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Help:Contents/Finding Content/Systems/Meta Quest

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There are two easy methods to getting OBBs of Quest games, these being Oculus Downgrader and QuestAPKVersionSwitcher.

Method 1 (Oculus Downgrader)


  • A Meta account that owns the game you are trying to download.
  • A PC.
  • Oculus Downgrader.


  1. Open OculusDowngrader.exe, and complete the setup steps.
  2. Press 8, type Quest, press Enter.


  1. In OculusDowngrader, press 2 and input the password you gave the program, and then type the name of your app
  2. Download your build. Cross-check dates if you're looking for pre-final things.
  3. Change the extension of the OBB file that gets downloaded to .zip, then extract the files.


For Unity-based games, nothing further than exporting the OBB should be required to get the game files.

For Unreal-based games, there will sometimes be a png file. After renaming that to ZIP, you now have the folder structure for the game.

Method 2 (QuestAppVersionSwitcher)

For the sake of not typing that whole name, from this point on it will be referred to as "QAVS".


  • A Meta account that owns the game you are trying to download.
  • QAVS.


  1. Just like OculusDowngrader, upon boot it will walk you through setup. Unlike OculusDowngrader, QAVS automatically gets your Oculus account because of Quest license verification stuff.
  2. Set up your download location if you need to. By default, it will be located in your Quest's root, in a folder named QuestAppVersionSwitcher.


  1. Click "Downgrade Game" and then search up the title of your game.
  2. Downloadable depots are labeled with "Download". Any depots that aren't publicly available are labeled with "Developers Only" and typically are things like test branches or beta branches. If you have access to these, you can download them provided you know their appid.