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My Hero: Firefighter

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Title Screen

My Hero: Firefighter

Also known as: My Hero: Let’s Play Firemen (EU), My Hero: Juguemos a los Bomberos (SP), My Hero: Let's Play - Il Pompiere (IT), My Hero: Pompier (FR), My Hero: Spielen wir Feuerwehrmann (DE)
Developer: Mad Monkey Studio
Publishers: Majesco Entertainment (US), Deep Silver (EU)
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in US: November 17, 2009
Released in EU: February 27, 2009

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

In My Hero: Firefighter, also known as My Hero: Let’s Play Firemen in Europe, you play as, you guessed it, a firefighter.

Development Text


A leftover of the game’s Makefile can be found in root/data/patterns/.

#! make -f
# Project:  NitroSDK - demos - PRC
# File:     Makefile
# Copyright 2005 Nintendo.  All rights reserved.
# These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain
# proprietary information of Nintendo of America Inc. and/or Nintendo
# Company Ltd., and are protected by Federal copyright law.  They may
# not be disclosed to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form,
# in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Nintendo.
# $Log: Makefile,v $
# Revision 1.2  10/04/2005 03:55:14  seiki_masashi
# Revised the file name in which patterns.c is included.
# Revision 1.1  10/04/2005 02:55:39  seiki_masashi
# new additions
# $NoKeywords: $



PATTERN_SOURCE = src/patterns.c
PATTERN_HEADER = include/patterns.h
PATTERNS	= data/patterns.txt
LNEWDIRS	= ./src ./include

include	$(NITROSDK_ROOT)/build/buildtools/commondefs

do-build:		$(PATTERN_TARGETS)

pattern:		$(PATTERN_TARGETS)

	$(PERL) $(NITROSDK_ROOT)/tools/bin/pdic2c.pl -c -C $@ -H $(PATTERN_HEADER) 64 $<

	$(PERL) $(NITROSDK_ROOT)/tools/bin/pdic2c.pl -h -H $@ 64 $<

include	$(NITROSDK_ROOT)/build/buildtools/modulerules

#===== End of Makefile =====

Sound Script

File script.txt in /root/data/Sound/ has a small resource file about song sets.

# quality level

# songset 1

# songset 2

# sfxset 1

# sfxset 2

Regional Differences

Title Screen

The title screen differs visually between the American and European releases, and also differs for each language.

American European English Spanish Italian French German
My Hero Firefighter US - Title Screen.png My Hero Firefighter EU - Title Screen.png My Hero Firefighter SP - Title Screen.png My Hero Firefighter IT - Title Screen.png My Hero Firefighter FR - Title Screen.png My Hero Firefighter DE - Title Screen.png

In the American version, there is a ‘Credits’ option, whereas the European version features an ‘Options’ menu instead. Selecting this brings up a screen with the options ‘Credits’ and ‘Languages’.