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Prerelease:Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia/Concept Art

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.

To do:

Early Map of Erathia

HoMM3 prerel NoWaterContinent.jpg

Continent of Erathia, that... wasn't continent. Vori and Nighon canonically are islands. Early magazine advertisement[1].

Concept Art[2]


George Almond copied a few of Frazetta's works for HoMM3 sketches:

Almond's sketch Frazetta's Art
HoMM3 sketch art4.jpg HoMM3 sketchcopy frank-frazetta-vikings.png

"Kane on the Golden Sea" by Frank Frazetta.

Almond's sketch Frazetta's Art
HoMM3 sketch art6.jpg HoMM3 sketchcopy frank-frazetta bran mak morn 1969.png

Probably Krellion's portrait was based on this sketch for "Bran Mak Morn".

Almond's sketch Frazetta's Art
HoMM3 sketch art5.jpg HoMM3 sketchcopy Frazetta's 1.png
This sketch by George Almond is also definitely modeled on Frazetta's drawing on the right.

Greg Fulton on Angel's Origin[3]

XEL: What is the origin of angels and archangels? Don’t worry, we won’t have a heart attack.

GF: Over the course of my time at New World, on occasion, typically when taking a break, I would wander into Paul Rattner’s office. Even though MM6 was in mid production, Paul was already thinking about MM7, so I made sure to update him on what was happening with HoMM3.

When I told him about the changes to the factions, I specifically mentioned the Angels. At that point in time, Paul was essentially the lore master for the MM universe. On the topic of the Angels and Arch Angels, he proposed they be sophisticated robots created by the Ancients to hunt down and eradicate the Kreegans. I agreed, and we ran with it.

Later, after the Forge was shelved, I remember thinking to myself, “If people have a problem with the whole ‘goblins are aliens’ idea, I can only imagine what they will think if they figure out the true origins of the Angels.

Greg Fulton: Why Dendroids are called Dendroids?[6]

During one of my sessions with Jon Van Caneghem (JVC), we were finalizing the roster for the Rampart.  At the time, Dendroids were named Treants, as derived from Dungeons & Dragons.  At the time, I did not know there had been a copyright issue between Dungeons & Dragons and the Tolkien estate, as Treants were originally named Ents (referring to anthropomorphic tree creatures from Lord of the Rings).  Regardless, JVC didn’t like the name Treant.  I offered up ‘Ent’.  Didn’t like it.  Treefolk?  Nope.

After retrieving a paperback Thesaurus from my office, I sat in front of Jon and read all the synonyms for Treant, Ent, etc.  Woodfolk?  Nah.  Grove Giant?  (shakes head).  Tree Spirit?  No.

Me, “Dendroid?”

JVC, “What’s a dendroid?”'

Me, after retrieving a paperback Dictionary from my office, “Dendroid… resembling a shrub or tree.”

JVC shrugged his shoulders.

Me, “I like Treefolk, but I could live with Dendroid,”

JVC, “Let’s go with Dendroid, until we think of something better.”

Well, we never thought of anything better, and to be perfectly honest, the name grew on me.

As a bonus, in hindsight, we probably avoided a potential copyright issue with Dungeons & Dragons.

Promo Art

