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Mania Challenge

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Title Screen

Mania Challenge

Based on: Mat Mania
Developer: Technos Japan
Publishers: Taito, Memetron
Platform: Arcade (Technos Mat Mania hardware)
Released in US: June 1986[1]

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.

Mania Challenge is basically more likely a redone version of Mat Mania rather than a sequel, adding a few new moves as well as 2 players at the same time (player vs. player) feature, alongside new sound effects and music. Unfortunately this time it features only 3 opponents rather than 5 compared to previous title, one of wrestlers whose name perfectly encapsulates the pro wrestling experience: Insane Warrior.

Hidden Message

Stored at 0x130 in the MCU is a message from the Seven Dwarfs:


(HI! HI! HO! HO: Original TCRF research)
