Notes:Final Fight (SNES)
This page contains notes for the game Final Fight (SNES).
Addresses correspond to the USA version unless noted otherwise.
- 1 RAM Addresses
- 2 Difficulty System
- 3 Programming and Data
- 3.1 Start New Life
- 3.2 Spawn Point
- 3.3 Lost Life
- 3.4 Subtract Lives
- 3.5 Debug Invincibility and Bullets
- 3.6 Unknown $02AEF8
- 3.7 Check if Jumping and Setup Jump
- 3.8 TODO
- 3.9 Pick up TODO (weapon or item?)
- 3.10 Check for and use Weapon
- 3.11 Check if Enemy in Range
- 3.12 Check for Special Move and Setup
- 3.13 Boss AI Table in Final Fight Guy (J)
- 4 Breakable Objects
RAM Addresses
7E004F - toggled every time title screen appears to alternate between the 2 gameplay demos 00=Slum 01=Subway. value is x2 and stored to 7EFFFD 7E0088 - ending cutscene main counter 7E0089 - ending cutscene progress counter 7E008A - ending countdown timer (16-bit) 7E008F - character selected on character select screen 00=Cody 01=Haggar 7E00CB - debug invincibility 00=off 01=on 7E00CC - demo mode 00=on 01=off 7E00CD - number of players 01=1 player 02=2 players 7E00E6 - incremented every time lives or countdown timer HUD is updated (and possibly other HUD updates) possibly RNG related TODO: check if 8 or 16-bit 7E0109 - random number, range 00-03. used to get another random number from one of the next 4 bytes in RAM 7E010A - random number, +1 each time updater is run 7E010B - random number, +3 each time updater is run 7E010C - random number, +7 each time updater is run 7E010D - random number, +9 each time updater is run 7E0120 - main screens TODO 12=Option Mode 7E0121 - progress for main screens 7E012E - countdown timer, used on title screen and character select screen 7E0400 - S0 palette 7E0420 - S1 palette 7E0440 - S2 palette 7E0460 - S3 palette 7E0480 - S4 palette 7E04A0 - S5 palette 7E04C0 - S6 palette 7E04E0 - S7 palette 7E0500 - 00 palette (player 1 character during gameplay) $20/32 bytes - 16 colors 7E0520 - 01 palette 7E0540 - 02 palette 7E0560 - 03 palette 7E0580 - 04 palette 7E05A0 - 05 palette 7E05C0 - 06 palette 7E05E0 - 07 pallete 7E0CA0 - game status: 00=character select 02=open stage 04=open stage 06=active gameplay 08=clear area 0A=clear round (TODO: add the rest) 7E0CB0 - Round: 00=Slum 01=Subway 02=West Side 03=Industrial Area 04=Bay Area 05=Up Town 06=Break Car 07=Break Glass 7E0CB1 - Area (Round-Max): 00-02, 01-03, 02-02, 03-01, 04-00, 05-03, 06-00, 07-00 7E0CB2 - rounds cleared counter 7E0CB3 - bonus round flag 00=false 01=true 7E0CB4 - frame counter, range 0000-FFFF (16-bit) 7E0CB6 - current DifficultyA 7E0CB8 - DifficultyA (unused) 7E0CBA - DifficultyB 7E0CBC - countdown timer ones digit 7E0CBD - countdown timer tens digit 7E0CBE - counter responsible for lowering the countdown timer by 1 (16-bit) it's set to $01E0 (8 seconds) 7E0CC4 - round max time ones digit 7E0CC5 - round max time tens digit 7E0CC6 - initial DifficultyA 7E0CC8 - DifficultyB frame counter (16-bit): 00=0258 (600 frames, 10 seconds), 01=0258 (600 frames, 10 seconds), 02=01E0 (480 frames, 8 seconds), 03=012C (300 frames, 5 seconds) 7E0CCA - Platform height in Round (verify if 8 or 16-bit) 7E0CCC - counter for number of continues used 7E0CCE - Platform height of wall or object (drum can, tire, etc.) player is standing next to 7E0CD0 - Value is #00 during normal gameplay, writing #01 forces current level's end (gameplay pauses and HUD floats away) but will get stuck if boss isn't dead, and GO! will continue flashing. Is #FF while loading new level and screen is black. 7E0CD1 - Value is #00 during normal gameplay, is set to #01 when level ends or during new level map or bonus stage announcement text. If set to #01 during normal gameplay the timer will stop and the game cannot be paused, but the player can still walk around. 7E0CD2 = #00 until certain bosses die (all except Sodom?) and it changes to #01. This causes all on-screen normal enemies to immediately die, ends the level script and disables the player's hitbox. Forcing it to #01 during normal gameplay also triggers these effects. Force back to #00 to resume normal gameplay. 7E0CD7 - When GO! -> is flashing, this = #01. Changing it from 00 to 01 manually prevents GO!-> from appearing. 7E0CE1 - Status byte for Sodom's audience. Only matters on level 01-03. Default is #00. As soon as Sodom activates his code writes #01 to this address, triggering the audience to cheer. Overwriting it with #01 at any time while on level 01-03 before reaching Sodom will cause the audience to begin cheering. 7E0D00 - Player 1 status 00=not active 01=active. Also the player's direct page index. 7E0D01 - Player 1 status bits? - bit 04=holding weapon 7E0D02 - Player 1 unknown, set to $08 when lost life, set to $0A on player init. 7E0D03 - Player 1 action index, value x2 for pointer table starting at SNES address $02A71E (list incomplete, needs more research and verification) 00=default 02=grab 04=knocked down 06=dead? 08=get up/start to throw enemy 0A=walking 0C=stop walking 0E=jump 10=special move 12=land from jump 14=punch 16=dummy (table pointer is same as 14 punch, reserved for Guy's missing wall kick) 18=pick up item 1A=throw enemy 1C=TODO 1E=throw knife 20=use weapon 22=debug animation test 7E0D04 - Player 1 action sub1 7E0D05 - Player 1 action sub2 7E0D07 - Player 1 X coord (16-bit) 7E0D09 - Player 1 Y coord 7E0D0A - Player 1 Y coord (jumping) (16-bit) 7E0D0D - Player 1 Y coord (16-bit) 7E0D0F - Player 1 temporary invincibility countdown timer 7E0D11 - Player 1 controller 00=controller 1 02=controller 2 7E0D12 - Player 1 character 00=Guy 02=Cody 04=Haggar 7E0D14 - Player 1 current HP 7E0D16 - Player 1 previous HP 7E0D18 - Player 1 max HP (80) 7E0D20 - Player 1 direction facing 00=right 01=left 7E0D21 - Player 1 unknown, set to $00 immediately after loading player palette 7E0D22 - Player 1 pointer to offense damage table (bank) TODO: $02 for all player characters? 7E0D23 - Player 1 unknown, loads 7E0D12 player index to get a byte from a table starting at SNES address 01A66D, value is $30 for all 3 player characters 7E0D28 - Player 1 pointer to offense damage table (lower 16 bits) (Cody=E971) 7E0D2E - Player 1 related to tile properties 7E0D2F - Player 1 tile properties index of tile player is currently standing on 7E0D3A - Player 1 temporary invincibility flicker countdown timer 7E0D4C - Player 1 start address in RAM of equipped weapon (+7E0000) (16-bit) 0000=no weapon 7E0D4E - Player 1 height of platform or object (drum can, tire, etc.) player is standing on (verify if 8 or 16-bit) 7E0D60 - Player 1 related to dealing damage, may be an attack type index 7E0D64 - Player 1 controller button presses (16-bit) 7E0D66 - Player 1 controller button presses (16-bit) 7E0D68 - Player 1 TODO various bits 10=spawn point type 7E0D6E - Player 1 lives remaining, range 01-09 (note HUD value is -1, range displayed is 0-8) 7E0D6F - Player 1 9th life (when this is 01, HUD shows 9 lives) 7E0D74 - Player 1 set to 23 when pick up knife (or other weapons/objects?) Set to $00 when throwing knife 7E0D78 - Player 1 current frame of walking animation. Remains unchanged while the player is not walking, player will resume from the current frame when walking again. 7E0E07 - X coord scrolled in round 7E0E0A - Y coord related in round? (16-bit) Enemy and boss RAM areas all follow a similar structure to the player's RAM area. Many instructions, such as those relating to movement and collision, are shared between the player, enemies and bosses through careful use of the direct page register. 7E1000 - Enemy 0's direct page index. 7E10B0 - Enemy 1's direct page index. 7E1140 - Enemy 2's direct page index. 7E11E0 - Boss' direct page index & status byte. 00 = No boss on level. 01 = Boss on level, but not currently drawn. 03 = Boss on level and close enough to be drawn. 7E11E1 - Status byte relating to the boss' current action. Different for every boss. 7E11F1 - When a level is loaded that contains a boss, this byte holds the current round number * 2 for use as an offset for boss AI. 7E11F4 - Boss current HP 7E11F6 - Boss previous HP 7E11F8 - Boss max HP 7E1202 - Boss pointer to max HP and defense, and ? table (bank) 7E1208 - Boss pointer to max HP and defense, and ? table (lower 16 bits) 7E120A - Boss pointer to unknown table (lower 16 bits) 7E1223 - Boss defense (updated based on current DifficultyA) 7E1243 - Boss current DifficultyA 7EFFEF - show high score table after Capcom logo 00=off 02=on (used to show high scores after the game is finished and reboots) 7EFFF0 - Extra Joy (perform special move with A button) 00=on 01=off 7EFFF1 - number of times a new game has been started 7EFFF2 - unused, always #$00, and read as part of a RAM sanity check to make sure its $00 7EFFF3 7EFFF4 - Option Mode DifficultyA. value set corresponds to initial DifficultyA table starting SNES address 019E43: 01=00,02=02,03=03,04=04,05=05,06=06,07=07,08=08 7EFFF5 - Option Mode DifficultyB 7EFFF6 - Extend: 00=100000 ONLY, 02=200000 ONLY, 04=200000 EVERY, 06=NOTHING 7EFFF7 - Option Mode player (lives) 7EFFF8 7EFFF9 7EFFFA - debug mode 00=off 01=on 7EFFFB - unknown, music related timer? 7EFFFC - demo recorder 00=off 01=playback mode 80=record mode 7EFFFD - demo recorder Round 00=Slum 02=Subway 7EFFFE - Option Mode Round 7EFFFF - Option Mode Area
Difficulty System
To do: DifficultyA is not yet fully understood. All appearances of 7E0CB6 in the programming need to be accounted for - easier said than done! |
- The DifficultyA value set in options (left column) determines the initial DifficultyA value stored to memory address 7E0CB6 (right column):
DifficultyA | Initial DifficultyA |
01 | 00 |
02 | 02 |
03 | 03 |
04 | 04 |
05 | 05 |
06 | 06 |
07 | 07 |
08 | 08 |
- DifficultyA is lowered when using a credit.
Credits used | Lower DifficultyA By |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 2 |
4 | 3 |
5 | 3 |
6 | 3 |
7 | 3 |
8 | 4 |
9 | 4 |
10 | 4 |
11 | 4 |
12 | 4 |
13 | 5 |
14 | 5 |
15 | 5 |
16 | 5 |
17 | 5 |
18 | 5 |
19 | 6 |
20 | 6 |
21 | 6 |
22 | 6 |
23 | 6 |
24 | 6 |
25 | 6 |
26 | 6 |
27 | 6 |
28 | 6 |
29 | 6 |
30 | 6 |
31 | 6 |
32 or more | 6 |
This component was clearly ported unchanged from the arcade version (in which the machine could be fed an infinite supply of quarters), but the SNES game has a fixed number of credits (3 by default, up to 9 with the CAP COM YLM high score cheat). Most of the table goes unused as a result, unless the player stands in front of the Bay Area dog that awards extra credits, and eventually uses those credits. However, even that wouldn't be enough to reach the end of the table. In theory, it should be possible by playing the Bay Area round over and over intentionally (by getting credits from the dog bonus, then losing all lives to restart the stage, and repeating).
- Sets how much HP some enemies spawn with. Enemies can either use a fixed difficulty value, or use the current DifficultyA. The former is required to access values $1B-1F, as the current DifficultyA only goes up to $1A on the highest setting. A few enemies (Bred, Dug, Jake, Simons - TODO needs to be double checked) in the second to last area of the final round use fixed value $1E, but otherwise it appears that $1B-1F go unused for everything else.
DIFFICULTYA 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Bred 1C00 2000 2200 2400 2400 2400 2400 2A00 2A00 3200 3200 3200 3A00 3C00 3E00 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 4A00 4C00 4E00 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 5A00 5C00 5E00 6000 Dug 2900 2900 3100 3100 3100 3900 3B00 3D00 3F00 4100 4300 4500 4700 4900 4B00 4D00 4F00 5100 5300 5500 5700 5900 5B00 5D00 5F00 6100 6300 6500 6700 6900 6B00 6D00 Jake 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 4A00 4C00 4E00 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 5A00 5C00 5E00 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 6A00 6C00 6E00 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800 7A00 7C00 7E00 Simons 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 5A00 5C00 5E00 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 6A00 6C00 6E00 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800 7A00 7C00 7E00 8000 8200 8400 8600 8800 8A00 8C00 8E00 J, Two.P 1C00 2000 2200 2400 2400 2400 2400 2A00 2A00 3200 3200 3200 3A00 3C00 3E00 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 4A00 4C00 4E00 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 5A00 5C00 5E00 6000 Axl 1C00 2000 2200 2400 2400 2400 2400 2A00 2A00 3200 3200 3200 3A00 3C00 3E00 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 4A00 4C00 4E00 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 5A00 5C00 5E00 6000 Slash 2A00 2A00 3200 3200 3200 3A00 3C00 3E00 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 4A00 4C00 4E00 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 5A00 5C00 5E00 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 6A00 6C00 6E00 G.Oriber 3200 3400 3600 3800 3A00 3C00 3E00 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 4A00 4C00 4E00 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 5A00 5C00 5E00 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 6A00 6C00 6E00 7000 Bill Bull 6400 6600 6800 6A00 6C00 6E00 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800 7A00 7C00 7E00 8000 8200 8400 8600 8800 8A00 8C00 8E00 9000 9200 9400 9600 9800 9A00 9C00 9E00 A000 A200 Wong Who 9600 9800 9A00 9C00 9E00 A000 A200 A400 A600 A800 AA00 AC00 AE00 B000 B200 B400 B600 B800 BA00 BC00 BE00 C000 C200 C400 C600 C800 CA00 CC00 CE00 D000 D200 D400 Holly Wood 3C00 4400 4C00 5400 5C00 6400 6C00 6E00 7000 7C00 7400 7600 7800 7A00 7C00 7E00 8000 8200 8400 8600 8A00 8E00 9400 9A00 A200 AA00 B200 BA00 C200 CA00 D200 DC00 El Gado 8400 8C00 9400 9A00 A400 AC00 B400 B600 B800 BA00 BC00 BE00 C000 C200 C400 C600 C800 CA00 CC00 CE00 D000 D200 D400 D600 D800 DA00 DC00 DE00 E000 E200 E400 E600 Holly Wood* 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 0A00 Sid 3C00 3E00 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 4800 4800 4A00 4A00 4A00 4C00 4C00 4C00 4E00 4E00 4E00 5000 5000 5000 5200 5200 5200 5400 5400 5400 5600 5600 5800 5A00 5C00 Billy 7800 7A00 7C00 8000 8200 8400 8600 8600 8600 8800 8800 8800 8A00 8A00 8A00 8C00 8C00 8C00 8E00 8E00 8E00 9000 9000 9000 9200 9200 9200 9400 9400 9600 9800 9A00 Andore Jr. 6400 6800 6C00 7000 7400 7800 7C00 8000 8400 8800 8C00 9000 9400 9800 9C00 A000 A400 A800 AC00 B000 B400 B800 BC00 C000 C400 C800 CC00 D000 D400 D800 DC00 E000 Andore C800 CC00 D000 D400 D800 DC00 E000 E400 E800 EC00 F000 F400 F800 FC00 0001 0401 0801 0C01 1001 1401 1801 1C01 2001 2401 2801 2C01 3001 3401 3801 3C01 4001 4401 G. U. F. Andore FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 A000 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 FA00 E000 Thrasher 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 Katana** 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 Edi.E 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 2C01 Abigail F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 F401 Belger 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 5802 *Red clothes, bottle-throwing Holly Wood **Programming lowers this to $012C right after it's loaded
- Sets enemy defense. This value gets updated in real-time, not just set once when the enemy spawns. To calculate the damage, multiply the defense value with the player attack value then divide by two 5 times.
DIFFICULTYA 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Bred 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Dug 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Jake 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 Simons 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 J, Two.P 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Axl 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 Slash 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 G.Oriber 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Bill Bull 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1F 1F 1F 1E 1E 1E 1D 1D 1D 1C 1F 1B 1B 1A 1A 19 19 18 Wong Who 1F 1F 1F 1E 1E 1E 1D 1D 1D 1C 1C 1C 1B 1B 1A 1A 1A 1A 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 Holly Wood 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 El Gado 1F 1F 1F 1E 1E 1E 1D 1D 1D 1C 1C 1C 1B 1B 1B 1A 1A 1A 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 15 14 13 12 Holly Wood* 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Sid 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Billy 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Andore Jr. 1C 1B 1B 1A 1A 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 0F 0F 0E 0E 0D 0D 0C Andore 1C 1B 1B 1A 1A 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 0F 0F 0E 0E 0D 0D 0C G. U. F. Andore 1C 1B 1B 1A 1A 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 0F 0F 0E 0E 0D 0D 0C Thrasher 1F 1E 1E 1D 1D 1D 1C 1C 1C 1B 1B 1B 1A 1A 1A 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 16 16 15 Katana 10 10 10 0F 0F 0F 0E 0E 0E 0D 0D 0C 0C 0B 0B 0A 0A 09 09 08 08 07 07 06 06 05 05 04 04 03 03 02 Edi.E 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Abigail 1C 1C 1C 1B 1B 1B 1A 1A 1A 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 12 11 10 0F Belger 1A 19 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 11 *Red clothes, bottle-throwing Holly Wood
- Affects which enemies spawn. There are four difficulty groups corresponding to four bits. Most of the time the value in the enemy layout data is $F0, which means a particular enemy will always spawn (as all 4 bits/all 4 difficulty groups are covered). However, in cases where it's not, the game will jump ahead 9 bytes in the enemy layout data for the alternate enemy if the current DifficultyA bit doesn't match (this part needs more research and verification)
DifficultyA | Bit |
00-07 | 10 |
00-0F | 20 |
10-17 | 40 |
18-1F | 80 |
Example: After Thrasher's first whistle, Jake will walk out of the door on DifficultyA $00-0F, while Simons will appear instead on DifficultyA $10-1F
DifficultyB is fully understood.
The left column in the following three tables represent the DifficultyB value shown in the Option Mode (not the actual DifficultyB hex value in 7E0CBA, which is one digit lower)
- Affects the speed at which DifficultyA increases.
DifficultyB | Speed |
01 | 600 frames (10 seconds) |
02 | 600 frames (10 seconds) |
03 | 480 frames (8 seconds) |
04 | 300 frames (5 seconds) |
- Lowers DifficultyA when losing a life or completing a non-bonus round.
DifficultyB | Lower DifficultyA By |
01 | 03 |
02 | 02 |
03 | 01 |
04 | 01 |
- Affects the maximum possible DifficultyA.
DifficultyB | Max DifficultyA |
01 | 17 |
02 | 18 |
03 | 19 |
04 | 1A |
Note that the Max DifficultyA Table has 8 total entries (going up to max DifficultyA $1F), suggesting that there was once 4 more settings for DifficultyB.
Programming and Data
Bank 00 RNG, controller, tile properties/collision data, HUD updates. |
Bank 01 RNG, menus, gameplay modes, round progression, difficulty system, ending. |
Start New Life
$02/A22A 20 63 A2 JSR $A263 [$02:A263] //Spawn point $02/A22D A9 10 LDA #$10 //Respawn type bit $02/A22F 24 68 BIT $68 [$00:0D68] $02/A231 F0 25 BEQ $25 [$A258] //Skip to $A258 if respawn type bit not set Respawn type bit set $02/A233 A5 09 LDA $09 [$00:0D09] //? $02/A235 85 0C STA $0C [$00:0D0C] $02/A237 C2 20 REP #$20 $02/A239 A5 0A LDA $0A [$00:0D0A] $02/A23B 85 0D STA $0D [$00:0D0D] //Copy Y coord $02/A23D 18 CLC $02/A23E 69 00 01 ADC #$0100 //Set jump height (allows player to fall from top of the screen) $02/A241 85 0A STA $0A [$00:0D0A] $02/A243 E2 20 SEP #$20 $02/A245 A9 B4 LDA #$B4 //Temporary invincibility $02/A247 85 3A STA $3A [$00:0D3A] //Temporary invincibility flicker timer $02/A249 85 0F STA $0F [$00:0D0F] //Temporary invincibility timer $02/A24B A9 02 LDA #$02 $02/A24D 85 02 STA $02 [$00:0D02] $02/A24F A9 02 LDA #$02 $02/A251 85 03 STA $03 [$00:0D03] $02/A253 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/A255 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/A257 60 RTS Respawn type bit not set* $02/A258 A9 02 LDA #$02 $02/A25A 85 02 STA $02 [$00:0D02] $02/A25C 64 03 STZ $03 [$00:0D03] $02/A25E 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/A260 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/A262 60 RTS *This seems to be unused. If the bit is not set, the player spawns on the ground with no temporary invincibility.
Spawn Point
$02/A263 AD 06 0E LDA $0E06 [$00:0E06] $02/A266 85 06 STA $06 [$00:0D06] $02/A268 AD 09 0E LDA $0E09 [$00:0E09] $02/A26B 85 09 STA $09 [$00:0D09] $02/A26D C2 20 REP #$20 $02/A26F AD 07 0E LDA $0E07 [$00:0E07] //X coord scrolled in stage $02/A272 18 CLC $02/A273 69 40 00 ADC #$0040 //X coord from left edge of screen + #$0040 $02/A276 85 07 STA $07 [$00:0D07] $02/A278 AD 0A 0E LDA $0E0A [$00:0E0A] //Y coord $02/A27B 18 CLC $02/A27C 69 30 00 ADC #$0030 //Y coord from bottom edge of screen + #$0030 $02/A27F 85 0A STA $0A [$00:0D0A] $02/A281 E2 20 SEP #$20 $02/A283 60 RTS
Lost Life
$02/A2AF 22 5A A4 01 JSL $01A45A[$01:A45A] //Lower Current DifficultyA Using DifficultyB Setting $02/A2B3 20 E6 A2 JSR $A2E6 [$02:A2E6] //Subtract Lives $02/A2B6 D0 15 BNE $15 [$A2CD] //Skip to $A2CD if lives remaining Lost all lives $02/A2B8 64 00 STZ $00 [$00:0D00] //Set player to inactive status $02/A2BA 64 01 STZ $01 [$00:0D01] $02/A2BC 64 26 STZ $26 [$00:0D26] $02/A2BE 64 54 STZ $54 [$00:0D54] $02/A2C0 64 55 STZ $55 [$00:0D55] $02/A2C2 A9 08 LDA #$08 $02/A2C4 85 02 STA $02 [$00:0D02] $02/A2C6 64 03 STZ $03 [$00:0D03] $02/A2C8 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/A2CA 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/A2CC 60 RTS Lives remaining $02/A2CD A6 18 LDX $18 [$00:0D18] //Load max HP (80) $02/A2CF 86 14 STX $14 [$00:0D14] //Store max HP to current HP $02/A2D1 86 16 STX $16 [$00:0D16] //Store max HP to previous HP $02/A2D3 64 20 STZ $20 [$00:0D20] //Set player direction facing to right $02/A2D5 A9 10 LDA #$10 //Set respawn type bit $02/A2D7 85 68 STA $68 [$00:0D68] $02/A2D9 64 02 STZ $02 [$00:0D02] $02/A2DB 64 03 STZ $03 [$00:0D03] $02/A2DD 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/A2DF 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/A2E1 22 8D A6 01 JSL $01A68D[$01:A68D] //Reload Round Countdown Timer $02/A2E5 60 RTS
Subtract Lives
$02/A2E6 C6 6E DEC $6E [$00:0D6E] //Lives -1 $02/A2E8 10 06 BPL $06 [$A2F0] //Skip to $A2F0 if not losing the 9th life $02/A2EA A9 09 LDA #$09 //Appears as 8 lives on HUD $02/A2EC 85 6E STA $6E [$00:0D6E] //Store lives $02/A2EE C6 6F DEC $6F [$00:0D6F] //Remove 9th life $02/A2F0 22 DE E5 00 JSL $00E5DE[$00:E5DE] //Update lives HUD $02/A2F4 A5 6E LDA $6E [$00:0D6E] //Lives $02/A2F6 05 6F ORA $6F [$00:0D6F] //Lives 9 and beyond $02/A2F8 60 RTS //Exit, with accumulator about to be used to determine if player ran out of lives
Debug Invincibility and Bullets
$02/A756 AD 1A 01 LDA $011A [$00:011A] //Controller 2 $02/A759 2D 12 01 AND $0112 [$00:0112] //Controller 2 $02/A75C 89 40 BIT #$40 //X button $02/A75E F0 09 BEQ $09 [$A769] //Skip to $A769 if X button not pressed Debug invincibility $02/A760 AD CB 00 LDA $00CB [$00:00CB] //Debug invincibility $02/A763 49 01 EOR #$01 //Toggle $02/A765 8D CB 00 STA $00CB [$00:00CB] //Update invincibility status $02/A768 60 RTS $02/A769 89 80 BIT #$80 //A button $02/A76B F0 30 BEQ $30 [$A79D] //Skip to $A79D if A not pressed Debug bullets $02/A76D 22 B2 AC 00 JSL $00ACB2[$00:ACB2] //Check if 3 bullets not already onscreen (needs verification) These are slots for weapon items. Bullets and molotovs are treated as weapons. -Rotwang $02/A771 D0 2A BNE $2A [$A79D] //Skip to $A79D if no more bullets allowed $02/A773 A9 01 LDA #$01 //Create active bullet $02/A775 9D 00 00 STA $0000,x[$00:1C00] $02/A778 A9 06 LDA #$06 //Bullet object index* $02/A77A 9D 11 00 STA $0011,x $02/A77D A5 20 LDA $20 [$00:0D20] //Player direction facing (set this operation to A9 00 / LDA #$00 to always shoot to the right) $02/A77F 9D 20 00 STA $0020,x //Set bullet direction to the same as player facing $02/A782 C2 20 REP #$20 $02/A784 A5 07 LDA $07 [$00:0D07] //Player X coord $02/A786 18 CLC $02/A787 69 20 00 ADC #$0020 $02/A78A 9D 07 00 STA $0007,x //Bullet spawn point is player X coord + #$20 $02/A78D A5 0A LDA $0A [$00:0D0A] //Player Y coord $02/A78F 18 CLC $02/A790 69 20 00 ADC #$0020 $02/A793 9D 0A 00 STA $000A,x //Bullet spawn point is player Y coord + #$20 $02/A796 A5 0D LDA $0D [$00:0D0D] //Player Y coord $02/A798 9D 0D 00 STA $000D,x //Bullet spawn Y coord (another, unknown difference) $02/A79B E2 20 SEP #$20 $02/A79D 60 RTS *Change this value (eg, using PAR code 02A779xx) to spawn other weapons
Unknown $02AEF8
This seems to be comparing Player 1's X and Y coords versus Player 2.
To do: What is the exact purpose of this? |
$02/AEF8 B9 00 00 LDA $0000,y[$00:0D80] //Player 2 active status $02/AEFB F0 24 BEQ $24 [$AF21] //Skip to $AF21 if not in 2 player mode $02/AEFD C2 20 REP #$20 $02/AEFF A5 0D LDA $0D [$00:0D0D] $02/AF01 38 SEC $02/AF02 F9 0D 00 SBC $000D,y $02/AF05 30 07 BMI $07 [$AF0E] $02/AF07 C9 0D 00 CMP #$000D $02/AF0A 90 09 BCC $09 [$AF15] $02/AF0C 80 13 BRA $13 [$AF21] $02/AF0E C9 F0 FF CMP #$FFF0 $02/AF11 B0 02 BCS $02 [$AF15] $02/AF15 B9 07 00 LDA $0007,y $02/AF18 38 SEC $02/AF19 ED 04 00 SBC $0004 [$00:0004] $02/AF1C C9 78 00 CMP #$0078 $02/AF1F 90 0A BCC $0A [$AF2B] $02/AF21 E2 20 SEP #$20 $02/AF23 AD 00 00 LDA $0000 [$00:0000] $02/AF26 14 6A TRB $6A [$00:0D6A] $02/AF28 A9 00 LDA #$00 $02/AF2A 60 RTS $02/AF2B E2 20 SEP #$20 $02/AF2D AD 00 00 LDA $0000 [$00:0000] $02/AF30 04 6A TSB $6A [$00:0D6A] $02/AF32 A9 01 LDA #$01 $02/AF34 60 RTS
Check if Jumping and Setup Jump
$02/B04A A5 65 LDA $65 [$00:0D65] $02/B04C 25 67 AND $67 [$00:0D67] $02/B04E 89 80 BIT #$80 //Player 1 B button $02/B050 F0 0C BEQ $0C [$B05E] //Skip to $B05E if B not pressed Jump $02/B052 64 44 STZ $44 [$00:0D44] $02/B054 64 47 STZ $47 [$00:0D47] $02/B056 A9 0E LDA #$0E //Jumping animation $02/B058 85 03 STA $03 [$00:0D03] $02/B05A 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/B05C 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/B05E 60 RTS
$02/B05F 20 B1 B2 JSR $B2B1 [$02:B2B1] //Check for Special Move and Setup $02/B062 F0 33 BEQ $33 [$B097] //Skip to $B097 if performing special move $02/B064 A5 65 LDA $65 [$00:0D65] $02/B066 25 67 AND $67 [$00:0D67] $02/B068 29 40 AND #$40 //Player 1 Y button $02/B06A F0 2B BEQ $2B [$B097] //Skip to $B097 if button not pressed $02/B06C 20 E5 B0 JSR $B0E5 [$02:B0E5] //TODO $02/B06F D0 03 BNE $03 [$B074] //TODO $02/B071 4C 9C B0 JMP $B09C [$02:B09C] //Skip to $B09C if picked up object on ground $02/B074 A5 74 LDA $74 [$00:0D74] $02/B076 D0 08 BNE $08 [$B080] $02/B078 20 18 B2 JSR $B218 [$02:B218] $02/B07B D0 03 BNE $03 [$B080] ... $02/B080 20 A7 B0 JSR $B0A7 [$02:B0A7] $02/B083 F0 12 BEQ $12 [$B097] //Skip to $B097 if using a weapon $02/B085 A5 70 LDA $70 [$00:0D70] $02/B087 D0 05 BNE $05 [$B08E] $02/B089 64 71 STZ $71 [$00:0D71] $02/B08B 4C 7D B2 JMP $B27D [$02:B27D] ... $02/B097 60 RTS
Pick up TODO (weapon or item?)
$02/B098 A9 23 LDA #$23 //? $02/B09A 85 74 STA $74 [$00:0D74] $02/B09C A9 18 LDA #$18 //Pick up animation $02/B09E 85 03 STA $03 [$00:0D03] $02/B0A0 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/B0A2 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/B0A4 4C C8 AC JMP $ACC8 [$02:ACC8]
Check for and use Weapon
$02/B0A7 A9 04 LDA #$04 $02/B0A9 24 01 BIT $01 [$00:0D01] //Holding a weapon bit $02/B0AB F0 30 BEQ $30 [$B0DD] //Skip to $B0DD if not holding weapon $02/B0AD A6 4C LDX $4C [$00:0D4C] //Weapon object start address in RAM $02/B0AF F0 28 BEQ $28 [$B0D9] //Skip to $B0D9 if lost weapon $02/B0B1 BD 11 00 LDA $0011,x[$00:0012] //Weapon type $02/B0B4 D0 18 BNE $18 [$B0CE] //Skip to $B0CE if not holding knife $02/B0B6 A5 12 LDA $12 [$00:0D12] //Player character $02/B0B8 C9 02 CMP #$02 //Haggar $02/B0BA D0 05 BNE $05 [$B0C1] //Skip to $B0C1 if playing as Haggar $02/B0BC 20 E0 B0 JSR $B0E0 [$02:B0E0] //Check if Enemy in Range $02/B0BF D0 0D BNE $0D [$B0CE] //Skip to $B0CE if within stabbing range Throw knife $02/B0C1 A9 1E LDA #$1E //Throw knife animation $02/B0C3 85 03 STA $03 [$00:0D03] $02/B0C5 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/B0C7 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/B0C9 64 74 STZ $74 [$00:0D74] $02/B0CB A9 00 LDA #$00 //Using weapon = true $02/B0CD 60 RTS Use weapon (inc. stab with knife if Cody is close to enemy) $02/B0CE A9 20 LDA #$20 //Use weapon animation $02/B0D0 85 03 STA $03 [$00:0D03] $02/B0D2 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/B0D4 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/B0D6 A9 00 LDA #$00 //Using weapon = true $02/B0D8 60 RTS $02/B0D9 A9 04 LDA #$04 $02/B0DB 14 01 TRB $01 [$00:0D01] //Reset holding a weapon bit $02/B0DD A9 01 LDA #$01 //Using weapon = false $02/B0DF 60 RTS
Check if Enemy in Range
$02/B0E0 A9 0F LDA #$0F //Handle only lower 4 bits $02/B0E2 24 6A BIT $6A [$00:0D6A] //Bit 01=?, Bit 02=enemy close, Bit 04 =?, Bit 08=? $02/B0E4 60 RTS
Check for Special Move and Setup
$02/B2B1 AD B0 0C LDA $0CB0 [$00:0CB0] //Round $02/B2B4 C9 06 CMP #$06 //Break Car $02/B2B6 F0 37 BEQ $37 [$B2EF] //Skip to $B2EF if on Break Car round $02/B2B8 AF F0 FF 7E LDA $7EFFF0[$7E:FFF0] //Extra Joy $02/B2BC D0 08 BNE $08 [$B2C6] //Skip to $B2C6 if extra joy off $02/B2BE A5 64 LDA $64 [$00:0D64] $02/B2C0 25 66 AND $66 [$00:0D66] $02/B2C2 29 80 AND #$80 //Player 1 A button $02/B2C4 D0 10 BNE $10 [$B2D6] //Skip to $B2D6 if A button pressed (perform special move) $02/B2C6 A5 65 LDA $65 [$00:0D65] $02/B2C8 25 67 AND $67 [$00:0D67] $02/B2CA 89 C0 BIT #$C0 //Player 1 Y and B buttons $02/B2CC F0 21 BEQ $21 [$B2EF] //Skip to $B2EF is not pressing Y or B buttons $02/B2CE 05 67 ORA $67 [$00:0D67] $02/B2D0 29 C0 AND #$C0 //Examine status of Y and B buttons only $02/B2D2 C9 C0 CMP #$C0 $02/B2D4 D0 19 BNE $19 [$B2EF] //Skip to $B2EF if both buttons not pressed Perform special move $02/B2D6 A6 14 LDX $14 [$00:0D14] //Current HP $02/B2D8 F0 15 BEQ $15 [$B2EF] //Skip to $B2EF if no HP left to perform special move $02/B2DA 30 13 BMI $13 [$B2EF] //Skip to $B2EF if negative HP/dead (?) $02/B2DC 64 77 STZ $77 [$00:0D77] $02/B2DE 64 71 STZ $71 [$00:0D71] $02/B2E0 64 70 STZ $70 [$00:0D70] $02/B2E2 64 47 STZ $47 [$00:0D47] $02/B2E4 A9 10 LDA #$10 //Special move animation $02/B2E6 85 03 STA $03 [$00:0D03] $02/B2E8 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0D04] $02/B2EA 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0D05] $02/B2EC A9 00 LDA #$00 //Performing special move = true $02/B2EE 60 RTS $02/B2EF A9 01 LDA #$01 //Performing special move = false $02/B2F1 60 RTS
Boss AI Table in Final Fight Guy (J)
.00:CCDD Boss_init: ; CODE XREF: .00:C999�P .00:CCDD REP #$20 ; ' ' .00:CCDF .A16 .00:CCDF LDA #$11E0 .00:CCE2 TCD .00:CCE3 SEP #$20 ; ' ' .00:CCE5 .A8 .00:CCE5 LDA D,0 .00:CCE7 BEQ boss_init_exit .00:CCE9 BMI loc_CCF0 .00:CCEB JSR Boss_init_Get_level_ID .00:CCEE BRA boss_init_exit .00:CCF0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00:CCF0 .00:CCF0 loc_CCF0: ; CODE XREF: Boss_init+C�j .00:CCF0 LDA #$80 ; 'Ç' .00:CCF2 TRB D,0 .00:CCF4 .00:CCF4 boss_init_exit: ; CODE XREF: Boss_init+A�j .00:CCF4 ; Boss_init+11�j .00:CCF4 RTL .00:CCF4 ; End of function Boss_init .00:CCF4 .00:CCF5 .A8 .00:CCF5 .I16 .00:CCF5 .00:CCF5 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= .00:CCF5 .00:CCF5 .00:CCF5 Boss_init_Get_level_ID: ; CODE XREF: Boss_init+E�p .00:CCF5 LDA #0 .00:CCF7 XBA .00:CCF8 LDA D,$11 ; Gets previously stored levelID*2 from bossram to determine which boss is active. .00:CCF8 ; 00 = Slums .00:CCF8 ; 02 = Subway .00:CCF8 ; 04 = West Side .00:CCF8 ; 06 = Industrial Area .00:CCF8 ; 08 = Bay Area .00:CCF8 ; 0A = Uptown .00:CCFA TAX .00:CCFB JMP ($CCFE,X) ; Boss init jump table .00:CCFB ; End of function Boss_init_Get_level_ID .00:CCFB .00:CCFB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00:CCFE .BYTE $C .00:CCFF .BYTE $CD ; - ; Damnd .00:CD00 .BYTE $11 .00:CD01 .BYTE $CD ; - ; Sodom .00:CD02 .BYTE $16 .00:CD03 .BYTE $CD ; - ; EDI-E .00:CD04 .BYTE $1B .00:CD05 .BYTE $CD ; Abigail .00:CD06 .BYTE $1B .00:CD07 .BYTE $CD ; - ; Abigail .00:CD08 .BYTE $20 .00:CD09 .BYTE $CD ; - ; Belger .00:CD0A .BYTE $25 ; % .00:CD0B .BYTE $CD ; - ; Unknown - probably bonus stage .00:CD0C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00:CD0C .00:CD0C loc_CD0C: .00:CD0C JSL Damnd_AI_begin ; $04C0C1 .00:CD10 RTS .00:CD11 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00:CD11 JSL Sodom_AI_begin ; $06B4A0 .00:CD15 RTS .00:CD16 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00:CD16 JSL EDI_E_AI_Begin ; $06C944 .00:CD1A RTS .00:CD1B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00:CD1B JSL Abigail_AI_Begin ; $06D69D .00:CD1F RTS .00:CD20 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00:CD20 JSL Belger_AI_Begin ; $06E1CA .00:CD24 RTS .00:CD25 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00:CD25 JSL Unknown_Boss_AI_Begin ;06F181 .00:CD29 RTS
Breakable Objects
Random Reward Tables
To do: It's highly likely that at least several of these are unused, esp. type $00. |
If bit $80 is set for the reward type, the lower 4 bits are used as an index to load one of the 16 possible random reward tables. Each table is 32 bytes long. If the RNG lands on a $FF byte, there's no reward.
03FA97 FF00 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 00FF FFFF FFFF 03FAA7 FFFF FFFF FF00 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 29/32 $FF (nothing) 90.625% 03/32 $00 Barbecue 09.375%
03FAB7 FF00 FF12 FF02 12FF 12FF FF02 FF12 FF02 03FAC7 02FF 12FF 02FF 12FF FF02 FF12 0200 FFFF 16/32 $FF (nothing) 50.000% 07/32 $02 Hamburger 21.875% 07/32 $12 Vitamine 21.875% 02/32 $00 Barbecue 06.250%
03FAD7 08FF 0A08 FF0C 080C 0AFF 0A0C 080A FF0C 03FAE7 0C0A FF0C 080A 0CFF 080A FF08 FF0A 080C 08/32 $08 Banana 25% 08/32 $0A Apple 25% 08/32 $0C Grapes 25% 08/32 $FF (nothing) 25%
03FAF7 1400 100E 1412 100E 0EFF 1210 0E14 1012 03FB07 1012 0E14 100E 1210 140E 00FF 1412 0E10 08/32 $0E Rootbeer 25.00% 08/32 $10 Soft drink 25.00% 06/32 $12 Vitamine 18.75% 06/32 $14 Gum 18.75% 02/32 $00 Barbecue 06.25% 02/32 $FF (nothing) 06.25%
03FB17 FFFF FF16 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 03FB27 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 18FF FFFF FFFF FFFF 30/32 $FF (nothing) 87.500% 01/32 $16 Diamond 06.250% 01/32 $18 Gold bar 06.250%
03FB37 1AFF 1CFF 1C16 FF1A 1CFF FF1A FFFF 1CFF 03FB47 1CFF FF1A FFFF 1CFF 1AFF FF1C FF1C 1AFF 17/32 $FF (nothing) 53.125% 08/32 $1C Necklace 25.000% 06/32 $1A Ruby 18.750% 01/32 $16 Diamond 03.125%
03FB57 161E 1E20 FF16 1E1E 20FF 1E20 1E16 1E20 03FB67 1E1E 20FF 16FF 1E20 FF1E 1E16 1EFF 1E20 14/32 $1E Dollar 43.750% 07/32 $20 Yen 21.875% 06/32 $FF (nothing) 18.750% 05/32 $16 Diamond 15.625%
03FB77 2422 24FF 2622 1826 2426 22FF 2224 FF26 03FB87 2224 1826 2422 26FF 2224 FF18 2624 2622 08/32 $22 Hat 25.000% 08/32 $24 Radio 25.000% 08/32 $26 Hammer 25.000% 05/32 $FF (nothing) 15.625% 03/32 $18 Gold bar 09.375%
03FB97 2828 2828 2828 2828 2828 2828 2828 2828 03FBA7 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 16/32 $28 Knife 50% 16/32 $FF (nothing) 50%
03FBB7 FFFF FFFF FFFF 28FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 03FBC7 FF2A FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FF2C FFFF 29/32 $FF (nothing) 90.625% 01/32 $28 Knife 03.125% 01/32 $2A Muramasa! 03.125% 01/32 $2C Pipe 03.125%
03FBD7 FF28 2A2C 28FF 2A28 2C2C 282A FF2C FF2A 03FBE7 2AFF 282A FF2C 282A 2CFF 282A 2C28 2CFF 08/32 $28 Knife 25% 08/32 $2A Muramasa! 25% 08/32 $2C Pipe 25% 08/32 $FF (nothing) 25%
03FBF7 FF2A FFFF FF2A FFFF FFFF FF2A FFFF FFFF 03FC07 FFFF FF2A FFFF FFFF 2AFF FFFF FF2A FFFF 26/32 $FF (nothing) 81.25% 06/32 $2A Muramasa! 18.75%
03FC17 2A00 1600 2A16 002A 1616 2A00 2A16 002A 03FC27 0016 2A2A 0016 FF00 162A FF00 1600 2A16 10/32 $00 Barbecue 31.25% 10/32 $16 Diamond 31.25% 10/32 $2A Muramasa! 31.25% 02/32 $FF (nothing) 06.25%
03FC37 FF02 2CFF 2202 2CFF 22FF FFFF 22FF 2CFF 03FC47 2C22 FF02 FFFF 22FF FF02 FF2C FFFF 02FF 17/32 $FF (nothing) 53.125% 05/32 $02 Hamburger 15.625% 05/32 $22 Hat 15.625% 05/32 $2C Pipe 15.625%
Contains every item except $22 Hat
03FC57 0000 0204 0406 080A 0A0C 100E 0E12 1416 03FC67 181A 1A1C 1C1E 1E20 2424 2628 2A2C FFFF 02/32 $00 Barbecue 06.250% 02/32 $04 Pizza 06.250% 02/32 $0A Apple 06.250% 02/32 $0E Rootbeer 06.250% 02/32 $1A Ruby 06.250% 02/32 $1C Necklace 06.250% 02/32 $1E Dollar 06.250% 02/32 $24 Radio 06.250% 02/32 $FF (nothing) 06.250% 01/32 $02 Hamburger 03.125% 01/32 $06 Curry 03.125% 01/32 $08 Banana 03.125% 01/32 $0C Grapes 03.125% 01/32 $10 Soft drink 03.125% 01/32 $12 Vitamine 03.125% 01/32 $14 Gum 03.125% 01/32 $16 Diamond 03.125% 01/32 $18 Gold bar 03.125% 01/32 $20 Yen 03.125% 01/32 $26 Hammer 03.125% 01/32 $28 Knife 03.125% 01/32 $2A Muramasa! 03.125% 01/32 $2C Pipe 03.125%
03FC77 2628 FF14 FF28 FFFF 26FF FF14 FFFF 28FF 03FC87 14FF FF26 FF28 FFFF 1428 FF26 FFFF FF28 18/32 $FF (nothing) 56.25% 06/32 $28 Knife 18.75% 04/32 $14 Gum 12.50% 04/32 $26 Hammer 12.50%