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Title Screen


Developer: Game Plan
Publisher: Game Plan
Platform: Arcade (Game Plan hardware)
Released internationally: December 1981

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Kaos features a clown that turns into a king when he smashes his head into the Eye of Providence. You must collect coins across moving platforms before they turn into dragons. Be careful not to touch the sides or you'll be electrocuted.

This is why Game Plan focused on pinball tables.

Unused Graphics

KaosAltGameTank.gif KaosAltGameEnemy.gif KaosAltGameUFO.png
Starting at D000 are graphics for a completely different type of game. This seems to be some kind of Space Invaders clone.

KaosAltGameSpike.png KaosAltGameSupport.png KaosAltGameParticles.png
Intriguingly, these graphics seem to come from an unreleased game! The closest match is Game Plan's Intruder, which had similar looking enemy ships, but none of the other graphics match up.

(Source: Original TCRF research)