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Prerelease:Assassin's Creed

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Assassin's Creed.

"Prince of Persia: Assassins"

The game started development as a Prince of Persia title with plans for it to release on the seventh-generation consoles. However, at the time neither Microsoft nor Sony had revealed what their next consoles would be. The initial development of the game from January 2004 was aimed as a PlayStation 2 title, following the same linear approach that The Sands of Time had taken. However, as more information came in about the capabilities of the next-generation consoles by September 2004, Désilets' team considered expanding the acrobatic gameplay into an open world which would be feasible on the newer systems.

Two videos and concept arts from Khai Nguyen exist.

(Source: Polygon)

X06 Demo

E3 2007