Koushien 2
Koushien 2 |
Developer: Affect
Debug Flags
Located at SNES address $00AF2D-00AF32 is a set of three 16-bit debug flags. All are set to #$0000 to turn the debug features off.
00AF2D - Debug Menu
Use Pro Action Replay code 00AF2D01 or Game Genie code DFC4-A707 to access the debug menu on bootup. Note that there's no visible cursor, so you'll need to keep track of your D-Pad Up/Down presses when making a selection. Or, monitor memory address $7E052A in a debugger, which holds the index. Press the A button or Start to confirm the selection. Watch out, there's an invisible sixth option (index #$05) that will crash the game if selected.
Otherwise known as Normal Game, it jumps to the title screen.
A baseball field scroll test with the coordinates displayed at the top of the screen. Use the D-Pad to move around. Hold the A or B buttons as you move the D-Pad to increase the scroll speed.
This screen uses the same controls as the scroll test, but no object seems to be present to test with.
An object viewer.
- A button - increase COLOR (palette) index
- B button - decrease COLOR
- X button - increase BANK
- Y button - decrease BANK
- d-pad up - increase FLAG (sprite assembly index?)
- d-pad down - decrease FLAG
- d-pad right - increase STYL (animation index)
- d-pad left - decrease STYL
- Start button - switches between H: NOMAL/REVERSE
- Select button - switches between V: NOMAL/REVERSE
00AF2F - 1P vs. 2P Game
Use Pro Action Replay code 00AF2F01 or Game Genie code DFC4-A7A7 to instantly begin a 1P vs. 2P game on bootup. When the game is finished, it starts over again.
00AF31 - Game Debug
Use Pro Action Replay code 00AF3101 or Game Genie code DFC7-AD07 to activate a set of controller debug functions.
Before Game
- When the two teams line up between home plate and the mound, on controller 2 hold the R shoulder button until the game begins to skip to the 9th inning.
During Game
- On controller 1 press A + B + X + Y + R shoulder button to soft reset.
- On controller 1 hold R shoulder button and press L shoulder button to end the half-inning.
- In pitcher/batter view, on controller 1 press L shoulder button to put a ball in play. It will usually hit hard enough to reach the outfield wall, or over it for a home run.
- In field view, on controller 1 press L shoulder button to advance to the next batter.
- On controller 2, hold X button during the screen transition when a ball is hit to make it always go to right field.
- On controller 2, hold R shoulder button during the screen transition when a ball is hit to make it always go foul to left field.
After Game
When the final score appears, on controller 2 hold R shoulder button until after the announcer's voice. Unknown effect, but likely related to the win/loss record.
7E14FF Menu
On bootup, the game stores #$0000 to memory address 7E14FF, then in the very next operation checks if it's zero:
$00/A689 9C FF 14 STZ $14FF [$00:14FF] $00/A68C AD FF 14 LDA $14FF [$00:14FF] $00/A68F D0 06 BNE $06 [$A697]
Use Pro Action Replay code 00A68F80 or Game Genie code 6DC6-67AF to force the alternate branch path, which brings up this menu:
Continue Tournament List New Tournament Stage
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Affect
Games > Games by platform > SNES games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by K. Amusement Leasing
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1992
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June > Games released on June 26