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Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro: Battle da Yo! Hannin Shuugou!

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Title Screen

Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro: Battle da Yo! Hannin Shuugou!

Developer: Compile Heart
Publisher: Compile Heart
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: August 28, 2008

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Debug Information

Majin Tantei-spritedebug.png

A simple debug mode that displays the current and total number of images rendered can be enabled with the below code. This information will display in the upper left center of the screen.

Enable Sprite Debug Information
002DBE34 00000001
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Video

Majin Tantei-unused video.png

Present in the movie folder on the disc is an unused, static video. This has the opening theme song playing in the background as well.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

DVD Image Compilation Leftovers

Present in a folder on the disc named _CD_IM~1, are a couple of DVD burning files, NEURO.IML and NEURO.IMS. NEURO.IMS is the DVD image file to make the special edition DVD image of this game. This file only contains about 600KB of data, not enough to make the image anymore. NEURO.IML's contents are file paths from the developer's PC to make said image. The contents of NEURO.IML are below.


DISCNAME="SLPM-55030                      "
PRODUCER="IDEA FACTORY                    "
COPYRIGHT="IDEA FACTORY                    "

# the number of entries: 62
#Start   End      Mode Fno Source
0        337      0.0  0   "neuro.ims"
338      376      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\CRI_ADXI.IRX"
377      384      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\DBCMAN.IRX"
385      519      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\IOPCHG.IMG"
520      533      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\LIBSD.IRX"
534      580      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\MCMAN.IRX"
581      584      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\MCSERV.IRX"
585      615      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\MODHSYN.IRX"
616      626      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\MODMIDI.IRX"
627      627      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\MODMSIN.IRX"
628      650      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\PADMAN.IRX"
651      655      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\SDRDRV.IRX"
656      661      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\SIO2D.IRX"
662      665      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\SIO2MAN.IRX"
666      670      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\SKHSYNTH.IRX"
671      677      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\SKMIDI.IRX"
678      682      0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\IRX\SKSOUND.IRX"
683      20851    0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\AYA.PSS"
20852    36673    0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\AYA.SFD"
36674    56842    0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\AYA_EV.PSS"
56843    59283    0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\CH.PSS"
59284    60652    0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\CRI.PSS"
60653    80901    0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\ED.PSS"
80902    97139    0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\ED.SFD"
97140    99580    0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\IF.PSS"
99581    100949   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\KAMUI.PSS"
100950   125430   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\OP.PSS"
125431   144794   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\OP.SFD"
144795   146741   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\MOVIE\TMOVIE.SFD"
146742   147483   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\SLPM_550.30"
147484   147484   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\SYSTEM.CNF"
147485   149279   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_01B.ADX"
149280   151074   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_01N.ADX"
151075   154353   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_02N.ADX"
154354   157525   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_03N.ADX"
157526   159662   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_04N.ADX"
159663   162649   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_05N.ADX"
162650   165821   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_06N.ADX"
165822   169968   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_07N.ADX"
169969   173103   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_08N.ADX"
173104   176404   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_09N.ADX"
176405   178463   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_10N.ADX"
178464   179976   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_11N.ADX"
179977   181931   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_20N.ADX"
181932   183735   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_21N.ADX"
183736   186283   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_22N.ADX"
186284   190925   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_23N.ADX"
190926   195567   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\BGM_23NL.ADX"
195568   195791   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\JGL_01N.ADX"
195792   195973   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\JGL_02B.ADX"
195974   196168   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\JGL_02N.ADX"
196169   196483   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\JGL_03N.ADX"
196484   196937   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\BGM\JGL_04N.ADX"
196938   329830   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\DATA\DATA.BIN"
329831   329849   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\DATA\DATA.TAG"
329850   723092   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\DATA\DATA0.DAT"
723093   919714   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\DATA\DATA1.DAT"
919715   921330   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\DATA\SE.BIN"
921331   921335   0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\DATA\SE.TAG"
921336   1056022  0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\DATA\VOICE.BIN"
1056023  1056094  0.0  0   "C:\write_data2\neuro\DATA\VOICE.TAG"
1056095  1056095  0.0  0   "neuro.ims" 692224
(Source: Original TCRF research)