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Kono e Tako

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Title Screen

Kono e Tako

Developer: Mitchell[1]
Publisher: Capcom[1]
Platform: Arcade (Namco System 10)
Released in JP: November 2003[1]

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Debug Menu


A simple debug menu can be accessed by enabling the following MAME cheat and then going to the operator menu:

<cheat desc="debug">
  <script state="run">
  <script state="off">

The functions are as follows:

  • MODE SELECT - Chooses between the available game modes. (ENDLESS/LAST/UP/VS)
  • LAST LEVEL - Defines the level if MODE SELECT is set to LAST.
  • ENDLESS MODE - Defines the difficulty if MODE SELECT is set to ENDLESS.
  • LEVEL NO - Defines the level is MODE SELECT is set to ENDLESS.
  • PLAYBACK - Warps to the attract mode demo sequence.
  • EXIT(GO TITLE) - Warps to the title screen.
  • EXIT(GO GAME) - Warps to gameplay.
  • EXIT(GO STAFF) - Warps to the credits screen.
  • EXIT(GO RANKING) - Warps to the ranking screen.
  • EXIT(GO OPENING) - Also warps to the title screen.
(Source: WindyFairy)
