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Notes:Shadowrun (SNES)

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This page contains notes for the game Shadowrun (SNES).

Location list

(this list and SNES addresses based on the North American version)

Pro Action Replay code 9CFC6Cxx can be used to change the destination (for the first 256 exits only) when using the open Matchbox cheat. For the full 512 exit range, in a debugger set a write breakpoint on 7E2DE2, Step Into, and then enter your new value.

The exit that usually leads to the Dark Blade shop, at ROM address 0D1074, can be changed from 017C to any of the other destinations.

0000 Tenth Street, outside station (from behind building)
0001 Tenth Street, fountain area (from morgue)
0002 Tenth Street, dark alley
0003 Tenth Street, morgue office (starting a new game)
0004 Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from fountain area, road)
0005 Tenth Street, Grim Reaper Club
0006 Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from club)
0007 Tenth Street, cemetery (from gate)
0008 Tenth Street, The Cage (from outside)
0009 Tenth Street, crypt 1 from the left
000A Tenth Street, cemetery (out of crypt 1 from the left)
000B Tenth Street, outside The Cage (from club)
000C Tenth Street, outside The Cage (from cemetery)
000D Tenth Street, fountain area (from outside Jake's apartment)
000E Tenth Street, fountain area (from the bottom, road)
000F Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from dark alley)
0010 Tenth Street, fountain area (from the left, road)
0011 Tenth Street, outside station (from fountain area, road)
0012 Tenth Street, morgue office (from hallway)
0013 Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from behind building, sidewalk)
0014 Tenth Street, outside The Cage (from the bottom, road)
0015 Tenth Street, outside Jake's apartment (from fountain area)
0016 Tenth Street, outside Jake's apartment (from station area)
0017 Tenth Street, outside Jake's apartment (from building)
0018 Old Town, outside caryards (from caryards)
0019 Old Town, outside shops (from the right, road)
001A Old Town, caryards (from arena)
001B Tenth Street, outside station (from station)
001C Tenth Street, The Cage (center) (unused)
001D Volcano, Sub-level 4, Drake defeated (from Pushkin)
001E Volcano, Sub-level 4, Drake defeated (unused, from long path)
001F Tenth Street, morgue hallway (from office)
0020 Daley, train platform (from train)
0021 Daley, station (from platform)
0022 Daley, outside station, market (from station)
0023 Daley, outside station, posters (from station)
0024 Daley, junction (from top left, road)
0025 Daley, junction (from top right, road)
0026 Daley, junction (from bottom left, road)
0027 Daley, junction (from bottom right, road)
0028 Daley, outside station, market (from the left, sidewalk)
0029 Daley, outside station, posters (from the right, road)
002A Daley, train platform (from previous room)
002B Daley, station (from the right)
002C Old Town, arena (fight)
002D Old Town, outside caryards (from station)
002E Old Town, outside caryards (from club)
002F Old Town, outside caryards (from the left, sidewalk)
0030 Tenth Street, hallway with phone (from outside)
0031 Tenth Street, hallway with phone (from room with enemies)
0032 Tenth Street, room with enemies next to Jake's apartment (from right)
0033 Tenth Street, room with enemies (from hallway with phone)
0034 Tenth Street, Glutman's office hallway (from office)
0035 Tenth Street, Glutman's office hallway (from room with enemies)
0036 Tenth Street, Glutman's office hallway (from outside)
0037 Tenth Street, Jake's apartment hallway (from outside)
0038 Volcano, Sub-level 4, Drake defeated (near Drake after battle)
0039 Tenth Street, Jake's apartment hallway (from apartment)
003A Tenth Street, inside building near station (from outside)
003B Old Town, caryards (from outside)
003C Tenth Street, inside building near station (from room with body)
003D Tenth Street, outside station (from house)
003E Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from orange building)
003F Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from gray building)
0040 Daley, station (from the left)
0041 Tenth Street, Glutman's office
0042 Tenth Street, Glutman's office, room with enemies
0043 Tenth Street, inside building near station, room with enemies
0044 Tenth Street, Jake's apartment (from hallway)
0045 Tenth Street, room with injured man on floor
0046 Old Town, caryards (from the top)
0047 Tenth Street, Jake's apartment hallway (from first door)
0048 Daley, outside Drake tower (from the left, road)
0049 Daley, outside Aneki building (from the left)
004A Daley, outside station, market (from top right)
004B Jester, area 3 (from area 2)
004C Old Town, ammo shop
004D Old Town, outside shops (from ammo shop)
004E Old Town, outside shops (from talisman shop)
004F Old Town, talisman shop
0050 Old Town, Sputnik Club
0051 Ship, short ramp, five exits (from door next to windows)
0052 Ship, short ramp, five exits (from top right door)
0053 Volcano, Sub-level 1, hallway furthest north (from door)
0054 Ship, short ramp, five exits (from middle)
0055 Ship, short ramp, five exits (from upper area)
0056 Ship, short ramp, five exits (from bottom)
0057 Ship, single green slime, two exits (from left)
0058 Ship, single green slime, two exits (from right)
0059 Volcano, Sub-level 1, hallway furthest north (from right)
005A Ship, two lights, two windows pairs (from right)
005B Ship, two lights, two windows pairs (from top)
005C Ship, three lights, single windows pair (from left)
005D Ship, short ramp, five lights, switch (from right)
005E Ship, three lights, single windows pair (from right)
005F Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator down (from left)
0060 Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator down (from bottom)
0061 Volcano, Sub-level 1, hallway with 3 doors (from left path)
0062 Volcano, Sub-level 1, hallway with 3 doors (from left door)
0063 Volcano, Sub-level 1, hallway with 3 doors (from right path)
0064 Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator up (from top)
0065 Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator up (from right)
0066 Ship, second inside area (with ramp) (from lower right)
0067 Ship, second inside area (with ramp) (from lower left)
0068 Ship, wide path to the left, door the right (from path)
0069 Ship, wide path to the left, door the right (from door)
006A Ship, to safe 2, segment 1 (from top)
006B Ship, fenced pit, three exits (from left)
006C Ship, fenced pit, three exits (from middle)
006D Ship, fenced pit, three exits (from right)
006E Ship, four lights, three exits (from top)
006F Ship, four lights, three exits (from bottom)
0070 Ship, four lights, three exits (from right)
0071 Docks, containers outside (from area near the city)
0072 Ship, small room with nets (from left)
0073 Ship, small room with nets (from right)
0074 Ship, big room with nets (from left)
0075 Ship, big room with nets (from right)
0076 Ship, inner room with portal (from previous room)
0077 Old Town, caryards (from the middle)
0078 Old Town, caryards bed (from nearby area)
0079 Daley, outside Drake tower (from building)
007A Ship, first outside area (from boat)
007B Ship, first inside area (from outside)
007C Ship, first outside area (from inside)
007D Daley, outside Aneki building (from the right)
007E Old Town, caryards area with enemies
007F Ship, first outside area (from second outside lower area)
0080 Ship, first outside area (from second outside upper area)
0081 Ship, second outside area (from first outside lower area)
0082 Ship, second outside area (from first outside upper area)
0083 Ship, short ramp, five lights, switch (from left)
0084 Docks, containers outside (from the bottom)
0085 Docks, boat (from are with containers)
0086 Ship, second inside area (with ramp) (from upper area)
0087 Docks, boat (from ship) (also after defeating Jester Spirit)
0088 Ship, first inside area (from lower door)
0089 Ship, first inside area (from right upper door)
008A Tenth Street, train station (from door)
008B Tenth Street, train station (from train)
008C Tenth Street, crypt 2 from the left
008D Tenth Street, crypt 3 from the left
008E Tenth Street, crypt 4 from the left
008F Tenth Street, cemetery (out of crypt 2 from the left)
0090 Tenth Street, cemetery (out of crypt 3 from the left)
0091 Tenth Street, cemetery (out of crypt 4 from the left)
0092 Docks, outside warehouse (from boss warehouse)
0093 Docks, outside warehouse (from the right)
0094 Old Town, station platform, Tenth Street (from outside)
0095 Old Town, station platform, Tenth Street (from train)
0096 Daley, outside station, posters (from the left, road)
0097 Docks, warehouse with boss fight
0098 Docks, room with computers
0099 Volcano, Sub-level 4, Naga hallway 1 (from top)
009A Volcano, Sub-level 4, Naga hallway 1 (from bottom)
009B Volcano, Sub-level 4, outside elevator up (from middle)
009C Volcano, Sub-level 4, Naga hallway 2 (from top)
009D Volcano, Sub-level 4, Naga hallway 2 (from bottom)
009E Volcano, Sub-level 4, Naga hallway 3 (from top)
009F Volcano, Sub-level 4, Naga hallway 3 (from bottom)
00A0 Computer, Aneki, final
00A1 Volcano, Sub-level 4, after Naga fights, 6 servers, 1 small computer
00A2 Volcano, Sub-level 4, Pushkin
00A3 Docks, containers outside (from the left)
00A4 Daley, outside Drake tower (from the docks, road)
00A5 Daley, cemetery (from the left)
00A6 Daley, cemetery (from the bottom, road)
00A7 Daley, outside station, market (from cemetery)
00A8 Daley, outside Drake tower (from the right, road)
00A9 Daley, outside Jagged Nails (from the right, road)
00AA Daley, hotel room (after sleeping)
00AB Daley, junction (Intro sequence)
00AC Computer, Glutman
00AD Old Town, caryards arena (from nearby area)
00AE Old Town, arena (fight won)
00AF Docks, containers outside (from door)
00B0 Ending, Drake battle
00B1 Ending, scientists in volcano
00B2 Docks, outside warehouse (from dog spirit)
00B3 Ending, Jester Spirit
00B4 Ending, Rat Shaman
00B5 Ending, octopus in warehouse
00B6 Daley, Rust Stilettos inner room
00B7 Daley, Rust Stilettos first room (from outside)
00B8 Daley, Rust Stilettos first room (from inner room)
00B9 Daley, outside street doc (from the left)
00BA Daley, outside street doc (from street doc)
00BB Daley, street doc lobby (from outside)
00BC Daley, street doc lobby (from inner room)
00BD Daley, street doc (from lobby)
00BE Daley, outside Dark Blade gates (from market near station, road)
00BF Daley, outside Dark Blade gates (from the left, road)
00C0 Daley, outside Dark Blade gates (from the gate)
00C1 Daley, cemetery (from the right, road)
00C2 Daley, outside station, market (from the right, road)
00C3 Daley, outside Wastelands (from the bottom, road)
00C4 Daley, outside Wastelands (from the top, road)
00C5 Daley, outside Rust Stilettos (from the bottom, road)
00C6 Daley, outside Jagged Nails (from club)
00C7 Daley, Jagged Nails
00C8 Volcano, Sub-level 1, north of elevator up area (from door)
00C9 Volcano, Sub-level 1, north of elevator up area (from top)
00CA Volcano, Sub-level 1, north of elevator up area (from bottom)
00CB Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator up (from door right of elevator)
00CC Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator up (from top right door)
00CD Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator down (from top)
00CE Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator down (from elevator)
00CF Volcano, Sub-level 1, hallway with 3 doors (from right door)
00D0 Volcano, Sub-level 1, hallway with 3 doors (from middle door)
00D1 Volcano, Sub-level 1, hallway furthest north (from left)
00D2 Debug room
00D3 Jester, area 2 (from area 1)
00D4 Jester, area 2 (from area 3)
00D5 Ship, to safe 1, segment 1 (from top)
00D6 Ending, Naga in volcano
00D7 Ship, to safe 1, segment 1 (from bottom)
00D8 Ship, first inside area (from left upper door)
00D9 Ending, Naga in Jester Spirit world
00DA Volcano, Sub-level 1, outside elevator up (from elevator)
00DB Daley, outside Rust Stilettos (from building)
00DC Daley, Wastelands
00DD Daley, outside Wastelands (from club)
00DE Volcano, Sub-level 2, outside elevator up (from left)
00DF Volcano, Sub-level 2, outside elevator up (from elevator)
00E0 Volcano, Sub-level 2, outside elevator up (from right)
00E1 Volcano, Sub-level 2, east of elevator up area (from left)
00E2 Volcano, Sub-level 2, east of elevator up area (from right)
00E3 Volcano, Sub-level 2, hallway, 1 door, two paths (from top)
00E4 Volcano, Sub-level 2, hallway, 1 door, two paths (from bottom)
00E5 Volcano, Sub-level 2, outside elevator down (from left)
00E6 Volcano, Sub-level 2, outside elevator down (from elevator)
00E7 Volcano, Sub-level 2, 2 double computers, 1 small
00E8 Tenth Street, morgue hallway (from outside)
00E9 Tenth Street, inside building near station (from room with enemies)
00EA Docks, near the city (from area with containers)
00EB Docks, near the city (from the city, road)
00EC Old Town, street doc (after cutscene)
00ED Ending, morgue
00EE Daley, street doc (after cutscene)
00EF Ending, vampire
00F0 Ending, The Shadowrunners were...
00F1 Volcano, elevator, going down
00F2 Docks, dog spirit
00F3 Volcano, outside (from helicopter)
00F4 Volcano, outside (from inside)
00F5 Volcano, inside (from outside)
00F6 Volcano, inside (from elevator)
00F7 Volcano, Sub-level 1, 14 servers, 2 tables
00F8 Volcano, Sub-level 1, 3 tables, 2 small computers (from left door)
00F9 Volcano, Sub-level 1, 3 tables, 2 small computers (from right door)
00FA Volcano, Sub-level 1, 8 servers, 1 double computer, 1 small
00FB Volcano, Sub-level 1, 5 computers connected, 1 small
00FC Volcano, Sub-level 1, 4 single computers, 1 double, 1 small
00FD Volcano, Sub-level 3, outside elevator up (from elevator)
00FE Volcano, Sub-level 3, outside elevator up (from left door)
00FF Volcano, Sub-level 3, outside elevator up (from right door)
0100 Volcano, Sub-level 3, outside elevator up (from bottom)
0101 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, inaccessible path to the left (from top)
0102 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, inaccessible path to the left (from right)
0103 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, inaccessible path to the left (from right door)
0104 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, inaccessible path to the left (from left door)
0105 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, inaccessible path to the right (from bottom)
0106 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, inaccessible path to the right (from top)
0107 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, inaccessible path to the right (from door)
0108 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, 3 lab doors (from left door)
0109 Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, 3 lab doors (from right door)
010A Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, 3 lab doors (from middle door)
010B Volcano, Sub-level 3, hallway, 3 lab doors (from middle path)
010C Volcano, Sub-level 3, outside elevator down (from bottom)
010D Volcano, Sub-level 3, outside elevator down (from elevator)
010E Volcano, Sub-level 3, 3 double computers, 1 small
010F Volcano, Sub-level 3, 3 tables, 4 servers, 1 triple computer, 1 double, 1 single (from left)
0110 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 3 tables, 4 servers, 1 triple computer, 1 double, 1 single (from right)
0111 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 6 servers, 1 triple computer, 1 small, 2 tables (from right)
0112 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 6 servers, 1 triple computer, 1 small, 2 tables (from left)
0113 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 8 servers, 1 big computer, 1 small (from left)
0114 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 8 servers, 1 big computer, 1 small (from right)
0115 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 2 servers, 8 big computers, 4 small (from left)
0116 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 2 servers, 8 big computers, 4 small (from right)
0117 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 5 computers connected, 3 double, 2 small (from left)
0118 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 5 computers connected, 3 double, 2 small (from middle)
0119 Volcano, Sub-level 3, 5 computers connected, 3 double, 2 small (from right)
011A Volcano, Sub-level 3, 5 computers connected, 3 double, 2 small (from top)
011B Volcano, Sub-level 4, outside elevator up (from elevator)
011C Volcano, Sub-level 4, outside elevator up (from bottom)
011D Volcano, Sub-level 4, large room with elevated paths (from left)
011E Volcano, Sub-level 4, large room with elevated paths (from right)
011F Volcano, Sub-level 4, long path to Drake (from left)
0120 Volcano, Sub-level 4, long path to Drake (from Drake) (Can be used after 0122)
0121 Volcano, Sub-level 4, Drake (battle, from long path)
0122 Volcano, Sub-level 4, Drake (unused, battle, from Pushkin, can leave)
0123 Daley, sewers, first area (from the bottom)
0124 Old Town, two NPCs walking around (from the left, sidewalk)
0125 Daley, sewers, first area (from the left)
0126 Daley, sewers, first area (from the right)
0127 Daley, sewers, first dead end
0128 Old Town, two NPCs walking around (from the left, road)
0129 Daley, sewers, second area (from the bottom)
012A Daley, sewers, second area (from right)
012B Daley, sewers, second area (from the left)
012C Daley, sewers, inner area
012D Daley, sewers, second dead end
012E Dark Blade, lobby (from outside)
012F Dark Blade, lobby (from the top)
0130 Dark Blade, lobby (from the middle)
0131 Dark Blade, lobby (from the right)
0132 Dark Blade, library with computers
0133 Dark Blade, shelves and tables
0134 Dark Blade, dining room (from the lobby)
0135 Dark Blade, dining room (from the kitchen)
0136 Dark Blade, kitchen (from dining room)
0137 Dark Blade, kitchen (from the basement)
0138 Dark Blade, basement segment 1 (from the kitchen)
0139 Dark Blade, basement segment 1 (from segment 2)
013A Dark Blade, basement segment 2 (from segment 1)
013B Dark Blade, basement segment 2 (from segment 3)
013C Dark Blade, basement segment 3 (from segment 2)
013D Dark Blade, basement boss area (from segment 2)
013E Dark Blade, basement segment 2 (from boss area)
013F Dark Blade, outside (from the gate)
0140 Dark Blade, outside (from the building)
0141 Blindfold sequence (to caryards)
0142 Daley, outside Drake tower (from the docks, sidewalk)
0143 Daley, outside Drake tower (from the docks, sidewalk)
0144 Docks, near the city (from the city, sidewalk)
0145 Docks, near the city (from the city, sidewalk)
0146 Tenth Street, room with enemies next to Jake's apartment (from left)
0147 Tenth Street, Jake's apartment hallway (from second door)
0148 Ship, to safe 1, segment 2 (from top)
0149 Ship, to safe 1, segment 2 (from bottom)
014A Ship, to safe 1, segment 3 (from top)
014B Ship, to safe 1, segment 3 (from bottom)
014C Ship, safe 1
014D Daley, hotel lobby (from outside)
014E Daley, hotel lobby (from room)
014F Daley, hotel room (from lobby)
0150 Daley, outside Jagged Nails (from hotel)
0151 Ship, to safe 2, segment 1 (from bottom)
0152 Ship, to safe 2, segment 2 (from top)
0153 Ship, to safe 2, segment 2 (from bottom)
0154 Ship, to safe 2, segment 3 (from top)
0155 Ship, to safe 2, segment 3 (from bottom)
0156 Ship, safe 2
0157 Dark Blade, outside (from shop)
0158 Old Town, caryards bed (from blindfold sequence)
0159 Tenth Street, Jake's apartment (after sleeping)
015A Game over
015B Sleeping in bed
015C Tenth Street, room with business man (from hallway with phone)
015D Volcano, Sub-level 2, 1 big computer, 1 small
015E Volcano, Sub-level 2, hallway, 1 door, two paths (from door)
015F Computer, Docks
0160 Computer, Dark Blade, library, left
0161 Computer, Dark Blade, library, right
0162 Computer, Drake, lobby
0163 Computer, Drake, 2nd floor
0164 Aneki, 2nd floor, middle (from elevator up)
0165 Aneki, 2nd floor, middle (from elevator down)
0166 Aneki, 2nd floor, middle (from left)
0167 Aneki, 2nd floor, middle (from right)
0168 Aneki, 2nd floor, left
0169 Aneki, 2nd floor, right
016A Aneki, 3rd floor, left
016B Aneki, 3rd floor, middle (from elevator up)
016C Aneki, 3rd floor, middle (from elevator down)
016D Aneki, 3rd floor, middle (from left)
016E Aneki, 3rd floor, middle (from right)
016F Aneki, 3rd floor, right
0170 Aneki, 4th floor, left
0171 Aneki, 4th floor, middle (from left)
0172 Aneki, 4th floor, middle (from elevator up)
0173 Aneki, 4th floor, middle (from elevator down)
0174 Aneki, 4th floor, middle (from right)
0175 Aneki, 4th floor, right
0176 Aneki, 5th floor, left
0177 Aneki, 5th floor, middle (from left)
0178 Aneki, 5th floor, middle (from elevator up)
0179 Aneki, 5th floor, middle (from elevator down) (unused)
017A Aneki, 5th floor, middle (from right)
017B Aneki, 5th floor, right
017C Dark Blade, shop
017D Computer, Drake, 2nd floor
017E Drake, lobby (from outside)
017F Drake, lobby (from elevator down)
0180 Computer, Drake, 3rd floor
0181 Drake, 2nd floor (from elevator up)
0182 Drake, 2nd floor (from elevator down)
0183 Drake, 3rd floor (from elevator up)
0184 Drake, 3rd floor (from elevator down)
0185 Drake, 4th floor (from elevator up)
0186 Drake, 4th floor (from elevator down)
0187 Drake, 5th floor (from elevator up)
0188 Drake, 5th floor (from elevator down)
0189 Drake, 6th floor (from elevator up)
018A Drake, 6th floor (from elevator down)
018B Drake, top (from elevator up) (also used as Aneki top)
018C Old Town, station platform, Daley (from previous room)
018D Old Town, station platform, Daley (from train)
018E Old Town, station platform, Tenth Street (from other platform)
018F Old Town, two NPCs walking around (from the left, sidewalk)
0190 Old Town, two NPCs walking around (from the middle)
0191 Old Town, two NPCs walking around (from the bottom, sidewalk)
0192 Old Town, two NPCs walking around (from the bottom, road)
0193 Old Town, two NPCs walking around (from the bottom, sidewalk)
0194 Old Town, outside caryards (from the left, road)
0195 Old Town, outside caryards (from the left, sidewalk)
0196 Old Town, outside shops (from the right, sidewalk)
0197 Old Town, outside shops (from the right, sidewalk)
0198 Old Town, outside street doc (from the left)
0199 Old Town, outside street doc (from street doc)
019A Tenth Street, outside The Cage (from the bottom, sidewalk)
019B Tenth Street, outside The Cage (from the bottom, sidewalk)
019C Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from behind building, road)
019D Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from behind building, sidewalk)
019E Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from fountain area, sidewalk)
019F Tenth Street, outside Grim Reaper Club (from fountain area, sidewalk)
01A0 Tenth Street, fountain area (from the left, sidewalk)
01A1 Tenth Street, fountain area (from the left, sidewalk)
01A2 Tenth Street, fountain area (from the bottom, sidewalk)
01A3 Tenth Street, fountain area (from the bottom, sidewalk)
01A4 Tenth Street, outside station (from fountain area, sidewalk)
01A5 Tenth Street, outside station (from fountain area, sidewalk)
01A6 Computer, Drake, 3rd floor
01A7 Computer, Drake, 3rd floor
01A8 Computer, Drake, 4th floor
01A9 Computer, Drake, 4th floor
01AA Drake, 6th floor (from helicopter) (also from Pushkin)
01AB Daley, outside Rust Stilettos (from the bottom, sidewalk)
01AC Daley, outside Rust Stilettos (from the bottom, sidewalk)
01AD Daley, outside Wastelands (from the top, sidewalk)
01AE Daley, outside Wastelands (from the top, sidewalk)
01AF Daley, outside Wastelands (from the bottom, sidewalk)
01B0 Daley, outside Wastelands (from the bottom, sidewalk)
01B1 Daley, outside station, posters (from the left, sidewalk)
01B2 Daley, outside station, posters (from the left, sidewalk)
01B3 Daley, outside station, posters (from the right, sidewalk)
01B4 Daley, outside station, posters (from the right, sidewalk)
01B5 Daley, junction (from top left, sidewalk)
01B6 Daley, junction (from top left, sidewalk)
01B7 Daley, junction (from bottom left, sidewalk)
01B8 Daley, junction (from bottom left, sidewalk)
01B9 Daley, junction (from top right, sidewalk)
01BA Daley, junction (from top right, sidewalk)
01BB Daley, junction (from bottom right, sidewalk)
01BC Daley, junction (from bottom right, sidewalk)
01BD Daley, outside Jagged Nails (from the right, sidewalk)
01BE Daley, outside Jagged Nails (from the right, sidewalk)
01BF Daley, outside Drake tower (from the left, sidewalk)
01C0 Daley, outside Drake tower (from the left, sidewalk)
01C1 Daley, outside Drake tower (from the right, sidewalk)
01C2 Daley, outside Drake tower (from the right, sidewalk)
01C3 Daley, cemetery (from the bottom, sidewalk)
01C4 Daley, cemetery (from the bottom, sidewalk)
01C5 Daley, cemetery (from the right, sidewalk)
01C6 Daley, cemetery (from the right, sidewalk)
01C7 Daley, outside Dark Blade gates (from the left, sidewalk)
01C8 Daley, outside Dark Blade gates (from the left, sidewalk)
01C9 Daley, outside station, market (from the left, sidewalk)
01CA Daley, outside station, market (from the left, road)
01CB Daley, cemetery (unused, just inside)
01CC Ship, inner room with portal (from portal)
01CD Aneki, lobby (from outside)
01CE Aneki, lobby (from elevator down)
01CF Aneki, lobby (from elevator down) (unused, 01CE is used instead)
01D0 Daley, outside Aneki building (from building)
01D1 Volcano, elevator (going up)
01D2 Computer, Drake, 5th floor
01D3 Daley, outside station, market (from the right, sidewalk)
01D4 Daley, outside station, market (from the right, sidewalk)
01D5 Daley, outside Dark Blade gates (from market near station, sidewalk)
01D6 Daley, outside Dark Blade gates (from market near station, sidewalk)
01D7 Computer, Aneki, lobby
01D9 Jester, area 1 (from portal)
01DA Jester, area 1 (from area 2)
01DB Daley, cemetery (from sewers)
01DC Old Town, street doc (from outside)
01DD Tenth Street, hallway with phone (from room with business man)
01DF Computer, Drake, 5th floor
01E0 Computer, Drake, 6th floor
01E1 Computer, Aneki, 2nd floor
01E2 Computer, Aneki, 2nd floor
01E3 Computer, Aneki, 3rd floor
01E4 Computer, Aneki, 3rd floor
01E5 Computer, Aneki, 4th floor
01E6 Computer, Aneki, 4th floor
01E7 Computer, Aneki, 5th floor
01E8 Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 1 (unused, 8 servers in room)
01E9 Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 1
01EA Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 1
01EB Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 2
01EC Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 2
01ED Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 3
01EE Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 3
01EF Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 3
01F0 Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 3
01F1 Computer, Volcano, Sub-level 3
01F5 Aneki, 4th floor, left (no player)
01F6 Caryards (no player)
01F8 Ship, one path, one door (no player)

Script commands

command, format, description

00     00 xx            push xx

0A     0A xx            push xx + #$FF00

14     14 xxxx          push xxxx

16     16 ??

2C     2C ??

34     34 ??

44     44 jjjj          branch. jjjj = number of bytes to branch from beginning of script

48     48 jjjj          jump. jjjj = number of bytes to jump from beginning of script

56     56               end script

58     58 ii            multi-purpose, see below section. ii is an index for an unknown table starting at 82D895, and it's also * 2 for a jump table starting at 82D604

5E     5E               subtraction

7E     7E

80     80

86     86               increment last item placed on stack

8C     8C               comparison

9C     9C               comparison

AA     AA               check if equal

BA     BA

BC     BC (unk)         display text, may be a variable length command

BE     BE

C0     C0               push #$0000

C2     C2

Script command 58

58     58 4F            used to get x coord in Matchbox script
58     58 50            used to get y coord in Matchbox script


  • 80F353, execute - breaks on each script command (NA version)
  • 80F389, execute - breaks on each script command (PAL English version)
  • 80F2ED, execute - breaks on each script command (PAL German version)

Debug room

Shadowrun SNES research sidewalk Matchbox beep 1 enable.png

You must be standing inside the red box to enable the first Matchbox beep.

Matchbox script

The Matchbox script is located at offset 0E7C49-0E7D7F (SNES address 9CFC49-9CFD7F) in the North American version.

0E7C40 |                       2C 0000 1858 570A
0E7C50 | FFAA 442F 0014 0002 5813 1400 027E BE44
0E7C60 | 2C00 18E2 2D00 1A58 1258 7F00 D258 5600
0E7C70 | 01BA 589E BC48 3301 0080 5813 0080 AA44
0E7C80 | 3301 00F0 0081 1400 0800 0400 1900 1400
0E7C90 | 0258 C758 7E00 0158 17AA 587E 001F 5817
0E7CA0 | AA80 4433 0158 2858 4F14 6602 5E34 0358
0E7CB0 | 2858 5014 D501 5E34 0500 1858 5700 01AA
0E7CC0 | 1603 C09C 7E16 05C0 9C7E 587E 0001 5817
0E7CD0 | AA7E 0018 5857 0002 AA16 03C0 8C7E 1605
0E7CE0 | C09C 7E58 7E00 0158 17AA 7E80 0018 5857
0E7CF0 | 0003 AA16 03C0 9C7E 1605 C08C 7E58 7E00
0E7D00 | 0158 17AA 7E80 0018 5857 0004 AA16 03C0
0E7D10 | 8C7E 1605 C08C 7E58 7E00 0158 17AA 7E80
0E7D20 | 0018 5857 0005 AA58 7E00 1F58 17AA 7E80
0E7D30 | 442E 0100 1858 5700 03AA 44FE 0000 0100
0E7D40 | FF00 500A FF58 4C00 1858 5700 05AA 4418
0E7D50 | 010A FE00 1858 1200 0100 FF00 660A FF58
0E7D60 | 4C00 0300 FF00 4E0A FF58 4C00 1858 5786
0E7D70 | 0018 5812 4833 01C0 0018 5812 C258 B856

offset, SNES address, commands, description

0E7C49 | 9CFC49 | 2C 00
0E7C4B | 9CFC4B | 00 18         push #$18
0E7C4D | 9CFC4D | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7C4F | 9CFC4F | 0A FF         push #$FFFF
0E7C51 | 9CFC51 | AA            compare cheat counter to #$FFFF
0E7C52 | 9CFC52 | 44 2F 00      branch command 9CFC49 + 002F = 9CFC78 (goto 9CFC78 if cheat not already enabled)

opened Matchbox menu with cheat active
0E7C55 | 9CFC55 | 14 00 02
0E7C58 | 9CFC58 | 58 13

exit Matchbox menu or Examine Matchbox with cheat active
0E7C5A | 9CFC5A | 14 00 02
0E7C5D | 9CFC5D | 7E
0E7C5E | 9CFC5E | BE
0E7C5F | 9CFC5F | 44 2C 00      branch command 9CFC49 + 002C = 9CFC75

Examine Matchbox with cheat active
0E7C62 | 9CFC62 | 18 E2 4D
0E7C65 | 9CFC65 | 00 1A         push #$1A
0E7C67 | 9CFC67 | 58 12
0E7C69 | 9CFC69 | 58 7F
0E7C6B | 9CFC6B | 00 D2         push #$D2 (map D2 = debug room)
0E7C6D | 9CFC6D | 58 56
0E7C6F | 9CFC6F | 00 01         push #$01
0E7C71 | 9CFC71 | BA
0E7C72 | 9CFC72 | 58 9E
0E7C75 | 9CFC75 | 48 33 01      jump 9CFC49 + 0133 = 9CFD7C

opened Matchbox menu without cheat active
0EFC78 | 9CFC78 | 00 80         push #$80
0E7C7A | 9CFC7A | 58 13

exit Matchbox menu or Examine Matchbox without cheat active
0E7C7C | 9CFC7C | 00 80         push #$80
0E7C7E | 9CFC7E | AA            comparison
0E7C7F | 9CFC7F | 44 33 01      branch command 9CFC49 + 0133 = 9CFD7C

Examine Matchbox without cheat active
0E7C82 | 9CFC82 | 00 F0         push #$F0
0E7C84 | 9CFC84 | 00 81         push #$81
0E7C86 | 9CFC86 | 14 00 08
0E7C89 | 9CFC89 | 00 04         push #$04
0E7C8B | 9CFC8B | 00 19         push #$19
0E7C8D | 9CFC8D | 00 14         push #$14
0E7C8F | 9CFC8F | 00 02         push #$02
0E7C91 | 9CFC91 | 58 C7
0E7C93 | 9CFC93 | 58 7E
0E7C95 | 9CFC95 | 00 01         push #$01 (map 01 = outside morgue)
0E7C97 | 9CFC97 | 58 17
0E7C99 | 9CFC99 | AA            comparison
0E7C9A | 9CFC9A | 58 7E
0E7C9C | 9CFC9C | 00 1F         push #$1F (map 1F = morgue lobby)
0E7C9E | 9CFC9E | 58 17
0E7CA0 | 9CFCA0 | AA            comparison
0E7CA1 | 9CFCA1 | 80
0E7CA2 | 9CFCA2 | 44 33 01      branch command 9CFC49 + 0133 = 9CFD7C (goto 9CFD7C if on wrong map)

0E7CA5 | 9CFCA5 | 58 28
0E7CA7 | 9CFCA7 | 58 4F         get x coord
0E7CA9 | 9CFCA9 | 14 66 02      push #$0266 minimum x coord (see screenshot above)
0E7CAC | 9CFCAC | 5E            subtract minimum x coord from player x coord
0E7CAD | 9CFCAD | 34 03
0E7CAF | 9CFCAF | 58 28
0E7CB1 | 9CFCB1 | 58 50         get y coord
0E7CB3 | 9CFCB3 | 14 D5 01      push #$01D5 minimum y coord (see screenshot above)
0E7CB6 | 9CFCB6 | 5E            subtract minimum y coord from player y coord
0E7CB7 | 9CFCB7 | 34 05
0E7CB9 | 9CFCB9 | 00 18         push #$18
0E7CBB | 9CFCBB | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7CBD | 9CFCBD | 00 01         push #01
0E7CBF | 9CFCBF | AA            compare cheat counter to #$01
0E7CC0 | 9CFCC0 | 16 03
0E7CC2 | 9CFCC2 | C0            push #$0000
0E7CC3 | 9CFCC3 | 9C            comparison
0E7CC4 | 9CFCC4 | 7E
0E7CC5 | 9CFCC5 | 16 05
0E7CC7 | 9CFCC7 | C0            push #$0000
0E7CC8 | 9CFCC8 | 9C            comparison
0E7CC9 | 9CFCC9 | 7E
0E7CCA | 9CFCCA | 58 7E
0E7CCC | 9CFCCC | 00 01         push #$01
0E7CCE | 9CFCCE | 58 17
0E7CD0 | 9CFCD0 | AA            comparison
0E7CD1 | 9CFCD1 | 7E
0E7CD2 | 9CFCD2 | 00 18         push #$18
0E7CD4 | 9CFCD4 | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7CD6 | 9CFCD6 | 00 02         push #$02
0E7CD8 | 9CFCD8 | AA            compare cheat counter to #$02
0E7CD9 | 9CFCD9 | 16 03
0E7CDB | 9CFCDB | C0            push #$0000
0E7CDC | 9CFCDC | 8C            comparison
0E7CDD | 9CFCDD | 7E
0E7CDE | 9CFCDE | 16 05
0E7CE0 | 9CFCE0 | C0            push #$0000
0E7CE1 | 9CFCE1 | 9C            comparison
0E7CE2 | 9CFCE2 | 7E
0E7CE3 | 9CFCE2 | 58 7E
0E7CE5 | 9CFCE5 | 00 01         push #$01
0E7CE7 | 9CFCE7 | 58 17
0E7CE9 | 9CFCE9 | AA            comparison
0E7CEA | 9CFCEA | 7E
0E7CEB | 9CFCEB | 80
0E7CEC | 9CFCEC | 00 18         push #$18
0E7CEE | 9CFCEE | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7CF0 | 9CFCF0 | 00 03         push #$03
0E7CF2 | 9CFCF2 | AA            compare cheat counter to #$03
0E7CF3 | 9CFCF3 | 16 03
0E7CF5 | 9CFCF5 | C0            push #$0000
0E7CF6 | 9CFCF6 | 9C            comparison
0E7CF7 | 9CFCF7 | 7E
0E7CF8 | 9CFCF8 | 16 05
0E7CFA | 9CFCFA | C0            push #$0000
0E7CFB | 9CFCFB | 8C            comparison
0E7CFC | 9CFCFC | 7E
0E7CFD | 9CFCFD | 58 7E
0E7CFF | 9CFCFF | 00 01         push #$01
0E7D01 | 9CFD01 | 58 17
0E7D03 | 9CFD03 | AA            comparison
0E7D04 | 9CFD04 | 7E
0E7D05 | 9CFD05 | 80
0E7D06 | 9CFD06 | 00 18         push #$18
0E7D08 | 9CFD08 | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7D0A | 9CFD0A | 00 04         push #$04
0E7D0C | 9CFD0C | AA            compare cheat counter to #$04
0E7D0D | 9CFD0D | 16 03
0E7D0F | 9CFD0F | C0            push #$0000
0E7D10 | 9CFD10 | 8C            comparison
0E7D11 | 9CFD11 | 7E
0E7D12 | 9CFD12 | 16 05
0E7D14 | 9CFD14 | C0            push #$0000
0E7D15 | 9CFD15 | 8C            comparison
0E7D16 | 9CFD16 | 7E
0E7D17 | 9CFD17 | 58 7E
0E7D19 | 9CFD19 | 00 01         push #$01
0E7D1B | 9CFD1B | 58 17
0E7D1D | 9CFD1D | AA            comparison
0E7D1E | 9CFD1E | 7E
0E7D1F | 9CFD1F | 80
0E7D20 | 9CFD20 | 00 18         push #$18
0E7D22 | 9CFD22 | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7D24 | 9CFD24 | 00 05         push #$05
0E7D26 | 9CFD26 | AA            compare cheat counter to #$05
0E7D27 | 9CFD27 | 58 7E
0E7D29 | 9CFD29 | 00 1F         push #$1F (map 1F = morgue lobby)
0E7D2B | 9CFD2B | 58 17
0E7D2D | 9CFD2D | AA            comparison
0E7D2E | 9CFD2E | 7E
0E7D2F | 9CFD2F | 80
0E7D30 | 9CFD30 | 44 2E 01      branch command 9CFC49 + 012E = 9CFD77 (goto 9CFD77 if one of the cheat steps failed)

beeping Matchbox section
0E7D33 | 9CFD33 | 00 18         push #18
0E7D35 | 9CFD35 | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7D37 | 9CFD37 | 00 03         push #$03 
0E7D39 | 9CFD39 | AA            compare cheat counter to #$03
0E7D3A | 9CFD3A | 44 FE 00      branch command 9CFC49 + 00FE = 9CFD47 (goto 9CFC47 if cheat counter != #$03)

Matchbox cheat counter == #$03 double beep section
0E7D3D | 9CFD3D | 00 01         push #$01
0E7D3F | 9CFD3F | 00 FF         push #$FF
0E7D41 | 9CFD41 | 00 50         push #$50 (sound index 50)
0E7D43 | 9CFD43 | 0A FF         push #$FFFF
0E7D45 | 9CFD45 | 58 4C

0E7D47 | 9CFD47 | 00 18         push #$18
0E7D49 | 9CFD49 | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7D4B | 9CFD4B | 00 05         push #$05
0E7D4D | 9CFD4D | AA            compare cheat counter to #$05
0E7D4E | 9CFD4E | 44 18 01      branch command 9CFC49 + 0118 = 9CFD61 (goto 9CFD61 if cheat counter != #$05)

all cheat conditions met, enable cheat
0E7D51 | 9CFD51 | 0A FE         push #$FFFE
0E7D53 | 9CFD53 | 00 18         push #$18
0E7D55 | 9CFD55 | 58 12         store result to cheat counter, 7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3
0E7D57 | 9CFD57 | 00 01         push #$01
0E7D59 | 9CFD59 | 00 FF         push #$FF
0E7F5B | 9CFD5B | 00 66         push #$66
0E7F5D | 9CFD5D | 0A FF         push #$FFFF

0E7F61 | 9CFD61 | 00 03         push #$03
0E7F63 | 9CFD63 | 00 FF         push #$FF
0E7F65 | 9CFD65 | 00 4E         push #$4E (sound index 4E)
0E7F67 | 9CFD67 | 0A FF         push #$FFFF
0E7F69 | 9CFD69 | 58 4C
0E7F6B | 9CFD6B | 00 18         push #$18
0E7F6D | 9CFD6D | 58 57         7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3, copy cheat counter to 7E0000
0E7D6F | 9CFD6F | 86            cheat counter + 1
0E7D70 | 9CFD70 | 00 18         push #$18
0E7D72 | 9CFD72 | 58 12         store result to cheat counter, 7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3
0E7D74 | 9CFD74 | 48 33 01      jump 9CFC49 + 0133 = 9CFD7C

failed cheat, reset cheat counter back to #$0000
0E7D77 | 9CFD77 | C0            push #$0000
0E7D78 | 9CFD78 | 00 18         push #$18
0E7D7A | 9CFD7A | 58 12         store result to cheat counter, 7E3BBB + 18 = 7E3BD3

0E7D7C | 9CFD7C | C2
0E7D7D | 9CFD7D | 58 B8
0E7F7F | 9CFD7F | 56            end

Matchbox script (Japanese version)

The Matchbox script is located at offset 0F6864-0F6884 (SNES address 9EE864-9EE884) in the Japanese version.

000F6860           2C00 0080 5815 0080 AA44 1D00
000F6870 00F0 0081 1400 0800 0400 1900 1100 0258
000F6880 D0C2 58C1 56

The cheat sequence is missing.

Winter CES Warp

The Winter CES Warp script is located at offset 0E7EE0-0E7F26 (SNES address 9CFEE0-9CFF26) in the North American version. It's located immediately after the script for picking up the Dog Food in the debug room.

000E7EE0 000A 1460 02C0 0003 001C 0002 BA58 C700 ...`.........X..
000E7EF0 0100 1658 1200 042E FC3B 0005 2E04 3C00 ...X.....;....<.
000E7F00 022E 093C 0002 2E0B 3C00 022E 073C 0002 ...<....<....<..
000E7F10 2E0C 3C00 022E 083C 5820 58A2 00D2 5856 ..<....<X X...XV
000E7F20 0001 BA58 9EBC 56                       ...X..V

Note the push #$D2 command for the debug room map index.

A pointer to this script (#$DEFE) is located at offset 015F52. To reach this pointer, A must contain index #$011D after executing a LDA $8DB036,x instruction, but no matches for #$011D were found in the bank.

Dark Blade weapons shop - Bulletproof Vest

The script involved with determining which items are available when you enter the shop starts at offset 0E5E13 (SNES address 9CDE13) in both the PAL English and PAL German versions. There's a couple of byte differences in the body and it's currently unknown what effects these have.

Of interest is this section (PAL English version) checking for Out of Stock status:

0E5E73 | 9CDE73 | 16 05
0E5E75 | 9CDE75 | 58 BB
0E5E77 | 9CDE77 | 00 01         push #$01
0E5E79 | 9CDE79 | 7E
0E5E7A | 9CDE7A | BE
0E5E7B | 9CDE7B | 44 95 00      branch command 9CDE13 + 0095 = 9CDEA8 (goto 9CDEA8 if item is in glass case) change command from "44 95 00" branch to "48 95 00" jump for all items available

A loop runs the above script 10x for the ten glass cases and from that this list of the item memory addresses is obtained (again, PAL English version):

$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3838] 01. Enfield AS-7 assault cannon - 40,000 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3833] 02. Full body suit 30,000 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:309F] 03. Burlitzer's Finest Grenade - 80 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3829] 04. Partial Body Suit - 20,000 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3824] 05. Fully Concealable Jacket - 13,000 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:381F] 06. Bullet Proof Vest - 8,000 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:381A] 07. Heckler Koch 277 assault rifle - 24,000 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3815] 08. Uzi III sub-machine gun - 30,000 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3810] 09. Defiance T-250 shotgun - 12,000 nuyen
$80/CB32 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:380B] 10. Ares Viper long range pistol - 3,000 nuyen

The memory addresses shifted in the PAL German version:

$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3833] 01.
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:382E] 02.
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:309F] 03.
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3824] 04.
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:381F] 05.
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:381A] 06. (bulletproof vest)
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3815] 07.
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3810] 08.
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:380B] 09.
$80/CAF4 BF 01 00 7E LDA $7E0001,x[$7E:3806] 10.

In the PAL English version, memory address 7E381F for the Bullet Proof Vest is set to #$01 Out of Stock when starting a new game.

In the PAL German version, memory address 7E381A for the Bullet Proof Vest is set to #$00 available when starting a new game.

Sprite list

Located around 7E3F54 are the sprites used in the current room. Look for Jake's sprite ID which is 000B and change it to any of the following (Avoid crashes by moving the cursor around to change sprite instead of walking):

0000 Heavy Dude (Purple pants)
0001 A waitress
0002 Club Manager
0003 Mortician
0004 Loyal citizen (Woman, green)
0005 Dwarf
0006 Samurai Warrior
0007 Gang member (Woman, black)
0008 Doggie
0009 Heavy Bouncer
000A Massive Orc (Pink)
000B Jake
000C Decker (Green pants)
000D Decker (Red, blue pants)
000E Jamaican
000F Orc (Blue)
0010 Johnny-The drummer
0011 Keyboardist
0012 Gavan-The guitarist
0013 Slab
0014 Scary Ghoul (Purple)
0015 Maria Mercurial
0016 A Busy Man
0017 Club patron...
0018 Office door
0019 Old town shop doors
001A Crypt door
001B Fridge door
001C Dot (Coffin Lid)
001D Dot (Water Fountain)
001E Indian Shaman
001F Animated fan
0020 Street light animation
0021 Filing Cabinet
0022 Video Phone
0023 Apartment door
0024 Jake opening slab
0025 Jake falling off slab
0026 Train
0027 Well dressed... (Dancing girl, red)
0028 Dancing Hippie! (Green)
0029 Train doors
002A Busy Man (Sitting w drink, red striped)
002B Miserable Man (Sitting w drink, red striped)
002C Customer (Spike hair)
002D Orc (Customer, white/purple)
002E Slick Dude (Long hair) (Unused?)
002F Lonely Gal (Dancing girl, green)
0030 hmmm.... (Alley dog)
0031 Club Manager (Bald)
0032 She's choosing (Blue, red hair)
0033 Happy Customer (Sitting w drink, red striped)
0034 Bystander (Green shirt, white pants)
0035 Noble Citizen (Green shirt, white pants)
0036 Stall Keeper (Green clothes)
0037 Shady character (Glutman)
0038 Street kid (Dark, green shirt)
0039 Street dweller (Arena character)
003A Street scum (Arena character)
003B Street Scum (Legs out)
003C Street scum (Legs out)
003D Slum dweller (Arena character)
003E Street dweller (Face covered)
003F Street scum (Face covered)
0040 Poor street dweller (Arena character, red)
0041 Street scum (Arena character, black)
0042 Animated creature behind bars (Arena character, Front)
0043 Animated creature behind bars (Arena character, Left side)
0044 Animated creature behind bars (Arena character, Right side)
0045 Red lamp (Front)
0046 Red lamp (Right side)
0047 Red lamp (Left side)
0048 Seems familiar... (Fat man)
0049 Business Man (Blue)
004A Fire barrel
004B Volcano doors
004C Person (Watching left and right, moving arms)
004D Naga (Green)
004E Scalpel
004F Tickets
0050 Credstick
0051 Torn Paper
0052 Slap Patch
0053 Memo
0054 Earth projectile
0055 Volcano smoke
0056 Volcano smoke
0057 Dot (Bulletin Board)
0058 Troll Decker
0059 Magic user (Shaman)
005A Gang Leader (Guns, shooting while running)
005B Mercenary
005C Gang Member (Dark, no guns, green hair)
005D Gang Member (Dark, no guns, purple hair)
005E Gorgax (Unused yellow orc, running sprite isn't animated)
005F Gang Member (White, no guns, green hair)
0060 Heavy Orc (Orange, unused?)
0061 Ferocious Orc (Purple)
0062 Glass doors
0063 Large orc (Red)
0064 Rat Shaman
0065 Ghoul (Fast Dark Blade version)
0066 Sentry Gun
0067 Cruel Man (Blue)
0068 Poison Ooze (Red slime)
0069 Slimy toxic waste (Green slime)
006A Giant Rat (Red)
006B Vampire!
006C Station doors closed
006D Station doors closed
006E Scientist (Yellow)
006F Scientist (Green)
0070 Scientist (Blue)
0071 Scientist (Red)
0072 Dog food
0073 (Dog food sprite)
0074 (Dog food sprite)
0075 Wolf
0076 Green ship door
0077 Ship switch
0078 Jester Spirit
0079 Purple car
007A Ending explosion
007B Iced Tea
007C Door Key
007D Broken Gate
007E Matchbox (Blue car)
007F Magic Fetish (Blue car)
0080 Blue car
0081 Green car
0082 Orange car
0083 Orange car
0084 Brown gate
0085 Shades
0086 Arena owner
0087 Gray elevator
0088 Octopus
0089 Small white square
008A Little boy
008B Secretary (Green)
008C Drake
008D Drake flame
008E Thin smoke
008F Dog spirit
0090 Jester door
0091 Bat
0092 Docks door
0093 Blue elevator (Right side)
0094 Blue elevator (Left side)
0095 Jake operating table
0096 Kitsune singing
0097 Street Doc
0098 Dog Collar
0099 NPC Death animation & body
009A Strobe
009B Stake
009C Shopkeeper
009D Mage (Purple)
009E Nuyen
009F Dot (Cyberware)
00A0 Akimi
00A1 Damage digits
00A2 Boat driver
00A3 Talisman Case
00A4 Paperweight
00A5 (Potion bottles sprite)
00A6 (Potion bottles sprite)
00A7 Gun Case
00A8 Beretta Pistol
00A9 (Gun Case sprite)
00AA (Gun Case sprite)
00AB (Gun Case sprite)
00AC Kitsune
00AD Dermal Plating
00AE Boosted Reflexes
00AF Skill Software
00B0 Road spotlight
00B1 Jake blindfolded
00B2 Dot (Computer)
00B3 Cyberdeck
00B4 Man walking to caryards
00B5 Orc walking to caryards
00B6 Zip-Gun
00B7 Leather Jacket
00B8 Grenade explosion
00B9 Grenade (Trap)
00BA Station door
00BB Molotov
00BC Person (Green shirt, black pants)
00BD Ghoul (Green)
00BE Ghoul (Yellow)
00BF Dumpster sniper
00C0 Dumpster sniper
00C1 Pool of ink
00C2 Grass hitman
00C3 Ice block
00C4 Fire spirit
00C5 Spinning shield
00C6 Peephole
00C7 Bronze key
00C8 Iron key
00C9 Roof hitman
00CA Window hitman
00CB Window hitman
00CD (Gun Case sprite)
00CE (Gun Case sprite)
00CF Mesh Jacket
00D0 (Jacket sprite)
00D1 (Jacket sprite)
00D2 (Jacket sprite)
00D3 (Jacket sprite)
00D4 The King
00D5 Doctor
00D6 Jake dead
00D7 Poison Ooze (Gray slime)
00D8 Poison Ooze (Black slime)
00D9 Dot (Bed)
00DA Magic effect
00DB (Tickets sprite)
00DC Orb
00DD Giant Rat (Black)
00DE Safe door
00DF Naga (Red)
00E0 Bone
00E1 Mage (White)
00E2 Toxic Water (Gray)
00E3 Serpent Scales
00E4 Safe key
00E5 Password
00E6 Blood
00E7 More blood
00E8 (Paperweight sprite)
00E9 Light orb/explosion?
00EA Magic orb?
00EB Blue explosion
00EC Dot (Leaves)
00ED Dot (AI Computer)
00EE Uzi III SMG (Guitarist)
00EF DF_MT-AI (Guitarist)
00F0 DF_DB-Jester (Guitarist)
00F1 DF_DR 1-4 (Guitarist)
00F2 DF_DR 2-4 (Guitarist)
00F3 DF_DR 3-4 (Guitarist)
00F4 DF_DR 4-4 (Guitarist)
00F5 DF_DR-VOLCANO (Guitarist)
00F6 DF_DS-PUSHKIN (Guitarist)
00F7 DF_DS-FAILURE (Guitarist)
00F8 DF_DS-AI END (Guitarist)
00F9 DF_DS-TARGET (Guitarist)
00FA DF_DS-AKIMI (Guitarist)
00FB DF_AN-PAYMENT (Guitarist)
00FC DF_AN-ANTI-AI (Guitarist)
00FD DF_DR-MATRIX (Guitarist)
00FE Larry On Guitar
00FF Ripped Note
0100 Spinning triangle
0101 Explosives
0102 Green bottle
0103 Detonator
0104 Broken bottle
0105 Time bomb (Gray Drake head)
0106 Drake (Dead)
0107 Helicopter Pilot
0108 Mermaid Scales
0109 Dog Tag
010A Tiny orb
010B Crowbar
010C Hotel Manager
010D DF_BADNEWS (Doctor)
010E Mortician
010F Vladimir
0110 Doors, walls
0111 Mobile TV phone
0112 Colt L36 Pistol (money with invalid palette?)
0113+ Crashes


7E2FA2 - location index in Japanese version