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Notes:Worms Forts: Under Siege

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This page contains notes for the game Worms Forts: Under Siege.

Chili Con Carnage and Siege Onager Development History

The development of these two weapons was clearly intertwined and messy. This is best seen by looking in various internal files, where the name strings used for the Chili Con Carnage and the Siege Onager vary wildly and entangle with each other as follows:

In-game name Chili Con Carnage Siege Onager
Internal name Fire Grenade Launcher Fire Weapon
Catapult GFX name firegrenadelauncher fireweapon
Catapult AnimClipLibrary name XCULLEDsmallcat XCULLEDfiregranadelauncher(sic)
Projectile internal name Mexican Fire Weapon Round
Projectile GFX name mexican firegrenade
Bundle01.xom Worm anim suffix smallcat fireglauncher
Bundle05.xom HUD icon name FireWeapon Catapult
MenuTweak.xom strings Fire Triple Catapult

Additional evidence of their shared history could be found on the game's official website.

On the Concept Art page, there is artwork of the Siege Onager clearly labelled as "Fire Grenade Launcher", along with artwork for a weapon named "Small Catapult", which looks identical to the Chili Con Carnage except for the projectile, which is a simple rock.[1]

The official website also contains a Weapon Guide. The guide is simple, with each entry consisting of the weapon's Fortapedia entry from the game accompanied by an in-game screenshot. However, the Bazooka family section contains an entry for the "Small Catapult" instead of the Siege Onager. The screenshot shows the Siege Onager, but the accompanying text is from the unused Fortapedia entry for the Small Catapult that exists in the retail game's files (as documented on the main page).[2]

Development Timeline

By piecing together these clues, we can form a development timeline for the two weapons:

  1. "Fire Weapon" is added to the game as the Tier 3 Bazooka family weapon. Nothing is known about it besides the name, it could very much just be an empty placeholder awaiting a design.
  2. "Fire Grenade Launcher" is added to the game as the Tier 3 Grenade family weapon. The weapon would later be named "Siege Onager" in the final game. Its design most likely remained unchanged from this point up to the retail version of the game, aside from gameplay tweaks.
  3. "Fire Weapon" evolves to become "Small Catapult". It receives artwork, a 3D model and a Fortapedia entry. At this stage, the catapult is identical to the one from the Chili Con Carnage in the final game, except that its projectile appears to be a simple rock inside of the catapult's sling.
  4. "Small Catapult" evolves to become "Chili Con Carnage". Its projectile changes to become the "Mexican" projectile.
  5. "Chili Con Carnage" and "Fire Grenade Launcher" swap families. "Chili Con Carnage" becomes the Tier 3 Grenade family weapon while "Fire Grenade Launcher" becomes the Tier 3 Bazooka family weapon. Their characteristics are adjusted accordingly.
  6. "Fire Grenade Launcher" no longer being a grenade weapon, it gets renamed to "Siege Onager".

It is unclear where the nickname "Triple Catapult" for the Siege Onager fits into the timeline. Though, the Acclaim E3 Media Kit 2004 suggests that it was at the very start, before it was even named "Fire Grenade Launcher".


  1. Concept Art on WormsForts.com (✝) | Archived on Worms Knowledge Base | Archived on Wayback Machine
  2. Weapon Guide - Bazooka Family on WormsForts.com (✝) | Archived on Worms Knowledge Base | Archived on Wayback Machine