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Prerelease:Final Fight (SNES)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Final Fight (SNES).

EGM Preview

Shown in Issue 15 of Electronic Gaming Monthly.

Final Fight SNES EGM 15 Preview.JPG

Pre-release Final
Final Fight SNES EGM Select Screen.jpg Final Fight SNES Final Select Screen.png

Both Cody and Haggar have a box around their portraits. In the final version, the box only appears on the currently-highlighted character. This suggests that the build shown in EGM had a two-player mode, which is absent from the final game (though remnants of it remain in the ROM).

Pre-release Final
Final Fight SNES EGM Map.jpg Final Fight SNES Final Map.png

An early version of the Metro City map, showing the Industrial Area stage that was removed from the final game.