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Prerelease:Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures.

General Differences

E3 SCG Final
AVGNE3Title.png AVGNSGCTitle.png AVGN Adventures Title.png

Each of the builds displayed at events had their own unique title screens.

Early Final
AVGNSGCLevelSelectEarly.png AVGNLevelSelectFinal.png

The SGC demo version had an early level select, and an early name for the level Future Fuckballs 2010.

Early Final
AVGNGameOverEarly.png AVGNGameOverFinal.png

The Game Over screen was missing the red text and the Nerd was carrying his Zapper. Also worth noting, the demo's easy mode starts you with 9 lives, while the final has 30.


First Trailer E3 Demo Final
AVGNHealthEarly1.png AVGNHealthEarly2.png AVGNHealthFinal.png

The health meter started as generic hearts before being swithced to bottles of Rolling Rock, which were then further changed to be slightly bigger and more detailed.

Early Early Final
AVGNFutureEarly1.png AVGNCheckpointHUDEarly.png AVGNCheckpointHUDFinal.png

Originally the power-up icon was displayed under the health and an unknown white bar can also be seen in the first image. The first image also shows a background for Future Fuckballs 2010 that was changed for the E3/SGC demo and then removed completely from the final version. The checkpoints were also made visible for the easier difficulties.

Guitar Guy

According to Kyle himself, FreakZone decided to remove his likeness from in the game, so his character was changed into a skeleton and his lines were removed. Also worth noting is that the demo didn't display the rescued characters.

Early Final
AVGNGuitarGuyEarly (1).png AVGNGuitarGuyFInal (1).png
AVGNGuitarGuyEarly (2).png AVGNGuitarGuyFInal (2).png
AVGNGuitarGuyEarly (3).png AVGNGuitarGuyFInal (3).png
AVGNGuitarGuyEarly (4).png AVGNGuitarGuyFInal (4).png
AVGNGuitarGuyEarly (5).png AVGNGuitarGuyFInal (5).png

Future Fuckballs 2010

Early Final
AVGNConveyerEarly.png AVGNConveyerFinal.png

A conveyor belt was made longer in the final, making the section slightly more difficult.

Early Final
AVGNFutureEarly.png AVGNFutureFinal.png

"the future is" was changed to "2010 was".

Blizzard of Balls

Early Final
AVGNBlizzardEarly.png AVGNBlizzardFinal.png

The presents thrown at the Nerd while he is riding Santa's corpse down the slope spun around as they flew towards you. In the final they are stationary.

Happy Fun Candy Time

Early Final
AVGNCandylandEarly.png AVGNCandylandFinal.png

The Smiley enemy was originally a smiling spikeball. Waterfalls were also added all over the level in the final version.