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Notes:Revolution X (Genesis)

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This page contains notes for the game Revolution X (Genesis).


00266D04 140A 2215 120E 150A 1E1B 120E
          K A  Y L  I E  L A  U R  I E
26:45A0  4E B9  JSR     ($00266D10)              ; cheat check

26:6D10  41 F9  LEA     ($FFFF0002),A0           ; start of high score table in RAM
26:6D16  43 FA  LEA     $FFEC(PC),A1             ; stored comparison string begins at $266D04
26:6D1A  72 03  MOVEQ   #$03,D1                  ; total of 4 sets of initials to compare
26:6D1C  70 02  MOVEQ   #$02,D0                  ; initials contain 3 characters
26:6D1E  B3 08  CMPM.B  (A0)+,(A1)+              ; compare a single character in player typed initials to stored string
26:6D20  66 10  BNE     #$10 [26:6D32]           ; branch to $266D32 if the character doesn't match
26:6D22  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFA [26:6D1E]      ; loop until all 3 characters are checked
26:6D26  41 E8  LEA     $000D(A0),A0             ; add 13 bytes to the current position in the high score table to get to the start of the next set of player typed initials
26:6D2A  51 C9  DBFa    D1,#$FFF0 [26:6D1C]      ; loop until all 4 sets of initials are checked
26:6D2E  70 00  MOVEQ   #$00,D0
26:6D30  4E 75  RTS
26:6D32  70 FF  MOVEQ   #$FF,D0
26:6D34  4E 75  RTS

26:45A6  67 02  BEQ     #$02 [26:45AA]           ; branch to $2645AA if cheat successful
26:45A8  60 34  BRA     #$34 [26:45DE]           ; branch to $2645DE if cheat failed