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Ooga Booga

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Title Screen

Ooga Booga

Developer: Visual Concepts[1]
Publisher: Sega[1]
Platform: Dreamcast
Released in US: September 11, 2001[1]

PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

To do:
Document the prototype from July 26, 2001.

Tikis and a bunch of islanders battle to prove who's the best around. Said islanders include Abraham Lincoln, a leprechaun, and even the Grim Reaper himself.


Arrrrr! My polly here hits harder than you.

The game runs a disc check to make sure it is being run from an official GD-ROM rather than a copied disc, alongside genuine Dreamcast hardware from Sega. If this check fails (due to the game being burned or being run on a low-accuracy emulator), the game jumpscares you with this screen of the in-game unlockable Pirate character, who will taunt you for playing a pirated copy. Pressing any button while here will just have the pirate continue to taunt you in the same way as if he had won a game, using the same quotes as well.

(Source: The Easter Egg Hunter)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sega