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Initial D: Mountain Vengeance

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Title Screen

Initial D - Mountain Vengeance

Developer: Canopy Games
Publisher: ValuSoft
Platform: Windows
Released in US: 2004

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Initial D - Mountain Vengeance is an early 2004 PC racing game based on Tokyopop's English dub of the first Initial D television series. It's widely regarded as the worst Initial D-licensed game ever released, and is also the only one to be developed and released only in America.

Unused Graphics


InitialD MVWin Menublank.jpg

Stored in \menu\blank. Possibly some kind of early menu mock-up?


InitialD MVWin Berglum.jpg

Stored in \menu\common. Absolutely no idea what this... thing... could have served a purpose for in the game. Probably none.