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Kirby & the Amazing Mirror/Unused Graphics/Early Localization Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Kirby & the Amazing Mirror/Unused Graphics.

The Japanese and American versions of the game include unused work-in-progress graphics for the different localizations of the European version. Since there are so many of these leftovers, it's likely that localization work was being developed alongside the main game. These graphics have all been documented below, complete with nice comparisons.

Exclusive To The Japanese Version

Early Spanish File Select

These early Spanish file select graphics can be found starting at 007560B8. In the early version, the letters are wider, and the circles in the second file are smaller. The final European version uses a thinner font, which allows for the circles in the second file to be bigger. It's worth noting that in the prototype, the same graphics from the final European version can be located in 0062BEA4.

Early Graphics Final Spanish Graphics
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Spanish Files.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Spanish Files.png
(Source: Vyroz)

Early English Mode Select

The offset 00766A98 has some WIP graphics for the "Start Game" and "Sub-Games" buttons from the mode select screen. However, the only real difference is found on the letter "M" on both buttons. In actuality, the text is pulled straight from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land.

Early Graphics Final English Graphics
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Start Game.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Start Game.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Sub-Games.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Sub-Games.png
(Source: Vyroz)

Early French Mode Select

This time, the French graphic for the "Start Game" button also has an earlier version using the same text from Nightmare in Dream Land, reading "Choix Jeu" (Choose Game). The text was changed to "Debut Jeu" (Start Game) for the final version. The unused graphic can be found at 007747D8.

Early Graphic Final French Graphic
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early French Select.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final French Select.png
(Source: Vyroz)

Early English Erase File Graphics

At 00769618, an early English graphic for the message that pops up when trying to erase a file has a thicker font can be found. This piece of text was also ripped straight from Nightmare in Dream Land, but thanks to overwhelming palette changes, the words appear to blend with each other in this unused graphic.

Early Graphics Final English Graphics
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Erase File 1.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Erase File 1.png
(Source: Vyroz)

Early English and German Player Select

Early graphics for the buttons to choose the player settings can also be found. The differences are minor, however.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early English Player Select.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final English Player Select.png 00768B98 The final version of the English graphic makes the letters L and E in "MULTIPLAYER" thinner. This is done so the Kirbys don't appear to be lacking space, and to be consistent with the width of the other letters in the "PLAYER" part.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early German Player Select.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final German Player Select.png 0076FE18 The final version of the German graphic makes the barely noticeable change of making the top end of the letter S in "MEHRSPIELER" thicker.
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Boss Endurance Select

Some WIP Boss Endurance menu button graphics for the European version of the game are also present. The way the words are stylized more closely resembles Nightmare in Dream Land‍ '​s own Boss Endurance select graphics.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Boss Endurance.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Boss Endurance.png 0076D4D8 Nearly identical to the final version. The B got some corners filled and a multiplayer icon was added next to it for the final graphics.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Combat des Boss.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Combat des Boss.png 0077A218 French graphic. The whole sentence was capitalized for the final release, and the B received the same changes as the ones detailed above. A multiplayer icon was added.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Boss-Marathon.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Boss-Marathon.png 00773F98 German graphic. Like with the French graphics, the whole sentence was capitalized. The B also got some corners filled, the M was redrawn, and a multiplayer icon was added in the final version.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Resisti Ai Boss.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Resisti Ai Boss.png 00786618 Italian graphic. The early version is nearly identical to the final version, as only a multiplayer icon was added.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early ¡Son los jefes!.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final ¡Son los jefes!.png 00780418 Spanish graphic. The final version is completely capitalized and a multiplayer icon was added.
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Menu Top Bars

Various of the top bars that appear in the main menus have earlier, unused versions with very minor differences.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early File Select.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final File Select.png 0074AD58 The dot got moved one pixel to the left for the final version.


Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Game Select.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Game Select.png 0074B478 The whole text starting at the dot got moved one pixel to the left.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early SUB.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final SUB.png 0074BB98 The dot got moved one pixel to the left...
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Transmitting.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Transmitting.png 0074C2B8 The whole text, dot included, was moved to the left to make space for the ellipsis.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Erase File.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Erase File.png 0074C9D8 The dot got moved one pixel to the left. I'm so sorry.
Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Transmission.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Transmission.png 007552B8 The whole text was moved to the left to make space for the ellipsis.
Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Transmissione.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Transmissione.png 0075B738 Same changes as the English version's transmitting graphic.
Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Transmtiendo.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Transmitiendo.png 00759398 Same changes as the French version's transmitting graphic.
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Music & Sound Graphics

Starting at 007BC818, early graphics for the text shown in the Sound Player can be found. The main differences are found in the letters M and N, as they were changed to resemble actual uppercase letters.

Early Graphics Final Graphics
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Music & Sound.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Music & Sound.png
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Kirby Wave Ride Graphics

Early NLZ Compressed graphics exist for some of the text appearing in the Kirby Wave Ride sub-game:

The notices that appear when starting and finishing a race have unused graphics for all languages, except Italian, as graphics for the Italian localization of the game do not exist.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early C'est Parti.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final C'est Parti.png Offset 003943B8, Image 725 French graphic, translating to "LET'S GO!". The early version's gradient is different, as it's made of 4 by 4 pixel boxes instead of 1 by 1. The final version is way more compact.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Arrivee.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Arrivee.png Offset 003943B8, Image 725 French graphic, translating to "ARRIVAL". The early version also uses the different gradient style. Once again, the final version was made more compact.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Start GER.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Start GER.png Offset 003913B0, Image 724 German graphic. The early version is actually just the normal English graphic. The final version uses a more elaborate gradient.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Ziel.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Ziel.png Offset 003913B0, Image 724 German graphic, translating to "GOAL". The final version uses the more elaborate gradient style.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Ya.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Ya.png Offset 00397688, Image 726 Spanish graphic, translating to "NOW!". The final version uses a better gradient as well, and it also makes the letter A one pixel thinner.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Meta.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Meta.png Offset 00397688, Image 726 Spanish graphic, translating to "GOAL". The final version uses a better gradient, while also making various adjustments to the letters to make the graphic more compact.

The graphics that pop up when jumping at the peak of a ramp have early versions in Spanish. The "EXCELLENT!" graphic in all languages hadn't been drawn yet, so they use the regular English graphics as placeholders.

Early Graphics Final Spanish Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Bien.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Bien.png
Offset 00397688, Image 726 Graphic translating to "GOOD!". The early version misspells it as "¡BIAN!". The final version corrects it to "¡BIEN!".
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Genial.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Genial.png
Offset 00397688, Image 726 Graphic translating to "GREAT!". The final version uses thinner letters.

The ranking graphics at the results screen have early versions in French and Spanish.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Classement.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Classement.png
Offset 003943B8, Image 725 French graphic, translating to "RANKING". The final version uses thinner letters.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Posición.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Posición.png
Offset 00397688, Image 726 Spanish graphic, translating to "POSITION". The early version misspells it as "POSICIOIN". The final version corrects it to "POSICIÓN".
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Sub-Game Level Prompts

Also within NLZ Compressed graphics are early "LEVEL" prompts used when sub-games end. These graphics appear in all of the sprite sheets of all the sub-games, but their initial location is taken from Speed Eaters, as that's the sub-game whose sprite sheet comes first. German graphics are finalized, while Italian graphics do not exist.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Level.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Level.png Offset 0036F4BC, Image 713 English graphics. It was drawn on top of the Japanese version of this graphic, as it can still be found peeking behind it, reading "レベル" (reberu).
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Niveau.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Niveau.png Offset 00374F0C, Image 715 French graphics. Like the English graphic, it was drawn on top of the Japanese graphic and its remains can still be seen.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Nivel.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Nivel.png Offset 00377C24, Image 716 Spanish graphics. Like the graphics before it, the Japanese graphic it was drawn on top of can still be partially seen behind it.
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Italian Sub-Game End Notice

An early version of the graphic that appears when a sub-game is over in single-pak multiplayer appears multiple times within NLZ Compressed graphics. It shows up for the first time at 00351450 as Image 695. The final version uses the simple present conjugation of the verb "spegnere" and also adds an "(OFF)" notice at the end, but didn't make adjustments to re-center the text.

Early Graphics Final Italian Graphics
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early TurnOff ITA.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final TurnOff ITA.png
(Source: Vyroz)

Early German Master Notice

At 00601FD8, an early version of the "GET IT!" graphic in German can be found. It received a very major overhaul, but the message remained the same.

Early Graphics Final German Graphics
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Get It DE.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Get It DE.png
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Borrow Graphics

Finally, the game hosts early translations for the "borrow" graphics that show up when someone runs out of lives in multiplayer settings.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Borrow.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Borrow.png 00329834 The "Yes" and "No" prompts were capitalized for the final European version.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Demander.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Demander.png 0032F334 French graphic. The text was changed from "Prendre?" (Take?) to "Demander une vie?" (Ask for a life?). The "Oui" and "Non" prompts were capitalized.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Borgen.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Borgen.png 0032AEF4 German graphic. The text was changed from "Spende erbitten?" (Request donation?) to "Borgen?" (Borrow?). The "Ja" and "Nein" prompts were capitalized.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Chiedi.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Chiedi.png 0032F334 Italian graphic. The text was changed from "Prendi?" (Take?) to "Chiedi una vita?" (Ask for a life?). The "No" prompt was capitalized.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Pedir.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Pedir.png 0032C5B4 Spanish graphic. Nearly identical to the final. Like with the Italian version, only the "No" prompt was capitalized.

Early graphics for the orange bars that appear in the screen of other players when someone else requested a life also exist for the French, German, and Italian version.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Demande.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Demande.png 0032EBB4 French graphic. The text was changed from "Prendre" (Take) to "Demande" (Request).
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Donner.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Donner.png 0032EF74 Another French graphic. The text was changed from "Please" to "Donner" (Give).
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Borgen 1.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Borgen 1.png 0032A954 German graphic. The text was changed from "Spende erbitten" (Request donation) to "Borgen..." (Borrow...). Thanks to the shorter text, the size of the textbox was reduced as well.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Richiesta.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Richiesta.png 0032B4F4 Italian graphic. The text was changed from "Prendi" (Take) to "Richiesta" (Request).
(Source: Vyroz)

Other Localization Graphics

While the graphics below aren't early localization graphics, they're still used as placeholders of sorts, as they can be found where other graphics are supposed to be in the European version.

Unused Sound Test Button

Located at 00767B18 is an unused button for a Sound Test mode. It seems like the Sound Test was going to have its own menu like in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, instead of being a part of the Collection Room. Only English graphics were worked on.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Sound Test Bar.png

(Source: Vyroz)

Empty Menu Button

At 0076CC78, near the WIP German menu graphics, there's an empty button that is supposed to go on the main menu. It was probably used as a base by the artists.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Empty Menu Bar.png

Later, at 0076ED98, one more empty graphic can be found, but now it has a circle and a triangle. Nice.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Arrow Empty Menu Bar.png

(Source: Vyroz)

Empty Menu Top Bars

There's an empty version of the "Multiplayer Cartridge Select" (カートリッジセレクト/Kātorijji serekuto) bar graphic at 0074D0D8. This is a placeholder for the English version.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Empty Cartridge Bar.png

Later, at 007518F8, there's a completely empty bar graphic.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Empty Top Bar.png

Unused graphics get more interesting after this, that's a promise.

(Source: Vyroz)

Exclusive To The US Version

Despite being released three months after the European version, the US edition of the game is actually based on an early version of the European ROM. As such, it hosts WIP graphics for the final European release.

Early Boss Endurance Select

Once again, this release features early graphics for the Boss Endurance buttons. Only French, German, and Spanish are documented below, since the Italian and English graphics are finalized.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror US Early Combat des Boss.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Combat des Boss.png 0079C28C French graphic. Nearly identical to the earliest version of this graphic, but the multiplayer icon is properly implemented and the capital "B" got the corners on its backside filled with white pixels. The final version is fully capitalized.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror US Early Boss-Marathon.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Boss-Marathon.png 00793F0C German graphic. It's also identical to it's earliest iteration, but of course, it received a multiplayer icon and some white pixels on the "B". The final version is in capital letters.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror US Early Son los jefes.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final ¡Son los jefes!.png 007A458C Spanish graphic. Also identical to its earliest iteration, but with a multiplayer icon. The final version is completely capitalized.
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Spanish Ability Icons

Four Copy Abilities have early icons in Spanish. They have different names compared to the final European release.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Flechador.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Arkero.png
0032F160 Early icon for the Cupid Ability. Early name is "Flechador" ("Archer"), which got changed to "Arkero" (a corruption of "Arquero", which also means "Archer").
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Ruleta Rusa.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Brujito.png
0032F8E0 Early icon for the Magic Ability. Early name is "Ruleta Rusa" ("Russian Roulette"), which was changed to "Brujito" ("Li'l Witch").
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Maestro.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Master.png
00330BA0 Early icon for the Master Last Battle Ability. Early name is "Maestro" ("Master"). The final icon uses the English name.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Smash ES.png
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Smash ES.png
0032FCA0 Early icon for the Smash Ability. The early icon reuses the French name "Super Smash", while the finalized icon changes it to "Súper Smash", and moves the "Smash" portion one pixel to the right.
(Source: Vyroz)

Early German And Italian Area Names

The area names at the bottom right of the screen have early versions with slight differences. The rest of the localizations have their names finalized.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Regenbogenroute.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Regenbogenroute.png 00305DA0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic to indicate the whole name is a single word.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Mondscheinvilla.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Mondscheinvilla.png 00305FA0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Kohlkaverne.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Kohlkaverne.png 003061A0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Senfmassiv.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Senfmassiv.png 003063A0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Karottenkastell.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Karottenkastell.png 003065A0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Olivenozean.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Olivenozean.png 003067A0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Pfefferminzpalast.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Pfefferminzpalast.png 003069A0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Rettichruinen.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Rettichruinen.png 00306BA0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Honiggalaxie.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Honiggalaxie.png 00306DA0 German graphic. A dash was added in the final graphic.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Caverna de' Cavoletti.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Caverna de' Cavoletti.png 003133A0 Italian graphic. The "DE'" part was moved one pixel to the left in the final graphic.

Early French And Spanish Enemy Names

King Golem and Bomber have slightly different names in Spanish, while French has a single early version of the name graphic for Blipper. The other localizations have their names finalized.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Fugubul.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Fugubul.png 003075A0 Early name for the Blipper enemy in French. The final graphic only makes the "l" one pixel taller.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Bomber Name ES.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Bomber Name.png 002FC9C0 Early name for the Bomber enemy in Spanish, which was "Bomher". It was reverted back to its English name for the final European release.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early King Golem Name ES.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final King Golem Name ES.png 002FE7C0 Early name for King Golem in Spanish, which was "Rey Golem", a direct translation of its English name. It was corrected to "Rey Galeb" in the final European release as to not create any conflicts with the Golem enemy's name in Spanish, being "Galeb", the same as its Japanese name.
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Title Screen Elements

Early elements of the European title screen an be found near the last batch of graphics in the US ROM, such as flags for the different countries whose language is supported. The width of every small flag was reduced by one pixel for the final European version.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early UK Flag.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final UK Flag.png 0086846C Flag of the United Kingdom. Thanks to the reduction of its width, the artists had to somehow squish everything together. As a result, the left side of the flag looks like it lacks space.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Germany Flag.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Germany Flag.png 008684AC Flag of Germany. The middle part had a line that was lighter than the rest of the section at the bottom. Other than that, it's pretty much identical.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early France Flag.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final France Flag.png 008684EC Flag of France. The inner sides of the blue and red sections had lighter vertical lines that got changed to pure white in the final release. It's also pretty much identical to its final version.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Italy Flag.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Italy Flag.png 008684EC Flag of Italy. It uses the same sprite of the French flag, but with a different palette. The inner side of the green section has a light green line, while the inner side of the red section has a deep blue vertical line for some reason. This got fixed later on.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Spain Flag.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Spain Flag.png 0086852C Flag of Spain. The middle section has an orange horizontal line at the bottom, similar to the early German flag, though this one uses its own sprite. Also identical to its final version.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Germany Flag B.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Germany Flag B.png 0086822C Big version of the flag of Germany. It's basically the same as the early small flag, but it's big now. Wow.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early France Flag B.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final France Flag B.png 008682EC Big version of the flag of France. It also looked like its small version before being changed in the final game.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Italy Flag B.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Italy Flag B.png 008682EC Big version of the flag of Italy. Also reuses the French flag's sprite with a different palette. Identical to the small version, as it even includes the deep blue vertical line.
Early Title Screens Final Title Screens
Sometimes I wonder how I keep finding these. It never ends...
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Language Select.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Language Select.png
(Source: Vyroz)

Early Italian And Spanish Borrow Graphics

Early borrow prompts in Italian and Spanish can be found pretty early in the US ROM. The differences are minor.

Early Graphics Final European Graphics Location Description
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Rispondi.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Rispondi.png 003465A0 Italian graphic. The text translates to "Answer". The position of the R Button and text was switched for the final release. For some reason, the early graphic is stored in the "8bpp linear" codec instead of the "4bpp linear, reverse order" codec used in the final graphic. The former codec is usually reserved for graphics that need to shrink, grow, or rotate in real time, like Dark Mind's body, and the room graphics in the World Maps.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Regala.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Used Regala.png 003470E0 Italian graphic. The text translates to "Gift". The position of the R Button and text was switched for the final release.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Responder.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Responder.png 00344EE0 Spanish graphic. The text translates to "Answer". The position of the R Button and text was switched for the final release.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Early Dar.png Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Final Dar.png 00345660 Spanish graphic. The text translates to "Give". The position of the R Button and text was switched for the final release.
(Source: Vyroz)


  • The "Start Game" graphic in French still uses the same early text.
  • The "GET IT!" graphic in German continues to use its early version.