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Prerelease:Friday Night Funkin'/WeekEnd 1 Content

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Friday Night Funkin'.


FNF Pico dual wield white box.gif

Pico has an unused duel wielding idle animation that was added with the assets of WeekEnd 1. For some reason, there's a white transparent box in the middle of the animation. This is what it would look like without it.

FNF Pico dual wield.gif

FNF pico fire animation 1.gif

An unused animation of Pico shooting, most likely meant for the shooting mechanic seen in 2hot. It was possibly remade due to Pico's pose not really making sense in relation to how close the spraycan is by the time you have to shoot it. Funnily enough, the actual sprite used in-game for this exact purpose does not appear in the .FLA file.


FNF worlds most famous cartoonist.png

Surprisingly, in the fla file for the UI graphics for Weekend 1 on the Story Mode menu is a sketch of Chris-Chan, complete with a Sonichu necklace.


Found amongst the assets for Nene are several unused sketches - some more... interesting than others.

"2 headed bf for that obsessed guy" "ameegis" "homo noid" "kingdumb hurts" "mario lol"
FNF 2 headed bf for that obsessed guy.png FNF ameegis.png FNF homo noid.png FNF kingdumb hurts.png FNF mario lol.png
"nene facing forward" "stream doodle LOL!"
FNF nene facing forward.png FNF stream doodle LOL!!!!!!!.png

There's also one more set of sketches that's found there that's much more... involved, titled "crap". It starts out with Mario seemingly doing a backwards long jump, followed by a Nintendo 64 Mario, a sketch of Mario seemingly from the "Racist Mario" animation by Flashgitz, and then things transition to some NSFW Breaking Bad sketches. FNF crap.png