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Prerelease:Laura Bow in the Dagger of Amon Ra

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This page details prerelease information and/or media for Laura Bow in the Dagger of Amon Ra.

Lb2 inventory early.png

An early version of the GUI. The inventory-item slot has a dithered rectangle to indicate that no item is currently selected. Unlike the final game, the dithering is narrower and has black bars on the sides, reminiscent of the roughly 4:3 aspect ratio of old movies.

Lb2 cultists closeup scan.png

An early version of the closeup in the finale of Laura Bow being captured by the cultists of Amon Ra in the museum basement. One of the cultists holding her (the man in glasses) is Rameses Najeer. The other (wearing a fez) is Ptahshepsut "Tut" Smith. In the final version of the game, Tut Smith's face in this closeup is obscured by a hood, entirely concealing his features. Thus the reveal that he's one of the cultists is delayed until a bit later (even though it's still incredibly obvious).

(Source: Tilt #102, May 1992)

Lb2 ralphpulitzer.png

The game's hint book includes art for a character portrait of Ralph Pulitzer, a character who doesn't appear in the published game. The various endings mention the Pulitzer Prize several times, but Laura never wins one (or gets nominated for it) on screen.

In real life, Ralph Pulitzer was a publisher who inherited the newspaper empire of his father, Joseph Pulitzer, the person who created the Pulitzer Prizes. He also looked nothing like this portrait, since he was clean-shaven, wore glasses, and had a full head of hair.

(Source: The Dagger of Amon Ra hint book)