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Notes:Deus Ex: The Conspiracy

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This page contains notes for the game Deus Ex: The Conspiracy.


Audio can be opened and converted with MFAudio. Frequency of 22050, interleave of 10.

Enabling Cheats

The PDX2User.ini file can be edited (and recompiled) and the Aliases section changed to provide hotkeys for commands without using a keyboard.

For example, this alias will disable the fire button but enable cheats, turn on noclip, disable lighting, and increase FoV:

Aliases[0]=(Command="Set PlayerPawn bCheatsEnabled True | Ghost | Rmode 4 | FOV 100",Alias=Fire)

This alias will disable the jump button but revert the player back to normal:

Aliases[7]=(Command="Set PlayerPawn bCheatsEnabled True | Walk | Rmode 5 | FOV 75",Alias=Jump)

Another to disable reloading and disable the HUD instead:

Aliases[19]=(Command="Set PlayerPawn bCheatsEnabled True | ShowHUD False",Alias=ReloadWeapon)

Disabling the duck button and replacing it with showing actors' mesh and cylinders:

Aliases[8]=(Command="Set ActorDisplayWindow viewClass Pawn | Set ActorDisplayWindow bShowLineOfSight False | Set ActorDisplayWindow bShowMesh True | Set ActorDisplayWindow bShowCylinder True",Alias=Duck)

The majority of PC commands can be used this way, the 'set' command still remains as powerful as ever.