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Gun Mayhem

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Title Screen

Gun Mayhem

Developer: Kevin Gu
Publisher: Armor Games
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: May 20, 2011

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Gun Mayhem puts a twist on platform fighter games by giving players guns. Featuring Caveman Johnson, Gun Fu Master, a blue Santa, and lots of renamed real-world firearms.

Unused Text

Unused Trace Output

ActionScript code in Symbol 790, Frame 5 & 6 contains trace calls that are never executed.

trace("do not output this message");
trace("oh no you should not be reading this message");

Unused Message

Symbol 908 is a popup message meant to show up in Campaign levels when trying to start a level with no (human) player slots. The "Clear slot" button is not available for Player 1 in Campaign levels, so this message goes unused.

Symbol 908 Transcript
At least 1 player
must be active

Unused Tutorial Text

Symbol 42 (hud_tutorialtext) is a tutorial covering game controls. Judging by the last line, it was meant to display in the tutorial level.

Symbol 42 Transcript
Welcome to Gun Mayhem. Please check the options menu for controls.
Move Around using your movement keys.
To double jump, press the jump key while in the air.
To shoot, press the shoot button. To Throw bombs, press the bomb button.
Drop down from a platform by pressing down.
Kill the dummy 3 times to win.

"Catch the Duck" game mode

Symbol 1274, Frame 1 contains a description for a nonexistent game mode called "Catch the Duck". Ducks do appear in the game, but are filled with explosives and players are supposed to avoid them.

Symbol 1274, Frame 1 Transcript
Catch the Duck

Hold on to the duck for as long as possible.

You can pause the game at any
time by pressing ESC or SPACE

Game Options

Lives  10
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Graphics

Collision Marker

Symbol 700, a tiny blue-and-orange square, is used by the developers to mark collision test points in powerup and AI player symbols. It contains only one line of ActionScript code, which is to hide itself.

Symbol 700 Symbol 702 (playerAI)
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Weapons

gun_m1911weak ("COOL PISTOL INFINITY")

Sprite Firing
GunMayhem-GunM1911Weak.png GunMayhem-GunM1911WeakFiring.png

This weapon is used in Campaign level 8 by the enemy AI, only as a fallback in case its De-materializer runs out of ammo. Despite the code name, this weapon has the exact same stat as the used Cool Pistol (gun_m1911) except ammo capacity, which is cranked up to 9999 (treated as "infinite" by game logic). It also (understandably) lacks a reloading animation.

gun_m1911gold ("LAME GUN")

Sprite Firing
GunMayhem-GunM1911Gold.png GunMayhem-GunM1911GoldFiring.png

Another duplicate of the Cool Pistol with ammo capacity buffed to 24, though this value has no effect. (This weapon reloads instantly due to the lack of a reloading animation, so effectively infinite ammo.) It also notably has its weight undefined, causing the player to be unable to move horizontally when wielding this weapon unless the "SPEED+" perk is present. Its sprite was later refined and used as the Gold Pistol in the sequel.


Sprite Firing & Reloading Bullet (bullet5_grenade)
GunMayhem-GunNade1.png GunMayhem-GunNade1Firing.png

Works pretty much as one would expect; that is, launches an (otherwise unused) grenade when fired. The grenade then bounces forward and explodes after a couple of seconds, or instantly when on contact with an enemy. The explosion is the same as players' bombs, albeit with no sound and does not trigger an AI dodge. Has an ammo capacity of only 5.


Sprite Firing
GunMayhem-GunGloves.png GunMayhem-GunGlovesFiring.png

Appearently players were meant to be able to punch each other directly instead of with a handgun! It will work if hacked into the game; a successful punch in the face will show an (otherwise unused) "POW" effect (fx_combo with asdf set to -7; bright yellow like the used "BOOM" and "QUACK" effects), and provide a knockback akin to a sniper hit. It lacks firing and hit sounds, and would fire a bullet on each punch due to the lack of melee attack logic. The fired bullets are not as powerful, though.

(Source: Original TCRF research)


AI cheating out on collecting crates

ActionScript code in Symbol 669 (crate), Frame 1 contains logic for weapon crates. A special case is coded in it that if an AI player collects a crate and gets weapon #26 (gun_lusa, Loser SMG), it is immediately converted to weapon #55 (gun_mini, Minigun). This means AI players cannot get Loser SMGs from crates, but will have double the chance to get a Minigun. The purpose of this special case is unclear.

 if(randgun == 26 && _root.activeplayers[i].AI)
     randgun = 55;
(Source: Original TCRF research)