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My Femboy Roommate

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My Femboy Roommate

Developer: Nuteku
Publisher: Nuteku
Platforms: Windows, Android
Released internationally: October 26, 2024

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
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My Femboy Roommate is a visual novel game about getting a roommate who just also happens to be a femboy. Hijinx ensue.

Unused Graphics

.PDN Files

Within the game's directory, several Paint.NET (.pdn) files were left in, containing unfinished or unused versions of UI elements.

Unused Menu Elements

Several fully designed menu buttons exist in the game files but are not used in any accessible menu screens.

Navigation Buttons

Galfront idle.png Galfront hover.png Galback idle.png Galback hover.png Menu.png Menu hover.png Back.png Skip.png Skip hover.png Save.png Save hover.png Hide.png Hide hover.png

Placeholder Lock


Unused Code

An unused main menu script contains code for a Patreon button that would have linked to the developer's page:

# imagebutton:
#     pos(0.5, 0.767)
#     anchor(0.5, 0.5)
#     idle "gui/patreon_quit_idle.png"
#     hover "gui/patreon_quit_hover.png"
#     action OpenURL("https://patreon.com/Nutekuu")