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Melty Blood Actress Again (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen

Melty Blood Actress Again

Developers: Type-Moon, French-Bread, Ecole Software
Publisher: Ecole Software
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: August 20, 2009

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Melty Blood Actress Again is the fourth game in the series and the first with a сontinuation of the storyline. Speaking simpler: this is the first sequel, not a re-release or remake.

Leftover Ai Editor


This program can be used to create, edit, and export CPU's artificial intelligence.

Download.png Download Leftover Ai Editor
File: MBAA-COMEDIT3.zip (41KB (compressed)) (info)

Debug Mode


Download.png Download PCSX2 Debug Patch
File: MBAA-(PS2)-PCSX2-Debug-patch.zip (240B (compressed)) (info)

Unfinished Characters

Powered Ciel

Powered (or "Powerd" according to the game) Ciel was a variant of Ciel that was planned to be in the original arcade release along with Ryougi Shiki, but was left out due to time constraints, and still couldn't be finished in time for the PS2 release. This unused image of her was all there was of her in that version. She was eventually finally completed for the PC Current Code version.

MBAA PS2 Powered Ciel.PNG

Winning quotes

A file containing all the quotes for the character was left in the game's files as well. Surprisingly when the character was completed and added to the Current Code-onward (Sega RingWide / PC releases) the file remained unused, with a different one being made in its place. For some reason, despite being unused, its text was translated in the English PC release.

Arcade (Naomi) / PS2 release PC release English translation
255  0  0	まったく、抵抗するから痛い目にあうんです。■これに懲りたら、少しは大人しくして■くださいね。
255  0  0	はい、これでおしまい。■お互い死ぬのはイヤでしょう?■今回は見逃してあげますから、■改心してくださいね。
255  0  1	これが互いの実力差です。■埋葬機関七位の名、伊達ではないと理解■できました?
255  0  0	聖なるかな、我が代行は主の御心なり。■――はい、代行完了。■おなかが減ったところでメシアンに直行です!
255  0  1	争いはここまでです。■残った時間は、貴方の懺悔にあてましょう。
255  0  1	おや、これでおしまいですか?■大言のわりには諦めがいいのですね。
255  0  1	…………ふう。■誉めてあげましょう。貴方は、中々に■強敵でした。
255  0  0	……また法衣を破っちゃいました。■まいったなあ、■今月はこれで七着目だっていうのに……■セブン、裁縫は任せましたよ。
  7  0  0	健全で善良な一般市民が夜出歩いては■いけませんっ。■……では、反省したところでうちに寄って■いきませんか遠野くん?
  1  0  0	もうおしまいですか?■まったくたるんでますね、遠野くんに甘え■過ぎてるからそーゆーコトになるんですっ!
  3  0  1	―――まったく、驚きですね。■戦闘訓練もなしでわたしと渡り合えるなんて。■その力、放っておくと命取りになりますよ、■秋葉さん。
255  0  0	まだまだ未熟です。■急ぎすぎては大成しません。■とりあえず、今日の反省を二日ほど煮込んで■みてはいかがですか?
255  0  0	っと、ようやく諦めてくれましたか。■次に出会った時は、もう少し穏便にいきたい■ですね。
255  0  0	あれ、法衣がやけに軽いような……■黒鍵の使いすぎでしょうか。■セブン、今月の予算ってもういっぱいいっぱい■でしたっけ?
255  0  1	魔が人に付くは天の試練。■消えなさい脱落者。■貴方は、その天秤から転げ落ちた。
255  0  1	異能ではなくなったと言え、この体は未だ■第七位の埋葬者。貴方では私を殺せない。
  1  0  1	また決着はつかず、ですか。■……そうですね。許されるのなら、貴女とは■いがみ合ったまま終わりたいものです。
 17  0  1	今回は見逃しますが、■次はありませんよ弓塚さん。■まだ悔いがあるのなら、■果たすまでわたしには出会わない事です。
255  0  0	Jeez… You got hurt because you just had to resist. ■If you learned your lesson, try and behave yourself.
255  0  0	Alright, it's finished■Neither one of us want to die, right?■I'll let you go this time, so be sure to repent, okay?
255  0  1	This is the difference in strength between us.■Do you understand that my title as the 7th member of the ■Burial Agency isn't just for show?
255  0  0	Holiness… I am an agent of my lord's spirit.■Okay, execution complete. I'm hungry, time to head straight ■for Messiaen!
255  0  1	That is the end of this fight.■Use the rest of the time you have to repent.
255  0  1	Oh, are you done already?■You sure talk big for quitting so easily.
255  0  1	…Phew.■I must praise you. You were quite the strong opponent.
255  0  0	…My robe tore again.■Oh dear, this is the seventh one this month already■Seven, I leave the sewing to you.
  7  0  0	A healthy, upstanding citizen shouldn't be walking the ■streets late at night.■…Now that you've reflected, how about you come over to ■my place, Tohno?
  1  0  0	Are you done already?■You really are slacking. This is what happens when you let ■Tohno do so much for you!
  3  0  1	…That's it? I am surprised.■For you to be able to fight against me without any combat ■training. If you leave that strength untrained, it will be the ■end of you, Akiha.
255  0  0	You're still inexperienced and you won't get anywhere by ■rushing things. How about you go reflect on this over the ■next two days?
255  0  0	Oh, you're finally giving up.■The next time we meet, I'd like to spend our time a little ■more peacefully.
255  0  0	Oh, my robe feels surprisingly light・Perhaps I've used too many Black Keys.■Seven, was our budget for the month completely used up?
255  0  1	For demons to be affixed to you is a trial of the heavens. ■Now disappear, heretic. You have fallen off the scales of ■judgement.
255  0  1	Though my powers are gone, I am still the seventh ■member of the Burial Agency. You cannot kill me.
  1  0  1	Our fight still isn't settled, I see.■If possible, I would sure wish we can just end it all with ■both of us staring at each other only.
 17  0  1	I'll let you go this time, but not again, Yumiduka. ■If there's anything you regret, be sure not to face me ■before fixing them.

Unused Character Profiles

To do:
More information about these profiles.
Character Graphics Description
Hisui and Kohaku

Unfinished Sprites

MBAACC-sat86 001.png MBAACC-sat86 002.png MBAACC-sat86 003.png MBAACC-sat87 000.png MBAACC-sat87 001.png MBAACC-sat87 002.png MBAACC-sat87 003.png
Unused idle and crouching sprites for Satsuki.

MBAACC-sat91 026.png MBAACC-sat91 027.png
A very rough and annotated sketch for Hisui's introductory scene in her Story Mode, in which Satsuki accidentally crashes through a stack of books.

Unused Graphics

AOU (Arcade Operator's Union) show's screen
MBAA AOU00.png

PS2 ver commercial
MBAA PS2CM01.png

Different character icons

Used Unused