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Megamind: The Blue Defender (Nintendo DS)

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Title Screen

Megamind: The Blue Defender

Also known as: Megamind: Bad. Blue. Brilliant. (title screen)
Developer: Tantalus Interactive
Publisher: THQ
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in US: November 2, 2010
Released in EU: November 26, 2010
Released in AU: November 25, 2010

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

Or Megamind: Bad. Blue. Brilliant going off of the title screen

Unused Graphics

Located in the Mercury folder are various miscellaneous images. Development text implies that these images were used in a debug menu of some kind. The images are also present in the PlayStation Portable version of the game and presumably served the same purpose.



A small and grainy image of a few types of computer RAM.



A graph of unknown statistics.



A stock photo of an antique camera. Shutterstock appears to be the origin of this image.


A blank image with the size of 1x1 pixel(s).



This image depicts a pair of tweezers on a white background. The source seems to be from here.

Development Text

Present in the aptly named BuildInformation.xml is various internal information relating to the release build, including a build date of July 20th, 2010.

	<README>This file is automatically generated as part of the build process, do not edit</README>
	<BuildDateTime>Tue 20 Jul 2010 12:49:12</BuildDateTime>

index.xml appears to be for a debug menu, referencing the unused images mentioned beforehand.

  <MENU href="/Mercury/ScreenShot/" icon="/Mercury/camera.gif">Take a snapshot of the console screen.</MENU>
  <MENU href="/Mercury/Profiler/" icon="/Mercury/chart.gif">View CPU/GPU profiler statistics.</MENU>
  <MENU href="/Mercury/Memory/" icon="/Mercury/memory.gif">View Memory Allocation statistics.</MENU>
  <MENU href="/Mercury/Tweak/" icon="/Mercury/tweezers.jpg">View tweakable variables.</MENU>

Unused Music


Early music for a level select.


An upbeat track, presumably as a placeholder for background music in levels. A duplicate file exists under the name music_level_01.strm