attiude that just because he is a 
programmer he's better and more important than any ARTIST in the company. He has always felt that his role in this 
company is more important than mine, and has shown dis-spect many times. He considers himself in a more senior 
position than me. I don't care for seniorority, i only resent his lack of respect for it. This effects working with him because
he feels he only needs to do as he wishes and whatever i see as important he shrugs off with the exscuses, "Oh, its'
only a budget game, that won't really matter". I don't know if this is his lasyness but i consider this behaviour as unacceptable, 
especially because our ART can take weeks, months to do. Yet his role only takes hours days.

My main resean for complaining is the segagration he has caused between both departments. I have no problems with Jim or the new guy
John. In fact i consider relations with john to be excellent. He has the same drive to do somthing really special as the guys in the art dept.
I am complaining about Alans Two Faced, Spying, Backstabbing perona. He seems to think his job in the office is to spy on
the Art dept. Everyday he comes up about 6 plus times purely just to see, scan his eyes all over our monitors to see if we
are doing anything out of line. He would pretend to chat to us but look straigt through us to see our monitors. If "HE" decides we are doing anything
outta line, then he won't have a one to one with us to find out why we are doing what we are doing. Instead behind our backs
he will e-mail Barry in is brown nosing way to inform on us. I believe this is one reason some people are supsciaous
about the conduct of the ART dept. His behavioiur had made him many enermies in our dept. At one point in his employment he
has caused problems to several Artist. He tends to spread shit about them... lieing purely for his own gains. Hes seem to have
the mentality that he can climb up the corprate ladder by back-stabbing and spreading unfair rumores about anyone he wishes.

A few examples,

* Only i drink tea in the art dept... so when Tea drinkers like us make a tea we are taking time of our
  10 mins break to make tea and then maybe to chill out a bit. For me i like to chat with the programmers to build some kind of bonding.
  Unfortionly when Cass, Gimp, Steff, Richie and Imran are out of their seat he makes out that they are messing 
  around and have been talking for hours!.  
  I think this is unfare as these guys do not take tea breaks and are often disscussing work related issues.  
  And to do this sometimes they need to be out of their seats especially when track artist have to collaborate with
  texture artist. If Alan sees this he will go back into his office and say things like, "oh those guys are JUST chatting
  upstairs, they have been chatting for 2 hours, all i hear them do is chat".

* It is a mystery how he get's he's work done when he seem's to spend all his time coming upstairs to see what we are doing.

* Part of my work involes surfing the web sites of Photo sites to download images i require for textures. Yet i am paranoid to do this
  because of Alans attidude. He will question me about what i am doing as if i am doing somthing wrong. Whats his bisness question me? I should 
  be free to do whatever i wish in order to properly do my Job as long as i am doing my very best and keeping to my deadlines.

* He seems to think the Art Dept has an easy time and don't work hard. How dare he. I for one work my ass of. I always have deadlines to
  meet and to about a millions different things a year, yet MR Marshal trivelises my work and dares come up just to spy on me.

I am speaking on hehalf of the ENTIRE Art Dept, Alan has been acting like this from day one. It has got to the point were i am now sick and tired
of is un-team like attidude. None of us trust him.... when he chats to us we know hes just spying and double checking on us. We should not have
to work under the atmosphere of supsion and segratgation, backstabbing, spying and lies. Because of his attiude i am unable to work with him becuase
all i see is a two faced bugger whos pretends to be our friend yet is poised to back stab anyone of us just for his personal gain in the
company. I am sick of his sucking up to Barry and Jim. Thus when he lies to them i am sure they go with his story.

I want you to remind him that his Job here is as a programmer, to be a team player with us. His job is not to caused segugation by acting like a spy on the Art Dept. I am the senior Artist, it's my Job to make sure the Art Dept are in line.

I have no problems with John, hes really cool and when he chats with us theres really a sense of team work and striving at the same goal.

Sorry Tony for a long letter, i keep on repeating myself but i am really angry. I have known about his backstabbing of me for some time now but the latest one really ticked me off.


I'm gonna Skin the sucker and put him in a bamboo cage.