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Llama Adventure

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Title Screen

Llama Adventure

Developer: jmtb02[1]
Publisher: Armor Games[1]
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2009[1]

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

In Llama Adventure, you play as a silly llama click-clacking away at a keyboard to solve a series of text-based puzzles. Just kidding, llamas can't read! But they do enjoy a good casserole.

Special words

The following words reveal secret messages when you type them into the command parser.

Word Message (paraphrased)
john Greeting from the game's developer.
jmtb02 Same as 'john'.
muffin Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow
tasselfoot Dance party with the author of the game's walkthrough.
armorgames Friendly message from the game's publisher.
joey Inspirational message from one of the game's testers.


There is a secret hidden on the computer in Room 3. It is only accessible by selecting "Other" from the menu and entering five numerical codes that are hidden in jmtb02's other games. The codes are as follows:

  • Elephant Rave - 18293
  • TBA2 - 33820
  • Hedgehog Launch - 11249
  • Dark Cut 3 - 29721
  • Maverick - 44009

Entering all the codes correctly grants you access to "secret.doc", which includes a message from the Doctor and a sixth code.

Fallback event handlers

These functions are used as the default behavior for responding to questions the Doctor asks. The game overrides these functions with level-specific behavior when needed, so the fallbacks are never called in normal gameplay.

public function ping(param1:String) : Boolean
   trace("PING has not been set!");
   return false;

public function yes(param1:Object = null) : void
   trace("YES HAS NOT BEEN SET!");

Unused words

On the main menu, "visit" is recognized as a noun, but it does not do anything.
