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피크민 2/미사용된 동굴/caveinfo 던전

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This page is a translated version of the page Pikmin 2/Unused Caves/caveinfo Dungeon and the translation is 100% complete.
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This is a sub-page of Pikmin 2/Unused Caves/caveinfo Dungeon.

이 동굴에는 많은 기존 층들의 초기본들을 포함하며, 일부 층들은 최종 던전 세트로 만들어지지 않았다.

1 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL1.png Dream Den - Floor 2
  • The Ivory Candypop Bud was removed.
  • The Gatling Groink doesn't drop anything in this early version.
  • A Petrified Heart marks where the Implement of Toil will be.
2 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL2.png Dream Den - Floor 2 Similar to the above floor with a slightly different room type --
the blocks around the base of the tower are more organized,
and some of the other toy structures were rearranged a bit.
The objects are identical between floors.
3 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL3.png Glutton's Kitchen - Floor 5
  • Snow Bulborbs appear as placeholder enemies for the Dwarf Bulbears.
  • While this floor has three placeholder treasures
    (Petrified Heart, Regal Diamond, Tear Stone)
    only 2 treasures appear in the final revision.
  • This uses a different lighting file than the final version.
4 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL4.png Unique Floor Layout This is a giant floor with a room setup that doesn't
appear anywhere else in the game (2_units_small2_mid2_toy).
Petrified Heart, Regal Diamond, and Tear Stone appear as
placeholders, along with Snow and Hairy Bulborbs.
5 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL5.png Submerged Castle - Floor 2 This is a very early revision of this floor.
  • The Waterwraith will never appear.
  • In the early floor, there are two Crimson Candypop Buds! This would have
    allowed the Blue Pikmin to be transformed fairly early on in this cave.
    These were taken out and replaced with a Bulbmin enemy.
  • There are no large grub-dogs in the final level. The Dwarf Bulbears were
    replaced with Dwarf Orange Bulborbs.
  • There's a lone Volatile Dweevil that was replaced with two Fiery Dweevils.
  • There's one more Careening Dirigibug in the early floor.
  • No gates are present in the early version.
  • The three placeholder treasures match the number in the final revision.
  • Temporary lighting file used.
6 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL6.png Shower Room - Floor 6
  • The Fiery Dweevils were replaced with Anode and Munge Dweevils.
  • All other enemies are placeholder Bulborbs.
  • The three placeholder treasures match the number in the final revision.
  • Temporary lighting file used.
7 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL7.png Shower Room - Floor 5
  • Enemies are placeholder Hairy & Snow Bulborbs.
  • No gates are present.
  • The three placeholder treasures match the number in the final revision.
  • Temporary lighting file used.
8 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL8.png Shower Room - Floor 3
  • Enemies are placeholder Hairy & Snow Bulborbs.
  • No gates are present.
  • The three placeholder treasures match the number in the final revision.
  • Temporary lighting file used.
9 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL9.png Frontier Cavern - Floor 3
  • Room setup file is different.
  • Enemies are placeholder Hairy & Snow Bulborbs.
  • The three placeholder treasures match the number in the final revision.
10 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL10.png Hole of Heroes - Floor 1
  • Enemies are placeholder Hairy & Snow Bulborbs.
  • Three temp treasures here, but only one treasure in final revision.
  • Temporary lighting file used.
11 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL11.png Unique Floor Layout This setup isn't used anywhere else. It uses a test file for the snowy floors
found elsewhere in the game. It's a fairly large floor. Objects are placeholders.
12 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL12.png Unique Floor Layout Like Floor 11, this uses an otherwise unused setup, but the floor here is
much smaller. What's seen in the screenshot is pretty much the whole floor.
13 층 Shower Room - Floor 4 This is the same floor, but with two Arboreal Fripperies instead of one. Ooh.
14 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL14.png White Flower Garden - Floor 3 Different lighting file, otherwise equivalent to the final revision.
15 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL15.png Snagret Hole - Floor 1
  • The filler Hairy Bulborb was replaced with an Orange Bulborb.
  • There's an extra Hairy Bulborb near the exit of the floor.
    That Bulborb was removed in the final revision.
  • The remaining Hairy Bulborb drops a Crystallized Clairvoyance
    while the Orange Bulborb drops a Crystallized Telekinesis.
  • The Shearwigs and Cloaking Burrow-nit were taken out as well.
  • Temporary lighting file used.
16 층 Frontier Cavern - Floor 8 The Empress Bulblax drops Justice Alloy instead of Repugnant Appendage.
Otherwise, it's the same floor.
17 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL17.png Emergence Cave - Floor 2
  • There's one Honeywisp in the early revision. This was removed.
  • The early floor setup has the Superstick Textile and Citrus Lump
    marked on this floor, but they don't seem to spawn. The Citrus Lump
    was moved to the first floor, and the Superstick Textile appears
    in the White Flower Garden, near the first Ivory Candypop Buds.
18 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL18.png Unique Floor Layout A compact floor with an Armored Cannon Beetle larva, two Fiery Blowhogs,
gas traps, and filler Bulborbs. The Larva has the Petrified Heart, while the
other two filler treasures appear on the ground.
19 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL19.png Unique Floor Layout Similar to the above but with a different (but still unique)layout. The only
other difference is that the larva is replaced with a Gatling Groink.
20 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL20.png Citadel of Spiders - Floor 5
  • The Beady Long Legs drops the Five-man Napsack instead of The Key.
  • The Fiddlehead plants were replaced with Common Glowcaps.
21 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL21.png White Flower Garden - Floor 5
  • The Burrowing Snagret drops The Key instead of the Five-man Napsack.
  • There's an Iridescent Flint Beetle that was removed from the final revision.
  • Temporary lighting file used.
22 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL22.png Unique Floor Layout The room layout is similar (but not identical) to Hole of Beasts Floor 3.
The two treasures, Luck Wafer and Strife Monolith, are from Floors 3 & 4.
There are nine Dwarf Red Bulborbs, plus three Male and two Female Sheargrubs.
23 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL23.png Unique Floor Layout Another unused floor setup, this is a small floor with an Emperor Bulblax.
He drops, oddly enough, the Stellar Orb!
Could this have been the first attempt at Bulblax Kingdom Floor 7?
24 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL24.png Submerged Castle - Floor 1 Another very early Submerged Castle floor.
  • The Waterwraith will never appear.
  • There are bombs littered all around the level.
    They're used for a nice little puzzle here (pictured).
  • The Red Bulborb was replaced by a Fiery Bulblax
    that drops the Bug Bait treasure when defeated.
  • There are two Wollywogs that were replaced with a Fiery Blowhog.
  • Fire traps were added around the stage (see a pattern yet?)
  • The seven Dwarf Bulbears were removed.
  • The lighting in this floor is a darker version of the final lighting.
25 층 Cavern of Chaos - Floor 10 The Segmented Crawbster does not drop a treasure.
26 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL26.png Hole of Beasts - Floor 5
  • The two eggs on either side of Empress Bulblax aren't in the final floor.
  • The Empress Bulblax in the Hole of Beasts does not
    give birth to Bulborb Larvae in the final version.
27 층 Hole of Heroes - Floor 5 Floor is almost identical except that the gate in the final version is stronger.
28 층 Bublax Kingdom - Floor 7 Contains falling rocks that were removed from the final floor.
29 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL29.png Glutton's Kitchen - Floor 4
  • There are no enemies anywhere in the level.
  • There are three copies of the White Goodness and Invigorator treasures.
  • A different floor graphic is used. It's the same one used on floors 2 and 5.
  • Lighting is considerably darker in the early version.
30 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL30.png Hole of Heroes - Floor 11 While the layout is used in Hole of Heroes, the Empress Bulbax drops the
Prototype Detector. This may have been intended for Hole of Beasts Floor 5.
31 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL31.png Glutton's Kitchen - Floor 6 The Happiness Emblem was replaced with the Dream Material.
32 층 Hole of Beasts - Floor 3 Identical to final floor.
33 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL33.png Bully Den An early version of a Challenge Level?
  • There's no The Key in the level.
  • The Waterwraiths aren't present, and neither are the falling enemies.
  • The Decorated Cannon Beetle Larvae were replaced with Anode Dweevils.
  • The filler Bulborbs are back.
  • None of the enemies drop items.
  • There are two Lustrous Elements, Mirrored Elements, and Unknown Merits.
    There are only one of each in the final revision.
  • Temporary lighting file used.
34 층 Pikmin2CaveinfoFL34.png Emperor's Realm - Floor 2 Another early Challenge Level floor, possibly.
  • There's no The Key in the level.
  • The two Red Bulborbs were replaced with a Spotty Bulbear and Hairy Bulborb.
    Each Red Bulborb drops a Petrified Heart.
  • None of the Dwarf Bulborbs / Bulbears are present.
  • The Common Glowcaps were replaced with Figwort.
  • The lighting is darker in this early revision.