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Otome no Jijou

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Title Screen

Otome no Jijou

Developer: Zerosystem[1]
Publisher: Nine's Fox
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: September 28, 2006

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Texture Viewer

Otome no Jijou - Textureviewer.png

Apply the below code and press L3 button to enable a texture viewer. Press R3 to disable it. Make sure this is disabled before the game loads anything.

2015C1DC 0C055586
00155658 00000064
D056F452 0000FFFD
00241028 00000001
D056F452 0000FFFB
00241028 00000000

Press L1 / R1 to scroll through the loaded textures.

(Source: Punk7890)

Unused Bonus Menu Options

Applying the below code will enable two extra bonus menu options. The first sends you to the opening logos, the second starts a new game without going to the name screen.

Unused Omake Menu Options
202084CC 00000004
(Source: Punk7890)


  1. Shares code from past Zero System games (audio, graphics, texture viewer code). - punk7890