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Notes:Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

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This page contains notes for the game Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories.

Data Files

To do:
This section will be expanded with a lot more information, especially regarding the MODEL.MRG, which might contain some useful leftover development "garbage".

Content Description

The content of the game disc is rather straight forward.

Path File Description Size
.\ SLUS_014.11 1.81 MB Main executable file; contains in-game strings, needs a character table
.\ SYSTEM.CNF 68 Bytes Configuration file for the console
.\DATA\ MASTER.XA 5.48 MB Seems to contain 8 audio files, probably used during the cutscenes
.\DATA\ MODEL.MRG 334.76 MB Biggest file on the disc; Contains a LOT of data: Sprites, 3D Models,
Audio (mostly for the 3D Card Battle Scenes) and quite a lot of leftover development strings
.\DATA\ MOVIE.STR 33.79 MB The movie sequence that plays when you boot up the game
.\DATA\ SD_BGM.DAT 14 MB Contains the audio samples for the music instruments
.\DATA\ SD_SE.DAT 1.45 MB Contains the audio files for the game, mostly effects
.\DATA\ SU.MRG 2.42 MB Contains some Sprites for the UI and other data
.\DATA\ WA_MRG.MRG 36 MB Contains Sprites for the Cards and Card related data (Fusions, Values, etc.)


The executable of the game contains most of the text used in dialogues, card names and descriptions, etc. The game's character table is ordered by frequency of appearance of each character; a character table is needed to convert the data into human readable strings:

Ordered by hex value
00 14 p 2A L 3E Q
01 e 15 b 2B C 3F Z
02 t 16 k 2C N 40 "
03 a 17 ! 2D B 41 3
04 o 18 A 2E ? 42 5
05 i 19 v 2F P 43 &
06 n 1A I 30 - 44 /
07 s 1B ' 31 F 45 7
08 r 1C T 32 z 46 X
09 h 1D S 33 K 48 :
0A l 1E M 34 j 4A 4
0B . 1F , 35 U 4E 6
0C d 20 D 36 x 4F $
0D u 21 O 37 q 50 *
0E m 22 W 38 0 56 +
0F c 23 H 39 V 57 8
10 g 24 Y 3A 2 59 9
11 y 25 E 3B J 5B %
12 w 26 R 3C # FE [ENTER]
13 f 29 G 3D 1
Ordered by ASCII character
00 4E 6 21 O 05 i
17 ! 45 7 2F P 34 j
40 " 57 8 3E Q 16 k
3C # 59 9 26 R 0A l
4F $ 48 : 1D S 0E m
5B % 2E ? 1C T 06 n
43 & 18 A 35 U 04 o
1B ' 2D B 39 V 2F p
50 * 2B C 22 W 37 q
56 + 20 D 46 X 08 r
1F , 25 E 24 Y 07 s
30 - 31 F 3F Z 02 t
0B . 29 G 03 a 0D u
44 / 23 H 15 b 19 v
38 0 1A I 0F c 12 w
3D 1 3B J 0C d 36 x
3A 2 33 K 01 e 11 y
41 3 2A L 13 f 32 z
4A 4 1E M 10 g FE [ENTER]
42 5 2C N 09 h


Here is a list of address ranges for the location of text used in the game:

Start End Description
001A0800 001A1A2B Mostly UI Text
001A18F4 001A1943 Character Table
001A1A67 001B034D In-Game Dialogue
001B11F4 001BDD9D Card Descriptions
001C6801 001C92CC Card Names
001C92CE 001C937F Card Types
001C9380 001C93CD Guardian Stars
001C93DB 001C9599 Duelist Names
001C959D 001C96AB Location Names

There exist a handful of assertion informations and other raw strings in the code, too. Most interestingly are the two strings:



This is probably the most interesting of all the files. While it contains graphics, audio and 3D model data, you also find a LOT of leftover text from the development team.

The address range from 00020000 to 0002018C shows some logs of a perl script the developers used, probably to merge all the files into one big MRG archive. MRG could stand for "merged".

perl over.pl M:\mrgSU\m000.mrg nul,0,565248 d:/xax/mrg/m000.dat +0x30000 d:/xax/mrg/m000.img +0x18000 
d:/xax/mrg/m000.col +0x01000 Effect/Image/m000_0.img +0x08800 Effect/Image/m000_1.img +0x08800 
bin/e592_0.bin +0x05000 bin/e592_1.bin +0x05000 bin/e591_0.bin +0x05000 bin/e591_1.bin +0x05000 
bin/mXXX_0.bin +0x01000 bin/mXXX_1.bin +0x01000 data/snd/card_000.bin +0x19800 bin/info000.bin +0x00800 

There's yet another hint about that, starting at 00028002 till 000283FE.

bin/info000.bin....}.....bin....}.... bin/eXXX_0.bin +0x05000 bin/eXXX_1.bin +0x05000 bin/mXXX_0.bin
+0x01000 bin/mXXX_1.bin +0x01000 ..@REM 644..
perl over.pl M:/mrgSU/model.mrg +0x15b28000 +0x5a000 bin/eXXX_0.bin +0x05000 bin/eXXX_1.bin +0x05000 
bin/eXXX_0.bin +0x05000 bin/eXXX_1.bin +0x05000 bin/mXXX_0.bin +0x01000 bin/mXXX_1.bin +0x01000 ..@REM 645


Contains the credits of the game starting at 02504708 to 02506625.


Contains the bulk of card data and UI images.

Images are stored as TIM files with all the headers stripped, and image data placed before color lookup table (CLUT) data. "BPP" in the table below stands for "bits per pixel". Known images in the game files include:

Address BPP CLUTs Colors per CLUT Width Height Notes
0x169000 8 1 256 102 96 Card images (722 in total starting here)
0x16B840 4 0 0 96 14 Card name images (722 in total starting here)
0x16BAE0 8 1 256 40 32 Card thumbnails (722 in total starting here)
0xB48000 4 160 16 256 768 Fonts, small UI elements, etc.
0xF55000 8 1 64 48 48 Character icons (40 in total starting here)
0x10FB000 8 4 256 128 512 Campaign backgrounds (41 in total starting here)
0x1423800 8 4 256 128 1792 Campaign cutscene images (42 in total starting here)
0x1AC8800 8 4 256 128 1792 Campaign cutscene images (13 in total starting here)
0x1DA7000 8 4 256 128 768 Character images (65 in total starting here)

Debug Menu IDs

"Campaign" Submenu

Address Scene
0x500 Intro ft. Heishin ("This is it...")
0x501 Pharaoh's Palace, initial Simon Muran talk ("My dear prince!")
0x502 Pharaoh's Palace, Simon Muran initial revisit ("If you still wish to play cards...")
0x503 Victory vs. Simon Muran ("T'would seem that I taught you well...")
0x504 Loss vs. Simon Muran ("Hmmm... T'would seem I've won.")
0x505 Pharaoh's Palace, Simon Muran post-victory revisit ("Have you played enough, my prince?")
0x506 Pharaoh's Palace, post-Simon's card story revisit ("There's nobody around...")
0x507 Duel Ground, initial visit leading into Plaza scene ("I've been waiting for you...")
0x508 Duel Ground initial visit, Teana's second dialogue line ("How about one game?")
0x509 same as 0x508
0x50A Duel Ground initial visit, Teana's post-duel dialogue line ("Aren't you ready to go yet?")
0x50B Duel Ground initial visit, after selecting "Talk to someone else" at Teana ("Okay... I'll see you later.")
0x50C Duel Ground initial visit, talking to Villager1 ("Y'know, there's some kinda festival goin' on in the town plaza.")
0x50D Duel Ground initial visit, Villager1's second dialogue line ("Wanna take me on?")
0x50E Duel Ground initial visit, Villager1's post-duel dialogue line ("I just lost to you a minute ago...")
0x50F Duel Ground initial visit, talking to Villager2 ("Hey. Did you find yourself any rare cards?")
0x510 same as 0x50F
0x511 Duel Ground initial visit, Villager2's second dialogue line ("If you win, I'll give you my card.")
0x512 Duel Ground initial visit, Villager2's post-duel dialogue line ("Whoa... That's enough for today.")
0x513 Duel Ground initial visit, talking to Villager3 ("You talkin' to me, boy?")
0x514 same as 0x513
0x515 Duel Ground initial visit, Villager3's second dialogue line ("You wanna play some cards?")
0x516 Duel Ground initial visit, Villager3's post-duel dialogue line ("I think I've had enough, boy...")
0x517 Victory vs. Teana ("Ouch! Looks like I lost.")
0x518 Loss vs. Teana ("I hope you didn't just let me win...")
0x519 Victory vs. Villager1, pre-Plaza scene ("Well, well... Let's play again sometime...")
0x51A Loss vs. Villager1 ("Whattya think? Not bad, eh?")
0x51B Victory vs. Villager2, pre-Plaza scene ("You won... I guess I owe you a card.")
0x51C Loss vs. Villager2, pre-Plaza scene ("That means I get one of your cards! Right?")
0x51D Victory vs. Villager3 ("Hmph! I reckon I lost...")
0x51E Loss vs. Villager3 ("Well, boy... It looks like I won.")
0x51F Town Plaza, pre-event visit ("Lots of people are gathered at the town plaza...")
0x520 Town Plaza, start of event ("Wow... there're lots of people around.")
0x521 Town Plaza, selecting "Duel" against Seto ("I hope you are better than the last one.")
0x522 Town Plaza, selecting "Pass" against Seto ("Ah! The coward shows his true colors...")
0x523 Duel Ground, immediately after plaza event ("Geez... Who does that mage think he is anyway!?")
0x524 Duel Ground, selecting "Duel" against Jono pre-Seto duel ("All right! Let's do it!")
0x525 Victory vs. Jono, pre-Seto duel ("You whipped me! Y'know... you are good!")
0x526 Loss vs. Jono, pre-Seto duel ("If that's your best, you'll never beat that mage!")
0x527 Duel Ground, selecting "Pass" against Jono pre-Seto duel ("'Fraid of starting off on the wrong foot, eh?")
0x528 Duel Ground, Seto appears ("There he is... He's back.")
0x529 Victory vs. Seto ("I... I cannot believe I lost...")
0x52A Loss vs. Seto ("You lose, boy!")
0x52B Duel Ground, after Seto leaves ("You did it!")
0x52C Duel Ground post-Seto duel, after leaving the area and returning ("You're back! Wanna play?")
0x52D Duel Ground post-Seto duel, after selecting "Talk to someone else" at Jono ("Okay. Catch ya later...")
0x52E Duel Ground post-Seto duel, talking to Villager1 ("That was some duel...")
0x52F Duel Ground post-Seto duel, Villager1's post-duel dialogue line ("Listen... I need a break.")
0x530 Duel Ground post-Seto duel, talking to Villager2 ("Did you manage to get any rare cards?")
0x531 Duel Ground post-Seto duel, talking to Villager3 ("Ya wanna play me?")
0x532 same as 0x531, but after having dueled Villager2 ("If yer lookin' for that kid ya beat, he went home.")
0x533 Duel Ground, selecting "Duel" against Jono post-Seto duel ("Okay, let's do it!")
0x534 Victory vs. Jono, post-Seto duel ("Geez... You're just too good!")
0x535 Loss vs. Jono, post-Seto duel ("Wow! It looks like today's my lucky day!")
0x536 Duel Ground, selecting "Duel" against Villager1 post-Seto duel ("Okay... Let's play!")
0x537 Victory vs. Villager1, post-Seto duel ("Hm... I can't seem to win.")
0x538 same as 0x51A
0x539 Duel Ground, selecting "Duel" against Villager2 post-Seto duel ("Alright, let's play!")
0x53A Victory vs. Villager2, post-Seto duel ("I'm going home... I'll see you around.")
0x53B Loss vs. Villager2, post-Seto duel ("I did it! I won!")
0x53C Shrine, initial visit ("These hallowed halls are protected by High Mage Heishin!")
0x53D Shrine, post-Plaza scene with high mages ("Where is Seto?")
0x53E Card Shop owner greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("Hello there!")
0x53F Pharaoh's Palace, Simon sends you to bed pt1 ("Well, it's about time!")
0x540 Pharaoh's Palace, Simon sends you to bed pt2 ("I really hope you're ready to call it a day...")
0x541 Pharaoh's Palace, Simon sends you to bed pt3 ("Sometimes I wonder if the prince does this just to annoy me...")
0x542 Pharaoh's Palace, Heishin starts his attack ("The High Mage Heishin has invaded the palace!")
0x543 Pharaoh's Palace, selecting "Duel" against Heishin ("A wasted effort, boy! You lack the power to defeat me!")
0x544 Loss vs. Heishin ("Foolish child! You've wasted my time!")
0x545 Victory vs. Heishin ("Not bad, boy.")
0x546 same as 0x500
0x547 inside the Puzzle, post-Heishin duel ("Thank goodness! You've awoken!")
0x548 same as 0x547
0x549 Modern World, opening ceremony ("Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! World Tournament, sponsored by the Kaiba Corporation!")
0x54A Tea's initial Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("I'm working part-time at this card shop during the tournament.")
0x54B Modern World, leaving card shop into Rex match ("Good luck!")
0x54C Victory vs. Rex Raptor ("You... You beat me!!!")
0x54D Loss vs. Rex Raptor ("Hahaha! It looks like the best man won... ME!!!")
0x54E Modern World, start of Weevil match ("Preliminary Match #2 Yugi vs Weevil Underwood!")
0x54F Victory vs. Weevil Underwood ("My army of insects... Defeated by the likes of you...")
0x550 Loss vs. Weevil Underwood ("Harharhar!!! I'm a winner! I'm a winner!")
0x551 Modern World, start of Mai match ("Preliminary Match #3 Yugi vs Mai Valentine!")
0x552 Victory vs. Mai Valentine ("Oh well... I suppose I'll simply wish you luck!")
0x553 Loss vs. Mai Valentine ("My... That was easy...")
0x554 Modern World, start of Bandit Keith match ("Preliminary Match #4 Yugi vs Bandit Keith!")
0x555 Victory vs. Bandit Keith ("I... I...yai...yai")
0x556 Loss vs. Bandit Keith ("Listen, kid. You didn't have a chance.")
0x557 Modern World, start of Shadi scene before Finals ("Hiya Yugi! Hear you're winning...")
0x558 Modern World, modern Yugi visits the Puzzle for the first time ("This is... my mind...")
0x559 Modern World, modern Yugi returns from the Puzzle ("Yugi? Are you alright?")
0x55A Modern World, start of Shadi match ("Match #1 of the Finals! Yugi vs Shadi!")
0x55B Victory vs. Shadi ("It seems I've lost... Hm?")
0x55C Loss vs. Shadi ("What's wrong, Yugi? Is that the best you can do?")
0x55D Modern World, start of Bakura match ("Match #2 of the Finals! Yugi vs Bakura!")
0x55E Victory vs. Yami Bakura ("Guess I won't be claiming the Game Master title...")
0x55F Loss vs. Yami Bakura ("That's it! Game Over!")
0x560 Modern World, start of Pegasus match ("Quarterfinal Match! Yugi vs Pegasus!")
0x561 Victory vs. Pegasus ("Defeat can be bitter...")
0x562 Loss vs. Pegasus ("Yugi Boy... Victory is so sweet!")
0x563 Modern World, start of Isis match ("Semifinal Match Yugi vs Isis!")
0x564 Victory vs. Isis ("How... How could I lose...")
0x565 Loss vs. Isis ("Oh my! I believe I won... Didn't I?")
0x566 Modern World, start of Kaiba match ("Well, this is it!!!")
0x567 Victory vs. Kaiba ("This cannot be... Me...? Defeated...?")
0x568 Loss vs. Kaiba ("Yugi!!! I've waited for this day!!!")
0x569 Modern World, gathering the Items post-Kaiba duel ("I now have all the cards with the Millennium Items...")
0x56A inside the Puzzle, last talk with Simon ("Now you can go back to your own world.")
0x56B same as 0x54A
0x56C Tea's post-Rex Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("Looking good, Yugi. Looking good!")
0x56D Tea's post-Weevil Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("I hear you're doing pretty well!")
0x56E Tea's post-Mai Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("You play a tough game, Yugi!")
0x56F Tea's post-Bandit Keith Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("I heard you made the finals!")
0x570 Tea's post-Shadi Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("I hear you're doing great! Keep it up!")
0x571 Tea's post-Bakura Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("Keep focused, Yugi...")
0x572 Tea's post-Pegasus Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("One more duel, Yugi!")
0x573 Tea's post-Isis Keith Card Shop greeting, doesn't actually load the shop menu ("You made it to the final!")
0x574 Old Duel Ground, revisit after learning about the new one ("Nobody's here... It looks abandoned...")
0x575 King's Valley, initial visit ("None may enter the Valley of the Kings! Leave!")
0x576 King's Valley, revisit without map ("How can I be of help, my prince?")
0x577 King's Valley, revisit with map ("Can I be of service?")
0x578 King's Valley, revisit after Forbidden Ruins visit ("Is something wrong, my prince?")
0x579 Hiding Card Shop duelground, initial visit ("Here ya go... This is where we set up our new dueling grounds.")
0x57A same as 0x579
0x57B Shrine of Glory, initial scene upon returning to Egypt ("Made it back...")
0x57C Shrine of Glory, revisit ("Looks like the ruins of a temple...")
0x57D Pharaoh's Palace (post-Modern World version), initial visit ("There's nobody here...")
0x57E Victory vs. Mage Soldier ("You know your cards well, boy...")
0x57F Loss vs. Mage Soldier ("You didn't stand a chance against me, boy!")
0x580 Pharaoh's Palace, Simon's room before having visited Valley ("Everything's been destroyed...")
0x581 Pharaoh's Palace, Simon's room after having visited Valley ("Search/Don't search")
0x582 Old Card Shop ("Everything's destroyed... There's nobody around...")
0x583 Old Duel Ground, initial visit leading into Jono reunion scene ("Wow! You're alive!!!")
0x584 Old Duel Ground, revisit ("Nobody's here... It looks abandoned...")
0x585 same as 0x575
0x586 same as 0x576
0x587 same as 0x577
0x588 same as 0x578
0x589 same as 0x579
0x58A Forbidden Ruins visit with Sadin, intro ("Further on... You'll find the room marked on the map.")
0x58B Forbidden Ruins visit with Sadin, choice of inspections ("Look at Map/Look at Drawing/Return")
0x58C Sea Shrine, initial visit with no cleared Shrines ("You! Who are...?")
0x58D Sea Shrine? post-shrine clear ("There's nobody at this shrine...")
0x58E Sea Shrine, revisit after beating Ocean Mage and leaving ("You're back!?")
0x58F Loss vs. Ocean Mage ("You were a fool to hope to defeat us...")
0x590 Victory vs. Ocean Mage ("It cannot be... You weren't meant to win...")
0x591 blank screen?
0x592 blank screen?
0x593 Sea Shrine, Secmeton intro ("I am the High Mage Secmeton...")
0x594 Loss vs. High Mage Secmeton ("I trust you've learned your lesson!")
0x595 Victory vs. High Mage Secmeton ("You... are... powerful...")
0x596 Forest Shrine, initial visit with no cleared Shrines ("Who!? You...!?")
0x597 Forest Shrine? post-shrine clear ("There's nobody at this shrine...")
0x598 Forest Shrine, revisit after beating Forest Mage and leaving ("You! You won't be getting your hands on the Millennium item this day...")
0x599 Loss vs. Forest Mage ("My Forest Deck is powerful indeed!")
0x59A Victory vs. Forest Mage ("I am defeated...")
0x59B blank screen?
0x59C blank screen?
0x59D Forest Shrine, Anubisius intro ("I am the ruler of the forest...")
0x59E Loss vs. High Mage Anubisius ("Foolish child...")
0x59F Victory vs. High Mage Anubisius ("No... It cannot be...")
0x5A0 Mountain Shrine, initial visit with no cleared Shrines ("Who!? You...!?")
0x5A1 Mountain Shrine, post-shrine clear ("There is nobody at this shrine...")
0x5A2 Mountain Shrine, revisit after beating Mountain Mage and leaving ("You are a fool to return here and face me...")
0x5A3 Loss vs. Mountain Mage ("Idiot! Did you think to defeat a mage of the mountains?")
0x5A4 Victory vs. Mountain Mage ("What!? It cannot be...")
0x5A5 blank screen?
0x5A6 blank screen?
0x5A7 Mountain Shrine, Atenza intro ("I am the protector of the mountains...")
0x5A8 Loss vs. High Mage Atenza ("I told you once before... You couldn't win.")
0x5A9 Victory vs. High Mage Atenza ("How could this be...? Me...? Defeated...?")
0x5AA Desert Shrine, initial visit with no cleared Shrines ("Who!? You...!?")
0x5AB Desert Shrine? post-shrine clear ("There's nobody at this shrine...")
0x5AC Desert Shrine, revisit after beating Desert Mage and leaving ("So you've returned... You'll wish you hadn't.")
0x5AD Loss vs. Desert Mage ("Too bad Master Heishin isn't here to see your demise...")
0x5AE Victory vs. Desert Mage ("No... I cannot... lose...")
0x5AF blank screen?
0x5B0 blank screen?
0x5B1 Desert Shrine, Martis intro ("I am High Mage Martis...")
0x5B2 Loss vs. High Mage Martis ("This is your destiny...")
0x5B3 Victory vs. High Mage Martis ("The desert claims me this day...")
0x5B4 Meadow Shrine, initial visit with no cleared Shrines ("Who!? You...!?")
0x5B5 Meadow Shrine? post-shrine clear ("There's nobody at this shrine...")
0x5B6 Meadow Shrine, revisit after beating Meadow Mage and leaving ("You won't win this time!")
0x5B7 Loss vs. Meadow Mage ("Hah! This is where it all ends for you!")
0x5B8 Victory vs. Meadow Mage ("You'll regret this victory...")
0x5B9 blank screen?
0x5BA blank screen?
0x5BB Meadow Shrine, Kepura intro ("I am the guardian of the plains...")
0x5BC Loss vs. High Mage Kepura ("You actually hoped to face Master Heishin...?")
0x5BD Victory vs. High Mage Kepura ("So... this... is the power of light...")
0x5BE blank screen?
0x5BF blank screen?
0x5C0 Hiding Card Shop duelground, selecting "Duel with Jono" during initial visit ("I got a feeling today's my day!")
0x5C1 Hiding Card Shop duelground, selecting "Duel with Teana" during initial visit ("I think I may surprise you!")
0x5C2 Hiding Card Shop duelground, selecting "Decline" during initial visit ("Okay... Maybe next time.")
0x5C3 endgame sequence, Sebek intro ("Halt!!!")
0x5C4 Loss vs. Guardian Sebek ("Hahaha! We are the chosen duelists...")
0x5C5 Victory vs. Guardian Sebek ("You've won for now... But Neku... He shall defeat you!!!")
0x5C6 Loss vs. Guardian Neku ("Hmph! You met your match this day!")
0x5C7 Victory vs. Guardian Neku ("So this... This is... your power...")
0x5C8 endgame sequence, Heishin intro ("It's been some time since last we met, boy!")
0x5C9 Loss vs. Heishin 2nd ("Now you know, boy...")
0x5CA Victory vs. Heishin 2nd ("Ridiculous... Me... Defeated by this... This child!!!")
0x5CB endgame sequence, Seto at Forbidden Ruins ("It's time to end this farce.")
0x5CC Loss vs. Seto 3rd ("Hahahahahahaha!!! Finally... I have them all.")
0x5CD Victory vs. Seto 3rd ("Not like this... To come this close... And lose to you...")
0x5CE endgame sequence, post-Seto 3rd choice ("Destroy Items/Don't destroy")
0x5CF endgame sequence, Heishin reappears ("Hold it right there!!!")
0x5D0 endgame sequence, post-Seto 3rd choice 2 ("Hand over the items/Refuse")
0x5D1 endgame sequence, selecting "Refuse" on post-Seto 3rd choice 2 ("My dear boy... You try my patience!")
0x5D2 game freezes?
0x5D3 Loss vs. DarkNite ("I should have known you were far too inferior to provide a challenge!")
0x5D4 Victory vs. DarkNite ("Th...this is not fair! Me...!? ME!? I cannot lose!!!")
0x5D5 Loss vs. Nitemare ("AND THE WINNER IIIIIS... ME!!!")
0x5D6 Victory vs. Nitemare ("NO! NOT AGAIN!")
0x5D7 Ending sequence ("That day, Seto left the ruins...")
0x5D8 Hiding Card Shop, initial shopkeeper dialogue ("Haven't seen you awhile...")
0x5D9 Vast Shrine, initial visit ("Boy, this is a sacred temple of Lord Heishin...")
0x5DA Hiding Card Shop duelground, talking to Jono pre-High Mages ("You're looking good... Wanna duel?")
0x5DB Hiding Card Shop duelground, talking to Teana pre-High Mages ("Feel like a duel?")
0x5DC Hiding Card Shop duelground, talking to Villager1 pre-High Mages ("Nice to see you're still alive.")
0x5DD Hiding Card Shop duelground, talking to Villager2 pre-High Mages ("It's very difficult to get rare cards these days...")
0x5DE Hiding Card Shop duelground, talking to Villager3 pre-High Mages ("It's been a while, boy...")
0x5DF Hiding Card Shop duelground, selecting "Duel" against Jono ("I got a feeling today's my day!")
0x5E0 Hiding Card Shop duelground, selecting "Duel" against Teana ("Be warned! I'm good...")
0x5E1 Hiding Card Shop duelground, selecting "Duel" against Villager1 ("Win or lose... no hard feelings.")
0x5E2 Hiding Card Shop duelground, selecting "Duel" against Villager2 ("Don't hold back... You'll be sorry if you do.")
0x5E3 Victory vs. Jono 2nd ("Man! I was so sure that I was gonna win this time!")
0x5E4 Loss vs. Jono 2nd ("You must be getting rusty...")
0x5E5 Victory vs. Teana 2nd, pre-High Mages ("Darn! I lost...")
0x5E6 Loss vs. Teana 2nd, pre-High Mages ("Yessss! I win! I win!")
0x5E7 Victory vs. Villager1, pre-High Mages ("Whew... I just can't win against you.")
0x5E8 Loss vs. Villager1, pre-High Mages ("Looks like all my practice paid off!")
0x5E9 Victory vs. Villager2, pre-High Mages ("I lose... Looks like I'm going to need some stronger cards.")
0x5EA Loss vs. Villager2, pre-High Mages ("I can't believe it! I actually won with these cards!!!")
0x5EB blank screen?
0x5EC optional Seto 2nd sequence, arriving at Vast Shrine ("This is it... This place gives me the creeps...")
0x5ED optional Seto 2nd sequence, Labyrinth Mage appears ("It gives me great pleasure to welcome you fools to your own funeral!")
0x5EE optional Seto 2nd sequence, upon reaching Seto ("So you've come at last...")
0x5EF blank screen?
0x5F0 optional Seto 2nd sequence, after Seto leaves ("Teana... Are you okay?")
0x5F1 same as 0x5ED
0x5F2 Victory vs. Labyrinth Mage ("You cannot hope to survive this labyrinth...")
0x5F3 Loss vs. Labyrinth Mage ("Seto and Heishin... My masters will be pleased!")
0x5F4 Victory vs. Seto 2nd ("Not bad... Not bad at all.")
0x5F5 Loss vs. Seto 2nd ("Very disappointing...")
0x5F6 endgame sequence, initial choice if Seto 2nd event was viewed ("Go on ahead"/"Ignore the chance")
0x5F7 Tea's card shop dialogue upon loading a save ("What do you want to do?")
0x5F8 Town Plaza, revisit after Seto duel ("Looks like the festival's over. Not many people around...")
0x5F9 Hiding Card Shop, shopkeeper dialogue upon loading a save ("Hello. What can I do for you?")