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Prerelease:Little King's Story/2008

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Little King's Story.

Originally, Little King's Story was intended to be released in Winter 2008. The game is starting to more closely resemble its final form in the Tokyo Game Show 2008, but despite this, the game still has a big number of differences from its release.


Castle Town

LKS Town Square Prerelease 2008.png

  • Signs are assigned to every Job building, potentially to replace the "voice" that comes out of the doors in the final game.
  • Job icons are not displayed above the Job buildings.
  • A white box that resembles the Suggestion Box is hanging next to the Guard House.


LKS Cow Bones Prerelease 2008.jpg

LKS Cow Bones2 Prerelease 2008.jpg

  • The lighting during the fight was different.
  • Text displayed the Guardian's name before the fight, which also appears in some unused Guardian events.


Pre-release Final Game
LKS Prerelease Beach 2008.png LKS Final Game Beach.png
  • The piano, umbrella, ball and the carpet design are different.
  • The group of Crab Onii do not seem to appear on the other side of the beach.

Onii Man's Battle Area

LKS Onii Man Prerelease 2008.png

  • The hole containing a treasure behind the Onii Man is missing.

Dark Valley

  • The lighting was different.
  • The camera changes when fighting the Onii Man.
  • The loading zone to the Onii King's intro is earlier, instead appearing just after the Onii Man.

Owl Forest

LKS Owl Forest Prerelease 2008.jpg

  • There were more cows in this area.
  • The Owl Hag's house is missing.


Pre-release Final Game
LKS Sobamanjaro Prerelease 2008.png LKS Sobamanjaro Final Game.png
  • The back path behind Sobamanjaro and the Manjaro Cavern are missing, as is the case in early 2007 concept art and the Long Sauvage God Memo.


Howser's Demo Event On The Beach

In the Tokyo Game Show 2008 demo gameplay, Howser appears on the beach to trigger an unused event after Corobo interacts with him. When translated, he says:

          Oh, KimuP. How are you liking ■ ■?
          What is it? You’d like to see more of the game? 
          See more of the game?
          Yes    No  
If "Yes": Alright, fine. I show you around [just for a bit more].
          In exchange, please take lo~ts of pictures of our companion [sisters]!

Translation by @ruuzaa
Note: the ■ represent Kanji that are too blurry in the footage to be identified.

"World Domination" Cutscene

Pre-release Final Game
LKS Cutscene prerelease 2008.jpg LKS Cutscene Final.jpg.png
  • The word "order" didn't exist at this moment in the cutscene.

Kingdom Plan

Castle Town

Pre-release Final Game
Town Square and Suggestion Town Square
Red-Roofed House Red-Roof House



  • The radar and the clock were displayed in Guardian battles.
  • The Royal Guard badge appears as a number within a crown.
  • Several elements on the radar were different, such as the arrow that represents Corobo's position.
  • The clock hand's appearance was different and the numbers (3, 6, 9, 12) on the clock are absent.

Yes No Choice

Pre-release Final Game
LKS Yes No Choice Prerelease 2008.png
Text that means "See more of the game?"
LKS Yes No Choice Final Game.png

The "Yes No" choice was less stylised, with a simple line under the options. In the final game, it is programmed as two icons.

Citizen Attack Animation

LKS Grunt Soldier Prerelease.png

LKS Hardworking Farmer Attack Prerelease.png

LKS Buff Lumberjack Attack Prerelease.png
We can see that the Grunt Soldiers, the Hardworking Farmers and the Buff Lumberjacks have GFX for the swiping motion from their swords/hoes/axes. This could have been removed in the final game to help the game run smoother.


The spoils appear instantly instead of having an apparition effect.