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Notes:Devil May Cry 4

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This page contains notes for the game Devil May Cry 4.

Debug Mode Options

Courtesy of InfernalWorks forums.

- Shadow ON- All shadows on
- Shadow OFF- All shadows off
- Pl Dante Start- Start mission with Dante
- Pl Debug Disp1- (?)
- Pl Debug Disp2- (?)
- Pl Debug Automatic- Automatic mode (?)
- Pl Speed Up x4- Speed up player x4
- Pl Speed Up x2.5- Speed up player x2.5
- Pl Jump No Limit- Infinite Air Hike
- Pl Catapult Free- All jumps become launch jumps, infinite jumping
- Pl Stinger Jump Free- All jumps become Stinger jumps, infinite jumping
- Pl Invincible- Invincibility
- Pl All Actions Open- Open (almost) all actions
- Pl Coat Check- (?)
- Pl Aging Check- (?)
- Pl Just Escape Check- All side Rolls as nero become his near miss dodge skill
- Pl Exceed Check- Infinite exceed
- Pl Follow Through Check- All attacks score auto max acts.
- Pl Secret Mission Find S- Devil bringer reacts as if there was a secret nearby (Small)
- Pl Secret Mission Find M- Devil bringer reacts as if there was a secret nearby (Medium)
- Pl Secret Mission Find L- Devil bringer reacts as if there was a secret nearby (Large)
- Pl New LockOn- New Lock-On (?)
- Pl D Trg Enabled- Possibility to use DT in mission 1-3 while playing first time (?)
- Pl WJump Enabled- Possibility to wall-jump (?)
- Pl No Damage- Player can't be hit 
- Pl No Death- Player does not die
- Pl No Collision- Walk through walls, Jump and land on the air rather than falling back down (Use left/right triggers to control height)
- Pl Atck Flipped- (?)
- Pl Atck Flipped L- (?)
- Pl Atck Flip- (?)
- Pl Damage Injure- Makes blood come off of you without any motion
- Pl Damage Interrupt- Your character reacts as if he were to be interrupted from damage
- Pl Damage Blown- Get blown back like when your hit by berials sword
- Pl Damage HiTime- Get hit into the air like being hit from a high time
- Pl Damage Wind S- Covers your face from wind, with one hand
- Pl Damage Wind M- Covers your face from wind, with one arm
- Pl Damage Wind L- Covers your face from wind, with both arms and pushed back slightly
- Pl Damage Combo- Knocked back slightly off balance like when dante hits you with combo skills
- Pl Damage Ice- Freeze like when Bael's baits freeze hug you
- Pl Damage Dead- Actually kills you so it will take you to the continue screen
- Pl Damage Blown Dead- Kills you by blowing you away as if you were killed by something when your jumping
- Pl Shadow On- Player's shadow on
- Pl Shadow Off- Player's shadow off
- Pl Dante Guage No Down- Infinite "Revenge Guage" and "Royalguard Guage" (?)
- Pl Dante Just Release- Possibility to Just Release (?)
- Pl Dante Guard Release- Possibility to Guard Release (?)
- Pl Dante Just Block- Possibility to Just Block (?)
- Pl Dante Guard Crush- Enemy's possibility to crush your guard (?)
- Pl Dante Lf No Kill- (?)
- Pl Dante All Weapons Open- Open all weapons
- Enemy All Kill- Kill all enemies on screen (?)
- Enemy Info- Show enemy's HP and level
- Enemy No Death- Enemies don't die
- Enemy No Damage- Enemies can't be hit
- Enemy Big Damage- (?)
- Enemy One Hit Death- Enemies die in one hit (like HoH difficult) (?)
- Enemy HP Disp- Show enemy's HP (?)
- Enemy Shadow On- Enemy's shadow on
- Enemy Shadow Off- Enemy's shadow off
- Enemy In Screen- (?)
- Enemy Disp Battle- (?)
- Enemy Disp Active- (?)
- Enemy CnsRandom Test Tra(??)- (?)
- Enemy CnsRandom Test R(??)- (?)
- Enemy Em025 Info- Info about Savior (?)
- EnemyHit Disp- (?)
- Event Check OFF- (?)
- Demo Skip- Skip cutscenes
- Demo Skip (30FPS)- Skip cutscenes (?)
- Auto Status- (?)
- Event Timer ON- Something about event timer, like in mission 12 (?)
- Time Limit OFF- Something about event timer, like in mission 12 (?)
- Last 10 Seconds- (?)
- Last 0 Second- (?)
- Stage Draw OFF- Turning off all stage textures (?)
- Room Arc OFF- (?)
- Effect Draw OFF- Turning off all effects (?)
- EfctBlur Draw OFF- Turning off motion-blur (?)
- Efct FootPrint OFF- (?)
- Efct Const Sync- (?)
- Efct Damage LOD Log- (?)
- GameCam of FreeCam- Switch between GameCam (fixed) and FreeCam (following you) (?)
- PlCorrectOver No Check- (?)
- Cam LockOn Disp- (?)
- Cam LockOn Test1- (?)
- Cam LockOn Test2- (?)
- R3Ctrl OFF- All camera controls in R3 disabled except up/down
- Collision OFF- (?)
- Pass_wall_disp- (?)
- 1 VS 1 ZOOM OFF- Zoom when fighting bosses (?)
- Collision Disp- (?)
- Camera Disp- (?)
- Camera OverFlow Check- (?)
- Collect Test- (?)
- Height Diff Test- (?)
- Collision Test1- (?)
- Collision Test2- (?)
- Data Disp1- (?)
- Data Disp2- (?)
- Data Disp3- (?)
- 6Sensor Test- (?)
- 6Sensor Type- (?)
- Obj Collision Disp- Displays circles around breakables and your character
- Obj Collision AABB Disp- (?)
- Obj Collision AABB Disable- (?)
- Obj Push Off- (?)
- Obj Attack Off- (?)
- Scr Collision Disp- (?)
- Obj Scr Push Disp- (?)
- ScrColl Surround Pl- (?)
- Scr Wall Off- (?)
- Scr Ground Off- (?)
- Scr Through Off- (?)
- Scr sCollision1- (?)
- Enemy PosCheck OFF- Enemy position (?)
- SE Mute- Mute sound effects
- BGM Mute- Mute background music
- ENV Mute- Mute environment sounds
- VOICE Mute- Mute voices
- SE No Request- (?)
- BGM No Request- (?)
- Sound Req Info- (?)
- Cockpit No Disp- Disables HUD; All HP, weps, maps, orbs, etc don't show
- Cockpit All Disp- Forces HUD display
- Itemget Off- Possibility to pick up items (?)
- Cockpit Safe Line Disp- Displays a red border apparently used to line up HUD elements
- Cockpit Tv Mode 4 : 3- Aspect ratio 4:3 (?)
- Tutorial Skip- Tutorial on/off (?)
- Debug Item Buy- "Item shop" anywhere (?)
- Item Cnt No Down- Infinite items (?)
- LockOn Target Disp- LockOn on/off (?)
- LockOn Frustum Disp- (?)
- LockOn No Check Range- (?)
- LockOn Not Enable- (?)
- Fade Id Fix- (?)
- Fade Kill- (?)
- Save Data Open- (?)
- Load Fail- (?)
- Save Fail- (?)
- Disk Full- (?)
- Auto Room Jump- (?)
- Hit Stop Test- (?)
- Blown Angle Test- (?)
- Draw Hide Off- (?)
- Debug Disp Mission Info- Mission info (time, style pts, orbs) (?)
- Debug Devil Hunter Rank S- (?)
- Ignore AssertFirstCreate- (?)
- Debug Disp Memory Info- (?)
- Debug Disp PAD Info- (?)
- Debug Disp FPS/RFPS- Show FPS and RFPS
- Debug print Resourse- (?)
- Debug print Unit- (?)
- Debug Auto Native All- (?)
- Debug Orb- (?)
- Debug Room Resource Lea(?)- (?)
- Debug Max FPS 30- Set frame rate to 30 (?)
- Debug Max FPS 25- Set frame rate to 25 (?)
- Debug Turbo Mode- Turbo-mode on/off
- CnsChain Disp- (?)
- CnsIK Disp- (?)
- Pad Debug Mode Off- (?)
- Parts CamTransparency Info- (?)
- Parts CamTransparency Off- (?)
- Parts BuliBoard Off- (?)
- PartsHandler All Off- (?)
All of these are TRUE/FALSE

- FrameWaitTRUE/FALSE- (?)
- Shader View Default SetTRUE/FALSE- (?)
- Fade Id Set0- (?)
- Orb Add99999999- Gives you 99999999 orbs
- Proud Add999999- Gives you 999999 proud souls
- Kill Enemy Add175899- (?)
- Dummy- Second player)))) (?)

- TITLE : R1 + O- (?)
- ROOM:000- Teleports you to chosen room

- Set ProvokeMtn: # (Where # can be -1 to 256) - Sets taunt level
- Set HitPoint: #Current/#Max
- Set DtGauge: #Current/#Max

- GLOBAL1.000000- Adjust overall game speed
- DEMO 1.000000- Adjust cutscene speed
- GAME1.000000- Adjust menu speed
- PLAYER1.000000- Adjust player speed
- ENEMY1.000000- Adjust enemy speed
- SET1.000000- (?)
- DEBUG1.200000- (?)
- (null)1.000000- (?)

- PL ALL OPEN- Open all missions or costumes (?)
- BLOODY PALACE FLAG SET- Sets the player to AI during BP mission. 
- COMPLETE SAVE DATA- 100% complete save (?)

- FIRE LOSTTRUE/FALSE- Setting to true makes Berial's fire expire and you can freely use the DB on him