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Knight Rider: The Game

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Title Screen

Knight Rider: The Game

Developer: Davilex
Publisher: Tri Synergy
Platform: Windows
Released in US: February 12, 2003
Released in EU: November 22, 2002

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Knight Rider: The Game, based on the Knight Rider TV series, has the player taking control of KITT and Michael Knight to complete missions, find clues, and solve crimes using KITT's various abilities.

To do:
  • There's some more unused text in langstrings.ini, but it's hard to describe it without assumptions.
  • The voice folder might contain something else.
  • Investigate debug options. Is there a way to make them work?
  • Check the PlayStation 2 version. Maybe it has other stuff related to the Knight Train missions?

Unused Text

Present in the folder Knight Rider\Data\Text\English is langstrings.ini, which contains the game's script.

Deleted Missions

While the final version of the game has 15 missions, the script lists 18, including a three-parter titled "The Knight Train".

3=Camera Obscura
4=Camera Obscura part II
5=A Knight’s Tale
6=Original Sin
7=Original Sin part II
8=Original Sin part III
10=Chopper Chase
11=Chopper Chase part II
12=The Bad Son
13=The Knight Train
14=The Knight Train part II
15=The Knight Train part III
16=Tunnel Vision
17=Tunnel Vision part II
18=Last Knight Standing

Unused Loading Screen Text

9000=Garth has set a train filled with explosive chemicals on its way to the FLAG facility. The bomb on board is set to detonate when the train passes FLAG. The explosion will destroy a great area and release a cloud of poisonous chemicals that will kill everything in a ten mile radius.
9001=Garth has sent a train filled with explosive chemicals on it’s way to FLAG. The explosion will not only destroy FLAG but everything in the vicinity.
9002=Prevent the train from reaching FLAG.
9003=Congratulations! FLAG is safe and you have successfully foiled the first stage in Garth’s plan. We’re investigating G-Industries now in order to find your next lead.
A mockup of the loading screen, using strings 9001 and 9002.

Text related to the Knight Train mission. The first two strings are descriptions of the mission for the loading screen, with the latter being a bit less detailed. The third string is the mission objective, while the fourth would have appeared on the "mission completed" screen.

Unused Dialogue

9010=I’ve got a train to catch, buddy.
9011=Agreed. Michael, once you get  on board, there is some chance you will be able to defuse the bomb. I foresee a problem, however.
9012=I knew it. There’s always something.
9013=The track runs into a tunnel. We have to overtake the train before it gets there. I’m calculating our optimum route now.
9014=It won’t be the first time you’ve outrun a train, buddy. Why so worried?
9015=There is only one spot where we can get close enough to get you on board. That’s just before the tunnel. We have to get to that point before the train does.
9016=In that case give me all you’ve got!

This exchange is clearly from the Knight Train mission, but is unusual in that Michael and KITT were separated by the mission objective. While this dialogue does not have voice files relating to it, it's possible that it was a between-missions cutscene, which don't have voice work.

Unused Status Messages

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: There's more unused messages, but it's hard to describe them.

langstrings.ini also contains several messages that don't show up in-game.

220=Michael parished
414=Civilian hit!
415=Warning! Too many civilians hit, self-deactivation sequence armed!
416=Shutting down systems
417=System powered down

"Michael parished" (yes, it's actually written this way) was probably meant for the Knight Train levels if KITT failed to save Michael.

Messages 414-417 reference a scrapped mechanic in which KITT would self-destruct if he hit too many civilians. It's currently unknown if other remnants of this mechanic still exist. While KITT does give Michael a warning if he hits a civilian car a third time, there is no punishment for doing that except taking damage.

Unused Voices

The folder Knight Rider\Data\Sound\English contains all voice work and voiced dialogue, some of which are from the scrapped Knight Train mission. These files also have unused matching strings in langstrings.ini.

The Knight Train

Voice Text
1137=Any chance of defusing the bomb with your micro jammer?
1138=I’ve tried that, but apparently Garth has taken precautions to make sure I can’t disarm it using my scanners.
1139=Great job, KITT! I’ll take it from here!

The Knight Train part II

Voice Text
1140=KITT, do you read me?
1141=Barely, Michael...
1142=I’ve found the bomb but I can’t defuse it. And I don’t see any way to stop this train...We might have to derail the train.
1143=I cannot help you derail the train, Michael. It would conflict with my prime directive...
1144=Yes I know! But I’m running out of options.
1145=Just a second, Michael... I see one alternative. Where the tunnel comes out there are two tracks. One runs past FLAG and the town, the other is an abandoned track leading out across the desert. I could drive over the mountain and switch the points.
1146=Sounds like a plan. Can you do it?
1147=Within a margin of error, I believe so.
1148=I’ve successfully applied the micro jammer to the points switch.
1149=Great work, buddy. You’ve saved Devon and Bonnie, not to mention the entire town.

The Knight Train part III

Voice Text
1150=Michael, FLAG is safe but I still have to get you off. This track leads to a sheer drop. And of course there is still the explosive to worry about.
1151=I don’t think the train’s going to stop. Can you find a safe spot for me to jump?
1152=Just a second, Michael. Analyzing... There is a ravine with a broken bridge up ahead. Just before the ravine, there is an old mail collection point. If you’ll pardon the simile, I think there’s a way to get you off like a sack of mail. (second file slightly different, but overall the same)
1153=Sounds like a close call... You’d better hurry.
1154=Michael, the Mail collector is in place!
1155=Thanks bud’!
1156=Jump, Michael!!!
1157=Oofff... That’s what I call a safe delivery.

Debug Strings

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Maybe it's a different number that toggles these?

Present in the main folder is Application.ini, which contains the priority strings "DebugFlag=0" and "DebugMenu=0". Changing either or both of these from 0 to 1 does not change anything in-game.