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Mother 3/Unused Text

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This is a sub-page of Mother 3.

To do:
An insane amount of text to go through...
  • Add more unused lines. Download the MOTHER 3 Translation Tools to get an English text dump (named "Script.txt") and download the Japanese text dump found below (obtained from Jeffman). These files are both in the same format so they can both be used with the "Mother 3 Text Injector" program included with the Translation Tools to easily locate text. When adding text here, remove most of the commands unless they're [PAUSE XX XX] commands, name commands like for example [LUCAS 23 02 00] and other commands that are substitutes for text that would appear in-game. Basically try to make them look as close to how they would in-game as you can. For English lines, replace the @ symbol in the text dump with the • symbol. Note that the lines in Block 0 that say [FILE=".\____"] aren't unused, but the fan translators way of putting really long bits of text in. I know some comments in the English dump say this, but this text did make it onto this page in the past, so I'm putting this here anyway.
  • This page needs a consistent format. Some English lines have their Japanese equivalent, some don't, battle text isn't organized, yadda yadda.
  • Most of the unused text documented here so far seem to still have their Game Logic (Mother 3's script system) left over. These events could probably be restored through hacking. If anyone restores them maybe they could uploaded to Youtube and added here, just to show what the text was supposed to look like in-game?
Download.png Download MOTHER 3 Japanese Text Dump
File: MOTHER_3_Japanese_Text_Dump.zip (390 KB) (info)

An unused feature that shows some previous development ideas.

Mother 3 stores all of its text in blocks that are tied to maps, save for block 0 which is a special block full of text for the game to call from anywhere.

Unused Text Blocks

Block 0

  • Line 0: The very first text in Block 0. Yup, it's all question marks.
  • Line 1: Just a bunch of numbers.
  • Line 161: It's unclear where this was meant to be used.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆ダッシュして ここに
 のれば いけるはずだ。
•You should be able to dash onto this.
  • Line 164: This text appears after selecting an event in the debug room or using the debug Magypsies. Its function is self explanatory.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆みんなのレベルを 99にする?
   いいえ   はい
•Set everyone to Level 99?
      No        Yes
  • Line 200: This line and the following few lines seem to be for opening presents. The way it's written is very similar to the text for getting items on Tanetane Island.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆なかには クジラが
•Inside was a whale.
...or not.
  • Line 201
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆なかには ぜっせいのびじょが
•Inside was a smokin' hot chick.
...or not.
  • Line 202
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆なかには にんじゃふくが
•Inside was a ninja outfit.
...or not.
  • Line 203
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆なかには アサガオのタネが
•Inside were morning glory seeds.
       ...or not.	 
  • Line 204
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆なかには コロッケパンが
•Inside, there was a bread roll! 
But it bread-rolled away... 
  • Line 215: The next couple lines of text seem to be a reference to the Insignificant Item from EarthBound. In the final game there is a joke similar to this if you check the tree near Wess' house.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇「くだらないもの」を みつけた。
•You found a book titled "Insignificance". 
  • Line 216
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
•Nothing of significance was written inside it. 
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇[42 FF 00 00]は「キマイラけん」を
 ポケットのすみに しまいこんだ。
•[42 FF 00 00] pocketed the Chimera Tickets.

  • Line 236: Text for Kumatora checking a mirror while she's the party leader. The only time she's the party leader is at the end of Chapter 2, and there are no mirrors she can check before the chapter ends.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
•Not bad.
  • Line 237: Text for Boney checking a mirror while he's the party leader. Just like with Kumatora, The only time Boney is the party leader there are no mirrors to check before he's put back into the party member role.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 こっちを みているなと おもった。
•For a second, you thought some cheeky jerk
  was staring back at you.
  • Line 255: The rest of the lines in the block after this point are for an early version of the cast sequence of the credits. In the final game, the names in the cast sequence don't come from the main script but their own section of the ROM.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Mr. Genetor
  • Line 256
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 257
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Grams & Gramps
  • Line 258
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Mr. Pump
  • Line 259
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 260
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Bucket Bros.
  • Line 261
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Ultimate Chimera
  • Line 262
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 263
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Save Frog
  • Line 264
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 265
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Oxygen Supply
  • Line 266
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Pork Bean
  • Line 267
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Bud & Lou
  • Line 268
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 269: [ALTERNATEFONT] is the control code that makes the game display the Mr. Saturn font.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 270
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 271
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
Rope Snake
  • Line 272
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
[SALSA 23 06 00]と サルコ
[SALSA 23 06 00] & Samba
  • Line 273
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 274
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
カエルたち いろいろ
Misc. Frogs
  • Line 275: This line is notable because while doorknob does appear in the cast sequence in the final game, but it doesn't have a name.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 276
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
[FLINT 23 01 00]と[HINAWA 22 08 00]
[FLINT 23 01 00] & [HINAWA 22 08 00]
  • Line 277: Quite an interesting line.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script

Block 2 - Twins' House Pre-timeskip (Map 001)

  • Line 28:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
(やけに さわがしいけど
 よるは しずかにするものだよね。
 ボクは おりこうな イヌだから
 しずかに しているよ)
  (It's really noisy out. You're supposed to be
  quiet at night.
  I'm a good dog, so I'm being quiet.
  • Line 29:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
(あっ パパ おかえりなさい!))
  (Oh, welcome home, Dad!)
  • Line 30: This text is used by a sign that's out of bounds in the map.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇ハコの なかのものは
◇じゆうに つかってよい。
•The contents of these boxes belong to
•Use them however you wish.
  • Line 34: While initially not that interesting, there's an unused map that's an old version of the Twins' House which shows that the map originally had a mailbox.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 なにも とどいていない。
•The mailbox is empty.

Block 31 - Twins' House Post-timeskip (Map 01E)

  • Line 0: This text is used by an out of bounds sign.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇たまには カエルに
•Be sure to talk to frogs once in a while.
  • Line 3: Once again, this text was meant for the mailbox that used to be present in the Twins' House maps.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 なにも とどいていない。
•The mailbox is empty.

Block 49 - Murasaki Forest (Map 031)

  • Line 22: Someone preventing Lucas from leaving the Murasaki Forest. In-game, the text is said by the second member of your party, meaning this was likely meant for Flint, as he was going to be the second member of your party in Chapter 4 as evidenced by him dodging the train in the tunnel with an otherwise unused sprite if he's in the second party member slot.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆[LUCAS 23 02 00]。
◆いまは むらにもどるときじゃない。
•[LUCAS 23 02 00].
•Now isn't the time to head back to the village.
  • Line 23: Talking with Mapson at the Ropeway in the Murasaki Forest giving directions to the Unknown Valley. Note that he greets Flint, showing that this text is from before Flint's role as a party member in later chapters was scrapped. This also implies that you may have originally started somewhere else in Chapter 5, as you wouldn't need directions to Unknown Valley since you start very close to it. In-game, this text does actually mark your map for Unknown Valley, which is never done normally.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆よお [FLINT 23 01 00]に
 [LUCAS 23 02 00]じゃねーか。
◆それなら おれが マップに
 しるしを つけてやろう。
•Oh, hello there, [FLINT 23 01 00] and
 [LUCAS 23 02 00].
•What's that?
 Unknown Valley?
•Here, I'll mark it on your map for you.
  • Line 24: This is the text Mapson would say after marking your map.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆このへんの ことは
 くわしく しらねーが
 おれは じぶんの
 ちょっかんを しんじるぜ。
•I don't know too much about this area, but I do
 trust in my gut instincts.
  • Line 25: If you didn't have a map yet, he would say this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆と おもったが おまえは
 このへんの ちずを もってないな。
◆このへんの ちずを みつけたら
 しるしつけてやるから もってきな。
•I'd like to help you, but you don't seem to have
  a map of this area.
•If you do find a map, bring it here and I'll mark
  it for you.

Block 52 - Outside the Chimera Lab (Map 033)

  • Line 15: Dr. Andonuts telling Lucas he reminds him of his son's friend. Wonder who that is.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆キミを みていると わたしの
 むすこの ともだちを おもいだす。
◆またあえるかどうか わからんが
 わたしは キミたちのことを いつでも
•Young lad.
•I'm reminded of my son's friend when I look at
•I'm not sure if we'll ever meet again, but I'll
  always be rooting for you folks.

Block 67 - Highway Dump (Map 042)

  • Line 15: Text used by an out-of-bounds mouse, referencing the mouse in the Fourside Department Store from EarthBound. The mouse was intended for the mother mouse's sidequest, and it will still run away and increase the amount of mice found after talking to it.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆チュチュッチュチュー(なんか このゴミすてば
 なにかがおこるような きがする。
 これは ネズミのちょっかんです。
 さて かあさんのもとへ
 そそくさと かえりますか)
•Squeak squeak squeak!
  Somehow, I feel like something is going to
  happen in this garbage dump.
•I guess it's just a mouse's sixth sense...
  Well, I better head back to Mom now.)

Block 70 - Sunflower Field (Map 045)

  • Line 0: Chapter 6 normally doesn't have any text, but there are two invisible frogs in the map that use the following lines:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   はい   いいえ
•I'm a debug save frog.
      Yes      No
  • Line 1:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
•Ribbit ribbit.
•You're so heartless.

Block 170 - Mayor Pusher's House (Map 0A9)

  • Line 0: In EarthBound, Pirkle was Onett's mayor, and Lardna was Porky's mother. The NPC meant to use this text has been deleted.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆ピカールさまと ラードナさまの
 あいのす を プロデュース
 させて いただいて おりますの。
•I'm the producer for "Mr. Pirkle and Ms.
 Lardna's Love Nest".

Block 187 - Fire Mountain (Map 0BA)

  • Line 0: Unused dialogue for a cut shopkeeper in Fire Mountain. The NPC meant to use this text is still in the area, but set to be invisible.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆わたしは たんけんたいの
 ヒトリボッチ というものだ。
◆そんなかっこうで このかざんを
◆これだから ドシロウトまるだしの
 ウマのホネは こまる。
◆わたしが ぼうけんにひつような
 グッズを わけてあげよう。
◆なにか ひつようか?
   はい   いいえ
•I'm Loner, the explorer.
•Ha! Oh, man!
•You're going to wander around this volcano
 dressed like THAT...?
•This is why I can't stand no-brained newbies.
•Alright, alright, fine.
•I'll share some of my adventurer essentials
 with you.
•Do you need anything?

      Yes      No
  • Line 1: If you say no to the shopkeeper, he says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆なにも いらないと いうのか?
◆キミたちが ゆうかんな
 わかものか それとも
 ただの アンポンタンの
 クルクルパーか しらんが
 くれぐれも きをつけたまえ!
•Ha! Oh, man!
•You don't need anything, huh?
•I don't know if you're brave youngsters or just
 brain-dead simpletons,
 but be extra careful out there!

Block 210 - Twins' House Pre-timeskip (Map 0D1)

  • Line 0: This text is used by a sign that's out of bounds. It can only ever be read during Chapter 2 and 3.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇ハコの なかのものは
◇かってに つかうのは
•The contents of these boxes cost money.
•Please refrain from using them without paying. 
  • Line 10: If you go to the Twins' House at night during Chapter 3, Lucas will be there and say this. However, in every instance where you're outside at night during Chapter 3 something stops you from going to the Twins' House, which prevents this text from being seen.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆ぼくも つよくなりたいんだ。
•Hi, little monkey...
•I wanna be strong, too.

Block 223 - Outside Osohe Castle (Map 0DE)

These lines were likely a joke about how many of the same characters are used, but the joke is lost when translated to English.

  • Line 17
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇ブタマスクの くるまだ!
◇ブタマスクが いるようだ!
•A Pigmask car!
•There seems to be a Pigmask in it! 
  • Line 18
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇ブタマスクの のりものだ!
◇ブタマスクが いるようだ!
•A Pigmask vehicle!
•There seems to be a Pigmask in it!

Block 251 - Post-timeskip Sunshine Forest Hot Spring (Map 0FA)

This block is full of text that reveals you originally had to pay to use the hot spring in the post-timeskip Sunshine Forest. The NPC meant to say this has been deleted, but Game logic still exists for these interactions. It seems to be a bit outdated though, as it makes the speaking character use Kumatora's nametag.

  • Line 27: An unknown character telling you to pay to use the hot spring.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆おひとりさん [80 FF F0 FF]DPだよ。
◆ちゃんと はらっとくれよ。
•It's [80 FF F0 FF] DP for one person.
•You better pay up.
  • Line 28: The character says this after paying.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆はい まいど。
◆しっかりと あったまって
•Great. Thanks.
•Go and warm yourself up somethin' fierce!
  • Line 29: [EVENT] is a control code that the game sometimes uses in the script, and is probably related to Game Logic in some way though I'm unsure how. This text would have stopped the player from walking into the hot spring.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 30: This text makes the player look to the top left, showing that the person saying this would be located somewhere to the left above the hot spring. It's said right after the line stopping the player.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆ひとりだと [80 FF F1 FF]DP!
◆はらうべきもんは ちゃんと
•It's [80 FF F1 FF] DP for one person!
•You gotta pay when there's a fee, you know.
  • Line 31: This text functions the same as the one above, but it displays when two people are in your party.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆ふたりで [80 FF F1 FF]DP!
◆はらうべきもんは ちゃんと
•It's [80 FF F1 FF] DP for two people!
•You gotta pay when there's a fee, you know.
  • Line 32: This text functions the same as the ones above, but it displays when more than two people are in your party.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆[80 FF F0 FF]にんで [80 FF F1 FF]DP!
◆はらうべきもんは ちゃんと
•It's [80 FF F1 FF] DP for [80 FF F0 FF] people!
•You gotta pay when there's a fee, you know.
  • Line 33: Here we finally have the text that asks you if you want to pay or not.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇おカネを はらいますか?
   はい   いいえ
•Pay the fee?
      Yes      No
  • Line 34: This text would display if you said no to paying the fee.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆いまどき はやんないぜ。
•Man, you're a cheapskate.
•You're never gonna make it in these times.
  • Line 35: This text would display if you don't have enough money to pay.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆おカネ もってないじゃん。
•What the...?[WAIT]
•You don't have any money!
  • Line 36: If you said yes to paying, the NPC would then charge you more money. The text asking if you want to pay would appear once again after this, and saying no would display the same text for not paying as normal.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆じゃあ・[PAUSE 0C 00]・[PAUSE 0C 00]・[PAUSE 18 00]
 しょうひぜい あわせて
 [80 FF F2 FF]DP。
•Then.[PAUSE 0C 00].[PAUSE 0C 00].[PAUSE 18 00]
 adding in sales tax, that comes to [80 FF F2 FF] DP.
  • Line 37: This text would display if you didn't have enough money to pay after you're asked for more money.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆しょうひぜいぶん もってないのかよ。[WAIT]
◆さいきん そういうやつ
•What the...?
•You don't have enough to cover the sales tax.
•There's so many people like that lately.

Block 340 - Empty 339 (Map 153)

To do:
Placing an NPC in the room this text is associated with makes it possible to activate this cutscene. Find/record footage of this.

A conversation with an alternate seventh Magypsy, named Locria, which is mentioned in the final version but never met (it's implied Locria is really Fassad, instead). Kumatora is also mentioned to be "Ionia's apprentice", which may be stretching it a bit compared to the final's dialogue where the only mention of this is where Ionia says they've watched over Kumatora since she was an infant. This conversation reveals that New Pork City was originally called New Pork Island, or located in a place called New Pork Island. The Game Logic still exists for this conversation, and it reveals that Duster was a part of this conversation as well. While unrelated to the text itself, it's worth noting that the map this text is associated with is part of the relatively small amount of empty/deleted maps in the game to have a name, the name being Empty 339.

  • Line 0: Talking to Locria would start a cutscene just like with most of the other Magypsies It would start with Locria saying this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆あら いらっしゃい。
•Oh, welcome.
•Who might you be?
  • Line 1: Kumatora says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆あんた もしかして
 このしまにすむ マジプシーか?
•Are you the Magypsy who lives on this island? 	
  • Line 2: Locria says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆わたしは ニューポークとうの
 マジプシー ロクリアよん。
•That's right.
•I'm Locria, the Magypsy of New Pork Island.
•And you are?
  • Line 3: Kumatora says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆オレは イオニアのでしにして
 オソヘおうの むすめ
 [KUMATORA 23 04 00]だ。
•I'm [KUMATORA 23 04 00], Ionia's apprentice,
 and daughter of King Osohe.
  • Line 4: Locria says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆あなたたちが はりを
•So you're the ones going around pulling all the
 Needles, then? 
  • Line 5: Kumatora says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆そして あんたが まもっている
 ここの ハリこそが さいごの
 いっぽんに なってしまった。
•And the Needle you're guarding here is the last
 one left. 
  • Line 6: Locria says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆やだぁーっ いったい
 どうなって しまうのかしら!
•Oh, my! Whatever is going to happen?!
•I can't wait to see!! 	
  • Line 7: Duster says this. It's odd how aggressive he is here, as he never acts like this in the final game.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆ここの ハリがぬかれてしまったら
 ふっかつして しまうんだぞ!
•The Dark Dragon's gonna be revived once the
 Needle here gets pulled, you know!
•Do you even understand?! 	
  • Line 8: Locria says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆あら べつにいいじゃない。
◆せかいが どうなったって
•Oh, but, that's okay.
•What happens to the world is none of my
  • Line 9: Duster says this. Once again, he's oddly aggressive here.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆そうやって のうのうと
 にげてるが いいさ!
◆あとで とりかえしのつかない
 ことになっても オレはしらねぇぜ!
•Fine! Then go ahead and ignore everything
 without a care in the world!
•Just don't blame me if something irreversibly
 bad happens! 		
  • Line 10: Kumatora says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆あいつ わるいやつじゃねーんだ。
 ゆるして やってくれ。
•He's not a bad person.
 Forgive him.	
  • Line 11: Locria says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆それより がんばってね。
•I'm not offended at all.
•But anyways, good luck.
 I'm behind you 100%.
  • Line 12: Kumatora says this. This is where the cutscene would end.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 13: Locria would let you rest at her house, just like a couple of the other Magypsies do.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆ひとやすみ する?
   はい   いいえ
•Take a quick nap?

      Yes      No 	
  • Line 14: Locria says this if you said no to her offer.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆ムリは よくないわよん。
•It's not good to push yourself too hard, you
  • Line 15: Locria says this once you woke up.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
•Good luck, okay?
•I'm behind you 100%. 

Block 344 - Chimera Lab Main Entrance (Map 157)

It should be important to note that the receptionist is clearly a robot in the final game. Giggling much like the waitresses of Club Titiboo, the giggles in the text implies she is human.

  • Line 2: The receptionist stopping you from entering the theater.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆あっ ちょっとまって。
•Oh, hold on there.
•Little boy.
  • Line 3:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆そちらのコーナーは ゆうりょうなので
 こちらで チケットを
 おかいあげ くださいませね。
•You need to pay to see that film, so please
  purchase your tickets here.
  • Line 4: The receptionist asking you to pay.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆キマイラレポート チケット
◆1まい 10DPに
   はい   いいえ
•Chimera Report tickets are available here.
•It's 10 DP per ticket.
   Yes   No
  • Line 5: She says this if you pay.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆そちらの ひがしがわの
 つうろを おすすみくださいませね。
•Thank you!
•Please go through the hallway to the right of
  the entrance.
  • Line 6: She says this if you say no.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆また ごりようくださいませね。
•Oh, I see.
•Well, please come again.
  • Line 7: She says this if you don't have enough money.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆おカネが たりないわ。
•Oh, my.
•You don't have enough money.
  • Line 8: She says this once you leave the theater after watching the movie. After this you'll need to pay again to get back through.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆また ごりようくださいませね。
•Thank you for coming!
•Please visit again sometime!

Block 345 - Chimera Lab Theater (Map 158)

To go along with the previous event is an event where a woman in the theater starts a movie.

  • Line 0: This line isn't used at all, even in the unused scene. Perhaps you were going to be given an option when asked if you were here to see the movie.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   はい   いいえ
•Check out what's playing in the theater?
   Yes   No
  • Line 1: A woman in the room would say this. After this a cutscene where a countdown plays on the movie screen before immediately ending plays.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆あら あら
◆もうすぐ はじまりますので
 しょうしょう おまちくださいませ。
•Oh, my! Are you here to see the film?
•Just a moment, then. It'll begin shortly.
  • Line 2: She says this afterwards.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆あら あら?
◆・・・えいぞうききの ほうが
 こわれてしまっている みたいです。
•Oh, my!
•...The video equipment seems to be broken.
  • Line 3: Despite saying this, the scene is reset and can be rewatched after leaving the room and paying to enter the theater again.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆もうしわけ ありません。
◆ほんじつの じょうえいは
 ここまでと させていただきます。
•I'm very sorry.
•The rest of today's showings are cancelled.
  • Line 4: She says this when talked to again until the scene is reset.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 また おこしくださいませ。
•Thank you.
  Please visit again.

Block 350 - Chimera Lab (Map 15D)

  • Line 0: A memo from Porky. Oddly, this text is assigned to an invisible Pigtunia in the map.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 ・えさを あんまり たべない!
 ・かっこいい わりに きだてがいい!
 ・てごろな ○○○ と かおり!
 ・よなきを しない!
 ・チャンスに つよい!
 ・おて や おかわり を する!
 ・けなみは さいこう!
 ・くちを あまり もぐもぐさせない!
 ・フンが あまり くさくない!
 ・きまえが いい!
•A Memo About the Kind of Chimeras I Want
  - Ones that don't eat much!
  - Ones as nice and loving as they are cool!
  - Ones with a decent flavor and scent!
  - Ones that won't cry at night!
  - Ones that make a good bodyguard!
  - Ones with a great coat of fur!
  - Ones that don't chew with their mouth open!
  - Ones with poop that doesn't stink much!
  - Ones that are warmhearted!
  - Ones that aren't oversensitive!

Block 370 - Chimera Lab (Map 171)

  • Line 0: This text is probably a Pigmask talking about the Ultimate Chimera. The context of the word "Giygas-y" is explained here.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆このさきは じゅくれんの
 ガードマンの おれさまでも
 ばけものが いやがる。
◆あるいみ あいつは
◆あぶないから はいっちゃいけねぇぜ。
•Up ahead is a monster that could even make
  quick work of a skilled security guard like me.
•In one sense, I guess you could say he's...
•He's dangerous, so you can't go inside.

Block 380 - Unknown Valley (Map 17B)

  • Line 4: A self-referential joke meant to appear at the area with lots of holes at Unknown Valley in chapter 5.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆2006ねん はる
•Whole Lotta Holes
•Expected Completion Date:
  Spring 2006

Block 400 - Highway (Map 18F)

  • Line 9: Some unused script revealed you originally had a longer path to take in order to infiltrate the Chimera Lab. You probably had to either take tickets from the passed out Pigmask or buy tickets at the front desk to get into the labs movie theater.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇ポケットから チケットのようなものが
•Ticket-like objects have fallen out of his

Block 444 - Top of the Thunder Tower (Map 1BB)

  • Line 0: This line and the one below come right before the text for being struck by lightning and learning PK Flash.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇・・・ヘンなおとが きこえる。
•...You hear an odd sound.
  • Line 1: You're given an option for touching whatever machine this was meant for. This seems to imply that learning PK Flash was originally optional rather than a forced event.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇きかいに ふれてみますか?
   はい   いいえ
•Touch the machine?
   Yes   No

Block 688 - Deleted Map (Map 2AF)

  • Line 0: A line referencing Leder's disappearance after the timeskip. While the associated map has been deleted, the fact that it mentions brainwashing, the next few blocks seem to be for the Empire Porky Building, and Chapter 8 is when Leder appears again implies that this text was also for the Empire Porky Building.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆タツマイリむらの じゅうみんに
 いつも かねをならしている
 でかいじーさんが いたんだけど
 アイツだけ みないんだよなぁ。
◆ちゃんと せんのうしたのかなぁ。
•You know that really tall guy who was always
  ringing the bell for the people in Tazmily?
  For some reason, I haven't seen him anywhere
  at all.
•I wonder if they managed to brainwash him.

Block 690 - Deleted Map (Map 2B1)

  • Line 0: These lines were probably meant for an early version of the Empire Porky Building where many people were trying to reach the 100th floor instead of just your party. [ALTERNATEFONT] activates the Mr. Saturn font.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆[ALTERNATEFONT]こ゛し゛ゅう かいまて゛ きた。
•[ALTERNATEFONT]i come to floor 50.
  • Line 1
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆[ALTERNATEFONT]いちて゛もなく ひゃくて゛もなく
 こ゛し゛ゅうか゛ すきて゛す。
•[ALTERNATEFONT]not 1, not 100.
  i like 50. 

Block 694 - Deleted Map (Map 2B5)

  • Line 0: These lines were also probably meant for the aforementioned early version of the Empire Porky Building.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆きょうは 30かいまで きたぜ!
 30かいまで だったんだけどな。
•I made it to the 30th floor today! Yes!
  ...Though I made it to the 30th floor
  yesterday, too. 
  • Line 1:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 ・・・あしが いてぇよぉ・・・。
...My legs are killing me... 

Block 696 - Deleted Map (Map 2B7)

  • Line 0: Once again, these lines were also probably meant for the aforementioned early version of the Empire Porky Building. The text implies it was meant for a scientist NPC
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆はあ はあ はあ
もうずいぶん のぼったけど
•*gasp* *gasp* *gasp*
  I've climbed for so long, but I'm still only at the
  20th floor... 
  • Line 1
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆わ われわれの
ち ちりょくを もってすれば 
ひゃ 100かい くらい
す すぐに とうたつできる・・・
•W-with our i-intellect...
 ...reaching th-the 100th floor...
 ...was supposed to be so easy... 

Block 709 - Last Needle Room (Map 2C4)

For some reason, all the text for outside of Chupichupyoi Temple is duplicated in this block.

  • Line 11: Probably meant to be shown if you try to answer "No" when the game asks you to pull the final needle. Oddly this text is found before all the other text for the scene and after 7 empty lines. In the final game, while Lucas will always pull the needle regardless of your choice, there's no special narration for choosing "No."
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇[LUCAS 23 02 00]が ハリをぬくことを
 じゃますることは できない。
[PAUSE 20 00] だれにも。
•No one can stop [LUCAS 23 02 00] from pulling
 the Needle.
[PAUSE 20 00] No one. 

Block 807 - Elevator to Beneath the Empire Porky Building (Map 326)

Unused conversation between Flint, Kumatora and Duster, meant to be used on the elevator ride to the final dungeon. In the final game the characters just stay in place as the elevator goes down at a rapid pace.

  • Line 0: Flint says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆[HINAWA 22 08 00]は きっと
 おれたちを みまもってくれている。
◆おそれることは なにもないさ。
•I'm certain that [HINAWA 22 08 00] is watching
  over us.
•There's nothing to be afraid of.
  • Line 1: Flint says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆[CLAUS 22 05 00]・・・。
◆いまごろ どこでなにを
◆アイツは ぜったいにいきている。
◆それだけは ずっとしんじてる。
◆アイツの てがかりがみつかるまで
 50ねんでも 100ねんでも
•[CLAUS 22 05 00]...
•I wonder where he is now, and what he's
•He's alive. I know it.
•I've always had complete faith in that.
•Until I find any clues leading to him, I'll keep on
  searching, even if it takes 50 or 100 years.
  • Line 2: Flint says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆[LUCAS 23 02 00]。
◆やるときめたら まようことはない。
◆おれは いつでも おまえを
•[LUCAS 23 02 00].
•Once you've made up your mind, there's no
  need to hesitate.
•I'm always behind you all the way.
  • Line 3: Flint says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
•Good luck.
  • Line 4: Kumatora says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆オレたちの きおくが
 あのジジイの いうとおり
 つくられた ものだとしたら・・・。
◆オレは いったいだれなんだ?
◆オレは ほんとうに オソヘの
◆いや やめよう。
◆いまは ハリのことだけ
•If that old fogey's right and our memories
  were all made up...
•Then who exactly am I?
•Was I really princess of Osohe Castle?
•No, never mind.
•Right now we gotta focus on the Needle.
  • Line 5: Kumatora says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆[LUCAS 23 02 00]の かあさんは
 どんな ひとだった?
◆オレには かあさんの
 きおくなんて ないからな。
◆かあさんが いるのって
 どんなかんじ なんだろうとおもって
 ちょっと きいてみただけだ。
•What was your mom like, [LUCAS 23 02 00]?
•Was she nice?
•No, uhh, it's just that I have no memory of my
•I only asked 'cause I wondered what it's like to
  have one.
  • Line 6: Kumatora says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆イオニアのやつ いまごろ
•Family, huh...
•I wonder what ol' Ionia's up to...
  • Line 7: Kumatora says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆オレたちの きおくが
 つくられただけの ものだとしても
 いま ここにいる げんじつは
◆いこうぜ [LUCAS 23 02 00]
◆さいごのハリを ぬきに!
•Even if our memories are just fabrications, the
  fact we're here now is real.
•Let's go, [LUCAS 23 02 00]!
•Let's go and pull that final Needle!
  • Line 8: Duster says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆おれたち 3にんとも
 ははおやが いないんだっけ。
◆なんだか すごいぐうぜんだな。
•Come to think of it...
•All three of us are mother-less.
•Talk about a big coincidence.
  • Line 9: Duster says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆オレの かあちゃんは
 もう ずいぶんまえに しんだよ。
◆それからは おやじが
 ひとりで そだててくれた。
 さかなつり おしえてくれたり
•My mom died a long time ago.
•My dad raised me by himself.
•He'd make food and teach me how to fish and
•He was a strict, but nice dad.
  • Line 10: Duster says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆こどものころからの きおくが
 ウエスは おそらく ほんとうの
 オレのおやじ だろう。
◆それだけは まちがいない
•Even if my memories since childhood are fake,
  Wess probably really is my real dad.
•I get the feeling that there's definitely no
  mistake about that.
  • Line 11: Duster says this.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆このさきには いったい
•What do you suppose could be waiting up

Block 885 - Empire Porky Building DCMC Concert Floor (Map 374)

  • Line 15': This was almost definitely meant for after Porky cuts the power.
Japanese Version Fan-translated English Script
 かかかたを だっきゅうさせたら
•Oooooh myyyyy goddd!
•Dddoooon't be wwwaaanndderrring around in
  this darkness!
•Wwwwhat Iiif I rrrran inttoooo someone and
  disssslocattted a shoulder?! 

Block 894 - Debug Room (Map 37D)

Note that the English event selection text is not from the fan translation since it wasn't translated accurately. The rest of the text here should also be retranslated to make sure it was accurately translated in the fan translation.

  • Line 0: Note that this text isn't used in the Debug Room at all.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 1:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 2:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 3:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 4:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 5:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 6:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 7:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 8:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 9: Note that this text isn't used in the Debug Room at all.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 10: Item 5D is the Nut.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   いいえ   はい
   No   Yes
  • Line 11: Item 6F is the Big City Cola. [EF 11] is a custom control code added in the fan translation.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◇[ITEM 6F 00]を てにいれた!
•Got [EF 11][ITEM 6F 00]!
  • Line 12:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   はい   いいえ
   Yes   No
  • Line 13:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  • Line 14:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 ←00:完了          →
 ←01:フリント  ON/OFF→
 ←02:リュカ   ON/OFF→
 ←03:ダスター  ON/OFF→
 ←04:クマトラ  ON/OFF→
 ←05:ボニー   ON/OFF→
 ←06:サルサ   ON/OFF→
 ←07:ウエス   ON/OFF→
 ←08:トマス   ON/OFF→
 ←09:イオニア  ON/OFF→
 ←10:フエル   ON/OFF→
 ←11:アレック  ON/OFF→
 ←12:ヨクバ   ON/OFF→
 ←13:クラウス  ON/OFF→
•Party Configuration:
 ←00: END             →
 ←01: Flint     ON/OFF→
 ←02: Lucas     ON/OFF→
 ←03: Duster    ON/OFF→
 ←04: Kumatora  ON/OFF→
 ←05: Boney     ON/OFF→
 ←06: Salsa     ON/OFF→
 ←07: Wess      ON/OFF→
 ←08: Thomas    ON/OFF→
 ←09: Ionia     ON/OFF→
 ←10: Fuel      ON/OFF→
 ←11: Alec      ON/OFF→
 ←12: Fassad    ON/OFF→
 ←13: Claus     ON/OFF→
  • Line 15: Note the inclusion of Wess, showing that he was originally a party member.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 ←00:フリントのレベル    →
 ←01:リュカのレベル     →
 ←02:ダスターのレベル    →
 ←03:クマトラのレベル    →
 ←04:ボニーのレベル     →
 ←05:サルサのレベル     →
 ←06:ウエスのレベル     →
 ←07:みんなのレベルを99  →
•Change whose level?
 ←00: Flint's Level       →
 ←01: Lucas's Level        →
 ←02: Duster's Level       →
 ←03: Kumatora's Level     →
 ←04: Boney's Level        →
 ←05: Salsa's Level        →
 ←06: Wess's Level         →
 ←07: Everyone's Level 99  →
  • Line 16:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
  ←現状維持         →
  ←Lv:01        →
  ←Lv:05        →
  ←Lv:10        →
  ←Lv:15        →
  ←Lv:20        →
  ←Lv:25        →
  ←Lv:30        →
  ←Lv:35        →
  ←Lv:40        →
  ←Lv:45        →
  ←Lv:50        →
  ←Lv:55        →
  ←Lv:60        →
  ←Lv:99        →
  ←Lv:99  最強状態  →
•Set it to what?
  ←No Change    →
  ←Lv: 01       →
  ←Lv: 05       →
  ←Lv: 10       →
  ←Lv: 15       →
  ←Lv: 20       →
  ←Lv: 25       →
  ←Lv: 30       →
  ←Lv: 35       →
  ←Lv: 40       →
  ←Lv: 45       →
  ←Lv: 50       →
  ←Lv: 55       →
  ←Lv: 60       →
  ←Lv: 99       →
  ←Lv: 99  Max  →
  • Line 17:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
 ←00:終了          →
 ←01:通常          →
 ←02:ホワイト        →
 ←03:アイリス        →
 ←04:ラスター        →
 ←05:ザコバトルイン     →
 ←06:ボスバトルイン     →
 ←07:左右ライン1      →
 ←08:左右ライン2      →
 ←09:左から右へ       →
 ←10:右から左へ       →
 ←11:下上下ライン      →
 ←12:画面4分割       →
 ←13:ブロックうずまき    →
 ←14:ブロックうずまき二重  →
 ←15:三角アイリス      →
 ←16:左右波形        →
 ←17:縮小回転        →
 ←18:ランダムブロック    →
 ←19:市松模様        →
•Fade Check
 ←00: END            →
 ←01: Normal         →
 ←02: White          →
 ←03: Iris           →
 ←04: Raster         →
 ←05: Normal Battle  →
 ←06: Boss Battle    →
 ←07: LR Line 1      →
 ←08: LR Line 2      →
 ←09: L to R         →
 ←10: R to L         →
 ←11: D-U-D Lines    →
 ←12: Quarter Div    →
 ←13: Block Swirl    →
 ←14: Swirl Layer    →
 ←15: Tri-Iris       →
 ←16: LR Waves       →
 ←17: Shrink + Rot   →
 ←18: Random Blocks  →
 ←19: Checkerboard   →
  • Line 18:
Japanese Version English
  ←選択終了          →
  ←0章 :アレックの家    →
  ←火事編:フリントの家    →
  ←火事編:燃えるテリの森へ  →
  ←火事編:雨、宿での休息   →
  ←捜索編:崖の前で      →
  ←捜索編:ダスター登場!   →
  ←捜索編:双子発見…そして  →
  ←復讐編:牢獄での目覚め   →
  ←復讐編:アレックの家へ   →
  ←復讐編:オリシモ山     →
•Chapter 1: Event Selection
  ←Chapter 0 : Alec's House→
  ←The Fire Incident: Flint's House→
  ←The Fire Incident: To the Burning Teri Forest→
  ←The Fire Incident: Rain, Rest at Inn→
  ←The Search: In Front of the Cliff→
  ←The Search: Here Comes Duster!→
  ←The Search: Twins Found...and→
  ←Revenge: Awakening in Prison→
  ←Revenge: Go to Alec's House→
  ←Revenge: Mt. Olyshimo→
  • Line 19:
Japanese Version English
  ←選択終了          →
  ←初仕事:ウエスの家前    →
  ←初仕事:オソヘ城初潜入   →
  ←初仕事:ポルターガイスト前 →
  ←凱旋 :タンつぼ取得    →
  ←再挑戦:オソヘ城再潜入   →
  ←再挑戦:ウエスの踊り    →
  ←再挑戦:ひかりのたまご   →
  ←帰宅 :流されてウエス宅  →
•Chapter 2: Event Selection
  ←First Job: In Front of Wess' House→
  ←First Job: First Entry Into Osohe Castle→
  ←First job: Before Poltergeist→
  ←Triumph :Tan Crucible Acquisition→
  ←Retry: Re-Enter Osohe Castle→
  ←Retry: Wess' Dance→
  ←Retry: Egg of Light→
  ←Return Home :Washed Away and Went Home→
  • Line 20:
Japanese Version English
  ←選択終了          →
  ←村へ :砂漠から      →
  ←村へ :ポークビーン    →
  ←村へ :墓場から      →
  ←お仕事:シアワセセールス  →
  ←お仕事:幸せの箱配り    →
  ←お仕事:オソヘ城へ     →
  ←お仕事:ウエスまた災難   →
  ←脱出 :クマトラの手引き  →
  ←脱出 :森への逃亡     →
•Chapter 3: Event Selection
  ←To the Village : From the Desert→
  ←To the Village : Pork Bean→
  ←To the Village : From the Grave→
  ←Job: Shiawase Sales→
  ←Job: Distributing Happy Boxes→
  ←Job: To Osohe Castle→
  ←Job: Wess Another Disaster→
  ←Escape : Kumatora's Guide→
  ←Escape : Escape to the forest→
  • Line 21:
Japanese Version English
  ←選択終了          →
  ←目覚め  :フリントの家  →
  ←旅立ち  :クロスロード  →
  ←コーバ到着:コーバ     →
  ←チチブー :RW乗り場   →
  ←3年の空白:ヨシコシの部屋 →
  ←タメキチ :タメキチの部屋 →
  ←BVA  :タメキチの部屋 →
•Chapter 4: Event Selection
  ←Awakening : Flint's House →
  ←Departure : Crossroads→
  ←Arrival in Corvair: Corvair→
  ←Chichibu : RW Boarding Area→
  ←Three Years Blank: Yoshi Koshi's Room→
  ←Tamekichi : Tamekichi's Room→
  ←BVA : Tamekichi's Room →
  • Line 22:
Japanese Version English
  ←選択終了          →
  ←ネンド追跡:ヒトシラズの谷 →
  ←ネンド工場:ネンド人の秘密 →
  ←PB入手 :ハイウェイ   →
  ←寄せ集め :ゴミ捨て場   →
  ←侵入   :イカヅチタワー →
  ←謎の部屋 :キング様の部屋 →
  ←タワー崩壊:タワー頂上   →
•Chapter 5: Event Selection
  ←Nendo Tracking: Valley of Hitoshirazu→
  ←Nendo Factory: Secrets of the Nendo People→
  ←Obtain PB : Highway (Obtain Pork Bean?)→
  ←Huddle : Garbage Dump→
  ←Intrusion : Ikazuchi Tower→
  ←Mystery Room : Master King's Room→
  ←Genetta: Generator Room→
  ←Tower Collapse: Top of Tower→
  • Line 23:
Japanese Version English
  ←選択終了          →
  ←7章開始:老人ホーム    →
  ←針とマジプシー:エオリア宅 →
  ←おへその針:オソヘ城中庭  →
  ←墓参り:ユーヤケ墓場    →
  ←針さがし開始:クロスロード →
  ←仮面の男再び:チュピ神殿前 →
•Chapter 7: Event Selection
  ←Start of Chapter 7: Nursing Home→
  ←Needles and Magypsies: Aeolia's Home→
  ←Needle in the Navel: Osohe Castle Courtyard→
  ←Graveside Services: Uyake Cemetery→
  ←Needle Search Begins: Crossroads→
  ←Find the Pickle! Tsumadzuki Pass→
  ←Ionia's House: Exterior View of Ionia's House→
  ←The Masked Man Again: In Front of the Chupi Temple→
  • Line 24: Note the use of "Fall of the Pig King" on the final selection- it was one of the game's subtitles during development.
Japanese Version English
  ←選択終了          →
  ←8章開始:リムジン内部   →
  ←NPC到着:発着場     →
  ←リーダーの家へ:ゲーセン  →
  ←ミラクル一発:下水道    →
  ←再会:EPタワー24F   →
  ←接待1:接待フロア前    →
  ←接待2:接待フロア前    →
  ←接待3:接待フロア前    →
  ←ブタ王の最後:最後の針の間 →
•Chapter 8: Event Selection
  ←Chapter 8 Begins: Inside the Limousine→
  ←NPC Arrival: Departure and Arrival Point→
  ←To the Leader's House: Arcade→
  ←Miracle One Shot: Sewer→
  ←Reunion: EP Tower 24F→
  ←To 100F: EP Tower 24F→
  ←Entertainment 1: In Front of the Entertainment Floor→
  ←Entertainment 2: In Front of the Entertainment Floor→
  ←Entertainment 3: In Front of the Entertainment Floor→
  ←NK Cyborg: 100F of the Heart→
  ←Mecha-Porky: True 100F→
  ←Fall of the Pig King: The Last Needle Room→
  • Line 25:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   少年   青年
•Select Lucas and Kumatora's ages:
   Kids   Adolescents
  • Line 26: Note that this text isn't used in the Debug Room at all.
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
•Turned off 50 flags.
  • Line 27:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   はい   いいえ
•Turn on all memo flags and obtain all maps.
   No   Yes
  • Line 28:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
   はい   いいえ
•Play the ending?
   No   Yes
  • Line 29:
Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
◆どこから はじめる?
  ←選択終了          →
  ←エンディング最初から    →
  ←スタッフロールから     →
  ←END〜木の生長から    →
•Begin from where?
  ←Ending start→
  ←Staff roll→

Unused Character Names

An assorted list of objects, characters that never talk, sound effects, and some strange oddities. Almost all of the speaker entries up until entry B9 matches the sprite group with the same ID.

073:Drago Pup
07B:Pork Bean
07C:Pork Tank
07F:Gift Box
092:Drago Pup
0C2:Pork Bomb
0C3:Person 195
0C5:Paper Man
0C6:Pork Saucer
0C9:Pig Book
0CE:Bucket Bros
0E0:Teddy Bear
0E3:Person 227
0E8:Person 232
0F7:Person 249
0F9:Slot Machine
0FE:Person 254
114:Gift Box

A speaker name for Flint. Tied to Boney's Sunflower Field sprite group (look here for more information), though he'll instead use Boney's name when spoken to due to the way character names are coded to work.


The speaker name for the Magypsy Locria. In the final game she's never talked to while using this name, but this name would have been used in an unused cutscene. Her overworld sprites were overwritten by Boney's sprites for having a hat while in water.


The speaker name for a cut shopkeeper in Gova Volcano. His overworld sprites were overwritten, so this name is tied to Lucas's pre-timeskip pajama sprites, though he'll instead use Lucas' name when spoken to due to the way character names are coded to work.


A strange case. There are unused graphics for a pigskin rug. This may have implied it would have talked.

0E4:Pigskin Rug
The pigskin rug in question.

A speaker name for the cut coupon mechanic! It's not known if the Coupon Exchange machines would've talked and showed this, though.


Battle Memory Text

The unused boss Tiny Forest actually has battle memory text hidden in the game data. The information it gives is supported by the fact that the Mole Cricket Hole is quite empty and one could easily fit a boss in the end of the dungeon where the path only goes one way. Tiny Forests stats are also balanced for a miniboss when compared to the Snowcap enemies in the proceeding area.

Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
オケラあなに おいしげる
ちいさな ちいさな もり。
もりというより しげみ。
しかし いちおう もりで。
A tiny, tiny forest that
grows in the mole cricket
hole. It's really more of a
bush than a forest, but

The Battle Memory also has default text indicating an earlier, and slightly more informative, way of describing enemies.

Japanese Version English Fan-translation script
たいちょう   100cm
たいじゅう   100kg
せいかく    きょうあく
せいそくち   さんかんぶ
けいけんち   12345
Ht: 100cm  Wt: 100kg
Personality: Atrocious
Habitat: Mountains
Experience: 12345

Overworld Debug Menu

This text is used by the overworld debug menu. Something interesting to note is that one of the entries is listed as "Coupons", a cut post-timeskip currency.

Collision Detect
Obstacle Evasion
Process Load
Gamma Correction
Control Mode
World Map
Encounter BGM
Sound No.
Current Coords
Money On Hand
Leder Counter
Respawn Location
Current BGM
No Display
GB Player

Battle Debug Menu

Some left-over text exists in the beginning of the text block used for the battle engine. It is safe to assume these were destined for a Debug Menu for the battle engine. Here are the lines from the fan-translated version. This Debug Menu is currently inaccessible.

0000-E: Debug Text[END]
0002-E: Player[END]
0003-E: PSI[END]
0004-E: Goods[END]
0005-E: Monster[END]
0006-E: Status[END]
0007-E: Other[END]
0009-E: Name[END]
000A-E: Kill Off[END]
000B-E: Level[END]
000C-E: EXP[END]
000D-E: HP[END]
000E-E: PP[END]
000F-E: ATK[END]
0010-E: DEF[END]
0011-E: IQ[END]
0012-E: SPD[END]
0013-E: Kindness[END]
0015-E: Target[END]
0016-E: PSI[END]
0017-E: Add[END]
0018-E: Remove[END]
001A-E: Target[END]
001B-E: Goods[END]
001C-E: Add[END]
001D-E: Remove[END]
001F-E: Name[END]
0020-E: ID[END]
0021-E: Kill Off[END]
0022-E: Attack Sound[END]
0023-E: Direction[END]
0024-E: Level[END]
0025-E: HP[END]
0026-E: PP[END]
0027-E: ATK[END]
0028-E: DEF[END]
0029-E: IQ[END]
002A-E: SPD[END]
002B-E: Kindness[END]
002C-E: Weak No-Element[END]
002D-E: Weak Fire[END]
002E-E: Weak Ice[END]
002F-E: Weak Thunder[END]
0030-E: Weak Explosion[END]
0032-E: Target[END]
0033-E: Status[END]
0034-E: Add[END]
0035-E: Remove[END]
0037-E: Full Party Recovery[END]
0038-E: Full Party Death[END]
0039-E: Field[END]
003A-E: Effect[END]
003B-E: BGM[END]
003C-E: CPU Load[END]
003D-E: Memory Load[END]
003E-E: Status Name[END]
003F-E: [END]
0040-E: Poison[END]
0041-E: Paralysis[END]
0042-E: Sleep[END]
0043-E: Strange[END]
0044-E: Crying[END]
0045-E: Forgetful[END]
0046-E: Nauseated[END]
0047-E: Fleas[END]
0048-E: On Fire[END]
0049-E: Paralyzed, Frozen[END]
004A-E: Smell[END]
004C-E: Staple Stopped[END]
004D-E: Apology Stopped[END]
004E-E: Laugh Stopped[END]
004F-E: Guard[END]
0050-E: No EXP[END]
0051-E: OFF Down Weak[END]
0052-E: OFF Down Strong[END]
0053-E: DEF Down Weak[END]
0054-E: DEF Down Strong[END]
0055-E: Shield[END]
0056-E: Counter[END]
0057-E: Shocked[END]
0058-E: PSI Shield[END]
0059-E: PSI Counter[END]
005A-E: OFF Up Weak[END]
005B-E: OFF Up Strong[END]
005C-E: DEF Up Weak[END]
005D-E: DEF Up Strong[END]
005E-E: Escape Failure[END]
005F-E: Dance[END]
0060-E: OFF Down Mid[END]
0061-E: DEF Down Mid[END]
0062-E: Time Bomb[END]
0063-E: Parameters Up[END]
0064-E: Parameters Down[END]
0065-E: Refresh[END]
0066-E: Fell Over[END]
0067-E: Dance OFF Up[END]
0068-E: Dance DEF Up[END]
0069-E: Dance SPD Up[END]
006A-E: Dance IQ Up[END]
006B-E: Dance OFF Down[END]
006C-E: Dance DEF Down[END]
006D-E: Dance SPD Down[END]
006E-E: Dance IQ Down[END]
006F-E: Endure[END]
0070-E: OFF Up Mid[END]
0071-E: DEF Up Mid[END]
0072-E: No Back Sprite[END]

0682-E: ???[END]
00:Pl. Movement Data
03:Run Away
04:Chapter 0 Attack
05:Strange Attack
07:Duster:Back Up
0A:DCMC Intrusion
0B:Baccio's Line
0C:Baccio's Attack
0D:Shimmy's Line
0E:Shimmy's Attack
0F:Magic's Line
10:Magic's Attack
11:OJ's Line
12:OJ's Attack
13:Andonuts' Line
14:Andonuts' attack
15:Wess' Line
16:Wess' Attack
17:Flint's Line
18:Flint's Attack
19:Lucas Cant Attack
1B:Last Bash
1C:Last PSI
1D:Last Goods
1E:Last Guard
1F:Flint: Special
21:Power Smash
22:Strengthen Up
23:Toughen Up
24:Duster: Thief
25:Wall Staple
26:Siren Beetle
28:Smoke Bomb
29:Scary Mask
2A:Tickle Stick
2B:Boney: Sniff
2F:Make Laugh
31:Monkey Mimic
02D7: Ionia tried PK Fire [GAMMA]![END]
02D8: Ionia tried PK Freeze [OMEGA]![END]
02D9: Ionia tried PK Thunder [GAMMA]![END]
02DA: Ionia tried Offense Up [OMEGA]![END]
02DB: Ionia tried Defense Up [OMEGA]![END]
02DC: Ionia tried Lifeup [GAMMA]![END]
02DD: Ionia tried Healing [GAMMA]![END]