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Notes:The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess/Music Tracks

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This is a sub-page of Notes:The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

To do:
  • Fill in the rest of the missing information regarding the cutscene music (located in Audiores/stream).
  • Look in Z2SoundSeqs.arc to find and extract the sequenced files, and identify the files located in the archive.

Streamed Audio

Filename Identification Used Notes
automata.ast Normal cannon launch
automata03.ast Oasis Flight launch
d_lv09_01.ast Hyrule Castle
demo01_01.ast Opening custscene
demo01_02.ast Ilia washing Epona
demo04_B.ast First wolf transformation
demo06_01_a.ast First time meeting Midna while in prison
demo07_02a.ast part of hyrule castles fall
demo07_02c_03.ast Escaping Twilight covered Hyrule castle
demo07_04.ast Meeting with Princess Zelda
demo09_00.ast Ordona's Speech
demo09_01_02.ast Zelda's speech pertaining to twilight covering Hyrule
demo11_00.ast The Light of Faron is restored
demo11_01.ast Faron's Speech
demo11_02.ast The Hero Chosen by the Gods
demo14_00.ast Light restored to Kakariko Village
demo15.ast King Bublin rides into Kakariko Village
demo16.ast Colin is rescued
demo17_01.ast Eldin (Light Spirit from Kakariko village)
demo18_00.ast Light returned to Hyrule
demo18_01.ast Lanaryu
demo18_02.ast Link's vision of madness
demo22_01_a.ast Master Sword Part 1
demo22_01_b.ast Master Sword Part 2
demo25_03.ast After Boss Fight/Boss Defeated
e_ganon03.ast Enemy - Horseback Ganondorf Battle It is possible that there is looping points defined in the file itself.
e_ganon_d01.ast Enemy - Dark Beast Ganon (Intro) Dark Beast Ganon's introduction, played just before the actual theme.
e_ganon_d02.ast Silence ? 7 seconds of silence, Possibly unused.
staff_roll01.ast Staff Roll Part 1
TitleLogoE3.ast Title Theme - E3 2005 This was played on the 2005 demo build of Twilight Princess, just after the stage select.
TitleLogoE3_2006.ast Title Theme - E3 2006 Despite the filename, this is not used in the E3 2006 demo of Twilight Princess.
title_back.ast Title Theme Final version; used for the title screen.
ToalVillage_d01.ast Riding into town first time
ToalVillage_d03.ast Into the Twilight, Part 1

Sequenced Audio

No. Filename Identification Used Dynamic Notes
00 1vs1.bms King Bulblin - Eldin Bridge Fight
01 1vs1_02.bms King Bulblin - Bulblin Camp
02 1vs1_03.bms King Bulblin - Hyrule Castle
03 automata01.bms Falbi's Theme ?
04 automata02.bms Falbi's Theme ? A duplicate of automata01.bms. It is unknown if this was used.
05 bajobattle.bms Horseback Battle Used in Prince Ralis Escort and the King Bulblin 1 Fight, however only the King Bulblin fight is dynamic.
06 boomboss.bms Ook - Forest Temple Mini-Boss The bassoon used in this sequence is not the same used in the 2nd half of the Diababa boss fight.
07 cargogame_tw.bms Twilight Cargo Game
08 castle_town.bms Hyrule Castle Town
09 church01.bms The Sanctuary/Renado's House Considering that Renado is a Shaman in Kakariko Village and it's a sanctuary, the file name makes sense.
0A church02.bms Graveyard
0B cowboy.bms Goat Herding Minigame
0C deathmountain01.bms Death Mountain
0D deathmountain02.bms Inside Death Mountain
0E demo10.bms The Lamentation of the Spirit
0F demo13.bms Scared (Part 1)
10 desert.bms Gerudo Desert
11 dungeon.bms Unidentified ? This track is likely to be unused.
12 d_forest.bms Forest Temple This appears to be the only Dungeon that has its filename in this naming structure, as the others use "d_lvX" (meaning dungeon level #)
13 d_lv02.bms Goron Mines
14 d_lv03.bms Lakebed Temple
15 d_lv04.bms Arbiter's Grounds
16 d_lv05.bms Snowpeak Ruins The instruments change depending on what room the player is in.
17 d_lv06.bms Temple of Time
18 d_lv07.bms City in the Sky
19 d_lv08.bms Palace of Twilight This track uses the "muting" technique to change the instruments, like when the player is inside or outside, and if Zant's Hand is near.
1A d_lv09_02.bms Hyrule Castle Tower This track changes depending on what part of the tower the player is in.
1B event01.bms Introduction to the Art of the Sword
1C event02.bms Burning Storehouse
1D event03.bms Burning Bridge
1E event04.bms Hidden Skill - Learning
1F event05.bms Talo's Rescue
20 e_bossbaba00.bms Diababa Battle (Intro)
21 e_bossbaba01.bms Diababa/Stallord Battle (Phase 1)
22 e_bossbaba02.bms Diababa Battle (Phase 2)
23 e_common.bms Battle (Common)
24 e_common_twilight.bms Twilight Battle This track uses the "muting" technique to change the track depending on what enemy the player is fighting.
25 e_dekutoad.bms Deku Toad Battle
26 e_dekutoad_d01.bms Deku Toad Intro
27 e_dg01.bms Morpheel/Argarok Battle (Phase 1)
28 e_dg02.bms Morpheel/Argarok Battle (Phase 2)
29 e_dg_d01.bms Argarok Battle (Phase 1 Intro)
2A e_dg_d02.bms Argarok Battle (Phase 2 Intro)
2B e_fireman.bms Fyrus - Twilit Igniter There seems to be an unused channel, the note velocity is very low and when raised, it seems to be an echo of another instrument.
2C e_fireman_d01.bms Fyrus - Twilit Igniter (Intro)
2D e_ganon01.bms Ganon's Puppet Zelda
2E e_ganon02.bms Dark Beast Ganon This is one of the sequences that uses "muting," or manipulating the volume of instruments in order for the song to respond to the actions in-game the fastest.
2F e_ganon04.bms Dark Lord Ganondorf This is another sequence that uses the "muting" technique, specifically used in the sword clash Quick Time Event.
30 e_gg.bms Mini-Boss Battle Uses "muting" technique for second phase of Mighty Darknut fight.
31 e_gg_d01.bms Mini-Boss Battle (Intro)
32 e_goma01.bms Armogohma Battle (Phase 1)
33 e_goma02.bms Armogohma Battle (Phase 2)
34 e_goma_d01.bms Armogohma Battle (Intro)
35 e_hg01.bms Diababa/Stallord Battle (Phase 1) A duplicate of e_bossbaba01.bms.
36 e_hg02.bms Stallord Battle (Phase 2)
37 e_hg_d01.bms Stallord Battle (Phase 1 Intro)
38 e_hg_d02.bms Stallord Battle (Phase 2 Intro)
39 e_ib_d01.bms Unidentified ? Likely to be unused.
3A e_octaeel01.bms Morpheel/Argorok Battle (Phase 1) A duplicate of e_dg01.bms.
3B e_octaeel02.bms Morpheel/Argorok Battle (Phase 2) A duplicate of e_dg02.bms.
3C e_octaeel_d01.bms Morpheel Battle (Phase 1 Intro)
3D e_octaeel_d02.bms Morpheel Battle (Phase 2 Intro)
3E e_pz.bms Death Sword Battle (Visible)
3F e_snow_woman01.bms Blizzetta Battle (Phase 1)
40 e_snow_woman02.bms Blizzetta Battle (Phase 2) Uses "muting" technique for the third phase of the fight.
41 e_snow_woman_d01.bms Blizzetta Battle (Intro)
42 e_tn.bms Mini-Boss Battle A duplicate of e_gg.bms.
43 e_variant.bms Death Sword Battle (Invisible) Uses "muting" technique depending on Link's form.
44 e_yb_d01.bms Twilit Bloat (Intro)
45 e_zant.bms Usurper King Zant
46 field.bms Hyrule Field - Unused This is a sequence that was originally meant for Hyrule Field, however field_link_day.bms and field_link_night.bms are used for Hyrule Field, rendering this unused.
47 field_link_day.bms Hyrule Field - Day This is one of the few sequences that can change instruments on the fly within the same channels; This was most likely because only a maximum of 16 channels can be used at once (as most of BMS/JAISeq format derives from MIDI).
48 field_link_night.bms Hyrule Field - Night
49 filone_forest.bms Faron Woods
4A fishing.bms Fishing Hole
4B fishing_bare.bms Rollgoal Fail
4C fishing_get01.bms Fish Get (Big Fish)/Minigame Win
4D fishing_get02.bms Fish Get (Normal)
4E fishing_get03.bms Fish Get (Ordon Catfish)
4F fishing_hit.bms Fish Hit
50 fortune.bms The Fortune-Telling Mansion
51 gameover.bms Game Over
52 heartutsuwa.bms Heart Container Get This track uses two mono tracks in the BGM bank to form this track.
53 hiding_village.bms The Hidden Village
54 hiding_village_d01.bms The Hidden Village (Intro)
55 holy_forest.bms Sacred Grove Uses "muting" technique for Skull Kid's trumpet.
56 horsebattle_d02.bms King Bulblin Battle (Intro)
57 howl_hikari_duo.bms Prelude of Light (Duo) This sequenced is played when the Prelude of Light is played successfully by Wolf Link; "Hikari" in Japanese means light.
58 howl_hikari_ok.bms Prelude of Light (Short) A shortened version of the Prelude of Light, which is unused.
59 howl_hikari_stone.bms Prelude of Light (Howling Stone) This sequenced is played when Wolf Link is near the Prelude of Light howling stone.
5A howl_iyashi_duo.bms Song of Healing (Duo) This sequenced is played when the Song of Healing is played successfully by Wolf Link; "Iyashi" in Japanese means healing.
5B howl_iyashi_ok.bms Song of Healing (Short) A shortened version of the Song of Healing, which is unused.
5C howl_iyashi_stone.bms Song of Healing (Howling Stone) This sequenced is played when Wolf Link is near the Song of Healing howling stone.
5D howl_new01_duo.bms Song of Heroes (Duo) This sequenced is played when the Song of Heroes is played successfully by Wolf Link.
5E howl_new01_ok.bms Song of Heroes (Short) A shortened version of the Song of Heroes, which is unused.
5F howl_new01_stone.bms Song of Heroes (Howling Stone) This sequenced is played when Wolf Link is near the Song of Heroes howling stone.
60 howl_new02_duo.bms Wind's Requiem (Duo) This sequenced is played when Wind's Requiem is played successfully by Wolf Link.
61 howl_new02_ok.bms Wind's Requiem (Short) A shortened version of Wind's Requiem, which is unused.
62 howl_new02_stone.bms Wind's Requiem (Howling Stone) This sequenced is played when Wolf Link is near the Wind's Requiem howling stone.
63 howl_new03_duo.bms Ballad of Twilight (Duo) This sequenced is played when the Ballad of Twilight is played successfully by Wolf Link.
64 howl_new03_ok.bms Ballad of Twilight (Short) A shortened version of the Ballad of Twilight, which is unused.
65 howl_new03_stone.bms Ballad of Twilight (Howling Stone) This sequenced is played when Wolf Link is near the Ballad of Twilight howling stone.
66 howl_tamashii_duo.bms Requiem of Spirit (Duo) This sequenced is played when the Prelude of Light is played successfully by Wolf Link; "Tamashii" in Japanese means spirit.
67 howl_tamashii_ok.bms Requiem of Spirit (Short) A shortened version of the Requiem of Spirit, which is unused.
68 howl_tamashii_stone.bms Requiem of Spirit (Howling Stone) This sequenced is played when Wolf Link is near the Requiem of Spirit howling stone.
69 howl_umakusa_ok.bms Epona's Song (Wolf Link) This sequenced is played when Epona's Song is played successfully by Wolf Link; "Umakusa" in Japanese means "horse grass".
6A howl_zelda_stone.bms Zelda's Lullaby (Howling Stone) This sequenced is played when Wolf Link is near the Zelda's Lullaby howling stone.
6B indoor.bms Inside a House
6C indoor03.bms Inside a House ? A duplicate of indoor.bms.
6D indoor04.bms Agitha's Castle
6E itemget.bms Small Item Get
6F itemget_insect.bms Insect Get
70 itemget_komonjo_intro.bms Sky Character Get
71 itemget_mini.bms Rupee Get
72 itemget_pou.bms Item Get
73. itemget_smell.bms Small Item Get
74 kakariko.bms Kakariko Village
75 korokoro_game.bms Rollgame
76 lake.bms Lake Hylia
77 lutera_01.bms Rutela's Theme
78 lutera_02.bms Rutela's Theme ? A duplicate of lutera_01.bms.
79 magnegoron.bms Dangoro Battle
7A magnegoron_d01.bms Before Dangoro Battle
7B magnegoron_d02.bms Dangoro Battle (Intro)
7C midona_sos.bms Midna's Lament "midona" is Midna in French, and SOS is the universal acronym for help.
7D minigame_before.bms STAR Tent Interior
7E minigame_win01.bms Fish Get (Big Fish)/Minigame Win
7F minigame_win02.bms Fish Get (Big Fish)/Minigame Win
80 obachan.bms Ooccoo's Theme
81 postman.bms Postman's Theme
82 ranch.bms Ordon Ranch
83 river_game.bms River Minigame
84 river_game_00.bms River Minigame (without intro)
85 rodeo.bms Rodeo Game
86 room_vol2.bms A Room Filled with Sorrow
87 shop01.bms Shop
88 shop02.bms Jovani's House/Bomb Shop
89 shop03.bms Overpriced Shop
8A shop04.bms Malo Mart The voices in Malo Mart are Japanese and are defined as samples (Z2BGMWave) rather than a sound effect (Z2SEWave). One of the voices is a man, talking backwards, when reversing the audio it roughly translates to "Malo Mart, always cheap! Only today cheap, cheap, cheap!"  
8B snowboard.bms Sled Race
8C snowboard_lose.bms Sled Race (Lose)
8D snowboard_win.bms Sled Race (Win)
8E snow_mount.bms Snowpeak
8F staff_roll01.bms Silence
90 staff_roll02.bms Silence
91 statue_game.bms Statue Game
92 sub_dungeon.bms Cave
93 sumo.bms Sumo
94 sumo_d01.bms Sumo (Intro)
95 sumo_d02.bms Sumo (Intro) ? A duplicate of sumo_d01.bms.
96 taro_rescue.bms Taro Rescued Identical to the minigame win theme, but with silence at the beginning.
97 temp.bms Menu Select A duplicate of menu_select.bms. Likely used for testing purposes during development.
98 tempo.bms River Minigame (without intro) ? A duplicate of river_game00.bms.
99 toalvillage.bms Ordon Village
9A toal_night.bms Ordon Village (Night)
9B tobikusa.bms Silence
9C toki_shinden.bms Chamber of Stone (Past)
9D treasureme.bms Rupee Get
9E treasureme_s.bms Rupee Get
9F treasureopen.bms Treasure Chest Open
A0 twilight.bms Twilight
A1 wcs_d01.bms STAR Tent
A2 wcs_game.bms Star Game
A3 wildgoat.bms Goat Minigame
A4 zeldasong.bms Zelda's Lullaby (Wolf Link) This sequenced is played when Zelda's Lullaby is played successfully by Wolf Link.
A5 zora.bms Zora's Domain
A6 zora_d01.bms Entering The Zora Prince's Throne Room
A7 menu_select.bms Menu Select Additionally, menu_select.ast exists