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Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines (Windows)

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Title Screen

Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines

Developer: Wide Games[1]
Publisher: Oxygen Interactive[1]
Platform: Windows
Released in EU: September 9, 2005[1]

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines is a game that was intended to have a Winter 2003 release, but it got delayed to Fall 2005 for reasons currently unknown.

Unused Graphics


PilotDownPC BEL LEGAL.png

An old legal screen with a copyright date of 2002.


PilotDownPC BEL LEGAL01.png

Another old legal screen with a copyright date of 2003.


PilotDownPC BEL UI.png

A main menu background made around the same time as the legal screen from 2002.


PilotDownPC splash 01.png

A main menu background presumably from 2003 as well. Considering that the game was already on Milestone 20 at that point, perhaps it had a prolonged development cycle that pushed its release to late 2005.


PilotDownPC language TEMPLATE.png

An old version of the Language Select screen.

Unused Text


Download.png Download PilotDownPC_Spreadsheets.zip
File: PilotDownPC_Spreadsheets.zip (info)

Hidden inside of gui_en.wga are two spreadsheets used for tracking UI text and translations for international releases.

Batch Scripts

Two batch scripts can also be found inside of the same archive. They appear to output UI text from a csv file.


rem Make Foreign Gui Text files from provided csv files.

text2csv -e txt UIText_En.txt UIText.csv
text2csv -f txt UIText_Fr.txt UIText.csv
text2csv -i txt UIText_It.txt UIText.csv
text2csv -s txt UIText_Sp.txt UIText.csv
text2csv -g txt UIText_Gr.txt UIText.csv


rem Make Foreign Gui Text files from provided csv files.

..\..\bin\text2csv -e txt UISkuText_En.txt UISkuText.csv
..\..\bin\text2csv -f txt UISkuText_Fr.txt UISkuText.csv
..\..\bin\text2csv -i txt UISkuText_It.txt UISkuText.csv
..\..\bin\text2csv -s txt UISkuText_Sp.txt UISkuText.csv
..\..\bin\text2csv -g txt UISkuText_Gr.txt UISkuText.csv
