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Prerelease:Flipnic: Ultimate Pinball

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Flipnic: Ultimate Pinball.

Tutorial FMV Differences

The game contains several video tutorials that use in-game footage from various builds during development, and as a result these videos contain some visual differences from the final game.

FMV In-Game
Flipnic-FMV-BiologyBumpers.png Flipnic-GAME-BiologyBumpers.png

The slot machine bumpers in Biology were colored bright red at some point, which was changed to the standard bumper design. Interestingly, this isn't even present in all of the video tutorials that show this section of Biology, as this only seems to appear in the first FMV, Help #1: The Basics. The blue stand-up targets were also spaced out farther in the final game.

FMV In-Game
Flipnic-FMV-Pause.png Flipnic-GAME-Pause.png

The pause menu contains a typo, "STEAGE" rather than "STAGE". This also shows that at one point, there was a Super Mission in the multiball section of Biology; in the final game, no such mission exists in that area, and the FMV's version of the mission list does not contain any extra Super Missions. It can be speculated that Circle of Life, the only mission in this area with a dedicated cutscene for completing it, was originally intended to be a Super Mission at some point.