Notes:The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy
This page contains notes for the game The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy.
Item list
Items are stored in the RAM addresses (counting from the left item slot) $0587, $0588, $0589 in the Blue version, $0597, $0598, $0599 in the first Red version, and $0599, $059A, $059B in the final European version.
00 - Nothing 01 - Nothing 02 - Nothing (Blue) / A solid metal wrench (Red) 03 - A full bottle of medicine 04 - An empty medicine bottle 05 - A red and white mushroom 06 - A magical star plant 07 - A long length of tough rope 08 - A one ton weight 09 - Dizzy's door key 0A - The key for Dylan's elevator 0B - The key for Denzil's elevator 0C - The key for Grand Dizzy's elevator 0D - Dozy's door key 0E - Dora's door key 0F - Dylan's door key 10 - Grand Dizzy's door key 11 - Denzil's door key 12 - Daisy's door key 13 - A bridgebuilder's sharp axe 14 - An aqua lung for under water 15 - A pair of flippers for swimming 16 - Nothing (swapping puzzle) 17 - Nothing (swapping puzzle) 18 - Nothing (sliding puzzle) 19 - Nothing (swapping puzzle) 1A - Nothing (swapping puzzle) 1B - Nothing (swapping puzzle (Blue) / sliding puzzle (Red)) 1C - A heavy bag of gold coins 1D - A magic green bean 1E - A heavy rock (Blue) / A large bag of salt (Red) 1F - A heavy rock (Blue) / An empty old tin bucket (Red) 20 - A heavy rock (Blue) / A bucket full of water (Red) 21 - A tasty looking cooked chicken 22 - A key with a skull motif 23 - An empty treasure chest 24 - Dora who has been turned into a frog 25 - A crossbow with lots of bolts 26 - A very strong crowbar 27 - A thick Persian rug 28 - A portcullis winch wheel 29 - A complete d.i.y. rope bridge kit 2A - A gravediggers muddy spade 2B - A protective old umbrella 2C - A gymnasts bouncy trampet 2D - A heavy duty rustproof pickaxe 2E - An incredibly small pigmy cow 2F - A large gold coin 30 - A warm golden dragon egg 31 - A warm golden dragon egg 32 - A small animal cage 33 - A cage containing Pogie the fluffle (from Daisy's floor) 34 - A cage containing Pogie the fluffle (from Dizzy's floor) 35 - A dry match 36 - A pile of dry straw 37 - An old medicine recipe 38 - A bottle of snappy weed killer 39 - A solid gold Irish shamrock 3A - A pair of brass cymbals 3B - The key for the ground elevator 3C - A large strong plank of wood 3D - Some sticks of dynamite 3E - Zaks' portcullis winch handle 3F - A barrel of pirates rum
"A cage containing Pogie the Fluffle" (hex values $33 and $34) is present twice in the list. They're the same functionally; the ID of the cage you get is dependent on the screen you obtain said item.
It should also be noted that there are two instances of the item "A warm golden dragon egg", but both of these are actually used: one of the eggs can be received as a quest reward from Grand Dizzy ($30), and the other is guarded by the dragon in the mines ($31).
Like the aforementioned egg, the Blue version exclusive item "A heavy rock" (replaced with "A large bag of salt" in the Red versions) is present in the item list three times because it appears three times in the overworld: $1E is the one found underwater, $1F is the one found on the shore, and $20 is the one found on the grasslands. All of them are required to complete this optional quest, and they all behave identically; Dizzy always throws them into the pond side-by-side from right to left no matter the order they're used or even if he's made to throw multiples of the same ID through hacking.
Sound tracks list
To play the selected music track, briefly write the appropriate value to the $300 address (valid for all game revisions). The track titles are unofficial.
01 - Title Screen 02 - Yolkfolk Village 2 03 - Game Over 04 - Mine Cart Ride 06 - Bubble Dizzy Minigame 07 - Underground Mine, Graveyard 08 - Yolkfolk Village 1, Zaks' Tower 09 - Pirate Ship 0A - Zaks' Castle 0B - Wilderness, Treehouse Interiors, Winning a Life 0C - Underwater 0D - Castle Entrance Minigame 0E - Death Jingle 0F - Puzzle 10 - Keldor Town 11 - Dizzy Down the Rapids Minigame 12 - Keldor Castle, Ending
Note that the 05 track is missing from this list (it's still present in the available .nsf file). It uses the same pointer for all channel sequences: $A854, which is normally a square0 channel sequence pointer for track 06 (the Bubble Dizzy minigame, although the original track plays 36.5% faster). When the 05 track is played, the same square0 sequence plays in all channels including triangle and noise. Since this track occupies a slot between used music tracks, it's assumed to have been removed during development, and now it plays invalid data.