Notes:Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
This page contains notes for the game Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II.
To do: Flag addresses |
Various Cheats
DBO4:FF -- Walk through Walls: Overworld (Slightly glitchy; Game Genie code NYEIKUAE can reduce the glitches but it won't get all of them)
C091:FF -- Walk through Walls: Dungeons (will freeze if this is on while moving on the overworld; USE ONLY IN DUNGEONS). Game Genie code NNOGPAYE will fix the crash issue. Note that you cannot exit dungeons while the code is on.
037A:FF -- No encounters
04C5:FF -- Alternative No Encounters
0402 -- Modifier for events. The events differ between active Dungeon events and passive "indoors" events. See below for a list.
0404 -- Macca Lower byte (0-255)
0405 -- Macca Mid byte
0406 -- Macca Upper byte
0407 -- Magnetite Lower byte (0-255)
0408 -- Magnetite Upper byte
0409 -- Moon Phase. When you move this counter increments. Note that graphics won't update until the counter increments past xF.
- 00 = New Moon
- 10 = 1/8
- 20 = 2/8
- 30 = 3/8
- 40 = Half Moon
- 50 = 5/8
- 60 = 6/8
- 70 = 7/8
- 80 = Full Moon
- 90 = 7/8
- A0 = 6/8
- B0 = 5/8
- C0 = Half Moon
- D0 = 3/8
- E0 = 2/8
- F0 = 1/8
042F -- Maze X coord; see below for a list of locations.
0430 -- Maze Y coord
0431 -- Overworld X coord 0432 -- Overworld Y coord
043A through 043F -- Index pointer for characters currently in the party. 00 is the Player, 01 is Heroine/Dark Hero. Valid values up to 0B.
04AB -- Current Enemy Set.
04DC -- Seems to be similar to 04AB.
072F -- Jakyou Fusion Modifier. Use this with the proper Demon value to fuse whatever you want (with the exception of the human character digits and boss Dark Hero which have special failure priority).
0782 -- Enemy Species Modifier (on load). Use this to fight whatever enemy you want.
Stats And Items
0428 -- Number of Jewels on hand. Can only have up to 9 normally, though the menu will display up to two digits if you go over that limit.
0480 through 0495 -- Inventory. Armor/Weapons/etc will not appear in the usable item list. See below for a list of all items. Not sure if you can actually have as many items as it seems to allow here.
0496 through 049D -- Player's Equipment
049E through 04A5 -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Equipment
Stats | VIT | INT | STR | AGI | LUC |
Player | 0500 | 0502 | 0504 | 0506 | 0508 |
Heroine/Dark Hero | 0501 | 0503 | 0505 | 0507 | 0509 |
- After value AB on any stat the display will start majorly glitching on the status screen. C9 will show a cool negative color effect. At CA will become completely unviewable.
050A, 050B -- Unknown single bytes related to Player/Heroine
050C -- Player Level. Modifying this will alter the EXP required to next level, usually to a ludicrous amount. It won't modify anything else in any case.
050D -- Heroine/Dark Hero Level
0514 -- Player's Status 1
0528 -- Player's Status 2
0515 -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Status 1
0529 -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Status 2
0516 through 051F -- Demon ally Status 1
052A through 0533 -- Demon ally Status 2
0520 through 0527 -- Enemy Status 1
0534 through 053B -- Enemy Status 2
- Values for Status 1 - This is a binary flag and generally applies to statuses that demons can have even when unsummoned.
- 0x = Unselectable / Not in party / Empty slot (etc.)
- 1x = Palsy
- 2x = Stone
- 4x = Dead
- 8x = Normal
- x0 = Normal
- x1 = Panic
- x2 = Bind
- x4 = Sleep
- x8 = Freeze
- Values for Status 2 - This is also a binary flag; the "upper" bit applies to statuses while the "lower" bit applies to in-battle actions.
- 0x = Not in party?; functionally doesn't seem to be any different from 10, but 00 seems to be applied to currently unsummoned demons.
- 1x = In party (normal)
- 2x = Poison
- 4x = Close
- 8x = Happy
- x1 = Guard
- x2 = Return
- x4 = Magic (intended spell is at another address, of course)
- x8 = Attack
053C -- Player's Current HP lower byte
0550 -- Player's Current HP upper byte
053D -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Current HP lower byte
0551 -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Current HP upper byte
053E through 0547 -- Demon ally Current HP lower byte
0552 through 055B -- Demon ally Current HP upper byte
0548 through 054F -- Enemy Current HP lower byte
055C through 0563 -- Enemy Current HP upper byte
0564 -- Player's Current MP. Unused, obviously.
0565 -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Current MP
0566 through 056F -- Demon Ally Current MP
0570 through 0577 -- Enemy Current MP - Enemies do not consume MP in battle despite their MP values being loaded into this memory space, so these bytes are **UNUSED**. Perhaps at one point enemies did consume MP?
0578 -- Player's Max HP lower byte
0579 -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Max HP lower byte
057A through 0583 -- Demon ally Max HP lower byte
0584 through 058B -- Enemy Max HP lower byte. Unused, obviously.
058C -- Player's Max HP upper byte
058D -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Max HP upper byte
058C through 0597 -- Demon Ally Max HP upper byte
0598 through 059F -- Enemy Max HP upper byte
05A0 -- Player's Max MP. With this you can give yourself MP, but it's useless since you don't have the ability to cast spells.
05A1 -- Heroine/Dark Hero's Max MP
05A2 through 05AB -- Demon Ally Max MP
05AC through 05B3 -- Enemy Max MP
05B4 -- Player Species. For the human characters it works like this:
- FF = Player
- FE = Heroine
- Else = Dark Hero; though the actual value used is FD.
05B5 -- Heroine/Dark Hero Species
05B6 through 05BF -- Demon Species. See below for a list.
05C0 through 05C7 -- Enemy Species. This appears to work; if you change the enemies to different values, they will use the AI routine of the enemy value you input. This means you can fight eight different enemies, even though the game can only visually report a single species.
05C8 through 05DB -- Unknown; The human characters use the same species value but modifying this for any character doesn't seem to actually do anything meaningful. Values are generally low, tend to be below 20 except for humans. Values are still written for enemies. Seems to be read when a character is hit/dies?
05DE through 05E7 -- More statuses.
- 1x = PIG Curse
- 2x = DEATH Curse
- 4x = Demon Blade Nihiru Curse
- 8x = Deathblade Curse
- x8 = LOSARM
05EA through 05F5 -- Unknown, all low digits mostly in order from 00-07 or so and modifying them does nothing readily apparent.
Other Useful or Interesting Addresses
0400 = Current "extra" screen type (?). Needs research.
- 00 = Normal
- 10 = Allies consume MAG even when walking on overworld; presumably used in Devil Busters segments
- 20 = Battle
- 30 = Devil Busters Battle
- 40 = Indoors Event; if set on overworld it will load a battle with Devil Busters music. In mazes enemies will spawn first in list, 0 count and disappear instantly when attacked.
- 80 = Game Over
- 90 = Devil Busters Game Over
040A = If value is set over 7F switches display graphics to Overworld Name Table reckoning and vice-versa for mazes. Used depending on current mode.
040C = Current tile type. Many legit values seem to do nothing outwardly apparent, and are impossible to determine without disassembler diving or walking on a related tile legitimately. This address can also be used to make a more simplistic overworld walk-through-walls (040C:01).
- Overworld
- 00 = Used when walking on non-entrance tiles of castles, prefectures etc.
- 01 = Standard / No Event
- 02 = Unknown; used in Forest of Confusion and at Ground Zero
- 03 = Unknown; used on Makai ice tiles
- 06 = Used on Tokyo desert tiles
- 08 = Can't pass / collision tile
- 09 = Poison Field
- 0A = Sleep Field **UNUSED**
- 0B = Strong Damage Field **UNUSED**
- 0C = Used on bridges on Tokyo map
- 0D = Teleport to illegal overworld
- 0E = Event / enter building
- 0F = Exit area
- 10 up = Glitch
- Maze
- 00 = Standard / No event
- 02 = Spinner Tile
- 03 = Strong Damage Tile
- 04 = Trap Door Tile. Will just throw up the error handler and move you nowhere unless you're on an actual coded trap door.
- 05 = Exit area
- 06 = Dungeon event
- 07 = Indoor event
- 08-0F = Error handler (?)
- 10 = Treasure Chest; you'll get random amounts of Macca and Magnetite if it is not an "official" chest.
- 20 = Dark tile
- 40 = Downstairs
- 80 = Upstairs
040D = Always counts down from 09; 040E remains at 01, unknown use.
0410 = Player's name, eight bytes.
0418 = Heroine's name, eight bytes.
0420 = Dark Hero's name, eight bytes.
042B -- Facing direction in maze
- 00 = North
- 01 = East
- 02 = South
- 03 = West
0433 and 0434 -- Checked upon entering a maze, but altering it doesn't appear to produce any difference.
0435 = Dungeon display index set. Affects graphics of mazes as well as music.
- 00 = Building, Tokyo Dungeon 1 (index 01)
- 01 = Palace, Tokyo Dungeon 2 (index 02)
- 02 = Stone Building, Ancient Dungeon (index 05)
- 03 = Organic, Zalatan Dungeon (index 04)
- 04 = Subway, Subway (index 03)
- 05 = Cavern, Ancient Dungeon (index 05)
- 06 up = Glitch
0436 = Overworld type.
- 00 = Tokyo
- 01 = Makai
- 02 = Devil Busters (dungeon)
- 03 = Devil Busters (town)
- 04 up = Glitch
0437 = Player facing direction on overworld scenes
- 00 = North
- 01 = East
- 02 = South
- 03 = West
0438 = Area display index set (affects both overworld and mazes anyway)
- 00 = shelter (dark green building), Tokyo Overworld
- 01 = ginza (sky blue building), Makai Overworld
- 02 = shiba, ikebukuro (red building), devil busters
- 03 = shinjuku, devil busters (return to devil busters?)
- 04 = other areas [shibuya, haneda] (yellow building), tokyo city maps
- 05 = mammon pass (cavern), makai city maps
- 06 = turtle rock, makai caves (organic pink), (06 and up glitch)
- 07 = bael castle (green castle)
- 08 = makai caves frost area (blue castle)
- 09 = Masakado Royal Palace Makai/Tokyo, Blue Fire Castle Makai (blue green palace)
- 0A = makai caves central southwest area (organic blue)
- 0B = Some Makai caves (cavern red)
- 0C = Fire Castle Makai, northeast temple makai, makai caves (red castle)
- 0E = YHVH corridor, waterfall castle (lucifer) makai (brown palace)
- 0F = subway
- 10 = (10 and up glitch)
0600 -- This block in RAM houses the Sound Engine. Some explanation is needed, since the sound engine has very powerful front-end bytes that allow you to play any sound or music:
- 0600 will play the sound or music indexed at 0601. It doesn't care to clear the previous sound registers, so the old song will often "bleed" into the currently-playing song unless you indexed and played 00 to clear all sound first. Although any value can be entered and it will tick down to 00, only 01 will actually play the song or sound.
- 0601 is referenced by 0600 to play whatever is stored within this byte. Whenever 0600 plays the sound, 0601 will be set to whatever value is in 0602.
- 0602 is the "next song" byte; whenever 0600 is toggled the value of this byte will be copied into 0601, and 0602 will be returned to value 00.
- 0603 will immediately play the index of whatever value is entered.
- Values:
- 00 = Null
- 01 = Tokyo Dungeon 1
- 02 = Tokyo Dungeon 2 ("Mission: Impossible")
- 03 = Subway
- 04 = Zalatan Dungeon
- 05 = Ancient Dungeon
- 06 = Same as 02 (either 02 or 06 is unused, or both are used and a song was removed)
- 07 = Makai Overworld
- 08 = Tokyo Overworld
- 09 = Null (**UNUSED**? removed song?)
- 0A = Save Point
- 0B = Pre-battle Encounter (explosion)
- 0C = Pre-battle Encounter (water splash)
- 0D = Pre-battle Encounter (wind gust)
- 0E = Battle Theme
- 0F = Boss Theme
- 10 = YHVH Theme
- 11 = Bar / Women's Armor Shop
- 12 = Men's Armor Shop / Weapon Shop
- 13 = Jakyou Manor
- 14 = Healer
- 15 = Event 1
- 16 = Satan Theme (is just 10 but loops earlier)
- 17 = Level Up Theme
- 18 = Ending 1
- 19 = Dramatic Event
- 1A = Minigame Theme
- 1B = Event 2
- 1C = Event 3
- 1D = Pre-battle Encounter
- 1E = Title
- 1F = Ending 2
- 20 = Sound Effect: Run into wall
- 21 = Sound Effect: Move cursor
- 22 = Sound Effect: Select cursor
- 23 = Sound Effect: Cancel
- 24 = Sound Effect: Normal Attack
- 25 = Sound Effect: Ally Takes Damage
- 26 = Sound Effect: Enemy Attack
- 27 = Sound Effect: Physical Attack
- 28 = Sound Effect: Enemy Down
- 29 = Sound Effect: Spinner Tile
- 2A = Sound Effect: Use Stairs / Run Away
- 2B = Sound Effect: Agi / Various attacks
- 2C = Sound Effect: Bufu / Various attacks
- 2D = Sound Effect: Big Attack / Zio
- 2E = Sound Effect: Status Attack
- 2F = Sound Effect: Healing
- 30 = Devil Busters Mikon Town
- 31 = Devil Busters Tower
- 32 = Devil Busters Town Event
- 33 = Devil Busters Healer
- 34 = Devil Busters Jakyou Manor
- 35 = Devil Busters Battle
- 36 = Save Point Teleport (is just 1C with a sound effect overlaid)
- 37 = Event 4. Used when meeting President of Suzuki Co.
- 38 = Sound Effect: Orthros Special / Various Attacks
- 39 = Sound Effect: Fusion
- 3A = Sound Effect: Gun
- 3B = Sound Effect: Machine Gun
- 3C = Sound Effect: Big Gun
- 3D = Sound Effect: Laser Gun
- 3E = Sound Effect: Crowd Cheer
- 3F = Sound Effect: Floor Trap
- 40 = Sound Effect: Brief Beep? (**UNUSED**???)
- 41 = Sound Effect: Win Minigame
- 42 = Sound Effect: Lose Minigame
- 43 = Sound Effect: Royal Castle rising, etc.
- 44 = Sound Effect: Reflect attack, etc.
- 45 = Sound Effect: Orthros Special???
- 46 = Devil Busters Game Over
- 47 = Sound Effect: Special Attacks???
- 48 = Sound Effect: Lift
- 49 = Sound Effect: Lift (partially unused, since 4A plays over it immediately)
- 4A = Sound Effect: Lift
- 4B = Sound Effect: Title Screen Static
- 4C = Sound Effect: Warp Tile?
- 4D up = Glitch / Crash
Item List
- 00 = Nothing; if set above 00 the game will act as if you own no items past the slot specified.
- 01 = Walther PPK
- 02 = Carbament
- 03 = Uzi
- 04 = Desert Eagle
- 05 = Shotgun
- 06 = Ray Gun
- 07 = M60 Machine Gun
- 08 = Railgun
- 09 = Dragon ATM
- 0A = Sabubaru Gun
- 0B = Beam Rifle
- 0C = Spiral Cutter
- 0D = Golden Gun
- 0E = Plasma Rifle
- 0F = Giga Smasher
- 10 = Megido Fire
! are weapons not personally confirmed to be obtainable; many, many swords are rare drops. This also applies to further equipment and item values.
- 11 = Jack Knife
- 12 = Seidou no Tsurugi
- 13 = Three-sectioned Staff
- 14 = Morningstar
- 15 = Scimitar
- 16 = Rokushuu Bou
- 17 = Scorpion Whip
- 18 = Gladius
- 19 = Blood Sword
- 1A = Nightblade !
- 1B = Ikushio Sword !
- 1C = Kuchinawa no Ken
- 1D = Koutetsu Blade
- 1E = Crystal Sword
- 1F = Dragon Mace
- 20 = Heat Sword !
- 21 = Hama Hammer
- 22 = Hissatsu Onigoroshi (lit. 'Deadly Demon Killer')
- 23 = Demon Blade Nihiru
- 24 = Hecaton Axe !
- 25 = Fuujin Ken !
- 26 = Demon Slayer
- 27 = Death Blade
- 28 = Megaton Axe !
- 29 = Kusanagi no Tsurugi !
- 2A = Maken Muramasa !
- 2B = Raijin no Ken !
- 2C = Sword of Solomon !
- 2D = Excalibur
- 2E = Vajra
- 2F = Hinokagutsuchi no Ken !
- 30 = Lucifer Sword
Body Armor
- 31 = Battle Suit
- 32 = High Leg Armor
- 33 = BodyCon Mail
- 34 = Kevlar Vest
- 35 = ConservaMail
- 36 = Light Metal Jacket
- 37 = Iron Muscle
- 38 = Sukeeru Armor
- 39 = Powered Suit
- 3A = Thunder Guard
- 3B = Heavy Metal Jacket
- 3C = Fire Guard
- 3D = Freeze Guard
- 3E = Hyper Sailor !
- 3F = Dragon Mail
- 40 = Tetraja Armor !
- 41 = Panther Armor
- 42 = Yakuto Armor !
- 43 = Lucifer Armor
- 44 = Junk Helmet
- 45 = Star Ring !
- 46 = Iron Head
- 47 = Fritz Helmet
- 48 = Brain Guard
- 49 = Triangle Hat
- 4A = Metal Crown
- 4B = Dummy's Head
- 4C = Dullahan Helm
- 4D = Red Cap
- 4E = Devil Head
- 4F = Psycho Helmet
- 50 = Lion Head
- 51 = Dragon Helm
- 52 = Panther Helm
- 53 = Yakuto Helm
- 54 = Masakado's Helmet
- 55 = Rivet Knuckle
- 56 = Kaiser Knuckle
- 57 = Metal Glove
- 58 = Cool Mittens
- 59 = Iron Claw
- 5A = Diamond Fist
- 5B = Arm Vulcan
- 5C = Raksha Hand
- 5D = Cyber Arm
- 5E = Fire Arm
- 5F = Dragon Claw
- 60 = Devil Hand
- 61 = Panther Arm
- 62 = Yakuto Arm
- 63 = God Hand
- 64 = Lucifer's Claw
- 65 = Rubber Sole
- 66 = Western Boots
- 67 = London Boots
- 68 = Flower Boots
- 69 = Tsuukin Kaisoku (this item's name seems to be a pun)
- 6A = Demon Pumps
- 6B = BikFoot
- 6C = Himiko's Sandals
- 6D = Jet Boots
- 6E = Sky Boots
- 6F = Heavy Metal Boots
- 70 = Hyper Boots
- 71 = Dragon Boots
- 72 = Hermes' Sandals
- 73 = Panther Legs
- 74 = Yakuto Legs
- 75 = Falcon Eyes
- 76 = Babyface
- 77 = Mirror Mask
- 78 = Friday Mask
- 79 = Gas Mask
- 7A = Ultra Eyes
- 7B = Kaapa Mantle
- 7C = Butterfly Mantle
- 7D = Phantom Mantle
- 7E = Baal's Mantle
- 7F = Fallen Angel's Wings
Some items (mostly key items) have "fake" duplicates. The valid item used will be noted.
- 80 = Jewel
- 81 = Poisonon
- 82 = Paranon
- 83 = Petranon
- 84 = Agion Stone
- 85 = Ziolon Stone
- 86 = Bufulaon Stone
- 87 = Agidy Stone
- 88 = Ziody Stone
- 89 = Bufudy Stone
- 8A = Missile Launcher **UNUSED** or obscure rare drop
- 8B = Hanman Charm
- 8C = Dangerous Drug
- 8D = Sea Urchin (ushimitsuningyou)
- 8E = Miare's Bell
- 8F = Poison Dart
- 90 = Wagyanizer
- 91 = Emergency Exit
- 92 = Thunderclap
- 93 = Tinned Demon
- 94 = Core Shield
- 95 = Macho Elixir (Segaki no Elixir)
- 96 = Muscle Drink
- 97 = Magic Source
- 98 = Soma
- 99 = Vital Incense
- 9A = Wisdom Incense
- 9B = Strength Incense
- 9C = Speed Incense
- 9D = Luck Incense
- 9E = Metal Card (fake)
- 9F = Metal Card (valid)
- A0 = Amethyst
- A1 = Aquamarine
- A2 = Emerald
- A3 = Miaraka no Yubiwa
- A4 = Pazuzu's Neck
- A5 = Anamiran (fake)
- A6 = Anamiran (fake)
- A7 = Anamiran (fake)
- A8 = Anamiran (fake)
- A9 = Anamiran (valid)
- AA = Suzuki Business Card (fake)
- AB = Suzuki Business Card (valid)
- AC = Luxury Dinner
- AD = Luxury Dinner
- AE = Luxury Dinner
- AF = Luxury Dinner (not sure which of these is valid but patterns suggest it's likely this one)
- B0 = Stamina Set Meal
- B1 = UMA Dinner
- B2 = Important List
- B3 = Gorgeous Set
- B4 = Inverse Cross
- B5 = Shizu Tama
- B6 = Shizu Tama
- B7 = Shizu Tama
- B8 = Shizu Tama
- B9 = Shizu Tama
- BA = Shizu Tama
- BB = Shizu Tama
- BC = Shizu Tama
- BD = Shizu Tama
- BE = Shizu Tama
- BF = Shizu Tama
- C0 = Shizu Tama. Unknown which one is the valid one.
- C1 = Flame Tally
- C2 = Water Tally
- C3 = Wind Tally
- C4 = Earth Tally
- C5 = Bael Claw
- C6 = Sun Pillar
- C7 = Moon Pillar
- C8 = Mercury Pillar
- C9 = Kinsei Pillar
- CA = Mars Pillar
- CB = Jupiter Pillar
- CC = Saturn Pillar
- CD = Amidariki
- CE = Orb of Grief
- CF = Orb of Madness
- D0 = Orb of Anger
- D1 = Orb of Confusion
- D2 = Orb of Fear
- D3 = Orb of Hope
- D4 = Ring of Solomon
- D5 = Tower Key
- D6 = Miaraka no Yubiwa
- D7 = Miaraka no Ishi
- D8 = Hangonkou
- D9 = Shiomitsudama
- DA = Shiomitsudama (not sure which is valid)
Demon List
- 00 = Dark Hero
- 01 = Yuuitsushin Y.H.V.H
- 02 = Maou Satan
- 03 = Maou Lucifer
- 04 = Maou Beelzebub
- 05 = Maou Astaroth
- 06 = Maou Mitra
- 07 = Maou Miroku
- 08 = Maou Belial
- 09 = Maou Asmodai
- 0A = Maou Bael
- 0B = Maou Pazuzu
- 0C = Jashin Ashura
- 0D = Jashin Belphegor
- 0E = Jashin Geryon
- 0F = Jashin Set
- 10 = Jashin Loki
- 11 = Jashin Chronos
- 12 = Jashin Echidna
- 13 = Jashin Mammon
- 14 = Jashin Arioch
- 15 = Jashin Heroine
- 16 = Jashin Baram
- 17 = Jashin Sargatanas
- 18 = Kaijuu Tiamat
- 19 = Kaijuu Leviathan
- 1A = Kaijuu Nidhogg
- 1B = Kaijuu Vritra
- 1C = Kaijuu Hydra
- 1D = Kaijuu Fenril
- 1E = Kaijuu Typhon
- 1F = Kaijuu Apollyon
- 20 = Kaijuu Scylla
- 21 = Kaijuu Basilisk
- 22 = Kaijuu Manticore
- 23 = Kaijuu Wyvern
- 24 = Kijo Rangda
- 25 = Kijo Tamamonomae
- 26 = Kijo Volvo
- 27 = Kijo Medusa
- 28 = Kijo Rarun
- 29 = Kijo Narsu
- 2A = Kijo Kiyohime
- 2B = Kijo Arachne
- 2C = Kijo Taraga
- 2D = Kijo Siren
- 2E = Kijo Furiae
- 2F = Yama Suobach
- 30 = Yama Chulrukk
- 31 = Yama Succubus
- 32 = Yama Amudosias
- 33 = Yama Phantom
- 34 = Yama Leonardo
- 35 = Yama Raluai
- 36 = Yama Nebiros
- 37 = Yama Lemures
- 38 = Yuuki Girimekate
- 39 = Yuuki Utouku
- 3A = Yuuki Hakuma Bu Tou
- 3B = Yuuki Dullahan
- 3C = Yuuki Veetara
- 3D = Yuuki Lich
- 3E = Yuuki Biwa Houshi
- 3F = Yuuki Mud Man
- 40 = Yuuki Nosferatu
- 41 = Yuuki Wight
- 42 = Youjuu Fafnir
- 43 = Youjuu Wyrm
- 44 = Youjuu Vorak
- 45 = Youjuu Dodongo
- 46 = Youjuu Ladon
- 47 = Youjuu Nue
- 48 = Youjuu Fanbaba
- 49 = Youjuu Cockatrice
- 4A = Youjuu Orobas
- 4B = Youjuu Garm
- 4C = Youjuu Jabberwock
- 4D = Youjuu Waiarm
- 4E = Youjuu Dead Lobster
- 4F = Jaki Azezal
- 50 = Jaki Ekinmu
- 51 = Jaki Berith
- 52 = Jaki Fleurity
- 53 = Jaki Stone Golem
- 54 = Jaki Cyclops
- 55 = Jaki Ein
- 56 = Jaki Clay Golem
- 57 = Jaki Minotaur
- 58 = Jaki Bugbear
- 59 = Jaki Wendigo
- 5A = Jaki Orc
- 5B = Machine Talos
- 5C = Machine GDR1000
- 5D = Machine LB-501A
- 5E = Akuryou Sparti
- 5F = Akuryou Spectre
- 60 = Akuryou Wipri
- 61 = Akuryou Pishacha
- 62 = Akuryou Chonchon
- 63 = Akuryou Sakasakubi
- 64 = Akuryou Bodyconian
- 65 = Akuryou Corpse
- 66 = Akuryou Ghoul
- 67 = Akuryou Zombie
- 68 = Kyoujin Intelipri
- 69 = Kyoujin Redrum
- 6A = Kyoujin Biime
- 6B = Kyoujin Doctor Bakuta
- 6C = Kyoujin Junkie
- 6D = Kyoujin Assassin
- 6E = Kyoujin Mutant
- 6F = Kyoujin Hakai Sou
- 70 = Kyoujin Friday
- 71 = Kyoujin Highway Star
- 72 = Kyoujin Metal
- 73 = Kyoujin Kinzu Head
- 74 = Kyoujin Punks
- 75 = Gedou Dream Kiss
- 76 = Gedou Jack Lantern
- 77 = Gedou Back Beard
- 78 = Gedou Bone Golem
- 79 = Gedou Gold Slime
- 7A = Gedou Man Eater
- 7B = Gedou Kurabebi
- 7C = Gedou Askomoid
- 7D = Gedou Crap Slime
- 7E = Gedou Will O' Wisp
- 7F = Gedou Green Slime
- 80 = Yousei Troll
- 81 = Yousei Reguba
- 82 = Yousei Bogle
- 83 = Yousei Rusalka
- 84 = Yousei Keraino
- 85 = Yousei Aello
- 86 = Yousei Okyupete
- 87 = Yousei Apsaras
- 88 = Yousei Kelpie
- 89 = Yousei Merrow
- 8A = Yousei Elf
- 8B = Yousei Goblin
- 8C = Yousei Harpy
- 8D = Yousei Pixie
- 8E = Chirei Uperuri
- 8F = Chirei Giant
- 90 = Chirei Sareos
- 91 = Chirei Atlas
- 92 = Chirei Tsuchigumo
- 93 = Chirei Tanki
- 94 = Chirei Buscaboo
- 95 = Chirei Dwarf
- 96 = Chirei Kobold
- 97 = Youki Chronzon
- 98 = Youki Oni
- 99 = Youki Mephisto
- 9A = Youki Purski
- 9B = Youki Mezuki
- 9C = Youki Djinni
- 9D = Youki Goski
- 9E = Youki Arahabaki
- 9F = Youki Citri
- A0 = Youki Momunofu
- A1 = Youki Gaapu
- A2 = Youki Kawancha
- A3 = Youki Forneus
- A4 = Youki Kimaris
- A5 = Youki Carbunkle
- A6 = Majuu Pyron
- A7 = Majuu Chimera
- A8 = Majuu Nine-Tailed Fox
- A9 = Majuu Cerberus
- AA = Majuu Gryphon
- AB = Majuu Yatakarasu
- AC = Majuu Tamuzu
- AD = Majuu Stonka
- AE = Majuu Orthros
- AF = Majuu Pegasus
- B0 = Youma Sword Knight
- B1 = Youma Wand Knight
- B2 = Youma Glemmory
- B3 = Youma Valkyrie
- B4 = Youma Fury
- B5 = Youma Hanja
- B6 = Youma Amii
- B7 = Youma Oonamuchi
- B8 = Youma Cup Knight
- B9 = Youma Morgan
- BA = Youma Kushinada Hime
- BB = Youma Jack Frost
- BC = Youma Disc Knight
- BD = Youma Nekomata
- BE = Youma Centaur
- BF = Youma Kowatorikue
- C0 = Seirei Salamander
- C1 = Seirei Rakee
- C2 = Seirei Veepole
- C3 = Seirei Undine
- C4 = Seirei Sylph
- C5 = Seirei Gnome
- C6 = Seirei Flame Slime
- C7 = Seirei Aquan Slime
- C8 = Seirei Airy Slime
- C9 = Seirei Earthy Slime
- CA = Seijuu Phoenix
- CB = Seijuu Rakucharango
- CC = Seijuu Pavilsagu
- CD = Seijuu Quetzalcoatl
- CE = Seijuu Genbu
- CF = Seijuu Unicorn
- D0 = Seijuu Gandharve
- D1 = Seijuu Kirin
- D2 = Genma Hanuman
- D3 = Genma Furukaros
- D4 = Genma Agares
- D5 = Genma Kikurihime
- D6 = Genma Lakshmi
- D7 = Genma Lamia
- D8 = Genma Danbara
- D9 = Genma Baphomet
- DA = Genma Culverin
- DB = Genma Kinnara
- DC = Genma Erigore
- DD = Genma Eiwasu
- DE = Genma Ukobach
- DF = Genma Alraune
- E0 = Tenshi Michael
- E1 = Tenshi Gabriel
- E2 = Tenshi Nike
- E3 = Tenshi Cherubim
- E4 = Tenshi Raphael
- E5 = Tenshi Uriel
- E6 = Kijin Kali
- E7 = Kijin Amon
- E8 = Kijin Thule
- E9 = Kijin Ganesha
- EA = Kijin Tamonten
- EB = Kijin Susanoo
- EC = Kijin Efreet
- ED = Kijin Jikokuten
- EE = Kijin Rakshasa
- EF = Kijin Koumokuten
- F0 = Kijin Souchouten
- F1 = Shinjuu Chen Long
- F2 = Shinjuu Garuda
- F3 = Shinjuu Baron
- F4 = Shinjuu Sphinx
- F5 = Shinjuu Naga
- F6 = Majin Lucifer
- F7 = Majin Shiva
- F8 = Majin Ahura Mazda
- F9 = Majin Baal
- FA = Majin Vishnu
- FB = Majin Odin
- FC = Majin Brahma
- FD = Dark Hero (Human)
- FE = Heroine (Human)
- FF = Player
Events Modifier (Shop Screens, "Indoor" events, etc in overhead-view Towns)
- 00 = Healer
- 01 = Nurse (Shelter)
- 02 = Jakyou Manor (Only 2-demon Fusions available)
- 03 = Jakyou Manor (2 and 3-demon Fusions available)
- 04 = Mikon Town Shop (Devil Busters)
- 05 = Weapon Shop (Shinagawa)
- 06 = Weapon Shop (Ginza)
- 07 = Weapon Shop (Shinjuku)
- 08 = Weapon Shop (Kurui Village)
- 09 = Weapon Shop (Hae Village)
- 0A = Arsenal (Shelter)
- 0B = Men's Armor Shop (Shinagawa)
- 0C = Men's Armor Shop (Ginza)
- 0D = Men's Armor Shop (Bael Castle)
- 0E = Men's Armor Shop (Nageki Village)
- 0F = Men's Armor Shop (Nemuri Village)
- 10 = Women's Armor Shop (Roppongi)
- 11 = Women's Armor Shop (Ginza)
- 12 = Women's Armor Shop (Shinjuku)
- 13 = Women's Armor Shop (Kanashimi Village)
- 14 = Women's Armor Shop (Ikari Village)
- 15 = Devil Busters Save Point
- 16 = Mikon Town 1000 Macca chest
- 17 = Mikon Town "This is Daedalus Tower" villager
- 18 = Devil Busters 8F guy
- 19 = Devil Busters guy that talks about demon species
- 1A = Devil Busters woman explaining level-ups
- 1B = Devil Busters guy explaining Magnetite
- 1C = Devil Busters man explaining the goal of the game
- 1D = Devil Busters guy explaining ally summoning and use
- 1E = Wall writing explaining player stats in Devil Busters
- 20 = Wall writing explaining the Jashin Statue in Devil Busters
- 21 = Devil Busters guy reminding you to build a party
- 22 = Fly man from Makai village, late game (replaced event?)
- 23 = Devil Busters lift
- 24 = Boss event in Devil Busters
- 25 = Jashin Statue event in Devil Busters
- 26 = Shelter Computer Room
- 27 = Bar in Shelter ("Poison Bar")
- 28 = Bar in Ariake (name N/A since the bar is in an overhead map)
- 29 = Bar in Roppongi ("Bar Damian")
- 2A = Bar in Shibuya ("Bar Sunda")
- 2B = Bar in Ginza ("Poison Bar" again)
- 2C = Bar in Shinjuku ("Bar Lupin")
- 2D = Check Room girl in Ueno
- 2E = Lift 5 floors 1F-5F. Since these Lift events won't take you to the correct lift destination and are all in the same glitched state, the location is guessed if at all.
- 2F = Lift 5 floors 1F-5F.
- 30 = Chest with Megido Fire
- 31 = Moura Ferry to Mainland (Fire Tally)
- 32 = Moura Ferry to Ginza (Water Tally)
- 33 = Moura Ferry to Eastern Tokyo (Wind Tally)
- 34 = Moura Ferry to Zalatan's Island
- 35 = Entrance to Pazuzu's Hideout
- 36 = Mesian Woman **UNUSED**
- 37 = Door north of Shinjuku. If accessed after opening it, displays a glitchy screen instead.
- 38 = Lift 5 floors 1F-5F.
- 39 = "You're crazy!" guy from Shinagawa
- 3A = Guy from Shinagawa that talks about Orthros
- 3B = Woman from Shinagawa that talks about Orthros
- 3C = Orthros Boss Room
- 3D = Entrance to Shiba
- 3E = Lift 5 floors 1F-5F, probably Shiba's.
- 3F = Dark Hero's Girlfriend's room in Shelter. Odd place to put it..
- 40 = Heroine's event in Shiba.
- 41 = Save Points (Checkman totems). These will freeze the game unless you walk onto the location of an actual save point, and as such these can't be used to do weird things like save next to Lucifer's Castle or whatever. This one is from Haneda.
- 42 = Save Point (Ginza)
- 43 = Save Point (Shinjuku)
- 44 = Save Point (Adachi; NE end of Tokyo map)
- 45 = Save Point (Island of Dreams; SE end of Tokyo map)
- 46 = Save Point (Nageki Village)
- 47 = Save Point (**UNUSED**???)
- 48 = Save Point (Ikari Village)
- 49 = Save Point (Nemuri Village)
- 4A = Save Point (Hae Village)
- 4B = Colosseum in Ariake
- 4C = Slot Game in Ariake
- 4F = Dream Drug Store in Ariake
- 50 = Colosseum in Kouraquen
- 51 = Frozen Lucifer event in Ginza
- 52 = Dr. Bakuta's Lab
- 53 = Rag Shop
- 54 = Baram Boss Room
- 55 = Baram's Receptionist
- 56 = Amethyst spot in Shibuya
- 57 = Entrance of Intelligence Building
- 58 = Top of the Izanami Tower/Temple
- 59 = Item Shop (Ariaki)
- 5A = Item Shop (Shibuya, on town map)
- 5B = Item Shop (Shibuya, inside Baram Building)
- 5C = Item Shop (Ginza, on town map)
- 5D = Item Shop (Ginza, in underground "Mall")
- 5E = Item Shop (Ikebukuro)
- 5F = Item Shop (Shinjuku)
- 60 = Apollyon Boss Room
- 61 = Lift 5 floors 1F-5F.
- 62 = Note from Maou Asmodai in Ikebukuro
- 63 = Undine Event in Makai dungeon
- 64 = Dousing Event in Makai dungeon
- 65 = "Gizmo" villager in Nemuri Village, Makai
- 66 = Izanami's prison room
- 67 = Intelligence Building Computer Room
- 68 = Probably the Gnome's door in Ikari Area, Makai
- 69 = Bistro Angry!
- 6A = Gremlin guy that gives you the tower key, Ikari Village, Makai
- 6B = Shinto guy in Ginza
- 6C = Cybernetics Lab in Ginza
- 6D = Relief in Ikebukuro
- 6E = Shinjuu Naga event
- 6F = Nihiru Sword event
- 70 = Astaroth Bridge event
- 71 = Field of flowers Astaroth event
- 72 = Mammon's Gate
- 73 = Buddha Warp
- 74 = Pazuzu's Boss Room
- 75 = Ordeal Trial House
- 76 = Vritra's Room; event will repeat itself because it isn't flagged to complete, since it cannot be returned to.
- 77 = Zalatan Island entrance event
- 78 = Gate to field intermission on path to Izanami Temple, Makai
- 79 = Father of the four brothers, Return to Devil Busters
- 7A = Sword Knight's Room
- 7B = Gatekeeper of Ground Zero/Masakado's Castle
- 7C = Guardman (Suzuki Co. Building; Satan event)
- 7D = Jashin Statue Devil Busters. If you say "yes" you'll return to Devil Busters.
- 7E = Devil Busters guy thanks you for the help. (Return to Devil Busters???)
- 7F = Father of four brothers in Return to Devil Busters
- 80 = Devil Busters guy thanks you for the help. (Return to Devil Busters???)
- 81 = Door that leads to Masakado's Castle (**UNUSED**? Not any different from 83)
- 82 = Lucifer's Temple room
- 83 = Door that leads to Masakado's Castle (Entering from Tokyo side). Of the two, this is the one that is used.
- 84 = Hachiko statue in Makai
- 85 = Hachiko statue in Shibuya
- 86 = Ueno statue entrance
- 87 = Ueno statue exit
- 88 = Leonardo's check booth
- 89 = Door to northern cavern network (goes to Izanami Temple), Makai
- 8A = Fly man in some Makai town
- 8B = Four brothers (Topkap) Return to Devil Busters
- 8C = Undead man in one of the Makai towns that explains that you need Undine to progress
- 8D = Lift 5 floors 1F-5F.
- 8E = Healer, Devil Busters
- 8F = Jakyou Manor, Devil Busters
- 90 = Returning Moura (Fire Tally)
- 91 = Returning Moura (Water Tally)
- 92 = Returning Moura (Wind Tally)
- 93 = Airlock from Shelter (Exiting)
- 94 = Airlock from Shelter (Entering)
- 95 = Old man that gives you the Water Tally in Shibuya
- 96 = Masakado's Room (takes you to Makai)
- 97 = Four brothers (Gaagol) Return to Devil Busters
- 98 = Cerberus' Room, Return to Devil Busters
- 99 = Dead Head Executive Guy in Suzuki Co. Building
- 9A = Main Warp Temple in Makai
- 9B = Return Warp Temple in Makai
- 9C = Angry Guy in Kouraquen
- 9D = Men's Armor Shop (Nakano)
- 9E = Moura in Makai
- 9F = Returning Moura in Makai
- A0 = Woman talking about Zalatan in Ginza
- A1 = Maou Asmodai's Room
- A2 = Belial's Room
- A3 = Belphegor's Room
- A4 = Entry to Ikari bridge (Echidna's Room)
- A5 = Moloch's Room
- A6 = Astaroth's Room
- A7 = Beelzebub's Room
- A8 = Bael Checkpoint
- A9 = Mitra's Room
- AA = Lift 5 floors 1F-5F, Makai edition.
- AB = Lucifer's Room
- AC = Wind Tally Nurse
- AD = Info guy for the Colosseum in Kouraquen
- AE = Undead Guy in one of the early Makai towns talking about Izanami and Asmodai
- AF = "Nobody here" room.
- B0 = "Maou Asmodai is supposed to be south of here" guy in the first Makai town
- B1 = Computer room for Return to Devil Busters
- B2 = Return warp in Makai
- B3 = Emerald spot in ???
- B4 = Going down into Shinjuku (northeastern entrance)
- B5 = Going down into Shinjuku (southwestern entrance)
- B6 = Going down into Shinjuku (southeastern entrance)
- B7 = Zalatan's Room
- B8 = **UNUSED**, default (possibly an early Game Over screen?). Plays track 46.
- B9 = Same as B8.
- BA = Guy in Nakano that talks about the Intelligence Building
- BB = YHVH's Room
- BC = Hint for recruiting Gnome for the Ikari Moura
- BD = Hint for something to do with Moloch in Ikari Village
- BE = Door to tower dungeon south of Ikari Village
- BF = Castle of Lucifer gate
- C0 = Door heading back inside valley "intermission" to Izanami Temple
- C1 = Code Breaker Game (Kouraquen)
- C2 = Big and Small (Kouraquen)
- C3 = Slot Game (Kouraquen)
- C4 = Slot Game (Bael Castle)
- C5 = Code Breaker Game (Bael Castle)
- C6 = Big and Small (Bael Castle)
- C7 = Door to Masakado's Castle (Entering from Makai side)
- C8 = Door exiting Masakado's Castle (Goes to Makai); this and C9 are used if you enter Masakado's castle on the respective side but then exit back to that side.
- C9 = Door exiting Masakado's Castle (Goes to Tokyo)
- CA = Room with Hagonkou Key Item
- CB = Same as B8.
- CC = Guy on Ginza's surface that talks about Deiva Island
- CD = Aquamarine spot in ???
- CE = Alien guy in Nemuri Village who talks about Sword Knight
- CF = Screen flashes
- D0 and up = nothing
Events Modifier (Events for Dungeons, or "Active" Events)
- 00 = Guard in Shelter that talks about the Shelter
- 01 = Sign: "BAR DAMIAN" (Roppongi)
- 02 = Sign: "BAR SUNDA" (Shibuya)
- 03 = Man that warns you about Nebiros in Shelter (**UNUSED** This one is bugged and uses the Dark Hero Girlfriend sprite, and doesn't appear to check any flags)
- 04 = Sign: "CLINIC" (Shelter)
- 05 = Sign: "BAR LUPIN" (**UNUSED**, if unremarkable)
- 06 = Sign: "POISON BAR" (Shelter, Ginza)
- 07 = Sign: "ARMORY" (Shelter)
- 08 = Guy that gives you money for beating Devil Busters in Shelter
- 09 = Man that warns you about Nebiros in Shelter (proper value)
- 0A = Sign: "BAR LUPIN" (this is the used one; Shinjuku)
- 0B = Guy talking about items and allies in Shinagawa
- 0C = Guy asking about the Heroine in Shinagawa
- 0D = Gnome/Jawa guy asking if you're the Messiah in Shinagawa
- 0E = Gnome/Jawa guy that goes batshit knowing you're the Messiah in Shinagawa
- 0F = Mesian in Shiba warning you not to hurt the "princess"
- 10 = Mesian in Shiba asking you if you're the Messiah
- 11 = Gun and sword guy in Haneda
- 12 = Baram Building guy who talks about demon use
- 13 = Baram Building military guy
- 14 = Baram Building woman next to entrance (disappears after you defeat Baram)
- 15 = Baram Building woman who warns that you cannot defeat Baram
- 16 = Baram worshipper in Baram's Room area
- 17 = Zalatan Island Pillar event
- 18 = Woman that warns that a girl was taken from the Shelter to Ikebukuro
- 19 = Lasers in Dr. Bakuta's lab
- 1A = Woman that talks about Mappara spell, unknown location (probably used)
- 1B = Woman in Haneda that explains that a sword might be more effective than a gun against demons
- 1C = Nebiros fight
- 1D = Repeatable five Gold Slime encounter in Baram Building, Shibuya
- 1E = Kaijuu Jabberwock battle in Subway
- 1F = **UNUSED** Man that stands and says nothing. Doesn't appear to change with flags.
- 20 = Lasers in Intelligence Building
- 21 = Zalatan Escape Gnome. Stands and says nothing if certain flags haven't been fulfilled, but this condition cannot be witnessed without cheating, which renders that particular state **UNUSED**. He disappears after certain flags are fulfilled (presumably escaping the dungeon after taking the Saturn Pillar), also unused (and pointless) since you can't return to Zalatan after completing its dungeon.
- 22 = Basilisk fight
- 23 = Pazuzu telling you to kill the Heroine in Shiba
- 24 = "something feels strong" message in royal castle, after you acquire Lucifer iirc
- 25 = same, but from the other side
- 26 = Izanami's event in Asmodai Castle? Obscure event if you pop this at the start of the game, where she tells you that you're not supposed to go to Makai yet and that you should return to Tokyo.
- 27 = Tiamat battle
- 28 = Dark Hero's first fight in Pazuzu's Hideout
- 29 = Dark Hero's second fight in Bael's Castle
- 2A = **UNUSED** Dark Hero's third fight, presumably in Suzuki Co. Ltd.
- 2B = Izanagi's rescue event
- 2C = Atlas stuck in stone event
- 2D = Guy in Shelter that talks about ゲーム
- 2E = **UNUSED** Nothing (no flags checked)
- 2F = Magnetite-obsessed goblin
- 30 = Same removed/placeholder guy as 1F.
- 31 = Good ending shelter guy
- 32 = "Isn't it strange how all the demons went away?" guy from good ending
- 33 = "Because the danger went away, everyone is leaving the shelter" woman from good ending
- 34 = "Something is glowing in the back" from Astaroth Castle.
- 35 = "You can hear someone screaming in the back", presumably from Astaroth Castle?
- 36 = "You sense there is something powerful ahead", presumably from Astaroth Castle?
- 37 = "This smell! It smells like treasure!" from Astaroth Castle
- 38 = **UNUSED** Nothing (no flags checked)
- 39 = Talos fight (probably in Moloch)
- 3A = Rescuing the elf child from one of the Makai dungeons
- 3B = **UNUSED** Guardman for Suzuki Co. Ltd., actual version of this event is indoors event 7C. See main article.
- 3C = Sign: "SHOP" (various)
- 3D = Sign: "RAG SHOP" (various)
- 3E = Sign: "HOTEL Princess" (Shinagawa)
- 3F = Sign: "INTEL BLDNG" (Nakano?)
- 40 = Sign: "Keihin Shelter" (Shelter 1F)
- 41 = Sign: "SUZUKI CO LTD" (Ginza Underground)
- 42 = Sign: "CYBER" (Ginza)
- 43 = Sign: "SHOP" (facing east)
- 44 = Sign: "SHOP" (facing south)
- 45 = Ashura, Suzuki Company
- 46 = Business Card Guy in Ginza
- 47 = YHVH talks about destroying the world, YHVH Corridor
- 48 = YHVH tells you to stay away, YHVH Corridor
- 49 = "Echoes the voice of Lucifer, 'Go to the dwelling of God!'", at the end of Suzuki Co Ltd dungeon approaching YHVH Corridor
- 4A to 51 = Nothing (no flags checked?)
- 52 up = Glitch
Useful Coordinates (Maze)
To use these, alter 042F (X) and 0430 (Y).
X | Y | Location |
05 | 04 | Shelter B4, Outside of Computer Room |
49 | 32 | Shelter, 1F |
65 | 16 | Building in Haneda |
00 | 06 | Subway SW of Shinagawa |
60 | 17 | Tokyo Tower 1F in Shiba |
27 | 06 | Underground in Roppongi |
20 | 0E | Subway to Shibuya |
3B | 06 | Baram Building |
3B | 01 | Baram Building (in front of Baram) |
44 | 07 | Ginza, "Mall" area |
4F | 06 | Ginza, starting side of underground in front of Business Card Guy |
54 | 0D | Ginza, in front of Frozen Lucifer room |
34 | 07 | Ginza, back side of underground |
0B | 16 | Ikebukuro Building, 1F |
19 | 00 | In front of Pazuzu's Hideout from Subway |
6E | 04 | Pazuzu's Hideout B1 |
6E | 00 | Shinjuku Town underneath Pazuzu's Hideout |
23 | 16 | Bael's Castle, 1F |
03 | 36 | Astaroth's Castle, 1F |
57 | 11 | Lucifer's Castle, 1F |
6B | 35 | Lucifer's Castle, 4F. Skips an extremely irritating dark maze on 3F. |
31 | 07 | Outside Suzuki Co. Ltd., Ginza |
33 | 05 | Just past Guardman event, Suzuki Co. Ltd. |
30 | 04 | Just past Lift in Suzuki Co. Ltd. |
40 | 2F | YHVH Corridor |
DDSII logo color
0461 =
- 00: white
- 01: light blue
- 02: blue
- 03: indigo
- 04: purple
- 05: light red
- 06: red
- 07: orange
The color value written to 0461 is ANDed with 07, but a few additional values are usable.
- 08: yellow
- 09: green
- 0a: green
- 0b: light green
- 0c: cyan