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Prerelease:DK: King of Swing

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for DK: King of Swing.

E3 2004 Trailer


E3 2004 Press Kit Images

Tropical Treetops 2

Prototype Final
KoS-Tropical Treetops2 E3 2004.jpg KoS-Tropical Treetops2 E3 2004 Comp.png

The wooden platform that contains a bonus barrel for a bonus stage is missing.

Tropical Treetops 3

Prototype Final
KoS-Tropical Treetops3 E3 2004.jpg KoS-Tropical Treetops3 E3 2004 Comp.png


Prototype Final
KoS-Tropical Treetops3 2 E3 2004.jpg KoS-Tropical Treetops3 2 E3 2004 Comp.png

The bronze medal collectible was reached by bouncing off a tire instead of breaking a barrel.

Contraption Cave 2

Prototype Final
KoS-Contraption Cave2 E3 2004.jpg KoS-Contraption Cave2 E3 2004 Comp.png

Two of the three switches were removed.

Contraption Cave 3?

Prototype Final
KoS-Contraption Cave Unknown Screen E3 2004.jpg 240px

These exploding bomb pegs do not exist in the final game.

Necky's Canyon 2/Cold Cold Forest 1

E3 2004 Press Kit Necky's Canyon 2 Cold Cold Forest 1
KoS-Necky's Canyon2 E3 2004.jpg KoS-Necky's Canyon2 E3 2004 Comp.png KoS-Necky's Canyon2 E3 2004 Comp2.png

The peg layout from early Necky's Canyon 2 is used in Cold Cold Forest 1 in the final game.

Cactus Woods 1

Prototype Final
KoS-Cactus Woods1 E3 2004.jpg KoS-Cactus Woods1 E3 2004 Comp.png

These spike balls are only seen in the last world in the finished game.


Prototype Final
KoS-Multiplayer E3 2004.jpg 240px



Cactus Woods 2

Prototype Final
KoS-Cactus Woods 2 Early.jpg KoS-Cactus Woods 2 Early Comp.png


Puzzling Pyramid 1

Prototype Final
KoS-Puzzling Pyramid1 Early.jpg KoS-Puzzling Pyramid1 Early Comp.png


Puzzling Pyramid 3

Prototype Final
KoS-Puzzling Pyramid3 Early.jpg KoS-Puzzling Pyramid3 Early Comp.png
