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Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Gigazone - The Meteor Strike

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Title Screen

Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Gigazone - The Meteor Strike

Developer: Syscom
Publisher: Syscom
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: October 17, 2002

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
Other debug options at memory locations:
  • 00211F78 se checker
  • 00211CD8 bgm checker

VRAM Viewer

Pachi-Slot Gigazone - VRAM viewer.png

Applying the below code will enable a VRAM viewer where you can view textures at any time.

Re-enable VRAM Viewer
00207E18 0000007C
10207E1C 00000100
00207390 0000007C

With the code on, press Select to enable or disable it and press the shoulder buttons to change the displayed graphic.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Debug Logging

Within the game is a stubbed printf function which would have logged various background information to a debug unit. This logs information such as files loaded and memory information. It would also report errors if any occurred. To re-enable this mode, apply the below code:

Re-enable Debug printf Messages
20247F08 080A5CEA
20247F0C 00000000

If you are playing the game on a regular PlayStation 2, you will need to use a TOOL, RDB, or a debug version of OPL to view the logs. If you are playing on an emulator, you can see this information by enabling the option "Show Console". Below is an example of what type of information gets logged.

initial pad
Pad Init Start[0]1
Pad Init End
vram_frame  :<00000000>
vram_frame0 :<00000000>
vram_frame1 :<00046000>
vram_clut   :,000f8000>

initial free main memory 0
initial VU1 micro program
initial text
get_file_sizeCD <cdrom0:¥TEX¥FONT.TEX;1>
come here[56442]
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TEX¥FONT.TEX[56442] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
try open..<cdrom0:¥TEX¥FONT.TEX;1>..closed [56442]
LZSS compress size[412112]
create_texture:t_handle[0]  w:256 h:256 name:<font16.ext> < 8bit:clut[0]>
BANK[0:38] size[4] :<font16.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[1]  w:512 h:512 name:<nowloading1.ext> < 8bit:clut[1]>
BANK[4:38] size[16] :<nowloading1.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[2]  w:128 h:512 name:<nowloading2.ext> < 8bit:clut[2]>
BANK[20:38] size[4] :<nowloading2.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[3]  w:256 h:64 name:<s_saver0.ext> < 8bit:clut[3]>
BANK[24:38] size[1] :<s_saver0.ext>
initial text
get_file_sizeCD <cdrom0:¥TEX¥FONT.TEX;1>
come here[56442]
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TEX¥FONT.TEX[56442] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
try open..<cdrom0:¥TEX¥FONT.TEX;1>..closed [56442]
LZSS compress size[412112]
create_texture:union texture used <font16.ext>
create_texture:union texture used <nowloading1.ext>
create_texture:union texture used <nowloading2.ext>
create_texture:union texture used <s_saver0.ext>
get_file_sizeCD <cdrom0:¥TEX¥TRUEFONT.TEX;1>
come here[73330]
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TEX¥TRUEFONT.TEX[73330] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
try open..<cdrom0:¥TEX¥TRUEFONT.TEX;1>..closed [73330]
LZSS compress size[264656]
create_texture:t_handle[4]  w:256 h:256 name:<message16_00.ext> < 8bit:clut[4]>
BANK[25:38] size[4] :<message16_00.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[5]  w:256 h:256 name:<message16_01.ext> < 8bit:clut[5]>
BANK[29:38] size[4] :<message16_01.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[6]  w:256 h:256 name:<message20_00.ext> < 8bit:clut[6]>
BANK[33:38] size[4] :<message20_00.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[7]  w:256 h:256 name:<message20_01.ext> < 8bit:clut[7]>
BANK[0:38] size[4] :<message20_01.ext>
TRUEFONT[0] <message16_00.ext>
TRUEFONT[1] <message16_01.ext>
TRUEFONT[0] <message20_00.ext>
TRUEFONT[1] <message20_01.ext>
NUMBER[0] next[1]
NUMBER[1] next[0]
NUMBER[2] next[-]
NUMBER[3] next[-]
NUMBER[4] next[-]
NUMBER[5] next[-]
NUMBER[6] next[-]
NUMBER[7] next[-]
NUMBER[8] next[-]
move all thread
SYSTEM start
set_rank 0[6]
set_rank 1[6]
NUMBER[0] next[1]
NUMBER[1] next[2]
NUMBER[2] next[0]
NUMBER[3] next[-]
NUMBER[4] next[-]
NUMBER[5] next[-]
NUMBER[6] next[-]
NUMBER[7] next[-]
NUMBER[8] next[-]
________GzSyuhenInit()___s_iSyuProc = 30_____
get_file_sizeCD <cdrom0:¥TEX¥DAI_TEX.TEX;1>
come here[190528]
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TEX¥DAI_TEX.TEX[190528] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
try open..<cdrom0:¥TEX¥DAI_TEX.TEX;1>..closed [190528]
LZSS compress size[312192]
create_texture:t_handle[8]  w:128 h:64 name:<bu_11s.ext> <32bit>
BANK[4:38] size[2] :<bu_11s.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[9]  w:512 h:512 name:<dailow.ext> < 8bit:clut[8]>
BANK[6:38] size[16] :<dailow.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[10]  w:64 h:64 name:<glass.ext> <32bit>
BANK[22:38] size[1] :<glass.ext>
get_file_sizeCD <cdrom0:¥PAC¥DAI.PAC;1>
come here[511488]
try open..<cdrom0:¥PAC¥DAI.PAC;1>..Pad[0] PadIsLED is OFF
closed [511488]
decode: scan PAC file <dailow.uni> max:4..copied<510688>
BIN name:<daitex_mini> ->[daitex_mini] →use texture<dailow.ext> t_handle[9]
BIN name:<lambert147SG> ->[lambert147SG] →use texture<glass.ext> t_handle[10]
BIN name:<phong4SG> ->[phong4SG] →use texture<bu_11s.ext> t_handle[8]
get_file_sizeCD <cdrom0:¥TEX¥SYU_01.TEX;1>
come here[1258465]
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TEX¥SYU_01.TEX[1258465] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
try open..<cdrom0:¥TEX¥SYU_01.TEX;1>..closed [1258465]
LZSS compress size[5058640]
create_texture:t_handle[11]  w:512 h:512 name:<before01.ext> < 8bit:clut[9]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<before01.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[12]  w:512 h:512 name:<before02.ext> < 8bit:clut[10]>
BANK[16:38] size[16] :<before02.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[13]  w:512 h:512 name:<before03.ext> < 8bit:clut[11]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<before03.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[14]  w:512 h:512 name:<before04.ext> < 8bit:clut[12]>
BANK[16:38] size[16] :<before04.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[15]  w:512 h:512 name:<before05.ext> < 8bit:clut[13]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<before05.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[16]  w:512 h:512 name:<before06.ext> < 8bit:clut[14]>
BANK[16:38] size[16] :<before06.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[17]  w:512 h:512 name:<before07.ext> < 8bit:clut[15]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<before07.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[18]  w:512 h:512 name:<caution01.ext> < 8bit:clut[16]>
BANK[16:38] size[16] :<caution01.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[19]  w:512 h:512 name:<caution02.ext> < 8bit:clut[16]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<caution02.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[20]  w:512 h:512 name:<common01.ext> < 8bit:clut[17]>
BANK[16:38] size[16] :<common01.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[21]  w:512 h:512 name:<common02.ext> < 8bit:clut[18]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<common02.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[22]  w:512 h:512 name:<com_a01.ext> < 8bit:clut[19]>
BANK[16:38] size[16] :<com_a01.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[23]  w:512 h:512 name:<logo.ext> < 8bit:clut[20]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<logo.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[24]  w:512 h:512 name:<mode_a01.ext> < 8bit:clut[21]>
BANK[16:38] size[16] :<mode_a01.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[25]  w:512 h:512 name:<mode_a02.ext> < 8bit:clut[22]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<mode_a02.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[26]  w:512 h:512 name:<mode_a03.ext> < 8bit:clut[23]>
BANK[16:38] size[16] :<mode_a03.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[27]  w:512 h:512 name:<nlconf01.ext> < 8bit:clut[24]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<nlconf01.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[28]  w:128 h:512 name:<nlconf02.ext> < 8bit:clut[24]>
BANK[16:38] size[4] :<nlconf02.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[29]  w:512 h:512 name:<title01.ext> < 8bit:clut[25]>
BANK[20:38] size[16] :<title01.ext>
create_texture:t_handle[30]  w:512 h:512 name:<title02.ext> < 8bit:clut[26]>
BANK[0:38] size[16] :<title02.ext>
VAG: create thread ID= 23319889
_SndDrv_SetMasterVolume : core = 0 , vol = 3fff3fff
_SndDrv_SetMasterVolume : core = 1 , vol = 3fff3fff
FILENAME : 1 cdrom0:¥SOUND¥P00
SeSq_BdHdOpen : cdrom0:¥SOUND¥P00 LOOP GO !!
Se_BdHdOpen : cdrom0:¥SOUND¥P00.BD;1
BD_ADDR = 53264
Se_BdHdOpen : cdrom0:¥SOUND¥P00.HD;1
HDADDR : 1897344
SeSq_BdHdOpen : LOOP END !!
_SeSq_SetEnable : GO !!
_SeSq_SetEnable : END !!
StartAddr 107008
EndAddr   1897344
_Sound_StartLoad : OK
T0[998 T1[1000 T2[8734 EE[11141 GS[11141 all[11241 free main memory [0]

Pad[0] PadIsLED is ON
Not Found SAVE_DIR
No files
Dualshock2[0] Pad is connected
Dualshock2[0] Pad actuator is ready
ST[0 MEM[0 T0[0 T1[0 T2[0 EE[1 GS[1 all[100 free main memory [0]
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Image

Pachi-Slot Gigazone - Dummy Image.png

A crudely drawn image with the text "Dummy 1" can be seen here. This is actually loaded in the background of the main menu. You can also view this image in-game if you set memory location 0x0061943F to 01.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Developer Credit

Present at 0x00606D90 in memory is the following text string:

タカサゴデンキサンギョウ ギガゾーン        SUB CPU PROGRAM 2001/08/18      YOSHIKI FUJII
(Source: Original TCRF research)