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Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy

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Title Screen

Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy

Developer: Humongous Entertainment
Publishers: Humongous Entertainment, Random House
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic
Released in US: 1994

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

To do:
There are actually two versions of this game. The later, much more well-known version is the "Let's Explore..." release, but there was also an older version from before the series became a joint-venture with Random House where the game was instead called "Junior Encyclopedias: The Farm", featuring a different UI and lacking the minigames entirely, and it itself has some pre-release images too. It contains a lot of differences from the more well-known version, such as less dialogue for Buzzy, a different opening sequence, and a few other smaller changes. A revisional differences page is definitely in order for it.

Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy is the first game in the Let's Explore with Buzzy the Knowledge Bug series. The game guides children around a farm as they learn about farming for vegetables and raising cows and chickens for their milk and eggs.

Unused Subtitles

Most Humongous games have inaccessible subtitles, and this is no exception. To activate them, add


to either hegames.ini or scummvm.ini.

(Source: The ScummVM Wiki)

Special Names

By entering PORKDUDE as the name while signing into the Time to Play games, you will be able to skip directly to any level on Eggs Away, from 1-999.

(Source: The ScummVM Wiki)